Eternal Existence

Chapter 666: Training in the Sword Qi

"It's a fight to the death. I'm afraid you don't have the ability yet. Go ahead." Wen Shaoxiu said as he made his move.

"Sword Qi Storm!"

Chen Feng also used his ultimate move, and the sword Qi rolled towards those people. After using this ultimate move, Chen Feng took a breath and stopped making his move.

Chen Feng had been injured before when he resisted the bombardment of the sword Qi. After launching several attacks, he even used up a lot of the energy stored in his acupoints.

However, Chen Feng was somewhat satisfied with his own strength, because Chen Feng did not use the Blood Gathering Pearl and the Longevity Tower just now, and completely relied on his own strength to resist the sword Qi attack from the Broken Sword. Of course, he was injured in the end, and if he hadn't had the protective armor on his body, his injuries would have been even more serious.

From this point of view, it can be seen that Chen Feng's strength has surpassed the half-step immortals present, because if those people hadn't escaped quickly just now, they would have died in the sword Qi storm.

Chen Feng recovered from his injuries while watching Wen Shaoxiu and others attack. The Tianjian Sect's attack was indeed fierce. After a few fights, they killed one person.

At this time, the three cultivators who joined the Tianjian Sect were not idle either. They attacked up and down and quickly killed another person.

"Wen Shaoxiu, I will remember you. We will meet again, but you can't get this broken sword." At this time, one of the besieged people suddenly burst out with a powerful power fluctuation, and then the whole person was like a burning meteor. In an instant, he rushed out of the crowd and disappeared in the distance in the blink of an eye.

It turned out that this person had an extremely high-level escape magic talisman on him, and he actually broke out of the crowd.

"I will spread this news. It's not so easy for you to get this fairy weapon." A voice came from afar.

"Damn it, he ran away."

"This guy actually has a magic talisman for escape, at least of the holy weapon level."

"This is troublesome, the other party will definitely spread the news of disappearance, I'm afraid other cultivators will come soon."

"Damn, one of them actually ran away."

"Don't say so much for now. Judging from the current situation, it is difficult for more people to take away this broken sword."

"Yeah, who would have known that this immortal weapon has such great power with only half left."

"It is rumored that immortal weapons can destroy the world. If they burst out with all their strength, they can easily destroy a world or a planet with life. According to the current situation, although this broken sword is powerful, it has been eroded by the years and only one percent or one thousandth of its power in its heyday is left."

"Brother Wen is right. If the power of this broken sword is stronger, we may all be dead."

"Be careful, retreat quickly, the sword energy is more powerful."

At this time, the broken sword suddenly vibrated slightly, and the sword intent that soared into the sky continued to tear through the void, and the overwhelming sword energy was more powerful.

Originally, everyone had retreated a hundred miles away, but now they had to retreat again, and they retreated more than thirty miles in one breath before stopping.

Looking at the huge trenches on the ground, everyone was secretly surprised and speechless for a long time.

"It may be impossible to collect this immortal weapon. I think everyone should hurry up and practice."

"Yes, the sword will is rampant here, which is a good place to practice."

Feeling the sword will erupting from this broken sword, several people from the Tianjian Sect were all excited.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Wen Shaoxiu and others actually began to rush forward, waving their long swords in their hands, and actually began to fight against the pressure of the sword energy.


Wen Shaoxiu stabbed a spiral sword energy with a sword, and the spiral sword energy was broken, but Wen Shaoxiu also rolled out, with a trace of scars all over his body.

"Come again!"

"Tower, can you really collect this broken sword?" Chen Feng asked uncertainly with a dry mouth, feeling the power of this broken sword.

At this time, Ta was unusually silent for a moment: "I was wrong. This broken sword still retains such a strong sword power. If it had not been broken, it would not be impossible to upgrade to a mid-grade immortal weapon."

"Can't you take it?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Hehe, it's just an immortal weapon without a weapon spirit. Of course I can take it, but it will be a little troublesome to do it now. I have to wait for a while until the sword power of this broken sword has almost erupted before I can do it." Ta said.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"Immortal weapons are not immortal. In the face of time, even immortals will have their lifespans end one day. Moreover, this is a broken immortal weapon. The weapon spirit has disappeared. It is supported by this sword intent. However, judging from this situation, this broken sword will also begin to break after a while."

"How long will it take?"

"About 10,000 years."

Chen Feng was a little speechless: "Could it be that the sword intent will erupt for 10,000 years?"

"Of course not, kid, why are you in a hurry? This is a good place to practice. Your longevity swordsmanship has made rapid progress recently. If you swallow and fuse some more sword intent, it is not impossible for your longevity swordsmanship to improve by two or three levels." Ta said with a smile.

"Swish, swallow the sword intent, fuse the sword intent, it's not that easy." Chen Feng doubted.

"Of course it's not that easy. If everything is easy, why do we have to practice so hard?" Ta said contemptuously.

Chen Feng nodded, then shook the long sword in his hand and strode forward.


