Eternal Existence

Chapter 684: Battle with Qingfeng

"Interesting place? Could there be another magic weapon?" Jian Xiaotian said in confusion.

Three thousand miles away from the two people, there was an uneven ground. The strange thing was that this piece of land had cracked into huge cracks for some unknown reason. These cracks were dark and unknown how deep they were. The longest crack was a hundred miles long, as if it was cut by a sword, or as if it was broken open by the power inside the earth.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that these cracks are crisscrossed and condensed into a human face.

At this time, evil spirits continued to gush out of these cracks. These evil spirits were light red, condensed and did not dissipate, and rushed to a thousand feet high before slowly dissipating.

While these evil spirits were gushing, the spiritual energy within a thousand miles was also gathering, condensing into strands and entering two of the cracks.

And these two cracks corresponded to the nostrils in the human face.

Inhaling spiritual energy and releasing evil spirits, it was like a cultivator practicing breathing.

In Chen Feng's soul observation just now, he saw several cultivators entering these cracks.

After approaching the crack, the two clearly felt the strong evil spirit trying to get into their bodies.

A trace of evil spirit entered Chen Feng's body and immediately began to wreak havoc, constantly eroding the vitality in Chen Feng's body.

"These evil spirits contain death energy, a trace of which can kill ordinary people, which is more powerful than the most poisonous poison." Chen Feng said.

"It is indeed very powerful, and I don't know what is underneath." Jian Xiaotian nodded, and a barrier formed by a layer of sword light rose up, covering Jian Xiaotian tightly.

At the same time, Jian Xiaotian took out a poison-proof pill and swallowed it.

"But these death energy are exactly what I need." Chen Feng took out the Sword of Death.


The Sword of Death vibrated slightly, and immediately began to swallow the surrounding death energy, and soon a rapidly rotating vortex appeared in the space.

"This sword!" Jian Xiaotian was a little surprised.

"Sixth-grade holy weapon, death attribute." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The evil spirit is mixed with death energy, and there will be no death fountain below." Jian Xiaotian thought for a while and said.

There is a fountain of life in the world, and naturally there is also a fountain of death. The power of life and the power of death are two opposing original powers.

"Maybe, let's go down and take a look."

Just when the two wanted to go down, a tall figure suddenly fell from the sky, and grabbed the sword of death in Chen Feng's hand with a big hand.

"Nice long sword, it belongs to me."

"Looking for death!"

Chen Feng shook his wrist, and the sword of death circled and slashed at the arm of the person who came.


A crisp collision sound came, and the sword of death was actually bounced away, and a monk wearing bronze armor rolled and fell in front of the two.

"Zhan Qingfeng from the Zhanwang Pavilion." Jian Xiaotian recognized the identity of the person at a glance.

"A person from the Zhanwang Pavilion?" Chen Feng's eyes stared at the armor on the person's body and showed an interested look.

This set of bronze armor covered most of the body. Chen Feng's sword was blocked by the opponent's wrist guard just now. The fluctuations generated by the two made Chen Feng know that the protective armor on the opponent's body was not ordinary stuff.

Although he did not try his best, the Sword of Death was a sixth-grade holy weapon.

"The opponent's protective armor is at least fifth-grade, and defensive magic weapons are more likely to exert their full power." Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

"Boy, who are you? It seems that there is no one like you in the Tianjian Sect?" Zhan Qingfeng was also staring at Chen Feng.

Jian Xiaotian can be ignored, but Chen Feng gave the other party an extremely dangerous feeling.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you just provoked me." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his finger and flicked the Sword of Death. The death power in the surrounding evil spirits gathered together, and then condensed into a sharp sword energy to attack Zhan Qingfeng.

"Hey, it can actually absorb the death power around. Boy, since you are unwilling to hand over the sword, then I will kill you first."

Zhan Qingfeng said as he turned his palm and pressed it lightly. The sword energy was crushed, and at the same time a fierce force rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Be careful, it's the Zhan Wang Seal of Zhan Wang Pavilion!" Jian Xiaotian reminded on the side.

Chen Feng did not speak. He pointed the long sword in his hand fiercely and used the wind and thunder explosion in the Changsheng sword technique to break the surface with a point. After the opponent's seal was penetrated, it began to dissipate.

"Boy, you have some tricks. Let's see how long you can hold on." Zhan Qingfeng said, and his whole body's energy surged. It seemed that the whole person was much taller. The blood in his body was boiling, and a substantial aura rushed up to the sky.

"Huh! It turned out to be a special physique." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"This guy is the descendant of the War King, and the blood in his body has been stimulated. The War King himself is a Tyrant War Body and has long ascended to the fairyland, but the War King's strength is too strong, which leads to some of his descendants being able to stimulate the blood power in their bodies." Jian Xiaotian said quickly.

