Eternal Existence

Chapter 1786 The Fall of the Avatar

After coming out, Chen Feng saw that the nine divine nails inserted into the tomb were beating violently, and two of the divine nails were even showing signs of being pulled out.

This shows that there is a powerful force erupting in the tomb, and the divine nails are gradually unable to seal it.

"its not right!"

Only then did Chen Feng remember the turmoil he felt when he left just now.

"It shouldn't be the fluctuation caused by the battle, nor the power of the transparent beast. Could it be that other changes have occurred." Chen Feng was a little surprised and had the idea of ​​​​entering to investigate again, but after thinking about it, he interrupted the idea.

"Now that I'm out, I won't go in. You can go to other places to have a look." Chen Feng said to himself.

Then Chen Feng's body suddenly shook slightly, and a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes. Then, a wave of energy almost condensed fell from the void and penetrated into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Feng's face was a little gloomy. He had lost a ray of soul power. This was nothing. With Chen Feng's strength, he would be able to cultivate it back quickly, but if the clone was destroyed, it would truly disappear.

The evil tiger's clone has fallen. When Chen Feng sensed it, he also received the mental feedback of the evil tiger before his death, so Chen Feng knew the reason for the evil tiger's death.

Although Chen Feng had been mentally prepared for this for a long time, he still couldn't deal with it calmly when it happened. In fact, it was just Chen Feng's clone. After it died, Chen Feng could completely refine it again as long as he had the materials. But the real reason that made Chen Feng a little angry was that these clones had been following him for a long time, going through life and death, fighting and fighting. Their sudden disappearance made Chen Feng feel empty.

"Although the gains are great, this place is also full of crises. It's good that these clones of mine can persist until now." Chen Feng sighed and calmed down his impetuous mood, knowing that this kind of thing is inevitable. .

"Looks like I need to go take a look. I hope Mother Queen and the others are okay." Chen Feng said and stretched out his hand to grab it. The nine divine nails inserted into the tomb flew out one after another, fell into Chen Feng's hand, and disappeared after circling for a few times. .


As soon as he left, Chen Feng didn't hesitate at all. The space array flew out and carried Chen Feng quickly through the tomb.

At this time, Chen Feng had changed his mind. Instead of going deeper, he thought of leaving the tomb area first, and then looking for the Mother Queen and the others. According to the warnings Chen Feng received from the Mother Queen Mo, they also gained a lot of rewards. Amazing discovery.

Another point is that this tomb area gives Chen Feng a very strange feeling, as if a powerful life will jump out at the next moment.

The danger is certain. If he hadn't encountered an existence like the Transparent Beast, or Chen Feng had no worries, or Chen Feng had companions, or some other external reasons, Chen Feng would have to end his adventure.

"Anyway, it's a small gain, but I don't know when Qiu Li Shengjun and the others will come out. It seems that Qiu Li Shengjun will not be in danger, but Qingfeng Niu and the others are hard to say." Chen Feng muttered, and then suddenly stopped. When we got down, we felt a group of monks chasing us from behind.

Looking back, Chen Feng had a surprised look on his face: "I didn't expect these guys to take the opportunity to come out. It's quite lucky."

It's not surprising that Chen Feng thinks this way. After all, that space is still very dangerous. He, Qingfeng Niu and others almost died in it. It is indeed lucky for these junior Taiyi Golden Immortals to come out alive. Of course, the bigger reason is The place where these people are is relatively safe, and the transparent beast looks down on these people.


Seeing Chen Feng, the beast-armored monk, rushed over with some surprise, and the others also followed. Chen Feng looked at how many more people there were than when he first met him. At this time, these people had concealed expressions in their eyes. They couldn't help but feel excited. It seemed that these people had been suffering from being trapped in the tomb for so long. Now that they were free, they would naturally be excited.

"Everyone has come out too." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist. If Fellow Daoist hadn't torn apart the space, we wouldn't have been able to get out." The beast-armored monk said quickly.

"Yes, thanks to fellow Taoist, have you found what you need?" Someone else said at this time. These people have known Chen Feng's strength for a long time, and now they are even more sure after coming out, especially when they feel the tearing of the void. With the pressure conveyed, these people had a better understanding of Chen Feng's strength and a little more awe. Some of them even secretly called Chen Feng their senior.

"It's your ability to come out. I didn't help us." Chen Feng waved his hand, and without waiting for the other party to say more, he activated the space array disk to leave quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Seeing Chen Feng leave so simply, these monks were stunned. They were a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. It was even more impossible to catch up.

"Haha, it must be that the other party has something to do. Well, now is not the time to talk about this. We have come out of the grave and are finally free. Let's discuss where to go next." The beast-armored monk said with a smile.

