Eternal Existence

Chapter 860 News


A bright light flashed, and one of Jiang Huo's arms was cut off. Jiang Huo and Ye Lin could have resisted for a while, but now they were upset, and their joint efforts had a flaw.

"Jiang Huo!" Ye Lin was anxious, but there was nothing she could do. The situation in front of her could not be changed by desperate efforts.

"Ye Lin, I will burn my soul, stimulate my potential, and block the opponent. You take the opportunity to rush out."

"No, we will go together if we want to go, and die together if we want to die."

"Listen to me, we don't have to die here. If I die, you can still avenge me. If we die, everything will be over."

"No! No matter what you say, I won't leave."


Just as Jiang Huo and Ye Lin were secretly communicating, the offensive of the four monks became more fierce. With a slight sound, Jiang Huo was almost cut in half.

"You two look like you want to escape. It's impossible. Don't even think about leaving."

"Even self-destruction won't work."

"Burning souls won't work. We're ready. Come on. Just use whatever desperate means you have."

The four were fearless and were not afraid of Jiang Huo and Ye Lin fighting desperately. Or rather, the four were still using words to attack each other.

"These two are dead." Chen Feng watched from the side without any intention of intervening.

"Please help this friend." At this time, Ye Lin suddenly spoke.

Chen Feng was a little surprised, but then he understood that the other party had no other way. Anyway, they were going to die, so they might as well fight.

Chen Feng didn't say anything, and there was no expression.

"Please help my friend." Ye Lin shouted again.

"Oh, why should I help?" Chen Feng spoke.

"Please help my friend. We can get the friendship of our Fire God Sect and the Jiang family." Jiang Huo also shouted. Chen Feng's calm look gave the two people confidence.

Chen Feng shook his head and still didn't say anything.

"Hahaha! It's useless. The friendship between you, the Fire God Sect, and the Jiang family is worthless. My friend, we, the Shengang Sect, want to be friends with you, but we don't know if you can look down on us brothers." The four people were actually afraid that Chen Feng would take action. After all, Chen Feng was born in the Qi Sect, and he himself was somewhat mysterious.

"We can exchange a secret with you." Ye Lin gritted her teeth and said suddenly.

"You are crazy!" Jiang Huo's face changed.

"People are dead, and it's useless to keep a big secret." Ye Lin said.

"Okay, then use this secret to exchange." Jiang Huo's face changed for a while, and he also gritted his teeth and said.

"My friend, if you can rescue us and kill these four people, I will tell you a big secret." Jiang Huo made up his mind and said loudly.


The four people of the Shengang Sect didn't want anything to happen, so they stepped up their efforts and wanted to kill Jiang Huo and the other two as soon as possible.


The Zhoutian Compass flew out of Chen Feng's hand, and the power of the Zhoutian Bagua shot out from the octagon, easily blocking the surrounding space and evolving its own world, trapping the four people from Shenggangmen in it and unable to get out in a short time.

"My friend, isn't this a bit too much?" The face of the Shenggangmen monk changed.

"Okay, tell me what secrets you have?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Kill these four people first." Jiang Huo gritted his teeth.

"You have no room for bargaining. One breath, tell me the secret, and I will save you from here." Chen Feng said lightly.

"No, kill these four people first." Jiang Huo still said.

"Then there is no room for negotiation." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Zhoutian Compass returned to his hand, and the four people from Shenggangmen regained their freedom again.

"My friend, we respected you as a member of the Weapon Sect just now, so we didn't snatch the two Dao weapons from you. Now you are intervening between us rashly, but don't you take our Shengang Sect seriously?" The cultivators of Shengang Sect were a little angry, but they didn't step forward to attack immediately, because Chen Feng just blocked the four of them with one move, and this method was indeed a bit deterrent.

"What if there is no Dao weapon?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Do you really think that you can do whatever you want and suppress everything with a Dao weapon? Don't forget that we also have a Dao weapon in our hands."

"Then try it, but once you do it, everyone present will die." Chen Feng said with a smile, the Zhoutian compass slowly floated above his head, and the Zhoutian eight acupoints in his body were constantly surging.



Two of them launched an attack on Chen Feng. Both of them had top-grade holy weapons in their hands, and their purpose was to temporarily block Chen Feng for a while.

The other two rushed towards Jiang Huo and the other two. As soon as they came up, they used all their strength to activate the Dao weapons in their hands, in order to deal with Jiang Huo and the other two as soon as possible.

"You are really risking your life. You are not afraid of death." Chen Feng stood still, but secretly activated the Zhoutian Compass to see what the other party had.

Seeing that Chen Feng was defending right from the start, the two men were relieved and began to circle around Chen Feng symbolically, not actively launching an attack.

Seeing that the other party did not attack, Chen Feng laughed, stretched out his fingers and flicked them, and the power of wind and thunder turned into a long whip and swept across the two men.


As soon as Chen Feng attacked, the two men also attacked at the same time. Although they easily broke the attack from Chen Feng, they could not break the field set up by the Zhoutian Compass.

