Eternal Existence

Chapter 667: The Visitor

"My Thunder Fire Holy Sword is a fourth-grade holy weapon, and the long sword in Chen Feng's hand should be a sixth-grade holy weapon, and it contains pure power of death. I think even a seventh-grade holy weapon can't compare to it. In addition, Chen Feng also has a sword of life in his hand, which is also a sixth-grade holy weapon." Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.

"Two sixth-grade holy weapons, it's really enviable." Ren said.

"Chen Feng should have more than these two holy weapons." Wen Shaoxiu thought to himself.

"Someone else is coming."

"It's a fellow disciple. The jade talisman on my body has sensed it."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three groups of sword lights rushed over from a distance like lightning, and soon appeared in front of everyone.

"Yes, it's Junior Brother Xiaotian, and you two." Wen Shaoxiu was a little surprised. There were three people in total, one of whom was Jian Xiaotian.

The other two were Jian Shaolong and Jian Zhikong.

Speaking of which, Jian Shaolong and Jian Zhikong's combat effectiveness is even better than Wen Shaoxiu. They are both contenders for the next headmaster of Tianjian Sect. In terms of identity and status, they are only higher than Wen Shaoxiu.

"Wen Shaoxiu, it seems that you have gained a lot. Your cultivation has improved. It seems that it is difficult for me to defeat you now." Jian Zhikong said with a smile.

"Don't come on, everyone knows your strength, Jian Zhiqiu. But since you have come here, your strength will soon improve. It is not impossible to be promoted to the realm of human immortals." Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.

"Here, this is an immortal weapon." Jian Shaolong looked at the broken sword in the distance in surprise.

"Yes, it is an immortal weapon. This is what happened." Wen Shaoxiu said briefly and quickly explained what happened here.

"Humph, this space was originally discovered by our sect. Logically, all the treasures here should belong to our sect. This time, we were forced to let the cultivators of other sects come in, which has made our sect lose face. So those cultivators had better pray not to meet me, otherwise they will only die." Jian Shaolong said murderously.

"Hey, I hope to break through to the realm of human immortals now. One year is enough to kill some cultivators of Wuqing Tianzong." Jian Zhikong also said with a smile.

"Don't be careless, everyone. All the people who came in this time are masters with extraordinary talents. Maybe someone else will break through first." Wen Shaoxiu said.

"Indeed, if someone can break through to the realm of human immortals here, I'm afraid they will sweep across the four directions. Hey, who is that person in front? He is so strong." Jian Zhikong said with some surprise as he looked at Chen Feng in the sword energy storm.

"It's Chen Feng. I didn't expect to meet him so soon." Jian Xiao said.


Everyone felt a flash in front of them, and Chen Feng suddenly appeared in front of them. His super speed scared everyone.

"Brother Jian, your realm has actually improved. Congratulations." Chen Feng looked at Jian Xiao and said.

Before, Jian Xiaotian was at the sixth level of the heavenly man realm, but now he has become the seventh level of the heavenly man realm, and the sword intent on his body is very strong. The whole person is like a long sword soaring into the sky, and it seems that he will improve again.

"It's just luck. After I came in, I went through some fighting. Later, I was lucky enough to merge a trace of the sword intent left by the ancient immortals, and then I survived the thunder tribulation. However, the thunder tribulation here is too violent, at least several times stronger than outside. If it weren't for the two senior brothers protecting me, I would have been killed by others after being seriously injured." Jian Xiao said.

"The sword intent left by the ancient immortals?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"There is also a sky-high sword intent here. It seems that you will break through again." Chen Feng smiled.

"You are at the fifth level of the heavenly man realm, how is this possible?" At this time, Jian Zhikong suddenly looked at Chen Feng and said.

You must know that the strength that Chen Feng showed in the sword energy storm just now has shocked everyone secretly. In everyone's opinion, Chen Feng's strength is infinitely close to the realm of human immortals, but who knows that Chen Feng is only at the fifth level of the heavenly man realm.

"Haha, it's just using some means to suppress the cultivation." Chen Feng smiled and was unwilling to say more.

"Such a strong sword intent. It seems that I will make a breakthrough to the realm of human immortals next." Jian Shaolong said as he rushed forward like a sharp sword, breaking through layers of obstacles, and soon entered the sword energy storm.

The sharp and unmatched golden sword energy slashed out fiercely, instantly breaking through several sword energies in front of him.

"Hahaha, the sword energy here is really strong enough." Jian Shaolong laughed loudly, and the sword energy around him kept flashing. Every time he swung his sword to break the sword energy in front of him, he would stride forward.

"Hey, five elements constitution." Chen Feng looked at Jian Shaolong in the sword energy storm with some surprise.

"Jian Shaolong was born with a small five elements body, and his cultivation talent far exceeds that of ordinary cultivators. Moreover, the five elements sword technique he practiced, the five elements cycle, is powerful, but it takes a lot of accumulation to break through the realm of human immortals." Wen Shaoxiu said.

