Eternal Existence

Chapter 4842: Keep moving forward

But this huge opponent, burning the source energy, stimulated the source fire.

Or in other words, under the threat, the opponent also used desperate means.

Quickly recovering himself, while also counterattacking.

The powerful source will and the crazy sweep posed a great threat to Chen Feng and the other two.

Jiaolong tried his best, but it was difficult to resist.

The opponent became much stronger after desperately.

Chen Feng no longer had the initial joy. Since he was able to severely injure the opponent before, he would have a chance next time.

And being able to force the opponent to this point also explained the problem.


The Hunyuan above who was refined into a puppet by Chen Feng and Jiaolong rushed to the front under the push of the two, and released the most powerful attack means regardless of everything, and even gave up his own defense.

This is considered to block most of the opponent's attack means.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong assisted on the side, especially Chen Feng was looking for opportunities in the concentrated energy tower.

It must be said that having an additional helper at the level of Hunyuan above did play a big role.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong only felt that the pressure was much lower than before. Although the opponent was bursting wildly, the two did feel the threat to their lives.

But fortunately, everything was acceptable.


The energy tower suppressed fiercely, and at the same time, the puppet Hunyuan also urged the mountain to smash down.

This time it did not hit the opponent, because the opponent also took the wrong magic weapon to resist.

This was also something that had never happened before when fighting with Chen Feng.

"Killing the opponent, we can all get benefits, otherwise, we will all die here." Chen Feng said so.

Although the Hunyuan was trained into a puppet by the two, every move was under the control of the two of them.

But Chen Feng also knew that in order to make the opponent stronger, he still needed the opponent's own will to fight.

And Chen Feng was also worried that the opponent would desperately return the water at a critical moment. Although it might not succeed, it would also affect a certain situation.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." The Hunyuan also knew that the situation was critical. Although he was a puppet trained by himself, he participated in this fight after all, and the opponent would not let him go.

Under this situation, there is no reason to say anything, so as Chen Feng said, he can only find a way to get rid of this powerful existence. Then he still has a chance of survival.

This Hunyuan Above not only did not stop, but also mobilized his will and affected his body. Sure enough, the Hunyuan Above here burst out with a stronger fighting power.

It is somewhat touching that this Hunyuan Above felt that he was unprecedentedly powerful, and of course he understood that this was the means of the two Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

In addition to urging the sacred mountain to fall, various fighting methods also broke out dazzlingly.

The two sides fought evenly.

The entire area where all the streams converged was seriously affected, and the energy turned into storms, and the waves turned into other states and swept towards the four centers.

Some places even turned into a vacuum state, and the energy in this area was completely evaporated.

Even the energy that could injure Hunyuan Above was somewhat unstoppable.

"I don't know how far it is from the end." Chen Feng suddenly had such an idea.

Fighting here is really a bit unexpected.


The puppet Hunyuan was finally beaten back, and then the Hunyuan suddenly rushed in front of Chen Feng.

I don't know what means the other party used to seal Chen Feng directly in the independent space.

Chen Feng secretly cried out that it was not good, and burst out his strongest power repeatedly, and finally broke the seal.

But he saw that the opponent was pressing the puppet Hunyuan, and the opponent had the upper hand after another crazy attack.

And Jiaolong didn't know where he went.

Chen Feng could imagine that he might also be sealed in an independent space.

"It's really a rival. With such a good opportunity, he didn't kill the opponent. Will there be such a good opportunity next? Is it possible that the last resort tonight?" Chen Feng thought so.

The last resort Chen Feng mentioned was to burn the puppet Hunyuan with all his strength and let the opponent explode, which could explode several times the destructive power.

At least the opponent could be blown to pieces.

But it can't be a last resort. Chen Feng doesn't want to use such means more. Of course, at the beginning, Chen Feng and Jiaolong did think so.

But now, seeing that this Hunyuan above can burst out such fighting power under the cooperation of the two of them, if the opponent knows that he wants to burn his power, then if he tries to stop him, the effect will definitely be greatly reduced.

So it is better to use this method to get rid of the opponent.

Even if he can't kill the opponent, at least he must hurt the opponent's origin and make the opponent's real vitality seriously injured.

Although it seems that the opponent is beaten to pieces now, in fact, the opponent's foundation has not been hurt.

