Eternal Existence

Chapter 1741: Under Attack

Because the old man with crutches said so, the few people had a step to retreat, but they were secretly thinking about how to find an opportunity to attack Chen Feng.

Chen Feng could also feel some hostility, but he just sneered and didn't care too much.

While talking with the old man with crutches, Chen Feng was also secretly paying attention to the situation of the young swordsman, but the other party was always very quiet, and there was not even the slightest fluctuation of breath, which made Chen Feng unable to figure out the other party's strength, but Chen Feng did not dare to underestimate the other party. This kind of person is the most dangerous, and once he explodes, it is a means of killing.

In any case, having a warship to ride also saved Chen Feng some effort, and this warship is not simple, at least it flies very fast.

However, after a few days, Chen Feng understood why the other party invited him.


A violent wave came, followed by a series of violent collisions, and a trace of destructive power penetrated in. Chen Feng frowned slightly and immediately knew what happened.

"Sir, this warship was attacked." Queen Mother Mo said secretly.

Chen Feng nodded without saying anything, but looked around and quickly observed the expressions of the people around him. The old man with crutches and the young swordsman still had no expression, but the others were a little panicked. Chen Feng deliberately looked at the girl in red, and saw a complex light flashing in her eyes.

Seeing Chen Feng looking at her, the girl in red smiled.

"After all, she is a Taiyi Jinxian. She was a little panicked when facing the attack, which means she must know who the other party is. I don't believe that her psychological quality is poor." Chen Feng thought of this and looked at the old man with crutches, but his eyes were dim, but he didn't say anything.

"My friend, you are right. There is a reason why we have you in. The road ahead is full of unknowns and dangers. It will definitely be safer if everyone joins forces." The old man with crutches seemed to be unable to bear Chen Feng's gaze, so he said with a smile.

"The unknown is not simple, but the danger is certain." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It doesn't necessarily mean there is danger. Besides, if there is danger, we will not force it whether you take action or not." The old man with crutches continued.

"With a fellow Taoist sitting here, it's not my turn to take action." Chen Feng put away his smile, and his mind swept out, and he saw a group of men in black urging various magic weapons to attack the black warship frantically.


Chen Feng couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, and his mind strengthened and swept across the men in black.

"Young Master, these men in black are all combat puppets." At this time, Queen Mother Mo whispered.

"What a big deal, the other party is not simple, and this warship is not simple either." Chen Feng nodded and said, you know, there are more than a dozen men in black outside, all of whom are Taiyi Jinxian-level combat power, and they are puppets that are not afraid of death. Although this kind of thing is not as flexible as a living cultivator, it is more difficult to deal with.

"My friend is right, the other party is indeed a combat puppet. Since we left Tianqian City, we have encountered the seventh wave of attacks." The old man with crutches suddenly said.

"Really? How much have you lost?" Chen Feng did not ask the men in black what side they were from, but changed the question.

"Seven waves of attacks, lost thirty Taiyi Golden Immortals and two warships of the top-grade artifact level." The old man with crutches said in a deep voice.

"That means we are also in danger." Chen Feng said thoughtfully.

"It is indeed a bit dangerous." The girl in red interrupted.

"We are on a pirate ship." Chen Feng laughed.

"We are not a pirate ship." The girl in red retorted, Chen Feng smiled and didn't care.

"Then how many cultivators like us came up along the way?" Chen Feng changed the question.

"I said why do you have so many questions? Are you scared? If you are scared, you shouldn't have come up in the first place." The girl in red stared at Chen Feng and said, with a hint of blush and murderous aura on her pretty face.

"I am indeed scared." Chen Feng nodded and blinked his eyes, as if he was deliberately bickering with the girl in red.

The girl in red wanted to speak again, but was stopped by the old man with crutches.

"Don't worry, my friend, they are just a mob." The old man with crutches shook his head and said.

"A mob?" Chen Feng said casually. At this time, the monks in the warship had already rushed out and started fighting with the black-clothed men. At the same time, Chen Feng also saw energy beams shooting out from the warship from time to time. As long as the black-clothed men were hit, or seriously injured or their bodies were directly torn apart, others would come forward to kill them.

After a while, all the black-clothed men were killed, but the warship also paid the price of two deaths and several serious injuries.

Chen Feng did not move, and the Queen Mother Mo and the others would naturally not intervene.

"Since everyone is in the same boat, isn't it a bit unreasonable for Daoyou to stand by and watch like this?" At this time, Tianjizi came straight over with several monks. The smile on Tianjizi's face disappeared, and turned into an expression of asking for punishment.

"The words 'in the same boat' and 'standing by and watching' cannot be used on me. I have no relatives or friends with you. Why should I help you? Or did you ask me to help just now?" Chen Feng also said coldly.


