Eternal Existence

Chapter 1739 Mysterious Coffin

There are too many broken planets in the vast starry sky. If this broken planet were not the property of Tianhu Island, Chen Feng would not stop.

With the expansion of Tianhu Island's power, several forces have been conquered in succession, and the territory has been expanded again and again. Several routes have extended to far places among the meteorites. This is the case for this broken planet, which is far away from Tianhu Island. It was already some distance away, and there was a dense meteorite zone in it. Generally, few people passed by here, but the forces of Tianhu Island discovered that this broken planet contained five elements of fine gold, so they specially opened a path. route, a teleportation array was built to lead directly to the planet.

This broken planet is riddled with holes and is covered with craters caused by meteorite impacts. Chen Feng observed that he did not see any signs of damage, so he knew that this planet was caused by the environment. It is now destroyed by Tianhu Island. Force mined for the first time.

The reason why Chen Feng ended up here was because the Queen Mother was stationed here. In addition to some monks on Tianhu Island, there were also hundreds of millions of divine insects.


Seeing Chen Feng's arrival, the Queen Mother quickly woke up from her cultivation state. Chen Feng took a look and immediately understood why the Queen Mother was sitting here.

"I didn't expect that the content of the Five Elements Fine Gold here is so high. This entire planet is almost comparable to the Chaos Black Topaz mineral veins found on giant planets. However, there is no special suppression here. With so many divine insects, it will be done quickly. Dig it all out," Chen Feng said.

"This planet has been discovered for more than two thousand years. If I had activated the worms, I would have hollowed out this planet long ago. However, if a force wants to develop for a long time, it does not need an empty shell that is directly hollowed out." The Queen Mother said with a smile.

Chen Feng understood what the Mother Queen said. He wanted to develop Tianhu Island into a force, but he would leave soon, so he could not exploit all the surrounding resources. In this way, God King Xu Feng would not be able to control it no matter how powerful he was. Come on, let alone rely on the catastrophe to develop, let alone think about it. You can rob the other party's foundation. If you meet some powerful monks, you can also wipe out the foundation of Tianhu Island.

"Okay, let's keep half." Chen Feng said casually. Anyway, he has enough resources, even if the Queen Mother creates an army of tens of billions of divine insects, it will be more than enough.

"Leave 30% to go." The Queen Mother said with a smile.

"That's fine, it's up to you." Chen Feng said and stretched out his hand, and a stream of water washed directly towards the Queen Mother.

"Chaos Life Spring!"

The Queen Mother knew better and immediately found out what level of life spring this was.

"You practice well."

As Chen Feng spoke, the space array under his feet lifted him up and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the next period of time, Chen Feng found several of his clones. After exchanging information, Chen Feng continued to wander around the meteorite zone.

The first time he came to this meteorite area, Chen Feng didn't pay much attention to it, just because it was caused by some broken planets. But later, as he went deeper, he realized how dangerous and mysterious this area was, and later the glare The Zone proves it. In addition to the glare zone, there are several mysterious and dangerous places. Although I have not explored it, I can imagine that it must not be simple, otherwise it would not be as famous as the glare zone. You must know that there are many in the glare zone. Ancient stars exist, and the place where the origin of chaos is hidden, then there must be magic in several other places. Chen Feng felt itchy after thinking about it and wanted to explore it, but Chen Feng also resisted this. Thoughts, knowing that now is not the right time to venture out, but to find time first, they are saying, anyway, they have established power here, and will come back eventually, so there will be plenty of opportunities and time.

Another important point is that Chen Feng has gained too much in the glare zone, and his realm has improved a lot. It will take some time to slowly digest it, otherwise problems will arise sooner or later if the foundation is not stable.

"Forget it, let's go later. Haste makes waste, let's practice hard for a while and lay a solid foundation." After Chen Feng made up his mind, his mood suddenly changed, and he changed into a state of tranquility and inaction. He just did nothing all day long. When traveling and practicing in the meteorite zone, although there are chaotic meteorites of different sizes everywhere, the scenery in some places is still good. Occasionally, you will encounter some places of life, including human empires, or worlds of various spirits, and more There are some living places where the life itself is not powerful, but it can develop something called technology for war or exploring the stars.

It's just that in Chen Feng's opinion, these beings are too weak. They can barely leave the living world where they are, and they can't travel very far in the starry sky.

"These places of life are too backward. Even if there are geniuses with amazing talents and insufficient training resources, it is useless." Chen Feng shook his head and sighed. With Chen Feng's strength, he can destroy a place of life with just a movement of his mind. Chen Feng understands all the situations clearly, sees every detail clearly, and sees everything clearly. Nothing can be hidden from Chen Feng.

During this period, he discovered a few geniuses that he liked, and their cultivation speed was no less than his own back then. However, Chen Feng knew that after these geniuses reached a certain level, they would stop progressing until they ran out of life and then died of old age.

