Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 100 Luo Qianxue? Snow?

"What's wrong?"

Sensing the strange look on Shen Qinghan's face, Yuan Dongzhi asked her doubtfully.


Because it was the master he recognized inexplicably, Shen Qinghan was not used to calling him master, and it sounded unnatural. After a while, he asked: "Um... what's your senior sister's name?"

"Luo Qianxue."

Yuan Dongzhi replied calmly.

Afraid that Shen Qinghan wouldn't know which words it was, Yuan Dongzhi thoughtfully typed the words "Luo Qianxue" on WeChat and sent it to her.

Not Bai Xue.

But the name contains the word snow...

Shen Qinghan felt that his senior sister was probably Bai Xue.

Yuan Dongzhi asked: "You look at the senior sister in the photo like that. Do you know her before?"

"When I was in the second grade of elementary school, there was a good friend named Bai Xue in my class who looked similar to my senior sister."

After Shen Qinghan finished speaking, he added: "This good friend of mine just transferred here for less than half a semester, and suddenly she transferred to another school and left. I haven't seen her since."

Yuan Dongzhi raised his eyebrows: "Is there still such a thing?"

Shen Qinghan hesitated for a moment and expressed his guess: "Master, it has been exactly ten years since I entered the second grade of elementary school. Do you think... senior sister, could she be my good friend?"


Yuan Dongzhi directly denied it without thinking.

As for the reason, she did not explain.

Shen Qinghan was soft-tempered and didn't dare to ask any more questions. He just looked at the photo again silently.

It was only then that she realized something was wrong with the background of the photo.

The plants growing on the ground are all of strange shapes.

There is grass with black leaves and branches.

There are trees with trunks covered with veins.

There are also weird and charming flowers with mouths.

It is very different from the plants I know. It looks fake, like a post-processed picture.

At this time, Yuan Dongzhi said:

"Qinghan, your gene fusion adaptability is a little higher than I know. So, I will help you do a full body examination now to see if there is anything special about your body that allows you to have such High degree of adaptability.”

After saying that, Yuan Dongzhi stood up, walked to Shen Qinghan, sat down, put his hand into her clothes, and pressed his hand on her lower abdomen.

Then he injected a ray of his spiritual power into her body and began to examine her body carefully.

About ten minutes later.

Yuan Dongzhi frowned and took out his hand.

Shen Qinghan's body is normal, no different from ordinary people.

But that's weird.

How can such an ordinary body achieve a gene fusion fitness level as high as 21%?

Yuan Dongzhi was puzzled.

Seeing her frowning, Shen Qinghan thought there was something wrong with her body, and immediately asked in a slight panic: "Master, is there something wrong with my body?"

"There is nothing wrong with your body. It is no different from ordinary people. All parts are normal."

After Yuan Dongzhi finished speaking, he continued puzzled: "But it is too normal to appear abnormal. Logically speaking, a body with a gene fusion fitness degree of up to 21% should not be so ordinary."

Shen Qinghan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

When she saw Yuan Dongzhi suddenly frowning, the first thought that came to her mind was that she might have some incurable disease.

It was all caused by watching too many bloody idol dramas in the past, and I always thought about the bloody plot.

"It's past 12 o'clock. Let's go. I'll take you to the dining hall to eat."

"My childhood sweetheart is still waiting for me outside. Can I take him with me?"


Soon, the two got up and left the office.

The moment he left the house, Yuan Dongzhi restored the malfunctioning electronic equipment in the office to normal with just a thought.

When she brought Shen Qinghan in before, she used her mental power to block all electronic devices in the office to prevent the conversation just now from leaking out.

After coming outside.

Shen Qinghan waved to Lin Zichen and said: "Xiaochen, let's go to the canteen to eat!"


Lin Zichen responded, stood up and walked over.

On the way to the dining hall.

Yuan Dongzhi walked in front.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan followed behind.

Yuan Dongzhi was wearing high heels, which made a crisp sound when he landed on the ground, but it didn't sound noisy at all, but felt a little wonderful.

What's even more beautiful is that her long, plump, snow-white legs and her plump buttocks hidden under the silk fabric are dangling enchantingly along the way, making them particularly seductive.

Lin Zichen, who was walking behind, was already trying his best to restrain himself, but he still couldn't help but glance at it several times.

It can only be said that although human beings are far more rational than other creatures, in many cases, rationality is still occupied by desire.

Not long after, all three people came to the dining hall.

After finding a place to sit down.

Yuan Dongzhi called the chef over directly, looked at Shen Qinghan and asked, "Qinghan, just tell this stir-fry chef what you want to eat."

"I can do either."

Shen Qinghan was still a little reserved at this moment and did not dare to make requests to others.

Seeing that Shen Qinghan was a bit introverted, Yuan Dongzhi looked at Lin Zichen who was sitting next to her and said, "You are Qinghan's childhood sweetheart who grew up with her. You should know her well. Help her order some of her favorite dishes." ”


Lin Zichen responded to Yuan Dongzhi, and then said to the chef in front of him: "Here are some tomato scrambled eggs, soy sauce braised chicken, soy sauce braised shrimp, hand-shredded cabbage, and carrot stewed in corn soup."

Four dishes and one soup are enough for three people.

For the next time, the three of them sat together eating and chatting.

During this period, Lin Zichen was stunned when he learned that Shen Qinghan recognized Yuan Dongzhi as his master.

How come you recognized a master for no reason?

But soon, he figured it out.

It is estimated that Shen Qinghan's gene fusion fitness is too exaggerated, and he will definitely achieve great things in the future. Yuan Dongzhi is taking advantage of it in advance.

Yuan Dongzhi was also stunned when he learned that Lin Zichen was the candidate with a gene fusion fitness of 15%.

This pair of childhood sweethearts actually won the top spot and second place in the Nanjiang Province Martial Arts College Entrance Examination?

Isn't this a little too coincidental?

Yuan Dongzhi keenly noticed something was wrong.

About an hour later, all three of them were full.

Yuan Dongzhi arranged for someone to send Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan home.

As soon as the two left, she notified her confidants and asked them to check their family backgrounds.

Focus on Shen Qinghan's investigation to see who could give birth to a daughter with such a good physique.

The confidants were extremely efficient. In less than an hour, they found all the family information about Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan and sent it to Yuan Dongzhi for review.

After reading the message, Yuan Dongzhi became even more confused.

Their parents were very ordinary, not genetic fusions or mechanical modifications.

So the question is, how did such ordinary parents give birth to such highly gifted children?

Is this a genetic mutation?

Yuan Dongzhi couldn't understand it at all.

Then, she took out her cell phone and called her father at home.

The father of the family was well-informed, and she thought about telling him about this to see if she could get the answer she wanted from him.

Soon, the phone was connected, and a middle-aged male voice that sounded somewhat rich came from inside.

"What's the matter, Toshiba?"

"Dad, I took on a very talented new apprentice today, with a gene fusion fitness rate of 21%."

"What did you say?! 21% gene fusion fitness? How is this possible! Quick, tell me the specific situation!"

An extremely shocked voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yuan Dongzhi organized his language and told his father the specific situation, focusing on the fact that Shen Qinghan's parents were ordinary people.

However, her well-informed father encountered this unreasonable situation for the first time and could not give her a definite answer.

I just said it might be a genetic mutation.

Then, he warned in an extremely serious tone:

"Toshiba, you must train this new talented apprentice well!"

"With a gene fusion fitness level of up to 21%, your talented apprentice will become a great talent in the future. The rewards we can get by then are unimaginable!"

"Also, don't let others know about the terrifying talent of your genius apprentice!"

"I know father."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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