Chen Feng's words angered everyone, including the previously injured cultivators who rushed up and surrounded Chen Feng and others.

They were ready to make a move, full of murderous intent.

"Fellow Daoist, that's a bit too much. Did our warships come in vain?" Tianjizi said coldly.

"In that case, you invited us here to act as your thugs." Chen Feng laughed.

"You can understand it this way." Tianjizi nodded.

"So what do you want to do now? Go ahead. I'm not afraid. Or to say, you drive us out, I don't care. Although your warship is not bad, it is far inferior to my space array." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the four Queen Mother Mo moved quickly to form a simple battle array.

At the same time, four top-grade artifacts flew out to protect themselves, and another four top-grade artifacts were nested in their hands. When the eight top-grade artifacts came out, the space in the entire black warship shook, and a strong impact swept around, causing Tianjizi and others to retreat again and again, with horror in their eyes, but soon replaced by greed.

"They are all top-grade artifacts." Someone exclaimed.

Not to mention these junior Taiyi Jinxian, even the old man with crutches and the young swordsman showed surprise in their eyes.

There are also good and bad top-grade artifacts. The magic weapons that the Queen Mother and others took out are also top-notch among the top-grade artifacts. You should know that Chen Feng has many magic weapons of this level, most of which are stored in special spaces. You should know that Chen Feng even has several top-grade artifacts, so how can he have so much time to refine these magic weapons.

Another point is that for most junior Taiyi Jinxians, it is already good to have a top-grade artifact. If the quality is better, it will be even more rare.

So it’s no wonder that these people are greedy, even the old man with crutches is a little moved.

“No wonder they are so arrogant, it turns out that they have the confidence.” Tianjizi sneered. At this time, he had made up his mind to take action, and the old man with crutches and the young inspector did not speak, obviously acquiescing.

“Since the other party is ungrateful, don’t blame us for being rude.”

“That’s right, take them down first.”

“Open the restrictions in the warship, don’t let them run away.”

“Do it!”

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The black warship vibrated, and the powerful force erupted like a volcano, surging like wind and clouds, besieging from all kinds of incredible corners.

"This warship is just a top-grade artifact, and it is not a combat type. How can it trap us? Can you rely on trash like you? Although I really want to kill you, it doesn't look like the right time now." Chen Feng suddenly said, motionless, as if he didn't see these people.

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, the old man on crutches suddenly brightened his eyes. Tianjizi and others thought that the senior was going to take action, and were rejoicing, and then they felt a terrifying pressure coming down, and these people immediately understood what happened.

"There are still enemies."


The huge impact caused the entire warship to shake violently, and the space where everyone was located was constantly rippling like water waves, and countless cracks appeared like spider webs.

"Not good, the opponent is very strong."

"Intermediate Taiyi Jinxian." Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and he immediately deduced the strength of the person from the previous attack.


Another attack, the black warship was torn into pieces, and the powerful destructive airflow rushed in all directions. Of course, no one could fight at this time. Chen Feng smiled, and the space array appeared under his feet. He took the Queen Mother and flew out through the chaotic energy.

"The other side has a master, and these two guys are not taking action. It's really interesting." Chen Feng thought to himself.

However, before Chen Feng rushed out of the battlefield, he was attacked. Two ten-thousand-foot-long combat puppets holding giant weapons blocked Chen Feng's way out.

"Sir, it's a metal combat puppet." Queen Mother Mo said hurriedly.

"This is a good thing." Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. You must know that he had obtained a combat puppet made of precious and rare metals. Just because he wanted to use those metal materials, Chen Feng directly dismembered the other party. So far, more than half of the metal materials have not been used up, but those that have been used have played a great role. For example, Chen Feng used part of it to refine magic weapons, and more were used by Queen Mother Mo. In addition to making divine insects, they also studied energy cannons. It's a pity that the fighter is not a creator, and the energy cannons made cannot satisfy Chen Feng very much.

"It's really a good thing." Jin also shouted. This is the ancient golden beetle. It must devour various metal materials to continuously improve. Seeing such a large metal battle puppet is no different from seeing delicious food.

"Go ahead, why are you talking so much nonsense." Bai Yu said and started to fight.

Without Chen Feng saying much, the four beasts had already rushed up and entangled the other party two to one. Chen Feng shook his head and did not make a move. At the same time, he was a little surprised. He didn't understand why the old man with crutches and others were attacked. Moreover, the attack was not simple. The first time they made a move, they had more than a dozen Taiyi Jinxian-level battle puppets. Now even metal battle puppets have come out. You know, it is normal to refine battle puppets, but it is not simple to refine Taiyi Jinxian-level battle puppets.