"Hey! The greatest thing in the universe is life. Since I appear here, it can be regarded as an opportunity for these people. Whether you can seize it depends on your luck." Chen Feng said as something appeared in his palm. There was a ball of water droplets as big as a fist.


The water droplets exploded and turned into dozens of water drops. These water drops splashed around and fell into the six life lands. Each water drop can turn into a spiritual spring. These spiritual springs are not very useful for cultivators like Chen Feng, but they are like fairy springs for the lives on these life lands. After refining and absorbing them, they can break free from the shackles of the life land and venture into the outer space.

"This is also part of the operation of the heavenly way." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then slowly disappeared from the spot.

"It's almost done, it's time to move on." After Chen Feng returned to Tianhu Island, he began to summon the Queen Mother and others.

A few days later, the Queen Mother, Bai Yu, the phantom beast, and Chen Feng's clones arrived one after another.

Chen Feng was very satisfied. Whether it was the Queen Mother or his clones, they had made great progress over the years.

The three clones of Goshawk, Evil Tiger, and Devourer were collected by Chen Feng, while the Queen Mother Mo, the white spirit snake Bai Yu, the phantom beast Qianbian, and the ancient golden beetle Jin changed into human appearance and followed Chen Feng to the space array.

Of course, before leaving, Chen Feng also made some arrangements, leaving behind some resources, plus one billion divine insects, and with Haotian and Hongluo, two Taiyi Jinxians, in charge, in Chen Feng's view, Tianhu Island should be able to develop in the meteorite zone. If it really cannot develop, or is destroyed by others, then Chen Feng has no choice. After all, Chen Feng cannot stay here all the time, nor can he leave too much power. In fact, being able to leave one billion divine insects is already Chen Feng's limit.

These one billion divine insects stayed to protect Tianhu Island, but more of them were to collect treasures and resources in the meteorite zone.

After all, if a sect wants to truly develop, it is not possible to rely on external forces to protect it. Therefore, the order left by Chen Feng before leaving was to collect resources as the first goal, and he would not intervene in the affairs of Tianhu Island unless it was absolutely necessary. These divine insects were directly under the control of Haotian and Hongluo. Xufeng Shenjun and Luotian Shenjun could also mobilize divine insects for war, but with their authority, they could only mobilize 100 million divine insects at most.

"Let's go."

The space array disk expanded, carrying Chen Feng and others to quickly leave Tianhu Island, and then shuttled through the meteorite group.

It took a month for Chen Feng to truly leave the meteorite group. At the same time, the map route in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness emerged, marking the road ahead and what kind of forces he would encounter.

This is the map of this chaotic space given to Chen Feng by Canghai Zhenjun. The route on it is very clear, and the introduction is comprehensive and detailed, leading all the way to the end of this chaotic space. For an adventurer, this map is a priceless treasure, more precious than a magic weapon.

"I don't know how Canghai Zhenjun is now. The other party is waiting to go to the Hunyuan World with me. I don't know when it will take." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind, and he was still full of respect for Canghai Zhenjun Chen Feng.

Because the space array disk has become a hundred miles in size, it is like a floating land. Therefore, although it is moving quickly in the space, Chen Feng and others are practicing very quietly. Chen Feng only needs to separate a wisp of divine thought to control the array disk.

Because according to the map, after leaving this meteorite zone, there is a long distance ahead that is empty. Even if there are some planets, there is no life, so just move forward quickly.

If he was just in a hurry and was not afraid of meeting Kong and the others, Chen Feng would directly use the power of the long river of time to move forward. Although the speed of advancement is also very fast now, it is still incomparable with direct space transmission.

However, what cultivators lack the most is time and patience. Practicing while traveling is what most cultivators often do in the process of exploring the vast universe.

"Sir, I didn't expect that this lotus seed of the Chaos Green Lotus would actually improve my cultivation by 300,000 years." Bai Yu's cultivation came to an end, but there was still the shadow of the white spirit snake appearing and disappearing around him, and his breath was not completely restrained. He just said excitedly.

"First, I absorbed the spiritual spring of life, and then I took the lotus seeds of the Chaos Green Lotus. It's just that 300,000 years of cultivation is too little." The illusion beast said sarcastically.

"Then how much have you improved?" Bai Yu glared at the illusion beast with some dissatisfaction.

"Not much, just a little more than you, just 400,000 years of cultivation." The phantom beast Qianbian said with some pride.

"Humph, in that case, let's have a fight." Bai Yu couldn't stand Qianbian's look and couldn't help but jump up.

"Hehe, I'm not afraid of you, but now is not the time." The phantom beast shook his head.

"I'm afraid." Bai Yu continued to provoke.

