Eternal Existence

Chapter 4546 Diversion

At this time, Chen Feng's body began to shrink, and the golden light on his body began to shrink. It seemed that Chen Feng was recovering his strength, but in fact, several people close to him felt strong pressure from Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's body is shrinking, but the energy in his body lacks rapid refining and absorption, and there is also some compression and purification process.

During this period of confrontation, Chen Feng did realize that the Chaos Body also made some breakthroughs.

While Chen Feng absorbed the power of the Source of All Sources, he also absorbed some of the River of Time and their power.

In fact, what Chen Feng wanted to do most was to restore the power of the energy tower. They had worked together to complete a law in the past.

But in Chen Feng's opinion, it's not enough.

If the energy tower returns to its peak state, it can be as powerful as the Gate of Time and Space. This is a power that is completely controlled by Chen Feng.

At that time, Chen Feng can be said to be truly safe, unless he encounters such a battle that surpasses the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Under normal circumstances, no matter what danger or dispute. They will rely on energy towers to suppress everything.

However, Chen Feng also knows that his own practice is the most important. Even if his energy returns to its peak state, if his strength is not enough, it will cost a lot to activate it.

Of course, once the energy tower is used, it must be an emergency.

Under the threat of life, it is normal to use all means.


The Source of All Sources used another powerful force. This kind of force was somewhat unfamiliar to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng deduced the source of this force.

This is the power from the acupoints.

Not just one, but many forces appeared, gathering into a torrent and turning into a huge long river, washing away mightily.

Rivers of power have appeared before, and now the two sides are still fighting endlessly, but the river of power that appeared this time is very powerful.

It was as if all the acupuncture points in Chen Feng's body exploded together, just because of the power that had been accumulated for too long.

Time Changhe wanted to stop it, but was defeated. The Source of Creation and the others quickly stepped forward and used a lot of power to gradually block the opponent's momentum.

"Having used the power in the acupoints, does it mean that the source of all sources has no other way now?" Chen Feng came up with this idea.

If this is the case, it would be a bit troublesome, which also shows that the source of all sources should have no other means.

In Chen Feng's view, using the power in the acupoints was undoubtedly the last resort.

"Then if we survive this wave, will we be able to invade better next time?" Chen Feng thought for a while, but took the initiative to communicate with the Gate of Time and Space.

Initially, Chen Feng had the closest relationship with Time Changhe, but after experiencing some previous events, Chen Feng still chose to discuss some matters with the Gate of Time and Space.

It's interesting to say that in the beginning, there was still trouble between Chen Feng and the Gate of Time and Space.

But later on, the cooperation between Chen Feng and the Gate of Time and Space has been very good. The Gate of Time and Space has helped Chen Feng many times, for which Chen Feng is still very grateful.

Now Chen Feng feels that he is closer to the Gate of Time and Space, and he is also more affectionate towards the Gate of Time and Space.

"The source of all sources is not that simple. There must be means, but of course I hope that the opponent will have no means in the future. As long as we can block the opponent's impact this time, then we can launch a massive attack." The Gate of Time and Space said. responded.

"Also this time, the Gate of Origin will also use some of its forces. Just now, several powerful beings contacted us and wanted to participate, but we have not agreed yet."

After hearing this, Chen Feng looked calm on the surface, but secretly muttered in his heart that he didn't even discuss this kind of thing with himself. Sure enough, he still didn't regard himself as a being on the same level.

But this does not hinder Chen Feng's curiosity. Chen Feng also wants to know in advance, or to know more.

"It's the starting realm and the spiritual insect holy realm." said the gate of time and space.

"These two places?" Chen Feng was a little curious. He had never heard of them.

However, I have cultivated the starting path, and I also know the starting place. Could it be related to the starting state?

There is also the Spiritual Insect Holy Realm, which sounds a bit speculative.

"These are existences on the same level as us, but really speaking, they should be the same existences as the Immortal Stone Gate. Now is not the time to talk about this. In fact, it is easy to understand. These two also want to participate, but they Didn’t come in without our consent.”

"In addition, there are several others who are ready to make a move." said the Gate of Time and Space.

"The Gate of Origin is indeed powerful." Chen Feng said with emotion that so many powerful beings can suppress it.

What's important is that these are all born from the Gate of Origin.

"In this way, if everything goes well, other beings will not be allowed to intervene. Will they be willing?" Chen Feng said.

"It's hard to say. If there is any benefit, they may join forces and invade from another direction. Of course, the first choice is to join forces with us. Otherwise, they will rob us of our fruits and have to face us in the future. revenge."

"And now the Gate of Origin is also communicating with us. This time we are the main force. No matter how many existences of the same level there are, it is up to us to participate if they want to participate." said the Gate of Time and Space.

