Eternal Existence

Chapter 5378 Special Situation

Although in Chen Feng's view, the current situation is a bit dangerous, some people seem to be eager to give it a try.

I can't wait to find out the secret existence and solve it.

"What do you think, fellow Taoist?" Chen Feng asked the second generation secretly. After all, the second generation was once a great emperor and he was well-informed. Even if his strength has not been restored now, he might have some solutions.

"I just feel the danger. According to my speculation, the most correct thing to do is to leave Guixu, but I don't think everyone will agree, and I don't want to leave. The benefits we gained before may not be there next. The way to deal with it, and as time goes by, our strength has been getting stronger, even if we encounter the emperor, we can kill him." The second said.

The second son's statement gave Chen Feng some confidence. His strength was indeed not weak, and he had spent a lot of time in Guixu, so he could be said to be relatively experienced.

Even if Guixu attacks one of his own people, he can still resist it.

But then Chen Feng shook his head again: "Now is not the time to talk about this. The most important thing is to think about how to find the God of Nothingness. During this process, we have to be prepared for dangers that may arise at any time. Since it is the spiritual realm old man who takes action, then I think everyone should be very aware of the opponent's deception power, so no one can take it lightly next time, because if you are not careful, you may disappear. Without the God of Nothingness sitting here, if someone disappears, it will be difficult to appear again. "

Although Chen Feng couldn't figure out why the mutated life had a relationship with the old man in the spiritual realm, this was what he had guessed and what he saw.

Then everyone used their own methods, with Chen Feng as the main one, to form a whole and start looking for the right direction.

"It would be nice if you gave me some more time, so that I could recover more strength." II said.

"Before the danger comes out, fellow Taoists can practice and quickly increase their strength." Chen Feng said.

But what happened next made Chen Feng more and more anxious, because everyone was immersed for a long time, but they never found anything useful.

From another perspective, it turns out that everyone has been trapped in one area.

"The other party has trapped us here, but has never attacked us, which shows that the other party does not have enough power." Someone said.

"Just because we don't have enough power now doesn't mean we won't have enough power in the future. The other side is deploying troops." Someone retorted.

"It's really not optimistic." Chen Feng thought of the Hunyuan ones he had encountered before. They were very large in number and very powerful in combat. In addition, the second generation and the others had also encountered a group before. Even if Without the Great Emperor appearing, just having a sufficient number of Hunyuan Shang would be enough to cause casualties to one's own side.

Chen Feng did not want to see any casualties on his side, although Chen Feng also knew that this was impossible.

In this way, everyone used their own methods and exploded various magical powers. Chen Feng even realized something useful to himself from these different magical powers. The second generation also exploded once, but in the end, he still did not find the God of Nothingness, and he did not even really get out. The immediate dilemma.

Sometimes it seems that layers of obstacles have been torn apart, even if you enter the ruins, you will eventually return to the previous state.

It's like a continuous cycle in a maze.

"Actually, this is not bad. The other party gave us time to practice." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"I'm worried about the God of Nothingness." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

However, although the God of Nothingness was not found, there was still some vague connection between Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness. Chen Feng knew that the God of Nothingness was still alive, which was good news.

"If there is no danger, then it is indeed good to practice here. But the current situation is that there is a high possibility that danger will appear at any time. We still have to find a way to leave here. Since we can't find the God of Nothingness, we have to get rid of the current predicament first." Chen Feng said.

If your own strength is not enough, you can only rely on external forces.

In fact, Chen Feng has been trying to communicate with the Gate of Origin, but there has been no response.

"I hope the enemy will show up. At worst, a fight would be more interesting than this." said the second generation.


Chen Feng shook his head and slashed out with a sword. With the help of everyone's strength, this sword was more powerful than ever before, and a passage continued to crack.

This sword seems to be able to cut through Guixu.

There was a reason why Chen Feng suddenly sent out this sword, but he was still a little disappointed.

Although he broke through all the obstacles and found some clues before, he still couldn't really leave this area.

However, the power of this sword is indeed very strong, and the cut channel cannot be healed for a long time.

At this moment, a beam of time traveled through, and a look of surprise appeared on Chen Feng's face. The reinforcements finally arrived. Although it was not the Gate of Origin as imagined, the power of the river of time could also change the situation of the battle.

Moreover, the power of time is quite magical and can have special effects at critical moments.

