Eternal Existence

Chapter 633: Killing One by One

The blood and essence sprayed by Xu Ziping and the other four were completely absorbed by Xu Yan's divine thunder. At the same time, the aura of Xu Ziping and the other four suddenly shriveled, as if their vitality was drained away at once.

"Go to hell."

Xu Ziping shouted loudly, and threw the Xu Yan's divine thunder in his hand violently. Then Xu Ziping and the other four gathered together and fled desperately to the distance. However, the four people were still in the restriction when they fled. At this time, they just wanted to stay as far away from the Xu Yan's divine thunder as possible.

"It's Xu Yan's divine thunder, get out of the way quickly." All the assassins in the assassin hall were panicked. Even the assassins who had been hiding in the surroundings and had been silent jumped out and flew away as if they were risking their lives.


The Xu Yan's divine thunder finally exploded. There was no sound at first. When the Xu Yan's divine thunder exploded, only a circle of light was emitted, but this circle of light became larger and thicker. The space was annihilated wherever it passed. Then, circles of light followed, and the restrictions set by the assassins were easily broken wherever they passed.

The next two killers who were left behind were caught in the light circle and disappeared without a single scream.

Their bodies and souls were annihilated, and they turned to ashes.

Chen Feng used the Dark Demon Eye to the extreme, but he could only see this scene. Then he felt a stinging pain in his eyes, his head was dizzy, and his sea of ​​consciousness was constantly rioting. The Dark Demon Eye stopped working on its own.

Just as Chen Feng mobilized his true energy to moisten his stinging eyes, the outermost light circle had already arrived in front of Chen Feng.

This was an attack that was completely condensed by the power of space, and was completely different from the true energy attacks, physical attacks, and soul attacks that he usually encountered.

A force that could tear a person into pieces hit Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's clothes immediately turned into pieces.

However, Chen Feng had already reacted at this time, and his muscles trembled to dissolve the force that hit him.

At the same time, Chen Feng drew his hands and blocked a virtual push in front of him. He quickly floated back and retreated ten miles in a row, and then shook his palm violently, and the force immediately dissipated.

But at this time, the subsequent attacks began to impact again, but Chen Feng was not worried at all, because Chen Feng had just tested the power of these light circles.

So Chen Feng just stretched out a palm, and the power of thunder and lightning surged in his palm. A crackling sound came, and these impact forces dissipated one after another.

"There is such power a hundred miles away. This Xu Yan Shen Lei is really powerful. I don’t know if those people in the center are dead. I hope they won’t be blown to pieces.

Chen Feng took out the blood-gathering bead, and his figure disappeared in the void in a flash. Of course, others couldn’t see Chen Feng’s figure. At this time, Chen Feng was quickly approaching the place where the two sides had just fought.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A trace of blood essence continued to gather from all directions, and finally all entered the blood-gathering bead. Feeling the blood pool boiling more and more fiercely in the blood-gathering bead, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, fortunately, these blood essences have not completely dissipated. "Chen Feng opened his eyes and checked the surrounding situation while absorbing the blood and energy from the surroundings.

Although his eyes were still a little hot, it did not affect the use of pupil skills. Soon Chen Feng saw the situation on the ground clearly, and then Chen Feng opened his mouth in surprise, and said after a long time: "Awesome, this power is too great, this Xu Yan Shen Lei is simply a holy weapon that can explode at any time."

"Surprisingly, there are still people alive." At this time, Chen Feng was really surprised, and a glimmer of light bloomed in his eyes.

Three black-clothed assassins and two monks from Lingxiao Palace. Although these people were scarred and embarrassed, they appeared alive in Chen Feng's sight.

There was a faint luster flashing on the bodies of these five people. Chen Feng knew that this should be a protective talisman.

But this layer of protective talismans seemed to be on the verge of breaking.

Pah pah pah pah!

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Feng's thought fell, the luster on the bodies of these five people dissipated one after another.

The five people were panting Panting, the Qi in the body was almost completely consumed. At this time, the five people took the pills quickly while observing the situation around them.

Chen Feng did not rush to act, but turned his eyes again and quickly found Xu Ziping. To Chen Feng's surprise, Xu Ziping was not dead. Half of his body was buried in the soil. His face was pale and he was in a coma. If Chen Feng could not feel a trace of life from his body, he would really think that this was a dead person.

"Hey, the Xu family is really unlucky this time. There is only one person left." Chen Feng shook his head, and then a black light flashed in his eyes, and he launched an attack on Morey and the other five.

"Dark Night Flowing Light! "

A stream of black light changed into various shapes, flashed in the air, and suddenly burst into a more dizzying black light when it arrived in front of Wu Lei and others. The chaotic soul fluctuations kept trying to get into the sea of ​​consciousness of Wu Lei and the other four.

At the same time, Chen Feng used the Qilin Step in the Dark Sutra. He took a step and reached the top of Wu Lei and others in just a flash, and slapped one of the killers with his palm.

Pah pah pah!

The wind power surged in the palm power, and the power of thunder and lightning exploded from the palm. This was the palm thunder mixed with wind power, which was faster and more destructive.

