Eternal Existence

Chapter 1740: Encounter

"No." Queen Mother Mo shook her head and said.

"Maybe it's just some monks' custom. It's just that the two coffins are made of the same material and the same seal is difficult to break. This is a bit surprising." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Maybe these two coffins were made by the same person." Jin interrupted on the side.

"Coffin shop?" Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. This is possible, but that is the world of ordinary people. If this level of existence is said to come from a coffin shop, even Chen Feng himself would laugh.

"Let's check the surroundings first. Although this is an empty place, if the coffin has always been here, I don't believe that no one has discovered it." Chen Feng said with a smile, his eyes dim, and the phantom of the long river of time appeared and began to sweep across the four directions.

You must know that the chaotic space is now fighting with the heaven, and the monks inside and outside have been constantly circulating. This empty place is also a transportation place, and it is impossible that no one has passed through.

Soon, the situation within a radius of tens of thousands of light years fell into Chen Feng's perception. As for Queen Mother Mo and others, they were still studying the jade coffin, but unfortunately they didn't gain anything.

"Put this coffin away first." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand to grab the jade coffin. It was strange to say that the attack he had launched before was immediately broken when it landed on the jade coffin, but Chen Feng's collection process was very smooth. The jade coffin quickly shrank and fell into Chen Feng's hand. In this way, the two coffins were the same size, and they were even more the same.

"Let's go!"

Using the space array to move forward quickly, changing the direction from time to time in the middle, Chen Feng was using the secret technique to find the route of the jade coffin.

A few days later, Chen Feng stopped and looked at the void in front of him and thought. After a long time, a stream of light flew out of Chen Feng's eyes. Chen Feng performed the art of breaking delusion. You must know that with Chen Feng's pupil technique, he can almost see through all illusions.


Under Chen Feng's pupil technique, the void in front of him actually rippled like water waves, and a layer of barrier appeared faintly.

"Huh! Barrier, could it be a secret realm?" Queen Mother Mo said with some surprise.

"It's not simple. If I hadn't known in advance that the jade coffin came from here, I wouldn't have discovered that there was another space here." Chen Feng said, and the pupil power that burst out of his eyes condensed into substance, and his head turned into a drill and began to rotate rapidly.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Under Chen Feng's attack, the barrier in front of him began to shake, and finally a hole appeared. Then Chen Feng urged the space array to turn into a stream of light and rushed in.

After Chen Feng and others disappeared, the hole in the barrier disappeared immediately, and the barrier also disappeared. Even Taiyi Jinxian came here and it was difficult to find the existence of the barrier.

"It's just a small world." After entering, Chen Feng was a little disappointed. He swept his eyes across the world. This small world is similar to an ordinary secret realm, and the scale is too small.

"Sir, the spatial structure of this world is very solid and tight." Mother Queen Mo said.

"That's for sure, otherwise there would be no place for the jade coffin." Chen Feng said as his divine thoughts rippled around like flowing water. The space where his divine thoughts passed was rippled. Whether it was the sky or the earth, nothing could escape the coverage of Chen Feng's divine thoughts.

Although he knew that this world was not big, Chen Feng still wanted to search carefully to see if he had found anything. You know, this world is hidden very deeply. If it weren't for the jade coffin's guidance, even Chen Feng would not have been able to find this world.

After Chen Feng, the Queen Mother and others also released their divine thoughts to follow the investigation, but after a while, everyone shook their heads and sighed.

"I didn't find anything. This world has nothing except some spiritual herbs." Chen Feng said with some regret.

"Sir, the spiritual herbs here are actually not bad, at least there are a lot of them." Bai Yu saw that Chen Feng was unhappy and comforted him.

"Forget it, let's go." Although there were some spiritual herbs here, Chen Feng didn't like them, so he took out the Changsheng Sword and just slashed it to break the barrier.

"Let's go!"

After activating the space array disk and leaving this place, they continued to move forward. Chen Feng used a trace of his divine consciousness to control the array disk and secretly thought about the situation of the jade coffin.

Seeing that Chen Feng seemed to be in a bad mood, Bai Yu and the others stopped arguing and found a place to practice in peace.

After a month, they finally left this deserted place and saw a rolling land of life. From a distance, they could see cultivators flying and hiding, and various spaceships and warships appeared from time to time.

"Young Master, the land of life." Bai Yu said hurriedly.

"Although this land of life is not small in area and there are many creatures in it, it is just a very ordinary and low-level land of life. It is good to have one or two celestial beings. It is not worth staying." Chen Feng said lightly. These situations were all learned by Chen Feng on the map. There was a simple introduction of Canghai Zhenjun on the map, with only a few strokes. Canghai Zhenjun did not want to spend time describing such an ordinary place.

