Eternal Existence

Chapter 4545 It’s not over yet

Blocking all four directions, powerful forces fell on Tiansha.


This is Chen Feng's calculation.

Since he can't do anything to his opponent, he has to find a way to suppress him.

So it is the best choice to lead the opponent to the free space. In this way, on their own territory, they can suppress the opponent, and the Gate of Time and Space can also exert their strongest power.

There is also the power of the free space. At this moment, Chen Feng felt a stronger force than the previous invasion of the Source of All Origins.

Chen Feng even suspected whether the will of the Gate of Origin was involved.

Under the impact of multiple forces, Tiansha couldn't stand steadily, let alone fight with Chen Feng.


Chen Feng threw out the God Mountain and smashed Tiansha down hard. Various forces spread to the God Mountain.

At first, Tiansha could still struggle. The God Mountain shook violently and was somewhat unable to suppress it, but as the power increased, Tiansha was finally suppressed.

Countless forces condensed into runes, which are sealing runes.

"It's a huge sacrifice. Even the sacred mountain cannot be used for the time being. However, I have solved a person above the Primordial. Anyway, it was my calculation that made it successful. I feel very accomplished." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng walked towards the source of all sources again. As Chen Feng walked step by step, the previously shattered domain quickly recovered. Chen Feng waved his hand, and four origin-level long swords circled around Chen Feng.

In addition to their own power, these long swords are also blending with the power of the domain.

Without the sacred mountain, Chen Feng had to take out other magic weapons to replace them.

Although Tiansha was solved, the matter was not over yet, and the invasion had to continue.

Or it was just a temporary suppression of Tiansha, and maybe the other party would rush out soon.

"It can still be like this!"

Emperor Wanfeng and Qi looked at each other. They didn't expect that Tiansha was suppressed. Although Chen Feng used external forces, a being above the Primordial should not end up like this.

Thinking further, since Tiansha can be suppressed, can he also be suppressed?

The result is that it can be suppressed.

Isn't the Hunyuan Supreme the strongest cultivator?

Speaking of which, Emperor Wanfeng and Qi are also well-informed and have seen the world. The fight between the Hunyuan Supremes can determine life and death, but it is the first time that a Hunyuan Golden Immortal has simply suppressed a Hunyuan Supreme with the help of some power.

"Daoyou, help me." At this time, Emperor Wanfeng received the will from Tiansha.

"Hehe!" Emperor Wanfeng smiled. He didn't expect the other party to ask for help from him, but thinking about it again, this is normal. After all, everyone is the life of Wanyuanyuan.

If it were another opponent, then Emperor Wanfeng would really help. After all, even if the two sides have a feud, they still have to fight the enemy together from the standpoint of Wanyuanyuan.

But now Emperor Wanfeng's situation is different. The previous breakthrough was originally on the opposite side of Wanyuanyuan.

Although they reconciled, they had to do it.

Besides, there is also a relationship with Chen Feng. Although Chen Feng is a little weaker now, Emperor Wanfeng sees infinite potential in Chen Feng.

This is an existence that can become above Hunyuan.

And Emperor Wanfeng did not want to fight against the Time River. Tiansha was suppressed too quickly just now.

Emperor Wanfeng thought if he helped, would he end up like this?

He had just broken through to Hunyuan. If he was suppressed, he would regret it and he would not know who to talk to.

Emperor Wanfeng would not help, and Qi, who had not yet recovered his strength, would not help.

So Tiansha's request for help was doomed to be useless.

"The two Taoist friends really don't want to help. We are all from the source of Wanyuan, especially when we have cultivated to this point, we have cause and effect with each other, and the road of cultivation in the future is also very long. I just want to break through soon. The two Taoist friends can simply do me a favor." Tiansha said again.

"You are right. Since we have all reached the level of Hunyuan, we have a better understanding of the existence of the level of Wanyuan. We still have a more important road to go. Besides, it is not that we don't want to take action, but we have reasons to do so. Please forgive me. Besides, since you will be out soon, I don't think I will delay this little time." Emperor Wanfeng responded.

Tiansha said no more, because he knew that Emperor Wanfeng and Qi would not take action to get along.

Rather than saying more uselessly, it is better to find a way to break free from the seal.

In fact, some of what happened just now was true and some was false. These seals could not suppress Tiansha for a long time, but Tiansha could not rush out in a short time.

If there is no external interference, this suppression is enough to support the end of this war.

Then the goal of the Time River has been achieved.

