Eternal Existence

Chapter 4841 Solved

"Interesting, is this a coincidence? Otherwise, why do I always run into him?" Chen Feng sensed and explored, and then quickly came to an area.

Then Chen Feng met his fellow villager.

"Hello, fellow Taoist." Seeing Chen Feng appear, the other party did not feel strange, anyway, he took the initiative to greet him.

"The life area before?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I took it." This person above the mixed origin admitted very straightforwardly.

"For fellow Taoists, a life area, I don't think it should play a big role." Chen Feng was very curious.

The main thing is that if I didn't see it, it wouldn't matter, but I just left that origin area, and you took it.

Chen Feng naturally didn't believe it was a coincidence.

"It still has some effect on our practice, but fellow Taoists have also been to that place just now, I really don't know, this is a coincidence, if fellow Taoists need it, I will take out that life area." This person above the mixed origin seems to be very easy to talk to.

But Chen Feng waved his hand: "No need, since it's a coincidence, forget it, I just feel a little curious."

"Then goodbye, we'll meet again."

Chen Feng didn't want to communicate with the other party, and then left the place quickly.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng himself felt a little strange. Everyone came from the Gate of Origin. It stands to reason that they should communicate well, and maybe they will form a good alliance.

But Chen Feng has an inner rejection of this person.

Chen Feng knew that there was a definite reason, but he just hadn't found it yet.

"Otherwise, let the River of Time suppress the other party and ask." Chen Feng had such an idea, but then shook his head.

Next, Chen Feng still had some thoughts, so he found another life area.

The scale of this life area is not small, and there are some lives at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Chen Feng came here and stayed for a while.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to leave a clone here, but after thinking about it, he didn't do it.

So Chen Feng left this strange area after a while.

When Chen Feng came back again, the origin area had also disappeared, and there were still some power fluctuations around it.

Seeing the huge empty area in front of him, which was being submerged by the power of Guixu bit by bit, Chen Feng was silent, and Chen Feng felt more and more strange in his heart.

"What is going on?"

Then Chen Feng used the cause and effect technique and easily found a vague cause and effect line.

This cause and effect line is related to the person above Hunyuan.

"Sure enough, there is still a problem. I just don't know where the problem is. What is the purpose of the other party doing this? If it is really bad for me, just take action directly. A dignified person above Hunyuan, do you have so little confidence in yourself?" Chen Feng said curiously.

But this time Chen Feng didn't want to guess anymore, and he didn't want to pretend that he didn't know anything.

So Chen Feng quickly found the person above Hunyuan, and without saying a word, he punched him hard.

Even if it was a person above Hunyuan, it would be impossible for him to take it directly.

Sure enough, the person above Hunyuan chose to dodge.

Chen Feng's fist force exploded, but it did not dissipate in all directions. Instead, it condensed into a point again with the help of the explosion site, and continued to lock onto this Hunyuan Above.

"Why is this happening, fellow Daoist?" This Hunyuan Above said in a low voice, and at the same time stretched out his hand to block Chen Feng's attack.

"Senior, you are very powerful. I want to learn a few moves. I hope you can teach me." Chen Feng said as he stepped in front of the other party and punched hard.

"Okay, since fellow Daoist has this idea, I also want to see your means." This Hunyuan Above said with a smile, grasping and pinching his palm, Chen Feng's fist force that could shatter a piece of life was resolved by the other party.

In the following confrontation, Chen Feng saw how powerful the other party was.

He was indeed a Hunyuan Above walking in Guixu.

The other party came from the Gate of Origin. It is possible that he was already a Hunyuan Above before entering Guixu. Who knows how long he has been in Guixu.

He was able to survive, so he must not be an ordinary person.

The other party did not use all his means, and Chen Feng knew that he was no match for the other party with his own strength.

Of course, Chen Feng also had some judgments about the strength of this person above Hunyuan.

Not as good as Tianyuan Saint, but not the lowest level among the above Hunyuan, and stronger than Jiuji.

Of course, this is just Chen Feng's rough judgment, and it is possible that the other party has concealed something.

But Chen Feng is not afraid, and he is not without means.

What Chen Feng wants to understand is what the other party's intention is? If it is really disadvantageous to him, then he should take action earlier.

Why do some strange things?

From the causal line between the two, Chen Feng can determine that the other party is indeed plotting something, and he did not deliberately provoke trouble when he took action in the morning.

