Eternal Existence

Chapter 825: Overcoming the Tribulation

"Nine Nine Mysterious Thunder, Diamond Mysterious Thunder, Yin Fire, Heart Fire have all come through. I wonder what will happen this time. I hope there will be something new?" Chen Feng thought to himself.


A lightning spear flashed through the calamity cloud and pierced through Chen Feng's head.

"So fast!"

Although Chen Feng had been concentrating on paying attention to the situation of the calamity cloud, he was still startled by this sudden attack. However, Chen Feng did not dodge, but stretched out his hand and grabbed the lightning spear in his hand.


The lightning spear was easily crushed, and it was blown out in one breath, and the power of lightning dissipated.

"The speed is okay, but the attack power is too weak." Chen Feng shook his head, feeling the extremely powerful power in his body and thinking that if this time the calamity was only this level, then there would really be no challenge.


The thick calamity cloud suddenly flashed away, and a ball of lightning rolled down, and it flashed in front of Chen Feng. A lifelike monk with lightning flashed and held a spear in his hand and attacked Chen Feng.

"Human-shaped calamity." Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he didn't take it seriously. Facing the extremely fast attack, Chen Feng just waved his hand, and the power surged, and he blocked the opponent's attack.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The monk transformed by the power of thunder and lightning was tall, holding a spear like Thor, and waved the spear expressionlessly, and suddenly the sky was full of the influence of the spear.


Chen Feng punched out, and all the phantoms of the spears disappeared. At the same time, the monk was also shattered and turned into a stream of thunder and lightning energy again.

It was absorbed by Chen Feng.


Another monk landed, holding a long sword in front of Chen Feng, and his speed was faster than the previous monk.


Chen Feng did not dodge, and a blood mark appeared on his body. Although this blood mark disappeared in the blink of an eye, Chen Feng was still very surprised.

"A cultivator condensed by the power of wind."

Swish, swish, swish!

The sword light flashed, and five swords attacked Chen Feng's throat and limbs respectively.

Chen Feng smiled and did not dodge. He let the five swords pierce his body, and five blood marks appeared, and then healed again.

"The speed is enough, but the attack power is not enough." Chen Feng said, stepped forward, and punched.


The fist force exploded. Although the opponent was dodging quickly, he was still affected by Chen Feng's fist force. When he slowed down, Chen Feng quickly stepped forward and slapped him into pieces with a long-life handprint.

Another one was dealt with.


Another cultivator was shining with golden light, holding a long sword in front of Chen Feng. The long sword was also golden, flashing with dazzling light, and a murderous aura rushed to his face.

"It turned out to be a cultivator formed by the power of gold."


The golden light flashed, and the opponent's attack arrived. Chen Feng raised his hand, and the golden light also flashed. The longevity sword became golden under Chen Feng's urging, and collided with the opponent's long sword.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two sides quickly fought, and there were golden lights everywhere, and golden flowers bloomed everywhere. After hundreds of rounds of fighting, Chen Feng used the longevity step to go around the opponent, and chopped with a knife to end the battle.


The cultivator formed by the power of fire appeared.

After a fight, he was defeated.


The cultivator formed by the power of earth appeared.


He was planned again.


The cultivators formed by the power of wood also began to appear.


Just when Chen Feng was somewhat impressed by the diversity of this thunder tribulation, two cultivators appeared on the left and right. Although they were all water power, one of them was as cold as ice. It turned out to be the cold power derived from the water power.


The overwhelming water waves and the cold currents that kept coming attacked Chen Feng at the same time, causing Chen Feng's pressure to rise sharply, but he also felt that there was some beginning. The power of the cultivators before was really weak.

"It's good to come. It would be better if it were stronger." Chen Feng refined the Seven Apertures Delicate Heart, and his body had undergone earth-shaking changes. Every move he made had great divine power. This degree of severe cold had almost no effect on Chen Feng. Under the steaming of qi and blood, the whole person was a super furnace. A drop of blood flowing out could burn black iron, not to mention these cold air.


Before these two cultivators were dealt with, two more people jumped down from the tribulation cloud. These two people were condensed from the Yin power and Yang power.

The Yin force corroded Chen Feng's mind, and the Yang force was like a concentrated sun. With one Yin and one Yang, the power increased exponentially.

"Good guy, the Yin and Yang forces are all out." Chen Feng laughed and pushed his hands out. The power rolled and gushed out, and the cultivators of the water force and ice force were blocked outside by Chen Feng.

Bang! Bang!

The Yin and Yang cultivators hit Chen Feng at the same time.

"Yin and Yang two points, absorb!"

The Yin and Yang two points in the body began to rotate, and the two forces that hit Chen Feng's body were instantly absorbed.

Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng used the longevity handprint to grab it suddenly, covering the four directions, grabbing the cultivator condensed by the Yin force in his hand, and then pinching it hard, turning it into fragments. At this time, the attacks of the other three people all fell on Chen Feng.

