Eternal Existence

Chapter 5377 External Force

"It is indeed the power of deception, old man in the spiritual realm, the other party has joined forces with the mutant life, but why didn't the other party attack me directly?" Chen Feng saw some things, but some things were unclear.


Chen Feng waved his sword, and a void was cut open layer by layer. Chen Feng urged the power of the replication law and finally walked out of the deception area.

However, he still didn't see the God of Nothingness, but this time he caught the breath of the God of Nothingness.

But Chen Feng had just taken a few steps when a group of practitioners stopped Chen Feng. Without saying a word, they deployed a formation to suppress Chen Feng.

"Strange Hunyuan Above."

Chen Feng frowned. If it was the opponents he had fought before, it would be fine. Who knew that another force would come out. Wouldn't it be more difficult for him to escape in this way?

And the Hunyuan Above that trapped him just now didn't appear. Did they go to deal with the God of Nothingness?


Chen Feng knew that he couldn't dodge, so he went forward to fight, but after the fight, Chen Feng's passion quickly cooled down.

He couldn't solve these Hunyuan Above.

In the past, Chen Feng could have fought his way in and out of the Hunyuan Above, but that was an ordinary Hunyuan Above.

Those in front of him were not the bottom of the list, on the contrary, some of them were quite strong.

As soon as the two sides fought, Chen Feng was entangled and knew that he could not continue, otherwise it would be even more difficult to escape.

The shadow of the copy law flashed by, and Chen Feng disappeared from the encirclement.

The opponent had done a good job, blocking all of Chen Feng's ways. Under normal circumstances, even the emperor could not leave at will.

But the copy law that Chen Feng mastered was too magical. He could leave whenever he wanted, and even some traps that had been set up long ago could not stop him.

This was also Chen Feng's confidence.

But now Chen Feng could not exert the power of the copy law to the extreme, so he did not dare to be reckless when using it, and was even very conservative. He only shuttled in a small range when he felt that it was not going well.

"Hey, time, give me more time, I can sort out the copy law again. I'm afraid I can't get rid of the blockade of the emperor now, let alone leave Guixu." Chen Feng was depressed. If the copy law could play the strongest state, then Chen Feng could easily find the God of Nothingness.

Chen Feng walked out of the shadow of the copy law. Chen Feng knew that the other party would not catch up soon, but if he couldn't get rid of the strange situation in front of him, then the other party would catch up in no time.

Chen Feng still used the pupil technique to explore continuously. Although the pupil had just grown, Chen Feng had a breakthrough in the pupil technique because of the previous adventure, so he could see a lot of things this time.

"This should be the real world." Chen Feng suddenly laughed when he said this. If he had the strength of the real emperor, then the power of reality could break the power of blinding very well.

Although he also mastered the power of reality, he was still far away.

When he thought that these two special and powerful powers were behind his enemies, Chen Feng felt a little headache again.

"Maybe I should go to Yangjie." Chen Feng's heart moved, and he remembered the extremely strong and yang power that the Nine Yang Emperor possessed. I think it should also play a role in the blinding power.

The wings of the God behind him flapped vigorously, and Chen Feng began to move forward continuously, sometimes suddenly accelerating and changing positions.

Feeling blinded, he would immediately burst out with powerful destructive power, smashing all obstacles in front of him.

Things often change unexpectedly. Chen Feng locked the breath of the God of Nothingness and kept smashing everything. He thought he could reunite with the God of Nothingness, but who knew that after a breakthrough, he actually found the Second World and others.


Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he was relieved when he saw that the Second World and others were intact.

The Second World and others were also surprised and happy about Chen Feng's appearance. After the two sides gathered together and communicated, they knew what happened.

It turned out that the Second World and others also encountered obstacles, but dozens of Hunyuan did not take advantage, and the Second World did not even burst out desperate means.

But Ershi and others lost their direction and didn't know where to go next. Meeting Chen Feng gave them a backbone, but they didn't know that Chen Feng was struggling and depressed.

"The God of Nothingness met us, and we are also in trouble. It was beyond my expectation that you didn't separate." Chen Feng said.

Before, Chen Feng even thought that Ershi and others were wiped out.

Although he was still trapped, it was a good situation for Chen Feng at this time. Hundreds of Hunyuan were a very powerful force. If they were used well, even the emperor would not be able to escape.

The only worry was the God of Nothingness, otherwise Chen Feng even thought about stopping here to practice for a while.

Because of this pause, Chen Feng lost the breath of the God of Nothingness.

