Eternal Existence

Chapter 1785 Leaving the Tomb

"I knew you would sneak attack." When the clone of Tongming Beast attacked, Chen Feng turned around suddenly, and the moves he had prepared long ago burst out. Hundreds of sword qi burst out like giant fireworks, wrapping up the clone of Tongming Beast.


With a violent explosion, Tongming Beast emerged from the sword qi, and then collided with Chen Feng. The momentum of Tongming Beast did not decrease, while Chen Feng retreated quickly, as if he was knocked away, but Chen Feng took the opportunity to break through several layers of space.

Although they had just come into contact, Chen Feng had already seen that although he had practiced the art of moving against the sky, he was still suppressed in the opponent's territory. At least the layers of space here required him to constantly break through one by one, which greatly restricted Chen Feng's actions. However, the clone of the Tongming Beast was not affected by these spaces or even the turbulence of the void, because this was his territory, and everything here was decided by the Tongming Beast. One was suppressed and the other was not affected, so the gap between the two sides came out. The Tongming Beast could even mobilize all the forces in this space to suppress Chen Feng, so the gap widened again on this basis.

Seeing Chen Feng breaking through the layers of space and wanting to leave, the Tongming Beast was not in a hurry to catch up, but followed slowly behind, anyway, these space barriers had no effect on him.

Chen Feng was somewhat helpless. He had already exerted his speed to the fastest, but he still couldn't match the opponent's leisurely stroll, so Chen Feng simply stopped, holding the Changsheng Sword and locking the Tongming Beast from a distance. He had a thought of destroying everything. At the same time, Chen Feng still used the Time Disk, but he didn't use it to attack. It just floated above his head, emitting the power of time to cover his body. This was Chen Feng using the power of the magic weapon to counter the suppression of the world on him.

"I didn't expect that I would have to use the power of the magic weapon in the end. It seems that my strength is still too weak." Chen Feng sighed in his heart, and soon became energetic again. Although he felt unhappy deep in his heart, he knew that in this situation, facing such an opponent, if he didn't do his best, he would definitely die.

"Don't you want to say something?" Looking at the Tongming Beast walking slowly, Chen Feng said with a smile, and at the same time, his feet shook, and the Devouring Avenue slowly unfolded. This was his own power, and it was also the strongest avenue that Chen Feng had cultivated. Although it was still a little worse than the Devouring Void Beast, it was enough to shock other cultivators.

Sure enough, watching Chen Feng unfold the Devouring Avenue, the Tongming Beast was somewhat moved, but he was still confident that he could kill Chen Feng.

"There is nothing to say, once you come to my territory, don't think about leaving." The Tongming Beast clone said lightly,

"You are the one who said this, but I am afraid that your little clone can't do this." Chen Feng said lightly, and black holes began to emerge on the Devouring Avenue, one after another, and the suction generated collided with each other and changed again, looking extremely fierce. Even the overlapping space around and the tough barrier began to twist under this force, and finally couldn't bear it and collapsed one after another.

"I am now fully urging the Devouring Avenue. It is not a problem to destroy an ordinary galaxy. I just don't know how much damage I can cause to this powerful beast." Chen Feng said in his heart.

The Tongming Beast clones encountered before were all killed by Chen Feng and Qingfeng Niu. Now Chen Feng is alone and doesn't have much confidence. Moreover, the clone in front of him seems to be a little different. Chen Feng can't see where the difference is, but there is an indescribable special feeling.

"The Tongming beast, a divine beast among spirit beasts, has insight into the great way and understands everything. In terms of wisdom alone, it ranks among all divine beasts. Today, I want to see it for myself." Chen Feng said with a smile, holding the Changsheng Sword and sending a little starlight towards the Tongming beast.

This little starlight looks very small, but it is very fast and has amazing penetration power. However, just when the Tongming beast wanted to deal with it, this little starlight suddenly exploded and turned into a huge silk net that covered the Tongming beast.

Facing this strange attack method, the Tongming beast's clone showed a trace of mockery in his eyes, and then a faint green light emanated from his body. The huge silk net melted away as soon as it touched these lights, just like the thinnest veil thrown into a blazing fire, without even a pause.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, the sky full of starlight exploded again, and the silk net formed covered it from all directions, but it was a pity that the result was the same in the end, that is, it could not rely on the Devouring Beast.


The Devouring Beast seemed to be angered by Chen Feng's actions. The blue light around it was so bright that it melted all the silk nets around it. At the same time, the blue light quickly gathered in one direction, and the extension speed suddenly increased several times, sweeping towards Chen Feng.

The moment Chen Feng saw the blue light, he felt a strong crisis. Chen Feng rarely encountered this level of crisis, and it also showed that the blue light in front of him had reached a fatal level for him.