Although the injured killer fought back, he was easily killed by Chen Feng.

After killing the killer, Chen Feng did not take action immediately, but slowly absorbed the blood and qi of the killer.

Bang! Bang!

Mo Lei and Mo Feng took the opportunity to launch an attack at the same time, hitting Chen Feng, but a layer of blood light appeared around Chen Feng, easily dissolving the two people's attacks.

"This level of attack is useless to me." Chen Feng said, and blood light rushed out from his body, directly knocking Mo Lei and the other four to the ground.

The other two killers wanted to perform the escape technique, but Chen Feng directly stretched out his hand and grabbed them from the void.

"You will all die today." Chen Feng shouted coldly, and the longevity chains extended from his body, quickly wrapping up the four people. At the same time, countless red blood thorns grew from the longevity chains, pierced into the bodies of the four people and began to devour the blood of the four people.

This is the fusion of the longevity chains, the swallowing magic skills, and the blood and hell.


Mo Lei's whole body was flashing with lightning, and thunderbolts kept exploding. A strong force kept hitting, and instantly broke the longevity chains on his body.

But before Mo Lei had time to escape, Chen Feng waved his hand and nailed him to the ground with a spear, screaming and struggling.


The two assassins also broke free from their restraints at the same time, but they did not run away after they got out of the way. Instead, they looked at each other and rushed towards Chen Feng at the same time.

One of them attacked head-on with a long sword in his hand. In an instant, a sword light rolled towards Chen Feng's neck like a streak of silk, while the other assassin suddenly disappeared in the space, even losing his breath. It was obvious that he was going to launch a sneak attack. The people cooperated tacitly. Although they were under a heavy reward, they still used the most perfect tricks.

Mo Feng shouted and broke the immortal chain on his body. What made Chen Feng secretly despise was that Mo Lei did not choose to attack Chen Feng immediately after he got out of the way. Instead, he quickly came to Mo Lei and stretched out his hand to pull down the blood soul spear nailed to the ground. Then he waved his hand, and the blood soul turned into a blood light and stabbed Chen Feng.


Chen Feng sneered in his heart, moved his feet, and immediately disappeared from the spot, making the attacks of the two assassins miss, and then the next moment he was in front of Mo Feng, and the blood soul was also caught in Chen Feng's hand.


Mo Feng didn't expect Chen Feng to be so fast. Before he could dodge, he was stabbed by Chen Feng's spear and flew out.

Chen Feng sneered: "If you weren't injured, I would have dodged once or twice when we joined forces, but now your attack power is too weak. If I let you escape again, wouldn't all my years of cultivation be in vain?"

"Chen Feng, I didn't expect your cultivation to increase so much. It seems that we miscalculated this time. It was you who broke the previous stronghold, right?" Mo Lei turned around and looked at Chen Feng and said with gritted teeth.

"You haven't set up a trap here waiting for us. At this point, do you still want to delay time?" Chen Feng sneered, waved his hand, and the blood soul in his hand suddenly stabbed the killer hidden in the dark, and then a lot of blood was constantly swallowed by the spear blood evil.

"I have a question for you, where did Xu Shan and Huo Feng go." Chen Feng strode forward, and at the same time a blood light shot out from his palm. Mo Feng, who fell to the ground, immediately began to shrink and soon turned into a human skin.


Without even turning his head, Chen Feng threw a backhand punch. The last killer was also knocked back by Chen Feng, and then entangled by the immortality chain. In the end, his blood essence was devoured.

"Chen Feng, what kind of evil art are you practicing? Are you a demon cultivator?" Morey screamed.

"Who am I? Don't you know about Lingxiao Palace? Forget it. It's useless to tell you so much. It seems that you don't want to compromise. In this case, I will directly perform the soul-searching technique. This time, I have absorbed the blood essence of several half-step immortals, and my strength has increased a lot. More importantly, my blood-gathering bead is repairing faster and faster." Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and a bloody breath enveloped Morey.

"It's not that easy to kill me. I think we should die together." Morey's eyes suddenly turned blood red, and a big bag swelled up at the center of his eyebrows. Then it spread rapidly, and his whole huge body began to swell up.

"Soul self-destruction, how can it be that easy!" Chen Feng sneered, and the blood-gathering bead appeared in Chen Feng's hand again, and a red blood light suddenly enveloped Morey.

Then Morey and the blood light disappeared together.


At this moment, Qing Zhihun rushed towards Chen Feng with a spear in his hand, his blue armor flashing with luster, and the spear in his hand continued to explode with the power of thunder.

But before that, an invisible soul wave rushed towards Chen Feng. This soul wave was like an undercurrent in the depths of the sea, silent, but full of powerful destructive power.

"So insidious, someone else is doing it, could it be the Qing Zhihun who practiced the Dark Ghost Eye before?" Chen Feng's heart moved.

Although Qing Zhifeng was injured by himself in the Yunlan barrier before, Chen Feng did not take it lightly at this time, not to mention that this was a double attack.

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