In this way, the opponent can recover to his prime at any time, even if his own fighting power is affected a little, it is enough to kill Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

The opponent must be injured to the point where he cannot attack in a short time, which is in line with the ideas of Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

"But this is not easy."

Chen Feng rushed up quickly, but saw that the opponent was still using power to erode his energy tower.

Some power has even drilled into the energy tower, trying to snatch control from Chen Feng.

Although these forces are nothing and the energy tower can be easily shattered, it still makes Chen Feng more alert.

Who knows if the other party has any special means. Once so much power is mobilized and enters the energy tower, even if the energy tower cannot be robbed at that time, the attack power of the energy tower can be greatly reduced.

Chen Feng believes that the other party may really have such an intention.

The dragon also rushed out, and its body began to become larger, and then it slammed into the Hunyuan above fiercely.

At this time, there was also the fall of the sacred mountain, and the energy tower also released a series of laws as before.

These laws turned into chains, trying to tie up the opponent.

Chen Feng himself came in front of the opponent in a flash, opened his hands, and wanted to imprison the opponent.

But then Chen Feng's eyes blurred and appeared in the illusion, but Chen Feng's reaction was also very fast. The power in his body was released in the next illusion.

After Chen Feng walked out of the illusion, as expected, his previous impromptu decision still worked.

The Hunyuan above was injured again.

But the same dragon and puppet Hunyuan were also beaten back.

In fact, at this point, the opponent could have just left, but this opponent had no intention of leaving, as if he believed that he could suppress everything, or in other words, in this situation, it was not worth retreating.

Unlike before.

This time, Chen Feng kept trying to put the opponent into the energy, but the opponent kept avoiding this.

However, the opponent's power kept entangled with the energy tower.

"Since you like this treasure so much, why don't you come in and take a look? Maybe it suits your taste." After Chen Feng failed this time, he couldn't help but laugh.

But this Hunyuan did not respond, but calmed down and dealt with the fight in front of him.

During the incident, Chen Feng also felt that there were lives being attracted here.

Those who can come here are naturally not ordinary lives, but the opponent just watched the battle from a distance, and even in such a chaotic situation, he couldn't see what was happening here.

Chen Feng didn't care about these at all. In this situation, whoever dared to get involved in it recklessly would be courting death.

And without a certain strength, I'm afraid you can't even get close.

Then both sides felt the breath of Hunyuan Shangshi again, this is a powerful life.

The other party was originally practicing here, who knew that after being alarmed, he actually wanted to get angry, but after seeing the fighting, he calmed down.

Such a powerful fight cannot be rashly involved, but what surprised this Hunyuan Shangshi was that one of the parties was actually two Hunyuan Jinxians who led all this.

This Hunyuan Shangshi saw the state of the puppet Hunyuan Shangshi, and he became a little shocked and a little angry.

These two Hunyuan Jinxians were actually controlling the Hunyuan Shangshi, which was simply an incredible thing.

But after a careful comparison, this puppet was even more powerful than himself.

Doesn't it mean that if I fall into the hands of the other party, it will be like this.

Thinking of this, this Hunyuan Shangshi quietly pushed back a distance.

It's really unbearable.

In this case, it's better to stay away and don't get involved.

However, seeing that the two sides were fighting so fiercely, this Hunyuan Shangshi actually used some thoughts, wondering if both sides would be injured, and then he would appear to take advantage.

Looking at the energy tower, the onlooker Hunyuan also had a greedy mind.

After all, the level of the energy tower is too high, even the powerful Hunyuan would be tempted.

Otherwise, Chen Feng and Jiaolong would not end up in such a situation.

However, the onlooker Hunyuan also knew that he could not rashly participate in it now. If he was not careful and got involved, it would be difficult to get out.

Generally speaking, if some weak people were watching the battle from a distance, it would be impossible for the two sides to fight.

If there were the same threats watching the battle from a distance, the two sides would definitely change some strategies.

Or they might join forces to kill the third party.

The fight between the two sides was still fierce, and everyone was constantly injured.

It depends on who can't hold on first.

In fact, this is also a very good situation, at least for Chen Feng and Jiaolong, it is much stronger than before.

The only pity is that they didn't make more preparations before, otherwise, it would really be possible to kill this Hunyuan.

Speaking of the fight to this point, Chen Feng and Jiaolong are already proud.

This opponent was no ordinary Hunyuan. At the beginning, he killed the two men so badly that they had nowhere to hide.

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