"Don't quarrel, it affects my cultivation." At this time, Jin suddenly came over. Although he looked like a human, there was golden light flowing on his body, and the phantom of the ancient golden beetle kept appearing. He walked step by step and brought everyone a fierce pressure from the ancient times.

"Humph, why are you here to join in the fun again? Do you want to fight?" Bai Yu said coldly.

"I'm afraid you are not my opponent." Jin said with a smile, not caring about Bai Yu's threat at all.

Queen Mother Mo and Chen Feng did not react to the quarrel between the three. In fact, in Chen Feng's opinion, although all three were at the Taiyi realm, Bai Yu was better in talent and strength. Although Bai Yu's cultivation had improved the least, Bai Yu's 300,000 years of cultivation was comparable to the phantom beast's 400,000 years of cultivation, which showed that Bai Yu's cultivation was more condensed.

This fantasy beast is a bit peculiar. Although fantasy beasts are rare, they are far inferior to the white netherworld. However, fantasy beasts that can cultivate to the realm of Taiyi are still extremely rare. Originally, this fantasy beast was only refined into a combat puppet by people and had no independent consciousness. Later, it was suppressed and subdued by Chen Feng, who wanted to refine it into a clone, but who knew that this fantasy beast had a new spiritual wisdom. It was not the restoration of the previous consciousness and memory, but the birth of a new life.

After discovering this, Chen Feng immediately gave up the plan to refine the clone and cultivated it with his heart. Sure enough, as time went by, the newly born spiritual wisdom gradually matured. Because this fantasy beast itself had the realm of Taiyi, after a period of running-in, the new life merged with the fantasy beast and became a new fantasy beast. This is why Chen Feng named the fantasy beast Qianbian.

This kind of situation where spiritual wisdom is born from combat puppets or corpses is actually very common. You must know that some successful cultivators have their bodies preserved after death. After the impact of energy, the evolution of the avenue, the changes of time, and other situations, there is a possibility of generating new spiritual wisdom.

However, it was the first time that Chen Feng had seen what happened in front of him, especially a rare beast of the Taiyi realm.

As for the ancient golden beetle, although it was also rare, it was not as good as the white netherworld and the fantasy beast. However, because it was a mother beetle, the distance between the two was shortened. In addition, Chen Feng focused on training it and opened a small stove in private, so that the cultivation speed of the ancient golden beetle was not slower than Qianbian and Baiyu.

As for the mother queen Mo, there is no need to say more. She has followed Chen Feng the longest and is the strongest. As a mother queen of the god insect clan fighter, she is not comparable to any beast.

So when the three quarreled, everyone calmed down as soon as the mother queen Mo spoke.

"Don't quarrel, it affects the cultivation of the young master." Seeing that the three were about to fight, the mother queen Mo couldn't help but speak. Sure enough, the three of them calmed down and stopped talking, but they still provoked each other with their eyes and agreed to find a time to compete.

"I didn't expect that this space of millions of light years is very quiet, and there are very few cultivators I met." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, young master, in the vast universe, life is extremely rare. If this chaotic space is not special and full of chaotic energy, there would not be so many cultivators." Queen Mother Mo continued.

"Yes, in fact, the most empty places in the universe are empty places. There are even some galaxies and star fields without life." Chen Feng nodded, and his mind moved. The shadow of the long river of time flashed. Chen Feng's eyes merged into the long river of time and began to explore farther places.

With Chen Feng's current strength, his pupil technique can see the situation tens of thousands of light years away with the help of the power of the long river of time. If he uses some secret techniques, the perception range can exceed 100,000 light years.

This is already against the sky. As long as Chen Feng's mind moves, he can sweep across a galaxy, and billions of stars in it cannot escape Chen Feng's perception.

This is already the means of the supreme overlord in the universe. Of course, this kind of perception is still very energy-consuming, and Chen Feng can't last long.

"The map provided by Daoyou Canghai is indeed accurate. There is still emptiness a million light years ahead." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to withdraw his perception, his eyes suddenly flashed, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Hey! It seems that there is something." Chen Feng said in surprise.

"What did the young master find?" Bai Yu asked hurriedly, and at the same time sent out his divine thoughts to investigate.

"The distance is too far." Mother Queen Mo said.

"Yes, the distance is about 100,000 light years, you can't sense it." Chen Feng pointed out, and a picture appeared in the space fluctuations in front of him, but the picture was a little blurry, and only a group of things could be seen floating.

"It can't be a planet." The phantom beast said.

"It's not a planet. I felt some strange power fluctuations, but it's too far away. With my current strength, I can only sense it to this extent." Chen Feng shook his head, and then stomped his feet lightly, and the space array immediately accelerated.

"We'll know when we see it later."

After a while, Chen Feng showed a surprised look again.

"It turned out to be a coffin." Bai Yu said.