Chen Feng had only moved forward a few dozen meters when dozens of sword energies slashed towards him, along with the sword energy was the sword intent that could destroy everything.

Chen Feng's long sword just made a swipe, and all the sword energy was cut off, and even the sword intent that was rushing over was shattered by Chen Feng's eyes.

"The sword energy in the edge area is enough to kill the sixth and seventh level cultivators of the Heavenly Man."

Chen Feng shook his head and looked at Wen Shaoxiu and others who were fighting against the sword energy in front. It was obvious that Wen Shaoxiu and the other three sword cultivators of the Heavenly Sword Sect were rushing to the front, just like a small boat in the vast ocean, which could be submerged at any time in the sea of ​​sword energy.

Chen Feng's eyes were like lightning, and he saw through everything. He found that although Wen Shaoxiu and the others were a little embarrassed and the wounds on their bodies were increasing, the sword intent in their bodies was becoming more and more condensed, and the whole person was like a polished iron, slowly transforming.

"After a short period of practice, these people will break through, and maybe they can be promoted to the realm of human immortals."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng continued to move forward. The progress was not large, but he moved forward step by step. Whether it was the vast and fierce sword aura or the ethereal and erratic sword energy in front, they were all cut off by the long sword in Chen Feng's hand.

Chen Feng's eyes kept flashing with light to break the invisible sword intent.

Chen Feng moved forward step by step and soon caught up with Wen Shaoxiu and others.


Junior Brother Wang vomited blood, and was thrown out like a kite with a broken string, and fell to the ground.

"Junior Brother Wang, are you okay?" Wen Shaoxiu shouted immediately.

"I'm fine." Junior Brother Wang got up and sat on the ground to regulate his breath. A strong breath rushed out from Junior Brother Wang.

"Hey, this guy actually broke through." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Hahahaha, I broke through too." Junior Brother Tianxing suddenly laughed, waving the long sword in his hand, and rushed forward a distance, only a few steps away from Wen Shaoxiu.


A sword energy hit Wen Shaoxiu like a river and a big wave, and Wen Shaoxiu could no longer resist it, and flew out with blood spurting from his mouth.

Chen Feng reached out and grabbed Wen Shaoxiu, stabbed with the long sword in his hand, and performed the cutting sword technique, cutting the long river of sword energy that was rushing over into pieces.

"I'm fine, the sword energy here is indeed unpredictable. I have some understanding now, and I need to practice for a while." Wen Shaoxiu said.

Then Chen Feng continued to move forward, and stopped after surpassing Ren Tianxing.

"The sword moves are a bit condensed, just right here."

Then Chen Feng unfolded the longevity sword technique, sometimes opening and closing in all directions, sometimes erratic, coming and going freely, sometimes disappearing, and the sword energy condensed. Finally, Chen Feng performed the Qilin step, constantly shuttling in the sword energy storm, and even Ren Tianxing felt a little dazzled.

"Good guy, Chen Feng is just an honorary elder of this sect, how can he have such a profound sword technique?" Ren Tianxing was secretly surprised.

Finally, Ren Tianxing couldn't support it anymore, quickly retreated, fell to the ground and began to regulate his breath, and then Wang Xinglong rushed up again and began to fight in the sea of ​​sword energy.

As for the other three cultivators, they were not idle either. Although they were not pure sword cultivators, they also moved forward under pressure to hone their cultivation.

Everyone moved forward in waves and retreated in waves, but Chen Feng never retreated. He kept using his swordsmanship to move back and forth in the storm of sword energy.

"Break it for me!"

Two black lights shot out from his eyes, and the two invisible sword intentions that rushed over were immediately shattered.


The sword of death in his hand was swung out violently, and a thinner and thinner black sword energy cut straight out, making a hissing sound wherever it passed, as if a piece of cloth was cut in half.

A storm of sword energy that could crush a mountain was split by Chen Feng.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng's body kept shaking, avoiding the weak area of ​​sword energy, and moved forward dozens of meters again. The Zhoutian domain unfolded and compressed into a range of ten feet around, blocking waves of sword energy attacks.

"Wind and Thunder Explosion!"

Pah pah pah pah!

The sword of death flashed a group of black light, just like the explosion of black thunder, and the strong speed and power pierced through dozens of sword qi in various forms.

"Brother Wen, how can Elder Chen be so powerful? I think even a human immortal can't last to this extent."

"Yes, I have retreated three times. Elder Chen seems to be tireless and his true qi seems to be endless. This is too exaggerated."

Listening to the words of Wang Xinglong and Ren Tianxing, Wen Shaoxiu also showed a strange smile on his face. In Wen Shaoxiu's heart, he had overestimated Chen Feng before, but now it seems that he still underestimated him a little.

"I think Chen Feng should have reached his limit." Wen Shaoxiu said.

"It's been half a day, even an iron man can't stand it, but the long sword in Elder Chen's hand is not bad. Brother Wen, I think it can compare with the Thunder and Fire Holy Sword in your hand, right?" Ren Tianxing suddenly asked.

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