Eternal Existence

Chapter 634: Kill Again

"Such a strong soul attack, and there is also a familiar sense of evil, nine out of ten is Qing Zhihun."

In Chen Feng's mind, although Qing Zhifeng came fiercely, he did not take it seriously. What made him cautious was Qing Zhihun's soul attack.

Chen Feng knew from the previous eye contact that the opponent's soul strength was far greater than his.

However, just when Chen Feng was about to attack, Wen Shaoxiu and others had arrived. They had seen a series of fights before, and Wen Shaoxiu and others had been angry for a long time. Seeing Chen Feng being besieged, they released their anger one by one.

Seven people, seven pure sword cultivators surrounded Qing Zhifeng and the other two and launched a chaotic attack. The sword energy in the sky was mixed with the screams of Qing Zhihun.

Speaking of it, Qing Zhihun and the other three were also in the realm of half-step human immortals, especially Qing Zhihun, who had one foot in the realm of human immortals, but at this time, he did not expect to be injured by a chaotic attack by a group of sword cultivators from the Tianjian Sect.

When had Qing Zhihun ever suffered such a loss? Although Qing Zhifeng was furious, the most important thing at the moment was to avoid the attack in front of him. After all, he had to fight hard in the current situation. If he was not careful, he would die under the siege of seven half-step human immortals.

"Liu Quan, it's you again. Could it be that your Tianjian Sect will also use the number to bully the minority?" Qing Zhifeng shouted, in order to delay some time.

Chi Chi!

The three people's mount, the golden eagle, circled and grabbed Liu Quan. The sharp claws made a chi Chi sound, and the whole body was shining with golden light, looking extremely powerful.

However, at this time, Chen Feng followed up and used a big move, not the blood gathering bead, nor the holy weapon, but the soul-soothing spell.

The soul-soothing spell is a soul secret technique recorded in the Changsheng Zhenjing. Although Chen Feng did not know the specific level, Chen Feng knew that once he performed it, even the consciousness of the human immortal would be injured.

The soul-soothing spell is divided into four major spells: soul-soothing, chain, soul-refining, and soul-condensing. Among them, Chen Feng was most proficient in using the Soul Calming Spell.

The invisible wave was not affected by space and time and directly acted on Qing Zhihun and the other two. Even the huge golden eagle was within the attack range.

Sure enough, under Chen Feng's Soul Calming Spell, even Qing Zhihun, who had the strongest soul power, was affected. His huge sea of ​​consciousness solidified, and even his thoughts were fixed.

"No, no, no, this is a soul attack!" Although Qing Zhihun's body was sluggish for a while, his soul was strong after all, and some of his thoughts were still active. Sensing the life-and-death crisis in front of him, Qing Zhihun used the secret technique that he had not yet successfully practiced without thinking.


Wen Shaoxiu and others had long cooperated with Chen Feng. When they saw Chen Feng use a big move, their swords immediately surged and killed Qing Zhifeng and the other two.

The sword cultivators of the Tianjian Sect were very fierce and brave. They usually had no scruples. Not to mention the people of the Soul Refining Sect, even the cultivators of the four major universities would not hesitate to take action in front of them.


In addition to Qing Zhihun and Qing Zhifeng, there is another cultivator. This cultivator is a half-step human immortal. He is a little lower than Qing Zhihun and the others. He was the first to suffer in the attack of Wen Shaoxiu and others. He just screamed and was dismembered by countless sword qi. Even his soul did not escape and was shredded by the sword qi.

Next is the huge golden eagle. The whole golden eagle seems to be made of gold. The fierce power it exudes shows that it is a high-level monster. The combat power of this kind of flying monster is one level stronger than that of human cultivators of the same level. The speed alone has the upper hand.

Moreover, the monster itself is stronger than the human cultivator's body, especially this kind of mutated golden eagle is even more powerful. Usually, even a half-step human immortal can be easily torn apart.

But at this time, this ferocious monster was under layers of sword energy, feathers fell, and flesh and blood were shattered. Speaking of it, the strongest attack power in the cultivation world is these pure sword cultivators. At this time, this monster was first hit by Chen Feng's soul-suppressing spell, and then attacked by a group of sword cultivators in the half-step human immortal realm. Not to mention that this is just a high-level monster, even if the monster king comes, it will be enough to eat a pot.

In the dense sword energy, this powerful monster began to scream. In the scream, the golden eagle wanted to rush out, but was covered by the sword energy again. Seeing the huge body constantly shrinking, it was finally split in half by a fierce sword energy.

"Don't waste it!"

Chen Feng shouted, stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely. A large amount of golden blood was caught in Chen Feng's hand. The blood essence contained in the body of this level of monster is very powerful, which is not comparable to the cultivators of the same level.

Swallowing the blood essence of this monster is comparable to two or three cultivators in the half-step human immortal realm.


The blue armors on Qing Zhihun and Qing Zhifeng all exploded, and then countless wounds began to bloom on their bodies.

You should know that Qing Zhihun and Qing Zhifeng are both core disciples of the Soul Refining Sect. The blue armors on their bodies are all holy weapon level, but they still can't stop the siege of Wen Shaoxiu and others.