Chen Feng's divine consciousness quickly swept across, and also confirmed Canghai Zhenjun's description. He knew that although the land of life in front of him looked not small, it was not worth staying.

"Let's go."

The space array quickly passed by this place and then went in.

In the next section of the journey, various stars appeared from time to time, including hot giant stars, cold stars covered with ice, and some planets containing special gold and stone, of different sizes, and some planets even developed civilizations.

A big hand suddenly extended out, and with a direct reach, dozens of stars shrank rapidly and fell into the big hand.

"Mo, these stars are good." Bai Yu said as he looked at the gem-like stars in the hands of Queen Mother Mo.

Queen Mother Mo nodded and shook her palm. The stars in her palm were immediately wrapped by the true fire and soon melted into a sphere. At the same time, a large amount of impurities were refined.

"These stars contain good five-element gold. It would be a pity if we missed it." Queen Mother Mo said, waving her hand and throwing the sphere in her hand into Jin.

"Thank you." Jin said hurriedly, and swallowed the sphere directly. This sphere seemed small, but it was formed by the fusion of dozens of stars. Only these cultivators had such magic power to do this. This is the real picking stars and taking the moon in the palm of your hand.

"Just know how to eat." Bai Yu said unhappily, but Jin didn't care, as if he didn't hear it.

"Someone is coming." At this time, Chen Feng glanced and saw a smooth black warship slowly catching up.

"The warship is good." Chen Feng said lightly. You should know that Chen Feng's space array is a top-grade artifact that can break through the void for space shuttle and has the function of a teleportation array. Although it has not been used to its full potential now, the fact that the black warship behind can slowly catch up has already explained some problems.

"It is also a top-grade artifact, and it is a pure warship." Queen Mother Mo said.

"Should we rob on the road?" The phantom beast suggested.

"This idea is not rough." Jin was the first to agree. At this time, the ancient golden beetle was looking at the black warship with fiery eyes, wishing to swallow it directly.


Just as Chen Feng and others were discussing, several waves swept across the warship.

"Hey, I haven't taken action yet, but the other party has touched my bottom." Chen Feng laughed, waved his hand, and the space array plate shook slightly. A thick barrier appeared, like a bowl, guarding the entire space array plate.

Those fluctuations were blocked by the barrier, and Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and his divine thoughts quickly swept across the black warship, and he instantly got a general idea of ​​the situation inside.

"Hehe, there are a few masters, two of whom seem familiar." Chen Feng showed a smile on his face.


At the same time, Chen Feng also heard the surprised voice from someone in the warship, of course, because it did not penetrate the space array barrier.

Soon the black warship caught up and kept level with Chen Feng's space array. At this time, divine thoughts swept out again. Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a trace of dissatisfaction, and then a beam of immortal light swept across, defeating all these divine thoughts. At the same time, Chen Feng also felt a wave of killing intent.

"Do you want to take action? These days are really boring and monotonous. It's good to move around." Chen Feng said lightly. As for Bai Yu and the phantom beast, they immediately exuded a fighting spirit, and it seemed that they were also holding back. Only Queen Mother Mo and the ancient flame beetle were very quiet.

However, these killing intentions were suppressed soon, but Chen Feng could still feel it with his spiritual sense.


A ball of light emerged from the black warship and quickly turned into a middle-aged cultivator. Chen Feng immediately knew that this was the other party's divine consciousness, but he was a little curious about his actions.

"Hello, fellow Taoists." The middle-aged cultivator said with a smile, his tone was very kind, giving people a comfortable feeling. Chen Feng immediately knew that this was due to a special secret method that the other party practiced.

"No need to be polite, do you have something to do?" Chen Feng said lightly.

Chen Feng's aura was completely restrained. Generally, cultivators with insufficient cultivation would think that Chen Feng was a mess, and they could not tell the truth from the false. This middle-aged cultivator was the same. In addition, the previous divine consciousness sweep was blocked, so he was very polite to Chen Feng, although he was a little surprised why Chen Feng emitted the immortal light just now.

"Are you also going to Wangyou Cave Heaven?" The middle-aged cultivator asked with a smile.

Chen Feng knew that there was a high-level life place nearly 10 million light years ahead, which was Wangyou Cave Heaven. The Three Souls Clan that attacked the various heavens before came from Wangyou Cave Heaven. It can also be said that Wangyou Cave Heaven was originally the base camp of the Three Souls Clan.

"Now it seems like this." Chen Feng said lightly, his eyes swept across the black warship again, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, still with murderous intent.

"I am Tianjizi, from the Natural Barrier under the control of the Eighteen Alliances. This time I am going to Wangyou Cave Heaven to find some opportunities. I wonder if you are interested?" The middle-aged cultivator said with a smile.

"Oh, what interest?" Chen Feng's eyes flashed.