The tyrannical force rushed into Chen Feng's body, trying to burst Chen Feng, but it was absorbed by the acupoints opened by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng became more and more crazy, and soon he dealt with the four monks. He did not feel tired at all, but his fighting spirit was even stronger.


This time, the calamity cloud split into two halves, and four monks appeared at the same time, forming a four-phase force to surround Chen Feng.

"Wind, thunder, water and fire, the four forces appear together, or form a formation, wouldn't the attack power be increased several times?"

Wind and thunder are the fastest and attack first, with water and fire combining to surround them.

"Eternal Sword Technique!"

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the swordsmanship unfolded. The sword was blazing, and he fought with the opponent.

This fight lasted for half an hour, and finally the four people were killed one by one by Chen Feng, and the four-phase formation dissipated.

"Any more?"


Five monks appeared at the same time. They were monks formed from the five original powers of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. They launched the Five Elements Formation as soon as they came up. Chen Feng felt strong pressure.

"Five more people are here. What kind of disaster is this? Why is it so chaotic?" Chen Feng felt a little funny. Fortunately, it was him. If he had been replaced by a monk whose body was not as good as his own, he would probably be in a hurry. Attack to death.

Daogang sword energy, fists and palms came out, strong winds flowed, and whistled continuously. This time, it took Chen Feng an hour to defeat the five monks. During the battle, Chen Feng used the Chain of Immortality to interfere with the opponent's formation, and was able to succeed in one fell swoop.


Eight monks appeared, namely Tiandi, Shanze, Wind and Thunder, and Water and Fire. The eight monks formed a more powerful Zhoutian Bagua formation. As soon as they came up, Chen Feng felt a mountain of pressure, and his muscles could not help but beat. , the heart beat violently, like a perpetual motion machine with super power, and the strength of the whole body began to increase again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The eight monks just changed their positions slightly, and Chen Feng felt that the pressure doubled again. His figure swayed, and the other party seized the opportunity, and struck Chen Feng with a wind and thunder palm, leaving a mark on Chen Feng's chest. There was a dark palm print.


The long whip of water and fire also left a bloody scar on Chen Feng's back.

Next, the eight monks kept changing their positions, surrounding Chen Feng in the middle, and attacked frequently, making Chen Feng feel like he was in a hurry.

"If we take care of these eight people, I wonder if there will be nine more people." Chen Feng still had this idea at this time.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The energy behind him began to spread, and the shadow of the Changsheng Wing was revealed. With just a slight flicker, he evaded the attacks and reached a monk behind him with a palm.


The flames exploded, and the monk formed by the power of fire was taken care of.

After one person was eliminated, the power of Zhou Tian's formation suddenly dropped, and Chen Feng seized the opportunity to strike again and again, causing chaos in the opponent's formation.

It took another half an hour for Chen Feng to finish off all these monks.

Just when Chen Feng was guessing how many people were coming out below, the calamity cloud dissipated, and a massive amount of immortal spiritual energy and immortal laws descended on Chen Feng.

Overcome the tribulation successfully. Chen Feng was promoted to Intermediate Human Immortal.

Although the power of this tribulation is great, there are no other living beings here because it is a dead planet. There is only Chen Feng, so Chen Feng can practice quietly in peace.

After the catastrophe, Chen Feng practiced for another month before stopping.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't want to stop. He was completely silent in his cultivation. Chen Feng had already forgotten the time.

On this day, the planet finally cracked open safely, and Chen Feng had no choice but to re-enter the starry sky.

"It's just a Death Star, nothing." Chen Feng shook his head and left here. Next, Chen Feng wandered in the starry sky for another three months. To Chen Feng's expectation, he did not encounter any danger.

Finally, Chen Feng felt that enough was enough. There was nothing easy to do in this starry sky. If he went to a farther starry sky, Chen Feng felt that even if he had an immortal weapon to protect him, it would be a bit unreliable. After all, his own strength was still not enough.

"I am now a mid-level human immortal, and I have refined the Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart. My strength should be considered a master among masters at the same level. Even among the monks in the major heavens, no one is my opponent."


Thinking of this, Chen Feng sighed again. It has been millions of years, and he doesn't know what the immortal world has become.

"One day I will go back. Soon, I don't think it will take too long." Chen Feng secretly encouraged himself. Although he can return to the Immortal Realm now, he does not have enough capital and confidence, so he still has to practice and change. To be strong, you need to become stronger.

"After wandering in the starry sky for so long, it's time to return to the eternal world. Once my cultivation is further advanced, I will come back to the starry sky."

"Ta, it's time to go back and start opening up the space passage."


The space passage was quickly opened, Chen Feng entered in one step, and then began to travel through the void. When he reappeared, he arrived in the eternal world.

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