And Chen Feng was not idle either. After absorbing the blood essence of the golden eagle, Chen Feng continued to activate the Blood Nether Attraction. The wounds of Qing Zhihun and Qing Zhifeng suddenly exploded, and fresh leaves gushed out like sharp arrows. In an instant, the figures of the two people shrank.

"Ah, the Soul Burning Technique!"

At this time, Qing Zhihun suddenly shouted, his face twisted, and a ball of flame emerged from Qing Soul's pupils. This ball of flame exuded blue-black color. It was just a small ball at first, but suddenly exploded with countless sparks. Luan Jian finally formed a thin fire shield. It was this thin fire shield that blocked the surrounding attacks. Even Chen Feng's Blood Ming Yin lost its effect.

"Sky Sword Sect, I remember you, I will get this debt back soon." Qing Zhhun's face was twisted, a vicious voice came out of his mouth, and then he pulled Qing Zhifeng and rushed away. , the fire shield crashed into the space, like a meteor quickly escaping into the distance.

However, Chen Feng used Qilin Step, the runes on the soles of his feet flashed, and he quickly chased after him. Then he raised his hand and slapped the fire mask hard.


There was an explosion, and instead of breaking the fire shield, it flew out into the distance at a faster speed, and a blue-black luster flashed dozens of miles away.

Chen Feng knew he couldn't catch up, so he shook his head and stopped chasing.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" At this time, Wen Shaoxiu and others also caught up.

"It's okay. It's a pity that the other party escaped. Qing Zhifeng and others are also members of the Soul Refining Sect. If we kill each other like this, there won't be any trouble, right?" Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"Hey, there are some troubles, but the Soul Refining Sect can't do anything to us. Although the Soul Refining Sect is also a first-class sect, it is still a bit behind our Tianjian Sect. Not to mention the death of a few disciples, just death. The two Heavenly Realm monks and the Soul Refining Sect will not start a war with us. Of course, the other party will take revenge secretly." Wen Shaoxiu smiled and seemed to have no worries.

Chen Feng nodded. The Central Plains is much more chaotic than the Northern Plains, and some rules are different from the Northern Plains. If in the Northern Plains, a half-step human immortal in a first-class sect is killed, the senior leaders of this sect will probably go crazy, even if they face Jiuxiao The Gong San faction also needs to be tougher. Of course, the situation at hand is that the Tianjian faction doesn't seem to care about the Soul Refining Sect provoking them.

Thinking about the war between the Tianjian Sect and other sects some time ago, Chen Feng immediately understood that such wars between sects were almost rare in Beiyuan.


Chen Feng took a long breath and suppressed the boiling blood pressure in his body. During this period, Chen Feng absorbed and swallowed too much blood essence. Although most of it was swallowed by the blood gathering beads, 10% was still melted into Chen Feng. In Feng's physical body, not to mention the Blood Gathering Bead suppressed in the Blood Cave, it was originally a magic weapon refined by Chen Feng. It was connected to Chen Feng's life. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a part of Chen Feng's physical body.

"I have absorbed too much blood energy essence recently. If my physical body were not so strong, I would have been stretched to the point of bursting. It seems that I need to temper my physical body in the next time, otherwise there will be some trouble or something in the future. The potential crisis is not good," Chen Feng thought to himself.

The Xu family and the Killer Hall fought each other, and the monks of the Xu family were killed one by one. In the end, Xu Ziping desperately used a lose-lose style of play, causing both parties to suffer heavy losses. However, everyone had not recovered yet. Chen Feng Appear suddenly and use killer to kill these killers.

At this time, who knew that Qing Zhihun and others from the Soul Refining Sect would take action against Chen Feng again, and Wen Shaoxiu and others from the Tianjian Sect violently attacked, killing and scattering the monks from the Soul Refining Sect.

These series of changes made the monks watching from a distance stunned and confused.

"What on earth is going on? Why did the Tianjian Sect intervene? Who was that young man just now? His attack was so ruthless that it even swallowed up the essence and blood in the human body. Could it be that he is from the Tyrant Blood Sect? But Tyrant Blood When did the Sect get involved with the Tianjian Sect?”

"It seems that the Xu family came to attack the stronghold of the Killer Hall at the beginning. I don't know why the Tianjian Sect suddenly intervened."

"I do know a little bit about it. There is a piece of news recently that is very shocking and has caused a sensation in the cultivation world. That is, the two strongholds of the Killer Hall have been wiped out, and all the killers in them have been killed. This should be the third It’s a stronghold.”

"Who is so bold, even daring to provoke the Hall of Killers? Isn't this the rhythm of seeking death?"

"It is said that it was done by the monks of the Tianjian Sect. I didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that it is most likely true."

"The disciples from the Tianjian Sect are all lunatics. They started a war with the Wuqing Tianzong some time ago. The war has only been suspended for a short time, and they have begun to provoke the Tianjian Sect again."

"Hey, if you ask me, those guys from the Soul Refining Sect are really looking for death. They just want to watch the fun. If you have to intervene, now it's better. A half-step human immortal and a high-level demon king are dead. ”

"You deserve it. The Soul Refining Sect is so arrogant. If you encounter a madman from the Sky Sword Sect at this time, you can only accept it as bad luck."

Chen Feng, Wen Shaoxiu and others talked for a few words, and then the light flashed in his eyes, piercing the space, and quickly searched around.

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