Eternal Existence

Chapter 683 Five Elements Gold

"From the perspective of the skills, they should be from the Zhao family and the Zhanwang Pavilion, but I am not concerned about these, but what they want to get." Chen Feng's eyes were like lightning, and his face showed an interested look.

"It seems that there are good things." Jian Xiaotian was a little excited.

"It may be a fragment of an immortal weapon, or a Taoist weapon." Chen Feng used some of the power of the Longevity Tower to perceive some dark immortal laws that were hidden very deeply.

"Let's go and take a look. If the other party has fewer people, just kill them directly." Jian Xiaotian said with a smile.

When Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian arrived at the place, they saw thirteen cultivators surrounding a mountain and attacking it continuously. Every time they attacked, the mountain would emit a dazzling luster, while the mountain itself was motionless.

"A thousand-foot-high mountain did not move under the attack of thirteen half-step immortals. It seems that there should be a blessing of mana." Chen Feng said.

"It should be because of the brilliance outside the mountain." Jian Xiaotian pondered for a moment.

"Don't rush out, let's see the situation?" Chen Feng waved his hand, and a faint blood-colored halo enveloped the two of them. This was Chen Feng using the power of the blood-gathering bead. Not to mention these half-step immortals, even real immortals would not discover the existence of Chen Feng and the others.

This thousand-foot mountain was light gray as a whole, with a smooth mountain body and few rocks. Only some grass and trees grew on it, but it was also turned into debris in the attack.

The joint attack of these half-step immortals could easily break the ten-thousand-foot mountain, tear the earth apart, and directly open up the underground river, but at this time they could not do anything with this mountain.

This mountain seemed to be integrated with the earth within a radius of a thousand miles, and it remained motionless despite the attacks of these people.

It was just that there was a stream of light flowing around this mountain, blocking all the attacks, but Chen Feng and the others also carefully discovered that every attack by these people would weaken the stream of light on the surface of the mountain, and judging from the situation, these people should have been attacking for a while.

"What's wrong with this mountain? It seems not simple, but I can't say anything." Jian Xiaotian looked at it for a while and said.

"This mountain is not made of rocks, but a whole piece. It seems to be a metal or some other substance. If I am not mistaken, this mountain is a fragment of an immortal weapon." Chen Feng thought for a while and said, "The flowing light on the surface of this mountain should be a protective energy light shield, but with the erosion of time, a lot of energy has been lost. I think these people can take this mountain after this layer of protective spiritual light is broken."

"You mean to wait until the other party breaks through this layer of flowing light before taking action."

"Yes, no hurry, after all, it is a fragment of an immortal weapon. Who knows if there is any danger."

"I hope these people can succeed as soon as possible, so that everyone can save time." Jian Xiaotian was still worried about Wen Shaoxiu and the others at this time, but these people in front of him did not want to let go.

These thirteen cultivators surrounded the mountain and attacked continuously. Once someone's true energy was insufficient, they immediately stopped to take pills and restore their strength.

Chen Feng and the others waited in the dark for a full hour. Finally, a hole was blasted in the spiritual light barrier around the mountain, and then the rich immortal energy gushed out, and the fierce momentum directly hit the first person and fell.

"Hahaha, it's immortal energy, such a strong immortal energy, just this immortal energy can make me promoted to the realm of human immortal." One of the cultivators laughed excitedly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, the cultivators in other directions also flew over quickly, and then these thirteen cultivators simultaneously took out their strongest means to collect these immortal energy rushing like rivers.

"It's immortal energy, do it." Jian Xiaotian's eyes were hot. The two were hundreds of miles away from the mountain, but they clearly felt the traces of spiritual energy coming from the space. These spiritual energies were different from the spiritual energy absorbed at ordinary times. It was just that after absorbing a few strands, there was a feeling of refreshment and rebirth.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's not that easy for these people to be promoted to human immortal." When the gap opened, Chen Feng also wanted to take action, but he controlled it at the critical moment, because in Chen Feng's heart, he didn't think that a piece of immortal artifact fragment would be so easy to get.

Of course, Chen Feng also had the confidence not to worry that the other party could take away the immortal artifact fragment. Even if he took it away, he could still snatch it away.

"Hahahaha, such rich spiritual energy, it is indeed immortal energy. My cultivation is improving rapidly. It seems that I will soon be promoted to human immortal."

"Golden Fairy Gas Bottle!"

"Purple Gold Heaven Storage Gourd!"

Two of them took out the magic weapon specially used to store spiritual energy and began to collect the immortal energy. Seeing their actions, the others also hurriedly took out the space magic weapon.

After all, there is too much immortal energy here. How much can you absorb by yourself? It is better to collect it first and use it slowly when practicing later.