"The power of Daluo, this transparent beast has touched the realm of Daluo, but I don't know if it has just touched it or has already mastered it. However, the clones I met before don't seem to have this ability. Could it be possible?" Thinking of this, Chen Feng's heart jumped suddenly, as if an ancient planet exploded, and powerful power gushed out. It did not flow in Chen Feng's body, but directly entered the divine wings behind him.

Then the wings of Shenxing bloomed with a dazzling golden stream of light, and the wings closed together, suddenly wrapping Chen Feng. Then Chen Feng's entire body turned into an oval, spun at high speed, opened a space passage, and quickly moved away. Escape.

The previous thought of fighting with the opponent was immediately given up. Chen Feng's previous speculations made Chen Feng decide that the most correct choice was to rush to Lika.

At this time, Chen Feng's actions should not be called the Divine Movement Technique but the Divine Movement Escape Technique. It stimulated the power of the Chaos Heart in his heart and brought the Divine Movement Wings into full play. At this time, Chen Feng almost had some transcendence. Power, although this is still the territory of the transparent beast, neither the layered space nor the chaotic void force blocks Chen Feng's shuttle.

And when Chen Feng left, the black holes in the swallowing avenue flew out one after another, and quickly formed a magic circle to block the transparent beast.

"I don't know how far I can escape. No matter what, the most important thing is to leave this mountain peak first. As for whether I can break open the tomb and get out, that will be a matter later." Chen Feng thought in his heart, but began to use other methods. means.

While activating the magic technique to escape, Chen Feng also began to communicate with the nine divine nails. Logically speaking, the nine divine nails had already penetrated into the tomb and could completely seal the entire tomb. In this way, the huge tomb in the tomb would be sealed. The space can be completely controlled by Chen Feng at will. After all, no matter how powerful this tomb is, it cannot compare to the existence of the chaos magic weapon.

But the premise is that the Jiuji Heavenly Locking Divine Nail can exert that kind of power. The source of all this lies in Chen Feng. This time it has been proved once again that the power of one's own power is the most important.

Chen Feng cannot reach the realm, so he can only use part of the power of the Nine Divine Nails. At this time, Chen Feng has to use this part of the power.

Fortunately, Chen Feng has established a connection with the nine divine nails. As long as Chen Feng has a thought, he can use the power of the divine nails.

However, the power of the transparent beast is too strong, and these powers have to be used in key places.

The divine wings wrapped around Chen Feng and rotated at high speed, traveling through the space. In fact, Chen Feng himself did not follow the circle, but mobilized all his energy to observe the situation around him.

At this time, he has flown over countless mountain peaks. Chen Feng estimates that he will leave the mountains soon. In Chen Feng's opinion, this is the lair of the transparent beast. There are other people destroying it here, and the other party should not desperately pursue it. Just kill yourself.

At this time, Chen Feng's eyes flashed and he saw Qingfeng Niu and the others. The situation of these three alien beasts seemed not to be good either. All he saw was that a mountain peak collapsed and the three alien beasts rushed out in embarrassment. Something seemed to be chasing them behind them. , but Chen Feng was faster at this time and could not see what it was.

Then Chen Feng saw the transparent beast suddenly breaking through the space and chasing after him. Without asking, he knew that the black hole he arranged did not have much effect.

The transparent beast happened to pass by three strange beasts, but it ignored these strange beasts and locked its eyes tightly on Chen Feng. At this time, the transparent beast's eyes clearly shone with interest in Chen Feng.

The three alien beasts who were fleeing also saw this scene. After a fierce fight, the three alien beasts finally broke through the restriction and rushed out. It was the stage of escape, and then they saw the clone of the transparent beast. Then the three alien beasts felt like they were vomiting blood. They thought that they might not be able to escape this time. Just when they were thinking of stopping and fighting to gain some life, they saw the clone of the transparent beast rushing past them and the others. .

Completely ignoring myself and others.

It's better to ignore yourself, then there will be no danger.

But is this transparent beast clone stupid, or is it blind? Why can't it see itself and others?

"It's Chen Feng. The other party is chasing Chen Feng."

"As expected, it's Chen Feng. This kid is really fast."

"But to make the transparent beast give up on us and chase Chen Feng, Chen Feng must have obtained a treasure, a huge treasure."

"No wonder this kid didn't follow. It turns out he discovered something good."

"Hey, something's not right. Don't you feel that there's something wrong with the transparent beast clone?"

"There's something wrong, but I can't tell."

"Hurry up, the guy behind you is chasing me. This is not the time to talk nonsense."

Regardless of whether the three strange beasts can get out of trouble, Chen Feng has already started fighting with the transparent beast again.