"It turns out that my friend is really a Hunyuan Jinxian. Such a powerful Hunyuan Jinxian is still extremely rare in my long years of cultivation." The person above Hunyuan said with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist's strength is also extraordinary. If you can enter the realm above Hunyuan, you are considered to be the top existence no matter where you originate. What I am more curious about now is what is the purpose of fellow Taoist? Why don't you just say it directly and let me Listen." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It's not impossible to say it, either fellow Taoist will fall into my hands, or I will fall into fellow daoist's hands." The Hunyuan Shang said.

"It seems that the fight between us is inevitable. I think we haven't had any festivals before." Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Where do you have so many festivals in practice? It's just to make yourself stronger. Don't fellow Taoists understand such things as robbery?" said the Hunyuan Shang.

"I don't care what the purpose of the fellow conduit is. I'm afraid I'll be disappointed this time. And you hit the iron plate this time. It seems that you are not proficient in calculation. Otherwise, I will know how much trouble you have caused this time." The trouble may cost you several calamities of hard work.”

As he spoke, Chen Feng instantly came to the front of the Hunyuan Shang. As he punched out, avenues of avenues extended from his body, turning into huge pillars and intertwined into a net, shrouding the Hunyuan Shang in it.

Chen Feng used all his strength this time, just to see how powerful he could be.

Chen Feng's sudden outburst shocked the Hunyuan Master, and his previously calm expression became a little solemn.

"Sure enough, I didn't misjudge you. My previous perception was correct. If I take you down, I can better perfect my path." The eyes of this Hunyuan Shang burst out with surprise again.

"Although I don't know what method you used, you have listed me as your target. If you only eat a little, you will be dead." Chen Feng said with a smile.


Da Dao burst out with powerful power, and under Chen Feng's guidance, he firmly locked onto the opponent.

After all, this is not one avenue. Each avenue has been cultivated to a very high level by Chen Feng. At this time, they all broke out. Chen Feng thought that even those above Hunyuan would be difficult to catch up.

"You can actually cultivate so many great avenues, and each of them has been cultivated to such a powerful level, but I think you haven't been practicing for too long. In this way, your cultivation talent is simply unprecedented. But it seems that it’s not just about cultivation talent, it seems to be related to your physique.”

"It turns out that you are born with a chaotic body that can accommodate all attributes. No wonder you can open up so many avenues. In fact, your chaotic body has two cultivation methods. The first is to cultivate the chaos avenue exclusively. Of course, even in the country, The avenue also contains many attributes. In the end, you still have to embark on this path. In this way, do you want to merge all the avenues into the avenue of chaos? "

This Hunyuan Shang continued to dodge further attacks and shuttled quickly through the small space. Sometimes he seemed to be walking in energy, but he was not affected much.

It's like Chen Feng's various avenues are arranged in thousands of threads. No matter how dense they are, there will be some gaps in the middle.

"Your eyesight is quite powerful, you can actually see so much. Yes, that's what I think. Fellow Taoist, do you think there is any problem with the direction of my cultivation? If you, fellow Taoist, can give me some advice, maybe I can So go one step further." Chen Feng suddenly stopped and no longer approached to catch the opponent, but wholeheartedly mobilized the power of the avenue to fight with the opponent.

Chen Feng also knew that although Dao Dao was very strong, it was still unable to deal with a Hunyuan master.

If there was just one avenue, it would at most represent Chen Feng's combat power, and he would be quickly defeated by the opponent. Chen Feng also saw that the opponent did not have the intention of a quick victory, so he controlled so many avenues at the same time to conduct an experiment.

Since the other party has given you a chance, then give it a good try.

As for whether to kill the opponent, Chen Feng would definitely do so if given the chance. Chen Feng also understood that he could not do anything to the opponent.

Therefore, we still need to use special means and need the help of Shi Changhe and others.

It is not a shameful thing for Chen Feng to use external force to deal with a Hunyuan master, but it is a matter of course.


Several avenues suddenly merged at the same time, and the powerful force that burst out formed a barrier, covering this Hunyuan.

The next moment, several avenues merged together to burst out with powerful attack power.

This Hunyuan Shang was hit by the power of this attack just as he rushed out of the barrier.

This time it worked, and I saw this Hunyuan flying upside down and seemed to have lost his original grace and pace.

Chen Feng took advantage of the victory to pursue.

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