"Someone found an ancient Wangyou Valley." The middle-aged cultivator stopped talking and looked at Chen Feng.

"Wangyou Valley, is there a new Wangyou Valley?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. This was not pretending. He knew something about the situation of Wangyou Cave Heaven. At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"We also know something about Wangyou Valley. I see that you are very powerful. I wonder if you are interested in cooperating with us. Even if not, you can enter our warship to rest for a while. We also have some people of the same path here, and we can communicate with each other." Tianjizi said slowly.

"Okay." Chen Feng agreed after a little hesitation, and wanted to see what the other party was up to.

Seeing that Chen Feng agreed, Tianjizi turned into a stream of light again and got into the black warship. Then a purple light swept out, forming a road in front of Chen Feng.

"Let's go. Since we have a ride, we can save some energy." Chen Feng smiled and put away the space array disk, and then walked on this road.

There is no so-called hall. In fact, magic weapons of this level have caves inside. Chen Feng and others went directly to a cave where birds were singing, flowers were fragrant, and spiritual springs and streams were flowing.

As a top-grade artifact, let alone a cave inside, it is normal for there to be a big world and a universe inside. Although Chen Feng also knows that entering this place is equivalent to entering the opponent's territory. If he starts to attack, the opponent can rely on the favorable location and people. He suppressed himself to the greatest extent, but Chen Feng still came in simply, with a calm expression. In fact, he secretly wished that the other party would take action, so that he would have an excuse to kill people and seize the treasure.

Although he thought so, Chen Feng was not careless, because before he came in, Chen Feng knew that there was a master here.

After entering this space, Chen Feng glanced around and saw a dozen monks, as well as an old man on a crutch and a girl in red.

"It is indeed these two people."

Speaking of which, Chen Feng only met each other once. When he entered Tianqian City, he met the grandfather and grandson at the city gate. At that time, Chen Feng knew that the old man was powerful, and now he is sure that the other person is an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal. , and the girl in red also entered the realm of Taiyi, which surprised Chen Feng secretly, because the girl in red didn't seem to be in the realm of Taiyi when they met at the city gate.

Although Chen Feng didn't express anything on the surface, the old man on crutches still looked at Chen Feng thoughtfully. At the same time, countless images flashed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Chen Feng's image popped up in the blink of an eye.

"It turns out that this kid has met me, but it's really surprising. In just a few thousand years, this young man's strength has increased more than ten times, which is faster than my granddaughter's cultivation speed." The old man was secretly shocked and couldn't help but look at Chen Feng one more time.

Chen Feng immediately knew that the other party had recognized him. In fact, it was not surprising. For these monks, as long as they had met someone before, even if they did not pay attention at the time, it was just a matter of spiritual thoughts to pull it out of their memory.


Chen Feng glanced at a young swordsman in black and was immediately surprised. On the surface, this person seemed to be just an ordinary junior Taiyi Golden Immortal, but Chen Feng could vaguely feel that the other person was an intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal. In this situation, Chen Feng's strength cannot see through the opponent's cultivation level in a short time, unless he uses some abilities.

Suddenly noticing Chen Feng's gaze, the young swordsman smiled faintly at Chen Feng as a greeting.

"This guy is powerful, maybe even more powerful than that old man. As for the others, they are just ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortals." Chen Feng thought to himself. Since he wandered around the place where Chaos originated for a while, he has seen too many masters and masters. The star beasts no longer look down upon these ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortals. You must know that Chen Feng was chased by several intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals at that time, not to mention that Chen Feng's strength has doubled over the years. , and obtained some top treasures, deep down in his heart, he has raised his sights to the level of the intermediate Taiyi Realm.

Of course, this is the mentality, but Chen Feng will not be careless when facing the Taiyi Golden Immortal. He even said that Chen Feng will not despise the opponent when he meets the Divine Lord and King. He has such opportunities and strength, and no one knows that others may also have it. In the same way, there are too many lives in the universe, and I am just one of them.

"You're welcome, little friend. Now that we're on the boat, we have to work together to help each other." The old man on a crutch said with a smile, while the girl in red next to him looked at Chen Feng with curious eyes.

"What fellow Taoist said makes sense. We need to work together to help each other, but I also have some things I want to ask you for advice." Chen Feng said with a smile. After just observing, Chen Feng has determined which people have murderous intentions towards him.

"You're welcome, little friends. We should communicate with each other." The old man on the crutch still had a smiling expression. Of course, there were a few monks with disdain in their eyes. As for Tianjizi, he had a smile on his face and ordered some monks to arrange some for Chen Feng and the others. place.

