Eternal Existence

Chapter 826: Donglong Island is attacked

"I came back very quickly this time." Chen Feng said with a smile, feeling the familiar breath.

"Of course, my current strength is at the level of a Taoist weapon, and it is not a problem to suppress immortal weapons. A small shuttle space is naturally nothing." The tower said lightly, but the smile in his eyes betrayed his pride.

Changsheng Tower had spent a lot of effort to collect the Sky-piercing Spear and the Bone Spear before. If he encounters some low-grade immortal weapons now, it will be much easier.

Flying high in the sky, Chen Feng's divine thoughts radiated waves, constantly extending to the distance, and stopped after covering thousands of miles.

"Shuibo City! What a coincidence, it's not far from Donglong Island." Chen Feng's figure flashed, disappeared from the sky, and the next moment he landed on the ground silently.

After being promoted to the intermediate human immortal, Chen Feng's strength has increased by more than ten times, which is basically the improvement and transformation of the life level.

Although he did not fly, Chen Feng's speed on the ground was incredible. He took one step and reached a distance of a hundred feet. He looked like he was taking a normal walk, but in a blink of an eye, he was dozens or even hundreds of miles away.

The cultivators below the human immortal could not detect Chen Feng's existence at all.

Even if he entered a crowded city, it was like a gust of wind, but the movements of tens of thousands of people in the city could not escape Chen Feng's sensing. This was because Chen Feng's divine consciousness had reached a terrifying level.

After traveling in the starry sky and witnessing the battles of the immortals, ordinary human immortals were not taken seriously by Chen Feng, not to mention those ordinary cultivators who had not even cultivated to the level of human immortals and mortal beings who had not embarked on the path of cultivation.

Chen Feng's speed was very fast, but it still took him a few days to enter the territory of Donglong Island. Before entering the sea, Chen Feng felt the power fluctuations coming from the space.

"Hey! There was a fight. Could it be that something happened at home during the time I was away? Who dared to come to my territory to make trouble?"

"You are really looking for death."

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. He moved his feet and flew into the air. He disappeared in the air after a few flashes.

At this time, Donglong Island was wrapped in a thick layer of water curtain. Outside the water curtain, a group of cultivators were desperately attacking. Inside the water curtain, Donglong Island was also in chaos, with cultivators and sea monster guards fighting everywhere.

At this time, the strongest cultivators on Donglong Island were only four sea monster guards of the middle-level human immortal level. Jian Xiaotian and Ye Ziming were in charge of the battle on Donglong Island.

Although the water curtain of Donglong Island was not broken, the situation on Donglong Island was not very good. Even the members of the Xu family had come up.

"Jue Wushen, you and Chen Feng are both students of Daluo Academy. Isn't it a bit unreasonable to have so many cultivators come to besiege Donglong Island at this time?" Jian Xiaotian shouted loudly at this time.

Jian Xiaotian had just been promoted to a human immortal not long ago. With his own spirit body, he could still fight with ordinary primary human immortals, but he could not stand up to top genius cultivators like Jue Wushen, not to mention that Jue Wushen was a mid-level human immortal. If it were not for the formation barrier on Donglong Island, Jue Wushen and others would be able to kill all the people on Donglong Island.

However, Jian Xiaotian was also covered with blood at this time, while Ye Ziming was fighting with two human immortals with his long sword.

There were hundreds of heavenly cultivators and eight human immortals on Donglong Island. These cultivators had sneaked into Donglong Island before. They were not students of Daluo Academy, but a group of fierce bandits gathered by Jue Wushen from Daluo Mountains.

When Jue Wushen led his men to attack Donglong Island, these people suddenly rioted, but fortunately, there were many restrictions on Donglong Island, and there were also a large number of sea monster guards. After a long time, it was not a problem to kill these cultivators.

The most important thing at the moment is Jue Wushen and others who are attacking the water curtain outside the island. Most of this group of people are elite immortals from the Daluo Academy, and most of them are mid-level immortals. They have strength and all carry powerful magic weapons. It will not be a problem to break through the water curtain protecting the island of Donglong Island after a long time.


After hearing what Jian Xiaotian said, Jue Wushen suddenly laughed: "Who do you think you are? Let Chen Feng come out. I wish I could kill this kid. A small island still wants to resist stubbornly. Once we break the water curtain, we will slaughter all the creatures on the island."

"Be sensible, come out and beg for mercy now, kneel down and kowtow, maybe I can spare your lives."

"Bullshit, you are so shameless." At this time, Ye Ziming, who was fighting, suddenly cursed.

"You dare to make trouble knowing that Chen Feng is not here. If Chen Feng is here, you would not dare to come even if you have eight courage. It is really shameless to say this now. A cultivator with such character can also enter the Daluo Academy to practice. I was really blind before."

Under Ye Ziming's scolding, Jue Wushen and others' faces turned red and white. These people's behavior was indeed taking advantage of the fire. If they had no grudge against Chen Feng, they would never choose to attack Donglong Island at this time.