A ball of energy suddenly exploded, and Chen Feng flew out from it like a meteorite. Moreover, Chen Feng's whole body was covered with golden light, and a whole set of immortal armor made a clatter.

"I thought you were a clone before, but then I guessed that you were the real body. Now I finally understand. It turns out that you are such a kind of existence. The body's bones and the essence and blood are transformed into an external incarnation, which is no different from the real body. , the only difference is that the strength is not enough, but what I am more curious about is the true strength of your body. A piece of bone and a drop of blood essence have the power of the intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal. So what about the body, is it high-level? I'm afraid not, I think it should be It’s half-step Daluo. I don’t know how far you have traveled in the realm of Daluo, or have you just touched it?" Chen Feng kept talking while quickly calculating and analyzing the situation in front of him. This time his opponent was really too strong. If you become stronger, you will not be able to escape even if you run away.

If he were in other places, Chen Feng could still escape by summoning the River of Time, but this is the opponent's territory, and everything is under the control of the opponent. I'm afraid it would not be so easy to escape. If it weren't for the independent domain created by the Time Disk, Chen Feng would have been able to escape long ago. He was captured or killed by the opponent.

"Good vision, but I think your pupil technique needs another step to advance. It's a pity that you will die here today. No, hey, you actually refined the Void Beast, but it's a pity that you can't exhale all your strength, otherwise you will really escape today." The Tongming Beast swept his eyes and even saw the Void pupil between Chen Feng's eyebrows.

"It's worthy of being a Tongming Beast. Under the other party's eyes, my secrets are completely exposed. But the most important thing is that the other party is much stronger than me. When I go out this time, I must find a place to pass the calamity and improve my strength before I can continue to venture out. Who knows what dangers are waiting for me in the depths of this space." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"I'm curious, why do you keep chasing me? I'm not the only one who entered this place." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"It's better to let you die with a clear mind, because of your physique." The Tongming Beast said lightly, not worried that Chen Feng would play tricks at all. These prey can't escape in their own territory.

"You want to take over." Chen Feng's eyes flashed.

"It's not about taking over the body, I just want to study it. After all, this is the first time I have seen a chaotic body." Tongming Beast said.

"Have you heard of other chaotic bodies?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Okay, enough of that. It's useless for you to delay. Use your skills quickly, otherwise you won't have a chance in the future." Tongming Beast said, and its body suddenly shrank a little, and then its two eyes suddenly flashed, and two light circles swept towards Chen Feng. This move was like the flash of the Greedy Beast, but the speed was a little slower, but the law aura contained in it surprised Chen Feng secretly.

"I don't know if I can block it." Chen Feng sighed a little, and the power of time surrounding his body quickly condensed into a long river and rushed forward. This is a simplified version of the long river of time.

The long river of time can truly cross the distance of time and space, so it soon collided with the opponent's attack, but the opponent's two light circles were too fierce. As soon as the two sides came into contact with the long river of time, they were defeated, and the two light circles still swept over quickly.


The light circle hit a huge shield. The shield was thick and tall, a million miles in size. From a distance, it seemed to cut the universe in half.

It was the Heaven Covering Shield, a top-grade artifact.

"Although I am not your opponent, it is probably impossible to deal with me." Chen Feng said lightly, secretly performing a secret technique, but the surrounding space shook slightly.

Although it was very slight, it was still felt by the Tongming Beast.

"Spatial restraint! So you have arranged some means outside the tomb." Tongming Beast said with some surprise.

"Yes, you have a good eye." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hahahahahaha." At this time, the Tongming Beast suddenly laughed, as if he had heard the most incredible thing in the world.

"You think that arranging some means outside the tomb can work, what a joke, this is my territory, this is a small universe, don't say that even if you are a high-level Taiyi Jinxian, it will be useless." Tongming Beast said with a mocking look in his eyes.

"Really? Then we'll wait and see." Chen Feng said lightly. At this time, the surrounding binding force gradually became stronger, and cracks appeared in the tough space, as if it was cut by a knife.


At this time, Tongming Beast was a little moved, as if the situation was a little different from what he thought.

So Tongming Beast closed his eyes and sensed it secretly.

"It's the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail, or a top-grade artifact. How can you have such a thing." Tongming Beast suddenly exclaimed, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Oh, I see it, yes, it is the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail. I wonder if it will have any effect on your grave." Chen Feng said with a smile. At this time, a series of sharp sounds rang out, and nine huge divine nails suddenly rushed over from all directions, targeting Tongming Beast.

Of course, this is not a real divine nail, but an image condensed by the power of the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail. It looks scary, but only Chen Feng knows that it is far less powerful than the divine nail itself.