Just when these people were happily collecting, some changes occurred in the mountain. The mountain shook slightly, and a light yellow wave rushed out from the mountain. The streamer barrier around the mountain cracked one after another, just like thin paper. The golden light suddenly appeared. The thirteen cultivators felt bad and retreated quickly, but it was too late. Several people were still affected by the golden light.

Everything turned into nothingness wherever the golden light passed. Even the space was corroded with gaps. The cultivators who were affected by the golden light were immediately shattered, with no remains left and their souls annihilated.

Of course, a few people escaped. Six of the thirteen cultivators died on the spot. Only two of the remaining seven were intact. Five were hit by the golden light and their bodies were broken.

"Okay, it's time to start." Chen Feng said as he flashed and quickly passed through the space of a hundred miles. He waved his hand and performed the palm thunder. Lightning shot out from his palm and quickly hit these cultivators to the ground, spitting blood.

"Heavenly Wheel Explosion Sword Technique!" Jian Xiaotian also performed sword attack. The Xiaotian Sword in his hand was like a windmill that kept spinning and surging. The sword energy was fierce and sharp, and he killed one person right away.

"It's someone from the Heavenly Sword Sect. Crush the teleportation talisman quickly." The remaining cultivators shouted immediately. If these people saw Chen Feng and the others at ordinary times, they would most likely take the initiative to attack, but now it was different. These people were already seriously injured and could not stop the attack of Chen Feng and the others.

"None of you can get away." Chen Feng had already launched the second round of attack.

"Sword Qi Storm!"

The rolling sword energy turned into a howling storm, sweeping across like a hurricane, cutting the cultivators into pieces wherever they passed.

Of the seven cultivators who survived before, Jian Xiaotian killed two, and the remaining five all died in Chen Feng's sword energy storm.

"It's so satisfying to kill another group of people. These sects are actually thinking of joining forces to kill us. I hope the result won't make them spit blood." Jian Xiaotian laughed.

After the two collected the magic weapons of these people, they turned their eyes to the mountain.

At this time, the mountain changed again. The streamer barrier around the mountain had almost dissipated completely, and the dark mountain body began to fade, as if the mud on the surface had been washed away by a heavy rain.

First, a trace of golden light was projected from the mountain body, and then more and more, and the whole mountain seemed to have turned into a hedgehog, blooming countless dazzling golden thorns.

The golden light became more and more numerous and thicker. Finally, with a bang, the whole mountain roared. Under the impact of the powerful force, the dull luster on the surface of the mountain had been washed away.

A mountain with golden light appeared in front of Chen Feng and the others.

The whole body was golden. The dazzling light gradually weakened at first, but it still made the surrounding sky golden, as if a golden mountain suddenly emerged from the ground.

"What is this? It can't be five elements refined gold?" Jian Xiaotian looked at the "golden mountain" in front of him in a daze.

"It is indeed five elements refined gold, but it is also a piece of immortal artifact fragment. Unfortunately, the immortal law on it has been almost wiped out, and only the material of the body is still useful." Chen Feng nodded and continued, "Brother Jian, I have a use for this immortal artifact fragment."

"Hey, if you have a use for it, just take it directly. Do you think I will share it with you?" Jian Xiaotian smiled.

"Then I won't be polite." Chen Feng smiled.

"Tower, don't do it yet." Chen Feng's voice suddenly exploded in the Longevity Tower.

The fist-sized Longevity Tower flew out of Chen Feng's body, then grew rapidly, and finally reached a height of ten thousand feet, emitting a strong suction force that even tore the space apart.

In Chen Feng's incredible eyes, this mountain made entirely of five elements of refined gold was easily taken into the Longevity Tower, and there was not even any resistance.


The Longevity Tower shrank and flew into Chen Feng's body again, and then completely quieted down, as if digesting this harvest.

"So easy!" Chen Feng was still a little surprised, but the gap on the Longevity Tower was slowly recovering, so Chen Feng felt relieved.

"Let's go!"

Then the two continued to move forward, and after moving forward more than 30,000 miles, they finally found the traces of Wen Shaoxiu and Jian Zhikong.

During this time, Chen Feng and the others picked some spiritual medicines, dug some rare ores, killed some demons, and killed several cultivators from other forces.

In fact, the two of them had gained a lot along the way. In Jian Xiaotian's words, what he had gained so far was enough for him to cultivate to the realm of human immortals.

"Sure enough, Wen Shaoxiu and Jian Zhikong fought a monster here a day ago. They were injured again. It seems that they should be not far away." Chen Feng said and put away the Qianxun mirror.

"They should not have walked far in a day after being injured. They may have healed nearby." Jian Xiao said.

However, Chen Feng used his soul power to search thousands of miles around but did not find Wen Shaoxiu and the others.

However, Chen Feng discovered something else.

"Let's go. There is an interesting place ahead. Maybe we can find Wen Shaoxiu and the others there." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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