"Yes, this special constitution is indeed fast to cultivate, but it is difficult to break through when encountering bottlenecks, especially when promoting to the realm of human immortals." Jian Zhikong said as he shook his body and also impacted the sword energy storm.

Jian Zhikong's body moves in a floating manner, his footwork is flexible, and the long sword in his hand swings out from time to time, and each sword contains a mysterious and unpredictable artistic conception.

"This Jian Zhikong is not simple, and his understanding of the sword is even better than Wen Shaoxiu and Jian Shaolong." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Jian Zhikong practices the Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect, which is a very profound sword technique. Few of the many disciples of our sect have successfully practiced it." Wen Shaoxiu said.

"The cultivation of these two people is enough, but it may not be so easy to advance to the realm of human immortals, especially in this space, the power of the heavenly tribulation will most likely increase." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Of course, if you can successfully pass the tribulation here, then your future achievements will be greater.

Wen Shaoxiu and his companions were not in a hurry to enter, but were cultivating by comprehending the sword intent in front of them. For most cultivators, as long as their realm is raised, other aspects will be easy to improve.

"I want to make an impact, just in time to consolidate my strength." Jian Xiaotian rushed up with a big laugh.

Speaking of which, Jian Xiaotian also has a special physique of Daluo War Body, with a strong body, abundant blood, and a strong fighting spirit, which is not much different from the small five-element body.

This reason alone can make Jian Xiaotian challenge higher-level.

Sometimes when the strength is equal, the comparison is the fighting will. Some people have a super strong fighting will and can even turn the tables directly when facing cultivators who are higher than themselves.

Everyone went up and down. This time it was Chen Feng's turn to keep walking on the edge. Chen Feng was not walking around casually, but digesting what he had gained in the sword energy storm before.

After charging in the sword energy storm for a while, Chen Feng felt that his cultivation had become more condensed, and his Changsheng swordsmanship had become more smooth and free, and he would rise to a higher level at any time.

The energy of the spirit of the Dao weapon Zhenmo Peak sealed in his body and the one-eyed demon lizard's one-eyed eye in his pupil also loosened a little, and the energy released was also refined and absorbed by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's strength increased greatly, and his pupil technique reached the critical point of advancement.

At the same time, Chen Feng also absorbed a part of the water of life in the Yiyuan acupoint, and he only felt that his body was tighter and stronger, the fire of his soul was stronger, and the fluctuation of his life was more powerful.

"It seems that I have to find a place to pass the thunder tribulation. The power in my body is too strong, and I can't suppress it anymore." Chen Feng said secretly.

As Chen Feng walked step by step, the ground was shaking slightly. Nothing could be seen on the surface, but the hard rocks a hundred meters underground were shaken into powder.

Crash! Crash!

Because of the absorption of the water of life, the immortal qi has also changed, becoming more concentrated and richer than before, and even becoming a little violent when flowing.

The rolling true qi is like the endless flow of water in the river, rushing around in a mighty way. If someone gets closer, you can even hear the sound of water coming from Chen Feng's body, just like real water flow.

Between the opening and closing of his eyes, there are constantly flashes of brilliant light, sometimes the light surges, and small holes appear on the hard ground.

"Now it is a sure thing to pass the tribulation." Chen Fenghuan said, feeling the surging power in his body.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, another cultivator came, and it seemed that the escaped cultivator played a role.

"There are many people coming, it seems there will be a fight." Chen Feng said with a smile.

One by one, the cultivators fell to the ground, looking at the broken sword in the distance with a fiery look in their eyes. What surprised Chen Feng was that the guy who had just escaped actually came back.

In the time of an incense stick, more than a dozen cultivators gathered at the edge of the Broken Sword. They were all half-step human immortals, and the auras of several of them were extremely powerful. They were at the same level as Jian Zhiqiu and Jian Shaolong, and they were all about to enter the realm of human immortals.

In addition to these people, Chen Feng clearly saw cultivators in several other directions of the Broken Sword.

"Good fellow, I never met other cultivators when I came in before, but I didn't expect so many to appear this time. It seems that the guy who escaped before played an important role." Chen Feng said inwardly.

"Boy, are you from the Tianjian Sect?" Just as Chen Feng looked around, a cultivator stepped forward and shouted.

Chen Feng frowned. The man in front of him looked middle-aged, tall, and held a golden long stick covered with patterns in his hand, giving people a sense of might and dominance.

"Not bad." Chen Feng nodded and looked at the other party with some curiosity.

In Chen Feng's eyes, this man had a strong aura, a strong body, and abundant blood. He had most likely practiced a method to refine his body. Although he looked rough, his eyes were calm. The long stick in his hand seemed to be held casually, but Chen Feng knew that he would burst out with powerful attack power at any time.

Because Chen Feng's pupil power had keenly seen through the other party's intentions.

"It seems that this guy is here to cause trouble." Chen Feng said secretly.

"In that case, then take my stick."

Sure enough, the middle-aged man immediately took action. His body did not move, but the golden long stick suddenly rose up and quietly came to Chen Feng. A sticky force locked Chen Feng, leaving Chen Feng with no way to retreat.

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