On the other side, Jiang Huo and the other man still could not escape. In addition to the previous injuries, although the opponent had two fewer people, they still could not resist.


Under the powerful attack of the two people from Shengangmen, Ye Lin was also injured, her internal organs were broken, and her face was blood red.

"Friend, please help." Seeing Ye Lin injured, Jiang Huo could no longer remain calm and compromised.

"Secret?" Chen Feng asked simply.

"It's about the Zhoutian Divine Spring."

"Zhoutian Divine Spring!" Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he waved his hand. It was still a long whip condensed by the power of wind and thunder, but this time the long whip was different from the previous one. Just now, it was just casually sent out, and the power was so weak that it couldn't even kill the initial stage human immortal.

But this time, wherever the long whip passed, the space seemed to be torn apart, and the wind and thunder were raging. The two people from Shengangmen were hit before they could react, and the result was that they were torn into pieces and died without a complete corpse.

When he heard that it was the Zhoutian Divine Spring, Chen Feng immediately killed it.

There is a Zhoutian tree in the Changsheng Tower, which absorbs the power of the Zhoutian and bears the Zhoutian spiritual fruit. Although it is not as good as the sacred tree of the Changsheng Tree, it is also an extremely rare and precious spiritual root in the universe.

The Zhoutian tree grows slowly. If you want to speed up its growth, you need a lot of Zhoutian power. The Zhoutian Divine Spring is a spring produced by the Zhoutian power. It is used to irrigate the Zhoutian tree, which can accelerate the growth of the Zhoutian tree by hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of times.

For Chen Feng, who owns the Zhoutian tree, this is a rare good thing.

So no matter whether it is true or false, Chen Feng will take action. Since he has taken action, he will not hold back. After killing two people, he waved his hand and the Zhoutian compass attacked the other two people again.

"Not good, run!"

The two people who attacked Jiang Huo saw their companions being killed by Chen Feng, and they immediately knew that it was not good. At the same time, they regretted in their hearts that they should not provoke Chen Feng.

But it was too late. Under the attack of the Zhoutian compass, the two people could not resist even though they had Taoist weapons and were easily killed.


The Zhoutian compass returned to Chen Feng's hand, and then Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed all the magic weapons on the four people. This time Chen Feng did not devour the flesh and blood of these people, but buried the flesh and blood of these people in the ground.

"How are you two?" Chen Feng came to Jiang Huo and Ye Lin. The two were seriously injured and were recovering. Of course, they were all shocked. They didn't expect Chen Feng to be so powerful and kill four people with a wave of his hand.

"Fortunately, you are a member of the Qi Sect?" Jiang Huo was also a little wary. After all, the strength shown by Chen Feng was too strong, making him completely unable to resist.

"Not bad." Chen Feng nodded, waved his hand, and the longevity true qi drilled into the bodies of the two. Pa pa pa pa, the injuries on the two quickly recovered, more than ten times faster than before.

"What kind of true qi is this!"

Jiang Huo and Ye Lin were even more shocked.

"I don't have time to entangle with you. Let's talk about the Zhoutian Divine Spring." Chen Feng waved his hand. This was what he cared about most.

"My friend is too impatient." Jiang Huo rolled his eyes and said.

"Zhoutian Divine Spring, a treasure of this level, you can't be impatient." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Since my friend knows about the Zhoutian Divine Spring, he should understand how valuable this treasure is. The lives of these four people should not be as valuable as the Zhoutian Divine Spring." Jiang Huo looked at Chen Feng and said seriously, ignoring Ye Lin who was transmitting the message.

"Oh! What do you want?" Chen Feng asked with a smile, without a trace of anger on his face.

"My friend has a high level of cultivation and is from the Qi Sect. I think it should be okay for me to help kill a few people, right?" Jiang Huo said with a smile.

"Jiang Huo!" Ye Lin wanted to speak on the side, but was stopped again.

"My friend from the Qi Sect, what do you think?" Jiang Huo had completely regained his calm at this time, and seemed to have forgotten the dangerous situation just now.

"Killing a few people is okay, as long as the price is enough." Chen Feng's smile deepened.

"The price is the news of the Zhoutian Divine Spring."

"Okay." Chen Feng waved his hand.

"I still say that. I don't have time to waste with you now. Your little tricks are useless in front of me. Also, you don't know me at all. You don't know who I am. Maybe I am a demon king who kills without blinking an eye."

"People! Sometimes the most important thing is to know yourself and see the situation clearly."

"I can kill these people, and it's easy to kill you two." Chen Feng said and took action. It was very simple. He stretched out his finger and pointed at Jiang Huo.

"But I have news about Zhoutian Shenquan." Jiang Huo shouted.

"Simple, just search the soul." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Don't do it, I'll tell you the news about Zhoutian Shenquan." Ye Lin shouted on the side.

"Don't say it, he doesn't dare to kill us." Jiang Huo's attitude was still tough at this point. At the same time, he urged the power in his body and wanted to break free, but found that the surrounding space had solidified and he couldn't move.

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