Although the God of Nothingness was the emperor, Chen Feng was still a little worried, after all, the opponent he faced this time was too powerful.

So he still had to look for the God of Nothingness, but when he thought about the environment he was in, Chen Feng didn't have any confidence at all.

Because he was not out of danger yet, how could he help the God of Nothingness?

Maybe in the eyes of the Void God, he and others were also trapped.

Chen Feng thought about it and decided to ask everyone if there was any good way? Is there any special magical power to solve these difficulties.

In the end, although some people did master some special tracking methods, after all, they were not strong enough and it was difficult to do anything here.

Although there are many people, the most correct thing to do now is to stay together and not separate, so that we can face danger together.

Everyone has had experience in fighting together, and they have faced many powerful opponents before. They cooperated well with each other, which is also an important reason why there was no change before Chen Feng arrived.

Although Chen Feng thinks that the current situation is a bit critical, some people are eager to try.

They can't wait to find out the existence in the dark and solve it.

"What do you think?" Chen Feng secretly asked the Second World. After all, the Second World was once a great emperor, and he was also knowledgeable. Even if the power has not been restored now, there may be some solutions.

"I just feel the danger. According to my speculation, the most correct thing to do is to leave Guixu, but I don't think everyone will agree, and I don't want to leave. The benefits we got before may not mean that there will be no way to deal with it next time. Moreover, as time goes by, our strength has been getting stronger. Even if we meet a great emperor, we can kill him." The Second World said.

The Second World's statement gave Chen Feng some confidence. His own power is indeed not weak, and he has been in Guixu for a long time, so he can be said to be more experienced.

Even if Guixu attacks his own people, he can resist it.

But then Chen Feng shook his head again: "Now is not the time to talk about these. The most important thing is to think about how to find the God of Nothingness. In this process, we must guard against dangers that may appear at any time. Since it is the old man in the spiritual realm who made the move, I think everyone should be very clear about the opponent's blinding power, so no one can be careless next, because if you are not careful, you may disappear. Without the God of Nothingness sitting here, if someone disappears, it will be difficult to appear again."

Although Chen Feng couldn't figure out why the mutant life had a relationship with the old man in the spiritual realm, according to his own speculation and what he saw, this was the case.

Then everyone used their own methods, with Chen Feng as the main one, forming a whole and began to look for the right direction.

"If only I had some more time, I could recover more strength." The second generation said.

"Before the danger comes out, fellow Taoists can practice and quickly increase their own strength." Chen Feng said.

But what happened next made Chen Feng more and more anxious, because everyone was immersed in it for a long time, but they didn't find anything useful.

From another perspective, it turned out that everyone had been trapped in one area.

"The other side trapped us here, but never attacked us, which means that the other side does not have enough power." Someone said.

"Not having enough power now does not mean that there will be no enough power in the future. The other side is deploying troops." Someone refuted.

"It is indeed not optimistic." Chen Feng remembered the Hunyuan Above he had encountered before. The number was considerable and the combat effectiveness was also very strong. In addition, the Second Generation and his team had also encountered a group before. Even if the Great Emperor did not appear, just having a sufficient number of Hunyuan Above was enough to cause casualties to his side.

Chen Feng did not want to see any casualties on his side, although Chen Feng also knew that this was impossible.

In this way, everyone used various means and burst out various magical powers. Chen Feng even comprehended something useful from these different magical powers. The Second Generation also burst out once, but still did not find the Void God, and did not even really get out of the current predicament.

Sometimes it seems that layers of obstacles have been torn apart, even if you enter the Guixu, you will eventually return to the previous state.

It's like a continuous cycle in a maze.

"Actually, this is not bad. The other side gave us time to practice." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"I'm worried about the God of Nothingness." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

Although he didn't find the God of Nothingness, there was still some vague connection between Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness. Chen Feng knew that the God of Nothingness was still alive, which was good news.

"If there was no danger, then it would be good to practice here, but the current situation is that there is a great possibility that danger will appear at any time. We still have to find a way to leave here. Since we can't find the God of Nothingness, we have to get rid of the current predicament first." Chen Feng said.

If my own strength is not enough, I can only rely on external forces.

In fact, Chen Feng has been trying to communicate with the Gate of Origin, but there has been no response.

"I hope the enemy will appear. At most, a fight will be more interesting than this." The Second World said.


Chen Feng shook his head and slashed with a sword. This sword relied on the power of everyone, and its power was unprecedentedly strong. A passage kept splitting.

This sword seemed to be able to cut through Guixu.

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