"You're welcome. We are all cultivators, so there is no need to display these external objects." Chen Feng said with a smile. Mother Emperor Mo, Huan Beast Qianbian, Jin and Bai Yu who were following Chen Feng were quietly occupying one side. , when Chen Feng spoke, he immediately exuded aura. The four auras connected to form a domain, occupying this territory, and even conveyed a hint of domineering.

Seeing this scene, the old man on crutches and the young sword cultivator did not react. The girl in red looked at Chen Feng with gleaming eyes, clearly interested. The expression of the middle-aged monk Tianjizi changed. , and soon returned to normal, but other people were not so well-behaved. Someone immediately couldn't help but snorted, Chen Feng's side was acting arrogantly on other people's territory, but Chen Feng's small group It doesn't look simple either. Unless it's a group fight, two or three people going up would be humiliating themselves. So although some people couldn't stand Chen Feng and even wanted to kill him, they calmed down after considering their own strength. .

"Haha, that's fine. Fellow Taoist is right. We are all cultivators, so you can do whatever you want." Tianjizi said with a smile, as if he didn't care about the situation just now.

"Young master, something is a little strange." Mother Queen Mo said secretly.

"It's a bit weird. He invited passers-by on the boat for no reason. He was either trying to make money or kill someone, or he had other agendas. I don't believe him if he says he has good intentions." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Let's look at the situation. If the other party wants to take action, they will take action right from the beginning. They won't wait until now."

Next, Chen Feng did ask the old man with crutches about the situation in this chaotic space, and the other party did not hide anything and answered Chen Feng's questions as much as possible, which made Chen Feng feel a little good about the old man. In addition, the girl in red also said a few words from time to time, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

"Young friend, you are not from this space, right?" The old man with crutches seemed to say casually, and Chen Feng immediately felt that several breaths were staring at him, so he smiled and said, "Yes, I am from the Changsheng Heaven."

At the same time, Chen Feng was also a little surprised. Speaking of it, he is a chaotic body. Entering this space is like a fish in water, and he has been practicing here for a long time. In Chen Feng's opinion, no one should be able to see his origin, but since someone has seen it, Chen Feng will not deny it.

After hearing Chen Feng's admission, the old man with crutches did not have any expression, but some people could not bear it. Immediately, several people came over and stared at Chen Feng with murderous intent.

Since the passage of the Chaos Space was opened, the war with the Heaven Realm has never stopped. The Chaos Space is huge, with countless anti-heaven races and even more Chaos Beasts. However, the Heaven Realm is not a pushover. In the Wuji Immortal Domain, the Heaven Realm is the top existence, and the heritage is ancient. Each family is a top anti-heaven race, so both sides have suffered a lot of casualties after the war. It can be said that everyone has long been a mortal enemy.

Hearing Chen Feng admit that he is from the Heaven Realm, these people's first feeling is to kill Chen Feng.

"Want to do it? I can't wait." Bai Yu sneered, and waved his hand to take out the Netherworld Halberd.

In fact, in fact, except for the mother queen Mo, Bai Yu, Qian Bian and Jin are all from this Chaos Space Beast. It was only after following Chen Feng that they determined their own camps. Of course, not all Chaos Space cultivators are exclusive. For example, some friends such as Canghai Zhenjun, who Chen Feng knows, are really dating Chen Feng and gave Chen Feng a perfect space map.

For the cultivators who came out of the Hunyuan World, there was no territorial affiliation. For the old man Xinmo and others, both this chaotic space and the universe outside were mysterious and unknown places that needed to be explored.

"White ghost, fantasy beast, Zerg queen, ancient divine insect, you are really not simple." The old man with crutches said with a smile, and the red-clothed girl next to him had little stars in her eyes, staring at Chen Feng, trying to see through Chen Feng.

"Hehe!" Chen Feng just smiled, didn't say much, and didn't mean to worry.

The cultivators who rushed up were murderous at first, but stopped immediately when they got to the front. The faces of these people changed quickly. They thought that others would rush up, but who knew that only a few people would take action, so they would not be sure of a real fight.

In fact, the most important thing is the attitude of the old man with crutches. It seems that the other party and Chen Feng are chatting enthusiastically, and there is no intention to fight. In addition, Bai Yu has been provoking, and these people have no way to retreat.

Chen Feng was smiling all the time, with a gleam in his eyes occasionally, as if he was eager for these people to take action.

"This kid is really patient." The old man with crutches looked at Chen Feng, and he couldn't figure out what Chen Feng was thinking, so he said, "Don't make trouble, all of you retreat."


With the words of the old man with crutches, these cultivators were relieved, but they still glared at Bai Yu before retreating.

"Haha, we are all cultivators, and where we come from is not important at all." At this time, Tianjizi suddenly said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, what Brother Tianjizi said makes sense." As soon as Tianjizi finished speaking, someone immediately echoed, making the faces of the few people who wanted to take action before even uglier.

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