But what surprised Chen Feng was still behind. A wave of waves flickered in the time, and the gate of time and space flashed in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was a little surprised, not because it was the gate of time and space that came, but because the gate of time and space came from the main body this time.

Not only that, there is another mystery in the Gate of Time and Space, but it has not appeared yet.

The shadow of the river of time hovered around Chen Feng and others, and Chen Feng suddenly felt much more relaxed.

This is not a psychological reason, but a real state of relaxation.

The appearance of the long river of time dispersed some things around, some things that Chen Feng had not discovered before.

After the helper arrived, Chen Feng felt confident, but he still wanted to understand what happened first.

Then he discussed a little and started to act.

Since the power of time can come here, Chen Feng and others can use it to leave.

Sure enough, it didn't take much time to enter the rules.

"This time I should really leave, and I won't be deceived by the other party again like before." Chen Feng looked around. It was indeed the area in Guixu, but this situation had not been encountered before. What he was worried about was that the existence in the dark would continue to attack.

On the surface, Chen Feng and others seemed a little worried, but in fact they were waiting for the existence in Wanzhong to take the bait.

Since there was enough power, it was the most correct way to deal with the other party.

But will the other party come up?

And who can be lured out? Is it the old man in the spirit realm?

When he thought that the opponent he faced was the old man in the spirit realm, Chen Feng still had no idea, even if he had help this time.

But things still had to go on.

Since the power of time and the gate of time and space have been exposed, let's prepare this power around us.

Before Chen Feng could figure out what to do next, the time and space around him changed again. This time, Chen Feng and others felt it more clearly.

"Go out."

Chen Feng shouted loudly and used the power of time to leave here as soon as possible.

So there was an invisible collision between the two sides, and Chen Feng became clearer and saw the power in the dark.

It was indeed the power of deception, but this time Chen Feng could also be sure that his people had left the area created by the other party before, and now the other party's power was just catching up again.

The two sides collided fiercely, and Chen Feng also led everyone to attack together. The surrounding area continued to collapse, and Chen Feng directly released the origin to plunder.

In this way, it was considered to dig out the other party's foundation. Finally, the existence hidden in the dark was a little overwhelmed, and finally the cultivators were transferred.

Several real-name Hunyuan appeared in one breath, which was the opponent who had fought with Chen Feng before.

Chen Feng was relieved to see someone appear, indicating that the opponent began to use his foundation.

And since these practitioners have come here, it means that the other party has not dealt with the Void God.

"But it is still not enough. Since the other party has only such a little power, we can take the opportunity to deal with the other party." Chen Feng also has his own calculations. Since the opponent has come to the door, there is no need to rush out like before. He can also take the opportunity to deal with these several Hunyuan Above.

Everyone present began to explode, and Chen Feng was the first to break through the opponent's defense line, rushing straight into the opponent's camp, and then frantically destroying. The powerful force swept around, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of Hunyuan Above were beaten back by Chen Feng.

Seeing that these Hunyuan Above were about to be solved bit by bit, the space was broken, and a formation that Chen Feng was very familiar with descended.

It was the formation that trapped Chen Feng before, and the practitioner sitting in the center of the formation had not changed.

They are all old opponents.

"Another wave of Hunyuan Above." The second generation was a little worried.

"This is a good thing, better than the emperor coming." The white mirror swordsman said.

"I'm afraid that the emperor is watching in secret and will take action at any time." The second generation is stronger than the White Mirror Swordsman, and he feels more and thinks more long-term.

Chen Feng didn't say anything, but stared at several of the strongest opponents. If these people are not entangled, they will bring fatal blows to others.

The masters in the Hunyuan Above are stronger than the White Mirror Swordsman in single-on-single, and they are good at cooperation. Even Chen Feng is at a disadvantage when they join forces.

However, Chen Feng still did not use the hidden power. Although he was a little at a disadvantage, he could still control the situation. As for the Time River and the Gate of Time and Space, their power is to help others at critical moments.

What Chen Feng wants to do is to attract stronger opponents. This is actually a bit risky, because Chen Feng is not sure what will happen next.

And if the fight continues like this, his side will definitely be damaged.

However, if you want to solve the existence behind, you can only do this.

"It would be great if the emperor could help." Although Chen Feng said that there was more help on his side, he also knew that the Gate of Origin could not come over, and the situation they were in was also very dangerous.

The reason why some forces could be sent over was because these forces would be helpful to Chen Feng, but they would not be of much help in their fight against the Gate of Origin.

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