When Chen Feng's thoughts turned, he suddenly felt the danger, so he saw a huge fist filling the sky and earth, completely locking Chen Feng, leaving Chen Feng with no escape, and this punch bombarded Chen Feng's whole body unable to move, and the surrounding void was squeezing towards Chen Feng layer by layer.

"An intermediate master has taken action." Chen Feng immediately knew that this punch would be difficult to deal with, and at the same time he secretly smiled bitterly. He originally didn't want to get involved in this matter, but now it seems that it's no use. Trouble has come to him on its own initiative. If he doesn't deal with it, he will be the one in trouble.


Chen Feng's body shook, and waves of waves rushed out in all directions, breaking the suppression of the void. At the same time, Chen Feng also punched out, but when Chen Feng swung his fist, the immortal armor quickly extended, wrapping Chen Feng's fist in several layers, and several spikes grew on it.


The fists collided, and the spikes pierced into the opponent's fist. At the same time, the spikes were still growing rapidly, directly twisting the opponent's huge fist and making it bleed.

However, a powerful force that could not be resisted was still transmitted, and Chen Feng's entire arm exploded into a ball of blood mist, and then Chen Feng quickly retreated. In the process of retreating, the bones and flesh on his body continued to collapse.

"So powerful." Chen Feng secretly admired, and waved his hand to make some light spots melt into the armor. Not only did Chen Feng's arm disappear in the previous blow, but even the armor wrapped around his arm turned into fragments.

This is why Chen Feng was shocked. The hardness of the Changsheng Armor can block the attack of the top-grade artifact or even the best artifact, but it seems a little weak under the opponent's fist. This is also the first time that Chen Feng has encountered such a fierce attack after integrating into the Changsheng Armor.

A new arm grew out again, and the Changsheng Armor also covered it perfectly. Then the imagined attack did not continue to appear. Chen Feng swept his eyes and saw that the opponent went to attack other people. Chen Feng saw with his own eyes that the huge fist flashed, and then a cultivator turned into blood mist and evaporated.

There was not even a trace of dregs left after a punch.

"This is also a metal combat puppet. It has reached the combat power of the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, and it should be said to be more powerful." Chen Feng said immediately.

"Where did the other party come from? He was able to refine this level of combat puppets. If it can be mass-produced, wouldn't it be able to dominate the heavens? However, this combat puppet is more powerful and rare than the metal combat puppet I got before. If it can be obtained, its value is comparable to ten top-grade artifacts." Chen Feng's eyes showed a fiery look.

"Young Master, are you okay?"

At this time, Queen Mother Mo came back, and the two metal combat puppets had been dealt with.

"Be careful, the other side has a more powerful existence, and one punch can kill a Taiyi Jinxian in seconds." Chen Feng said in a deep voice. These guys are very rare beasts in the universe, and they have a promising future in cultivation. Chen Feng doesn't want to be beaten to death by the other side here, otherwise he will regret it to death.

"I saw it. This time, the other side seems to have all combat puppets, half of which are metal combat puppets, and they are the kind that people integrate into the soul to control. The most important thing is that the other side has sent out two intermediate masters. Of course, I only found so much." Queen Mother Mo said quickly.

"Two intermediate Taiyi realm-level combat puppets?" Chen Feng was also a little worried. His eyes swept out suddenly, like lightning, and quickly swept the entire battlefield.

The warship was completely broken, and Chen Feng saw nearly twenty combat puppets slaughtering these monks. What puzzled Chen Feng was that the old man with crutches and the young sword cultivator did not take action while these monks died one by one. The two stood together, and the girl in red followed the old man closely, watching the scene in front of them nervously.

"What the hell are these two guys doing?" Chen Feng frowned, and he couldn't guess the other party's intention.

"Forget it, let's leave here first. Although the metal combat puppets are full of treasures, the opponent is really powerful, so safety comes first." Chen Feng shook his head and said. The opponent's punch just now brought too much pressure to Chen Feng, not to mention that the opponent had more than one intermediate master.

"Young Master, I'm afraid you can't get away." Queen Mother Mo suddenly said, and at this time Chen Feng saw nearly ten combat puppets surrounding him.

Five metal combat puppets, and the rest were puppets made from the bodies of monks, and these combat puppets were new, which meant that the people in the dark didn't want to let Chen Feng and his group go.

"Friends in the dark, we are just passing by and don't want to fight." Chen Feng spoke lightly, and his voice was transmitted with vibration. Chen Feng believed that the other party could definitely hear it.

At the same time as he spoke, Chen Feng was also ready for battle, but it was obvious that the other party would not pay attention to Chen Feng, and the next attack was equally fierce.