"That's right. Even though I didn't stay there for long, it lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. Even though I can still practice, it's still not as good as outside."

"Okay, now that we're out, let's separate."

"Fellow Taoists, see you soon."


Several people left in the blink of an eye. After all, these people were all advanced monks. Although they had been trapped for so long, they did not show any fear. Now that they were free, what they wanted to do most was of course fly around.

The beast armor monk hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing. After this group of people left, he smiled and said: "It seems that everyone has their own plans. In this case, I will not force you, but I still hope that we can join forces to make a breakthrough here. After all, it is still too weak to be alone in such a mysterious and unknown place."

"Yes, what you said makes sense, and I am willing to join forces with you." As soon as the beast armor monk finished speaking, someone immediately stood up to express support and agreement.

"Okay, joining forces is also a good choice."

"I like to walk around alone."

"Let's unite."

Then the beast armor monk successfully recruited three people to form a small team, and the others left one after another.

Chen Feng was still very smooth when leaving the tomb area. Although he encountered some dead creatures, most of them were directly avoided by speed. It was not that Chen Feng was afraid of the other party, but Chen Feng did not want to waste time here. Of course, if he encountered some inevitable troubles, Chen Feng would use powerful means to quickly solve them.

However, Chen Feng encountered a group of poisonous lizards as soon as he came out of the tomb area. These poisonous lizards all moved in their bodies. Although they were huge, they looked a bit disgusting. Moreover, because of their highly toxic nature, the earth and space were polluted wherever they passed. They were simply synonymous with disasters. I don’t know how many lives would avoid the poisonous lizards when they saw them appear. Those who couldn’t avoid them would be killed by the highly toxic lizards.

“Are these guys so arrogant here? They are simply rampant. No wonder they can occupy this area together with the Fire Dragon Clan.” Chen Feng said lightly.


Originally, Chen Feng thought that these poisonous lizards were coming for him, but he soon found out that they were not, because although there were many poisonous lizards, their strength was not too strong, far inferior to the ugly men and women he met at the beginning.


After confirming that Chen Feng was a human, these poisonous lizards rushed up one after another. The huge and ugly bodies made Chen Feng not want to look at them again after the first glance.

"I should have dodged it earlier." Chen Feng frowned and said, although he said so, Chen Feng still made a move, and his move was faster and more ruthless, in order to quickly deal with these poisonous lizards.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Chen Feng just emitted the Immortal Light and the Fire Light. Both of these divine lights have great power. After they were in Chen Feng's hands, they were gradually refined by Chen Feng and could be integrated with each other. After the integration, the power was greatly increased.

So you can see beams of divine light sweeping out, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of large poisonous lizards blocking Chen Feng were cut into pieces. Chen Feng waved his hand and collected all the crystal cores in the opponent's body.

"Although it's a bit disgusting, the essence is still very pure." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then quickly left this place.

However, Chen Feng soon realized that because of killing these poisonous lizards, some troubles had been caused, and they appeared one after another, which annoyed Chen Feng. In the end, it alarmed the Fire Dragon Clan. The two races continued to send out masters to kill Chen Feng. Later, even the Alien Beast Alliance and other forces got involved.

Because the Fire Dragon Clan and the Poison Lizard Clan issued a bounty order.


A fire dragon that was 100,000 miles long was directly nailed to death by Chen Feng holding a war spear, and then turned around and punched an unknown alien beast that was hiding in the dark and wanted to sneak attack Chen Feng, and was beaten to pieces.

Then Chen Feng's body shook repeatedly and dodged the attack of two flying swords. He took a step forward and directly stepped on a violent earth ape to death.


Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and a beam of golden light swept out, and several more alien beasts were cut in half.

"Hmph! You don't know how to live or die." Chen Feng snorted coldly, then turned and left, but he was stopped by a fire dragon before he went far. This time Chen Feng had to stop and fight, because this fire dragon was a Taiyi Jinxian. That's not all, Chen Feng also felt that there was something hidden in the dark.

The huge fire dragon attacked extremely fiercely, with blazing black flames burning all over its body, and even the void was constantly burned and collapsed. This was a fire dragon that practiced the power of death, and the flames of death came out of its body. It was a top genius in the entire fire dragon clan.

"At least it's a genius, with the potential to enter the intermediate or higher level. It would be a pity if it died here." Chen Feng said with a smile, and the spear in his hand stabbed fiercely, and the flames that rushed in front of him were scattered, and at the same time, there was a big hole on the fire dragon.

"Good defense, a natural strong body plus acquired training, no wonder you can withstand my attack, but how long can you last." Chen Feng said as he threw a punch, and the huge fist shadow exploded before it landed on the opponent.

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