However, Chen Feng had no other good way at this time. He could only leave this space in this way. Yes, Chen Feng was thinking about leaving now. Even if he used the divine nail, Chen Feng was not sure that he could kill the opponent. Besides, even if he could kill the Tongming Beast in front of him, what would happen? This was just the incarnation of the opponent. The real body had not appeared yet.

Unless he used the water flag, but this thought was extinguished immediately after it flashed through his mind. If Chen Feng was sure that he could deal with the Tongming Beast and the entire tomb, then Chen Feng would definitely use the water flag. But if Chen Feng could not control everything after using the water flag, then he would be the one who would be unlucky next. If the chaos magic weapon was leaked, not to mention that the body of the Tongming Beast would jump out regardless of the consequences, even Qiu Li Shengjun and the other beasts would also target him and might attack him. Even if these people did not attack him, Chen Feng would not easily use the water flag. If the aura of the chaos magic weapon was leaked, who knew what kind of people would be attracted.

In the end, Chen Feng was not strong enough, otherwise he would not have hidden the treasure and tied his hands and feet. Chen Feng even suspected that the Tongming Beast had been staring at him and had sensed the breath of the water flag.

The huge sky-covering shield blocked the attack of the Tongming Beast, and then nine divine nails appeared, tearing through the space to lock the Tongming Beast, and directly launched an attack.

This can also be regarded as Chen Feng's counterattack.

Chen Feng could have left the tomb completely after using the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail. After all, nine nails were inserted into the tomb from the outside. The reason why the tomb did not collapse was because of the magic power of the Tongming Beast.

Boom! Boom!

However, as Chen Feng activated the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail, the tomb still shook. When the Tongming Beast mobilized its power to deal with it, the surrounding space shook to the extreme.

"The space is shaking!"

"No, it's the tomb that is shaking. Judging from the direction, it should be the place where Chen Feng left just now."

"Could it be that Chen Feng and the Tongming Beast fought? The noise was too loud. What magic weapon did this guy use?"

"Should we go and take a look?"

"No need. The other party's fight is a good opportunity for us."

"Yes, a good opportunity to find treasures."

When Chen Feng and the Tongming Beast fought, the three beasts, Qingfeng Niu, finally got rid of the danger, but did not think of leaving this place immediately, but went to other places to look for treasures.

Facing the attack of the nine divine nails, the Tongming Beast was surprised at first, but soon regained its composure. A big hole suddenly appeared on the top of the Tongming Beast's head, and then a group of black threads flew out of it. After coming out, the black threads suddenly pulled apart, struggled and twisted, and turned into bundles of crazy bundles to entangle the nine divine nails that were nailing.

At the same time, countless silk threads gathered from the space inside the entire tomb, trying to tear open the space blocked by the divine nails, and some chose to attack Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng saw these void silk threads, he was still very calm, but when he saw the black threads that drilled out from the top of the Tongming Beast's head, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"It turned out to be the black flame silk, and this quantity and quality are far beyond that of Saint Qiu Li." Chen Feng couldn't help exclaiming.

"It seems that I can't kill the other party."

As soon as the other party's means appeared, Chen Feng had guessed the next result. Without waiting for the final outcome, Chen Feng waved his hand and a huge crack appeared in front of him again. This was torn from the outside by the divine nails.

Chen Feng was leaving.

But just when Chen Feng was about to enter the crack, a turbulent flow of void suddenly rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Hey! There is still a way to attack at this time, is it the main body that took action?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he still waved his hand, and the sky-covering shield suddenly rushed forward, and the turbulent flow that came suddenly was broken.

But then several more turbulent flows of void appeared, and one of them even disrupted the void crack opened by Chen Feng.


Chen Feng said secretly, and he was a little anxious. At this time, the attack of the nine god nails had been affected by the attack of the transparent beast, and the dense entanglement of the black flame silk slowed down the speed of the god nails.


Chen Feng shouted softly, and one of the god nails suddenly exploded, turning into a completely tiny god nail through the loopholes of the black flame silk to attack the transparent beast.


A halo of light came out of the eyes of the Tongming Beast, destroying all the divine nails. However, at this time, the other eight divine nails also exploded at the same time. At this time, the area where the Tongming Beast was located was completely covered by countless divine nails, and only the black flame silk was still appearing from time to time.


A crack appeared around Chen Feng again. At this time, Chen Feng no longer hesitated and quickly entered it. However, when he entered the crack, Chen Feng felt that the space here was shaking violently again. At first, Chen Feng thought it was caused by his fight with the Tongming Beast. After coming out of the tomb, he realized that it was not the case.

"Finally came out. I didn't expect that I didn't gain much this time. It's a pity." Chen Feng said with some emotion after coming out of the tomb.

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