"It seems that the other party wants to keep us all." Chen Feng shook his head and said, you know, just now his side also captured two metal combat puppets, which was already an advantage, but now he can't leave, so he can only fight.

"Two seniors, please act quickly." At this time, Tianjizi suddenly shouted, and Chen Feng also noticed that Tianjizi was also seriously injured. There were only half of the dozen Taiyi Jinxian left, and as for some immortal Jinxians used as servants in the warship, they had already died cleanly.


The huge fist swept across fiercely, and at the time of speaking, two more people were beaten into blood mist.

"Aren't these two guys going to attack yet?" Chen Feng was even more confused, but just as he finished thinking, he saw that the young sword cultivator who had been very quiet suddenly disappeared, and then a sharp sword energy rushed into the sky. Under the strong sword intent, even Chen Feng felt that his skin seemed to be cut open, and Queen Mother Mo and others couldn't help but take two steps back.

A giant long sword seemed to fly from the depths of the universe, cutting off all obstacles and even tearing time and space apart. At this moment, Chen Feng immediately thought of the blue-clothed cultivator he had met before, and guessed in his heart who was stronger between the two, but soon Chen Feng was sure that the blue-clothed cultivator was stronger.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

Then the giant sword swept across violently, countless sword shadows scattered and overlapped, and then the sword suddenly disappeared, and the young sword cultivator returned to the old man with crutches, but his face seemed to have changed a little.

Chen Feng's eyes were like torches, and of course he noticed this subtle change. Moreover, because of the fight just now, the power fluctuations in the young sword cultivator's body were noticed by Chen Feng, and he immediately understood what was going on.

"So that's how it is. These two people have not taken action because they are injured, and the injuries are very strange. Even with the strength of the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, they can't be cured. It seems that these injuries are at least caused by masters of the same level." Chen Feng thought so in his heart.

However, the young sword cultivator killed six combat puppets with just one sword, and two metal combat puppets were smashed into pieces, but then they quickly condensed.

"It's amazing, but the ones killed were only primary Taiyi Jinxians. As long as the two masters can't handle them, these people can't get away." Chen Feng said, waving his hand, and the space array under his feet suddenly shone brightly and rotated rapidly. At this time, Chen Feng was already planning to rush out.

"Please help me, fellow Taoist." At this time, Tianjizi suddenly shouted loudly to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng had no expression on his face, as if he didn't hear it.

"Let's go."

Chen Feng's ten fingers moved quickly, and countless silk threads flew out, and then quickly condensed into spider webs to wrap up the fighting puppets that rushed up.

Chen Feng still managed to just stop the other party.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Queen Mother and the others also made a move quickly, and a path was opened in the violent collision.

The moment when the fighting puppets tore open the spider web was enough for Chen Feng to act, and he got rid of the entanglement of the fighting puppets in the blink of an eye.

"Fortunately, the two masters didn't make a move, otherwise we couldn't get away." Chen Feng said with a smile, and the immortal light suddenly flew out from his eyebrows, turned a corner and swept back fiercely, and immediately the golden light shone in the void, and the two chasing fighting puppets were cut in two.

"I've already said that I'm just passing by. If you catch up with me again, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Feng said lightly.

It seemed that the person in the dark heard Chen Feng's voice and stopped chasing Chen Feng, which made Chen Feng feel relieved. He then activated the space array and quickly left the place.

"Young Master, it's such a pity." Jin suddenly said after flying hundreds of millions of miles.

"Yes, it's a pity. Those combat puppets are all good materials, especially those metal combat puppets." Queen Mother Mo also said with a regretful tone.

"This matter is a bit tricky. We are just on the road now, so it's not suitable to participate in it." Chen Feng said lightly. Although Chen Feng was also tempted and jealous, he would not regret leaving Chen Feng.

"Young Master, what you said makes sense. The other party has an intermediate master, and it's not so easy to deal with." Bai Yu said.

"Flatterer." The illusion beast Qianbian said on the side.

"I think you are the flatterer. Do you deserve a beating?" Bai Yu said angrily.

"I'm not afraid of you." Qianbian retorted.

"Stop arguing." Chen Feng couldn't help but scolded, and both sides quieted down.

A few days later, everyone had long left the battle space. The speed of the space array was not slow, and Chen Feng used the means of space shuttle again in the middle. It took only a few days to advance a distance of millions of light years. If it weren't for the fear of skipping some life places, it would probably advance further.

"The other party didn't catch up, I don't know what the result will be?" Queen Mother Mo suddenly said.

"It's hard to say about this matter. The old man and the sword cultivator are very simple. Although they are injured, they should not be easily killed. Of course, if the other party sends out some combat puppets, it's hard to say." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

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