However, this also strengthened Jue Wushen's determination, that is, to break through Donglong Island, and still save some face. If Donglong Island cannot be broken at this time, then this time, the face will be lost. Not to mention within the scope of the Daluo Mountains, even in the entire Central Plains cultivation world, you can't raise your head.

"Stop talking nonsense, come in to flatten your Donglong Island." Jue Wushen gritted his teeth and waved his hand to hit a huge Dharma wheel, which turned out to be a Taoist weapon. The Dharma wheel burst into golden light, like a round of scorching sun heavily bombarding the water curtain.

The water curtain shook, and many sea monster guards on the island were shocked and fainted on the ground. Even Jian Xiaotian's face turned pale.

The power of the Taoist weapon was still too great, and it was not something that a human immortal could resist.

"Lan Hai, act quickly and break the water curtain in one fell swoop. We don't have much time. If we wait for those demon kings to come back, all our efforts will be wasted." At this time, Jue Wushen turned his face and said to Lan Hai.

"Yes, everyone, do your best." Lan Hai said and took out a water seal, which contained abundant and powerful water power. It was actually a Taoist weapon.

"Tao weapon water seal, haha, since everyone has taken out good things, I won't hide it." Dao Jun said and took out his long sword. Although this long sword is only a holy weapon, it seals the power of the Great Dao. Once it is unsealed, it also has the power of a Taoist weapon.

Everyone used the Taoist weapons and launched a powerful attack. The water curtain on Donglong Island became thinner and thinner. It seemed that it could not last long. As for the monks and sea monster guards on Donglong Island, I don't know how many were shocked and fainted.

"Use the teleportation array quickly to leave here." Jian Xiaotian commanded.

But soon, Jian Xiaotian received the report that the teleportation array could not be opened.

"Hahaha, it's useless. We have blocked the void with Taoist tools. Even if you have a large teleportation array on your island, it's useless. If you teleport rashly, you will enter the eternal void." Seeing the panic of the people on Donglong Island, Jue Wushen laughed happily.

"There is no way, we can only fight." Jian Xiaotian gritted his teeth.

"Don't worry, I will unite with my clansmen to perform the art of teleportation in the void, and I should be able to teleport a group of people away." At this time, Ye Ziming said.

"No, if you want to leave, you go together, and if you want to stay, you stay together." Jian Xiaotian refused immediately.

"As many as can leave, there is no need to make meaningless deaths." Xu Lianping, the immortal of the Xu family, said.

"Don't fight, because none of you can leave."


Finally, the water curtain on Donglong Island was blasted open, and Jue Wushen walked in with arrogant steps.

"Hey! It seems that we can't wait for reinforcements."

"Hmph, if the deep sea mermaids hadn't joined forces to attack, how dare these people come."

"We'll kill as many as we can later."

"You're still not kneeling now." Jue Wushen shouted, and kicked out a mermaid guard who fainted on the ground and was kicked out, turning into a ball of flesh and blood.

"Do it."

Jian Xiaotian and Ye Ziming rushed up with all their strength, but before they could rush to Jue Wushen, they were swept away by Jue Wushen's palm.

"Too weak, too weak, kid, you are a disciple of the Tianjian Sect, humph, if you left before, we could let you go, but now you have to die here." Jue Wushen sneered at Jian Xiaotian.

"Really? You dare to kill me." Jian Xiaotian smiled disdainfully.

"Why not? It's just a small Tianjian Sect. Do you dare to cause trouble for our Daluo Academy? Well, I'll kill you first." Jue Wushen said as the Dharma Wheel in his hand was about to bombard Jian Xiaotian.

"Really? If you dare to make a move, I will kill you first." At this time, a voice like thunder rolled from afar, getting louder and louder, and finally the space began to shake.

"Who is it?" Feeling the pressure in the voice, Jue Wushen and others' eyes lit up and showed a look of vigilance.


Everyone only felt a sudden flash in front of them, Chen Feng appeared on the spot, waved his hand, Jian Xiaotian and others were involuntarily moved away, and gathered in the distance.

Chen Feng then waved his hand again, and the Yuanchen Crystal Water turned into mist, wrapping Jian Xiaotian and others.

"You heal your wounds first, and leave the rest to me." Chen Feng said murderously, although his face was calm, but sparks began to flash in his eyes.

"Chen Feng! I didn't expect you to come back." Jue Wushen saw Chen Feng appear, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a trace of fear, but soon became vicious again.

Previously, we got the news that Chen Feng, Lan Ling and others went to Xuhun Star for adventure, but then something happened on Xuhun Star, and all the cultivators came back. After that, Chen Feng stayed on Xuhun Star. In Jue Wushen's opinion, Chen Feng should have died on Xuhun Star.

Donglong Island itself is a paradise for cultivation, and there are countless people eyeing it. So this time, Donglong Island was attacked by forces in the sea, which created an opportunity for Jue Wushen and others.

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