"It seems like there's nothing to worry about." After communicating with the Gate of Time and Space, Chen Feng felt confident.

This time, no matter what means the Wanyuan Source has, I will definitely win.

In this case, Chen Feng can also use some means.

In any case, get enough benefits first.

Chen Feng thought about it, and then went to communicate with Taixu Gate.

In fact, Chen Feng wanted to communicate with the Long River of Time at the first time, but then he gave up the idea.

I contacted Taixu Land, and it would be best to go through Taixu Gate. Moreover, I have never dealt with Taixu Gate before. Since Taixu Gate appeared this time, I would take the opportunity to contact it.

There is a long time in the future, and I will definitely deal with it again.

Fortunately, Taixu Gate expressed goodwill, and then Chen Feng easily suggested contacting Taixu Land.

Except for the spiritual Taoist who left, the remaining controllers who were in charge received Chen Feng's message, and were surprised at first, and then immediately walked out of the cave.

It can be said that at first, several controllers of Taixu Land were somewhat dissatisfied with Chen Feng, but as Chen Feng's strength increased, coupled with the subsequent development of Taixu Land, they gradually became convinced of Chen Feng.

This time, they naturally dared not neglect the news from Chen Feng, not to mention that it was the news that Taixu Gate helped Chen Feng to send.

"Be prepared to accept the benefits." Chen Feng said simply, so the power of Taixu Land began to shuttle through infinite time and space with Taixu Land, and after a while, a passage came to Chen Feng.

"Hey." Chen Feng smiled and began to infuse power.

Infusing power from such a distance can be said to be extremely generous.

At first, Chen Feng infused the power in the field, and after a while, Chen Feng felt the power fluctuations of Time River and others.

Although they didn't say anything, Chen Feng knew that they would most likely have opinions if they continued, or they had opinions now.

After all, most of the territory here is the power of Time River and others, and it is indeed inappropriate for Chen Feng to embezzle it.

Chen Feng also knew this, so he quickly set his sights on the source of Wanyuan, which had not yet been occupied, and plundered it alone.

Although this will still affect the overall situation, this is the best result. Moreover, the Taixu Gate has deliberately increased its power, so other beings can't say anything.

Taixu Land!

Everything was normal, but a long river of power came and rushed directly into the origin zone, so the entire Taixu Land shook slightly and was soon shrouded by thick spiritual energy.

It can be said that all the lives living in Taixu Land were alarmed. The powerful ones can feel that Taixu Land is expanding, and the weak ones can also feel that their cultivation speed has become faster. Moreover, the unfamiliar power has brought some shock and inspiration to themselves.

"This is another origin." The ancestor of Thunder God said, with a light flashing in his eyes.

"Hey, I don't know how far our Taixu Land will expand this time." The ancestor of Shenxu said.

"Isn't expansion a good thing? In this way, we will also become stronger, which is much better than our own hard practice." The Iron-Blooded Emperor said with a smile.

These controllers of Taixu Land each occupy one side, helping to stabilize Taixu Land while also comprehending these special powers.

"Traveling through countless time and space to come here, this is really a big deal, I really want to see it." Jiuhun Daozu said.

"Forget it, staying here is the most important thing, of course, it depends on what fellow Daoist Chen Feng wants." Tianxing Daojun said.

Since Chen Feng has passed on the power, it is the same to practice here.

Chen Feng naturally understands this, and he is a little hesitant in his heart. The strongest in Taixu Land is of course the controllers such as Shenxu Laozu. They can help a little, but now they need to sit in Taixu Land.

In addition, although there are some Hunyuan Jinxian, if they leave Taixu Land, they will fight desperately, and they may be injured.

"Let's wait a little longer. If we really need power, we can ask for some people's opinions." Chen Feng thought so.

"In fact, they are more willing to come out." Taixu Gate saw through what Chen Feng was thinking, so he said so.

"No hurry." Chen Feng responded with a smile.

"Daoyou do this." Yingsheng looked at Chen Feng's method with some surprise, but the spiritual Taoist was very excited.

The spiritual Taoist is closely connected with the Taixu Land. Of course, the reason why the spiritual Taoist is happy is not because his power has increased, but because he is happy that Chen Feng can think of the Taixu Land first.

"Will there be any problem with this?" Qiansha asked.

"Whether there is a problem or not, I can't miss the opportunity to gain benefits. In this way, more forces will participate in the war, which can also share some pressure for me." Chen Feng said indifferently.

As long as the Taixu Land develops well, Chen Feng will continue to send power to the Savage Universe.

Such a good opportunity is rare.

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