"The War King's bloodline, no wonder, but although the cultivation of Tianhen's son Zhan Tianhen and his younger brother Zhan Qingsong is also good, they should not have stimulated the War King's bloodline in their bodies." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Take my move, the War King's Earth Covering Seal." The air currents of Zhan Qingfeng's body surged, and his arms suddenly became thicker, and his hands became even bigger.

A ball of light emanated from between his hands, and then it grew rapidly, like a flattened mountain pressing down on Chen Feng.

At the same time, Chen Feng also felt the ground around him trembling, and the power of the earth rose up, forming a complex formation to lock himself.

"The palm print moves the earth, and has the effect of blocking space. It is worthy of being the battle seal left by the War King." Chen Feng nodded, performed the Qilin step, and his feet moved quickly on the ground several times, and then the power of the earth that impacted him dissipated.


Then Chen Feng turned into a gust of wind, a flash of lightning, and instantly reached a thousand meters away, and then this earth-covering seal hit the ground.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The ground was sinking, and thick cracks continued to extend, directly connecting with the cracks on the face.

Chi Chi Chi!

A stream of evil spirits gushed out from the cracks, and the newly cracked ground began to change color.

"Can you dodge it?"

"War King Seal, Azure Dragon Absorbs Water."

Zhan Qingfeng continued to attack, and actually shot out a long Azure Dragon, which was a hundred feet long. It roared at Chen Feng, and the powerful suction force descended directly on Chen Feng.

"Eternal Life Seal!"

Chen Feng's body shook slightly, breaking free from the suction force, and at the same time, the Immortal Seal blasted out.

At this time, the Immortal Seal carried the momentum of going forward, and the mountains could be easily pushed away wherever it passed. With a loud bang, the Azure Dragon was blasted into pieces.


Zhan Qingfeng snorted, retreated repeatedly, his face flushed, and he couldn't speak for a while.

Chen Feng did not continue to attack, but stood there to experience some artistic conception that he suddenly realized when he sent out the Immortal Seal just now.

"Sure enough, I only understand a little bit about the seal of the Immortal Great Handprint. If I can really practice it to the stage of great success, I can easily crush a planet. Hey, I wonder at what level I can practice to do it?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Take another move from me, the King of War Tyrant Seal!" At this time, Zhan Qingfeng roared, gritted his teeth and used another seal.

This Tyrant Seal is the strongest attack method that Zhan Qingfeng can currently use, but he is not proficient in using it. At this time, under the pressure of Chen Feng, he can only use it with gritted teeth.


As soon as this seal was used, the whole sky turned dark, and only a huge handprint covering the sky and the earth roared over. Each finger was like a mountain, and the lines on the palm print were clear, like roads.

"Well, you have achieved a level far beyond the past. This move of mine once shattered a ten-thousand-foot peak when I was practicing it before. I don't believe this kid can resist it." Zhan Qingfeng trembled all over, and his heart was extremely excited. His eyes were burning, as if he saw the scene of Chen Feng being slapped to death by him.

"The Great Seal of Immortality!" Facing such an attack, Chen Feng still used the Great Seal of Immortality to fight the enemy.

The Tyrant Seal was so powerful that it seemed to be able to destroy the earth, and the Great Seal of Immortality was from bottom to top, with a kind of spirit that broke through the sky.

The two great seals that were almost the same collided with each other, and Chen Feng disappeared without waiting for the result.

The huge collision sounded like two planets colliding with each other, and the two great seals shattered at the same time.

Then the figure swayed, Zhan Qingfeng screamed, and then fled quickly, turning into a stream of light and drilling into the crack.

An arm fell to the ground, and a bronze arm guard on the arm was neatly cut off.

Chen Feng waved his hand to take the arm guard from his arm, looked at it carefully and put it away.

"The material is good, it actually contains star copper. It's a pity to throw it away. It can be used in the future when refining weapons." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Zhan Qingfeng is the leader among the Tianren realm cultivators in Zhanwang Pavilion. It's a pity that he was not killed." Jian Xiaotian felt a little sorry.

"Don't worry, maybe we can meet again next time." Chen Feng came to one of the cracks, and the soul power began to extend.

However, Chen Feng soon took back the soul power and waved his hand to shoot out a stream of true energy. This stream of true energy floated down like a ribbon, but it was eroded by the evil spirit below not long after it fell, and then dissipated.

"The evil spirit below is even more powerful." Chen Feng said as the Death Sword entered the crack first, followed by Jian Xiaotian.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

A large amount of death energy flowed into the Death Sword, and the Death Sword immediately began to emit slight fluctuations, forming an invisible barrier to wrap up Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian.

"Not to mention anything else, the deathly aura here alone makes our trip worthwhile. Of course, a place that can breed so much evil and deathly aura must not be simple. I just don't know what good things it can be." Feeling the changes in the Sword of Death, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

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