Emperor Wanfeng and Qi can naturally understand this point and will not wade into this muddy water.

"The two Hunyuan Aboves who came out this time are of course considered one, but since the helpers of Hunyuan Aboves have appeared, will there be other Hunyuan Aboves? Maybe we will meet old friends." Emperor Wanfeng said.

"It's hard to say. It's possible that old friends will really appear. If I meet my old opponents, it will be a bit bad." Qi said.

Qi is still far away from his peak. If he really encounters his previous opponents, then Qi will think about how to save his life.




The sacred mountain shook violently. This was the constant conflict between the gods. They wanted to break through the seal. There seemed to be a lot of movement. The sacred mountain seemed to be overturned at any time, but it was useless. As the surrounding forces became more and more powerful, the mountain continued to move. Blessed on the sacred mountain, more runes appear. As long as there is no external intervention, it will be difficult for the Tiansha to break out.

Of course, similarly, due to the suppression of Tiansha, the Time Changhe side paid part of the price.

Otherwise, if all these forces are used to invade the Source of All Sources, then more areas can be seized.

Since it is a competition between origins, it is normal for someone above Hunyuan to appear. Chen Feng is very curious now whether there will be someone above Hunyuan appearing on the side of the Gate of Origin.

What Chen Feng is talking about is not about the long river of time and the others, but about the cultivation of real life to the level of Hunyuan.

Chen Feng is still very curious. After all, up until now, Chen Feng has never seen anyone above Hunyuan. Even the powerful beings he has seen in the Gate of Origin are only the top masters among the Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

That kind of transcendent master was what Chen Feng was most curious about and expected.

"But masters of this level are really difficult to grasp. If they appear, it's hard to say whether they are friends or foes." Chen Feng thought this way.

If the side of Time Changhe has the upper hand, Chen Feng naturally does not want other forces to get involved, but now his opponents are getting stronger and stronger, and there are even beings above Hunyuan. It would be a pity if his side failed to invade this time. .

"It's useless to think so much now, and I don't have any trump cards. If there is really trouble next, it will be Time Changhe and the others who are anxious, or even the Gate of Origin. I don't need to worry about it. They may be able to bring some equals. Layer helper.”

"But the huge origins of these two parties should not come to this point. Also, these two families are so close. There has been no conflict before. They don't care about each other's territory. If that is the case, then this There should never be a conflict.”

"Could it be that there was a conflict between the people under my command and this got involved." Chen Feng thought.

Since Hunyuan Shang had been suppressed just now, Chen Feng only felt very relaxed now.

After calming down the field, he continued to rush forward. Four origin-level long swords shuttled back and forth. The Source of All Sources space in front was cut into pieces. The energy was scattered and the rules were broken, making it easier to invade.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng to return to the area he had occupied before, and then continued to move forward.

"Be careful, there may be highways coming next." Qi reminded Chen Feng at this time.

"Is it still above Hunyuan?" Chen Feng asked quickly with a thought in his heart.

If it is still above Hunyuan, then it will be really troublesome, and I am afraid that using Time River and their methods this time may not be effective.

"What is missing is Huiyuan. Don't forget that what you are invading is the source of all sources. This is the place of origin. In addition to Hunyuan, there are countless Hunyuan Golden Immortals." Qi said.

"Just like before, I hope they all enter the free space and don't get involved. To put it bluntly, it is indeed a bit troublesome." Chen Feng said.

It is still a bit strange to say that most of the Hunyuan Golden Immortals who came before have ventured into the independent space, and these Hunyuan Golden Immortals only came after receiving trading tasks from the Source of All Sources.

However, it is not difficult for the Source of Ten Thousand Sources to pay some price and find some powerful helpers to help.

Although Chen Feng was not prepared, in fact Chen Feng had always been prepared.

The Hunyuan that appeared before also had no help for himself.

"Speaking of which, we still lack some helpers. The previous ones, like the monks from the Source of All Sources, ventured into each other's territory."

"Actually, if you really continue to participate in this battle, the benefits you get will definitely exceed the benefits you get from taking risks. However, facing the mysterious area, no one can resist the temptation. Even if you can't get any treasures and resources, just It is to see a new origin, and practice has great benefits for one's own realm."

Tsk tsk tsk! Tsk tsk tsk!

Chen Feng thought as he walked forward. The next period of time went surprisingly smoothly, and Chen Feng quickly expanded his territory by a large area.

During this process, Chen Feng also took the time to sense the situation on the other side of the river of time.

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