"Such a large coffin is indeed rare, and it is wandering in the starry sky." Mother Queen Mo said.

"But it's normal. Maybe there's a monk buried inside. I don't know why the coffin escaped. The material of the coffin must be very important, so it's not easy to destroy. It's normal for it to float in the universe." Queen Mother Mo continued.

Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and he didn't speak. He seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, Chen Feng waved his hand, and a coffin appeared in front of him.

This is a jade coffin, only the size of a palm, blood red, just like blood jade, emitting a faint blood light, smooth and without anything, but everyone can see that it is branded with eighteen seals.

"This coffin." Queen Mother Mo's eyes flickered.

"This coffin was obtained by me in the Youlan Realm. The Youlan Realm is a world left behind by a high-level Taiyi Golden Immortal. There are many good things in it. The most precious one is the semi-top-grade artifact Youlan Sword. This coffin came from it, but the seal on it is not simple, and I am not sure I can break it. Besides, there are too many good things, and I have other things to do, so I put this jade coffin aside. Now you can take a look at that huge coffin to see if you have found anything." Chen Feng said as he observed the coffin in his hand with a glowing gaze.

"The style is the same." Mother Queen Mo said.

"Not bad, and they are all made of blood jade." Bai Yu said.

"It's hard to say whether it's blood jade or not," Huanshou retorted.

One hundred thousand light-years can cross a galaxy, but for a monk like Chen Feng, it is just an ordinary distance. It didn't take long to arrive in front of the coffin.

After getting closer, I realized the size of this coffin. It was one hundred thousand miles long and twenty thousand miles wide. It exuded a faint red luster in the dark void. From a distance, it looked like a star that was about to be completely extinguished.

"Exactly the same."

Chen Feng looked at the coffin in front of him and then in his hands, only to realize that they were exactly the same, only one was bigger and the other was smaller.

"Sir, let me go and take a look." Empress Mo couldn't bear it and flew towards the giant coffin. Bai Yu and the phantom beast also followed. Only Jin Anran didn't move, as if he was not interested in these things.

"Sir, it's really strange. Although this coffin is big, it doesn't have any breath or danger, and it doesn't even have any psychological pressure. It's really strange." Mother Queen Mo and the others came back soon.

You must know that even a steep mountain will bring oppression to people, let alone such a big coffin.

"Is there a seal on it?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Yes! It seems to be the same as the coffin in the young master's hand, and it's strange that there is an elusive feeling when facing this coffin." Bai Yu said.

"Would you like to open it and try it?" Huanshou suggested on the side.

"It can't be opened. The seal above is not simple. I have no confidence in breaking it." Mother Queen Mo said.

"I'll give it a try." The phantom beast said and looked at Chen Feng. When Chen Feng nodded, he immediately rushed forward. A fierce tiger flew out of the phantom beast's body and reached the sky above the jade coffin in the blink of an eye. First, there was a tiger roar. , a shock wave hit the jade coffin.

The shock wave hit the jade coffin and dissipated immediately, just like a breeze blowing on the smooth rock. The jade coffin collapsed without moving, but Chen Feng frowned. Although the shock wave just now was not strong, it destroyed one There is still no problem with the planet's main road. Of course, these are not important. The most important thing is that part of the shock wave sent by the tiger entered the jade coffin.


Then the tiger slapped the jade coffin with a heavy claw. This time the jade coffin finally responded, or it just fluctuated. A layer of faint red halo suddenly appeared under the attack, blocking the tiger's attack.

The jade coffin remained motionless, while the tiger flew out upside down.


The fantasy beast roared, and the tiger roared forward again. This time the attack was stronger, but it was still blocked by the red halo. At the same time, the eighteen seals on it flickered faintly, and then the tiger flew backwards and exploded with a bang. Open and turn into nothingness.

The phantom beast Qian Bian had already rushed up and was about to take action himself. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng waved his hand and sent out two sword auras. One sword aura slashed at the jade coffin, and the sword aura turned into a waterfall to block the phantom beast Qian Bian. Change.

Chen Feng's sword energy was also blocked, and the sword energy dissipated without any trace left.

"Don't take action." Chen Feng said.

Although the fantasy beast Qianbian was unwilling to give in, he still retreated. At the same time, he also knew that he could not break the jade coffin no matter how hard he tried, and it might even be shattered into pieces like the tiger.

"The sword just now was issued by the Eternal Life Sword, which had 80% of my attack power. Haha, the opponent will not move at all unless he uses the best divine weapon." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Sir, this coffin is very mysterious. It's better not to attack it at will until you understand it." Queen Mo thought for a moment and said.

"Don't you have any news?" Chen Feng asked curiously. In Chen Feng's opinion, the Queen Mother has the inheritance of the Divine Insect Clan. It can be said that there are few things in the universe that she doesn't know.

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