Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 101 Get married after graduation

A luxurious business car stopped in an incompatible urban village, attracting the attention of many passers-by.

Soon, the car door opened, and Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan got out of the car.

Wait until the car drives far away.

Lin Zichen immediately looked at Shen Qinghan and couldn't help complaining: "I think you are too weird. You went to do a fitness test, but why did you inexplicably recognize a master?"

"I feel weird too, it's so sudden..."

Looking back now, Shen Qinghan felt that this was outrageous. It was all because he had a soft personality and didn't know how to refute, so he became someone's apprentice in a confused way.

Lin Zichen had a headache: "Forget it, let's take a look first. If the other party has no ill intentions and his character is okay, master will accept it if he recognizes it. If his character is not good, then he will take the initiative when he has full wings." End this so-called master-disciple relationship.”


Shen Qinghan responded inaudibly, like a child who had done something wrong.

At this time, the door of the house opened.

Zhang Wanxin stood at the door and shouted to the two people on the roadside: "Why are you two still standing there? Why don't you come in quickly?"

When they heard the shouting, the two of them didn't talk any more and quickly went into the house.

Shen Jianye and Xu Meng have been very busy recently. Shen Qinghan basically eats at Lin Zichen's house and rarely goes back to his own home.

In the evening, Mingxiang Hotel.

The two families put aside everything and took time to get together to celebrate the two children's good results in today's fitness test.

Lin Zichen ranked second in the province. No one was surprised and thought it was very reasonable.

But Shen Qinghan became the provincial champion, and the parents of both families were confused, thinking that the two children were joking.

It wasn't until they watched Shen Qinghan check the fitness test results on the official website of the college entrance examination and saw the value of 16% displayed on the score that the parents of the two families believed that this was true.

"My daughter is really the number one scholar, Jianye, am I not dreaming?"

Xu Meng's face was in a daze, it felt too unreal.

Apart from being delicate and pretty, my daughter has been ordinary since she was a child, with nothing special about her.

But today, why did he suddenly become a blockbuster, directly surpassing Lin Zichen and becoming the provincial champion?

I would never dare to do this in my dreams!

On the other side, Shen Jianye also found this unbelievable, but now that the facts were before his eyes, he could only forcefully explain:

"There were dark horse candidates like Hanhan in previous years. Many candidates were mediocre in their three years of high school and their physical fitness was not very impressive, but they were able to make a splash in the fitness test."

"That's true, but to directly become the provincial champion as a dark horse is too exaggerated."

Xu Meng still felt unreal.

Zhang Wanxin said with a smile: "Oh, there's no need to worry too much about this. The important thing is that the two of them can go to the same university again. This is a destined fate."


Xu Meng smiled from the bottom of his heart.

I used to worry that my daughter wouldn't be able to keep up with Lin Zichen, and the two would drift apart when they grow up.

Now it's solved, don't worry anymore.

Two childhood sweethearts, one is the provincial champion and the other is the provincial second overall winner, they are perfectly matched and destined to become an enviable couple of gods and gods that no one can break apart.

At around nine o'clock in the evening.

The dinner party is over.

The two families went home, each to his own home.

About half past ten in the evening.

After Shen Qinghan took a shower at home, he came over to find Lin Zichen in his pajamas.

Zhang Wanxin saw her coming to see Lin Zichen in her pajamas at night, and she couldn't help but joked: "Hanhan, are you coming to sleep with Xiaochen again?"

"No, no, I just have some very important things that I want to talk to Xiaochen in person."

Shen Qinghan blushed and denied.

The words "sleeping together" sounded too easy to confuse people's minds. It sounded like they were going to do that, which made her very embarrassed.

"Aunt Xin, I went upstairs to find Xiaochen."

After saying these words, Shen Qinghan walked towards the stairs.

When she disappeared at the entrance of the stairs, Zhang Wanxin immediately said to Lin Yansheng: "I just finished the college entrance examination and there are important things that I have to talk about in person. Do you think Hanhan wants to confess to Xiaochen?"


Lin Yansheng was watching the Kung Fu football match on TV and replied casually.

Zhang Wanxin said to herself: "Both of them are over 18 years old and have graduated from high school. They are serious adults. It's really time for them to be together."

"Well, we have been dating for four years in college, and we will get married as soon as we graduate."

"After graduation, I became pregnant, twins, a boy and a girl."

"Tsk, perfect!"

As she spoke, Zhang Wanxin's charming and pretty face was filled with smiles, and she was happily imagining the beautiful life of three generations living under one roof in the future.

Second floor, in the corridor.

Shen Qinghan knocked on Lin Zichen's door and said to him as soon as he entered: "Xiaochen, I have something very important to tell you."

"What's up?"

"It happened at the base during the day."

"What happened at the base?"

Lin Zichen was a little confused, so he closed the door and asked her to go to the bed and talk slowly.

Shen Qinghan took off his slippers, sat cross-legged on the bed and hugged a pillow, and then said:

"When I was at the base today, the master I recognized out of nowhere used his mental power to help me do a full-body examination to see why my gene fusion fitness was so high."

"The final result is that there is nothing special about my body, no different from ordinary people."

"As for my body leaking, she failed to detect it."

After hearing what Shen Qinghan said, Lin Zichen felt a little surprised.

Couldn't Yuan Dongzhi, who could control huge waves tens of meters high at sea, also see the secret of Shen Qinghan's body?

It seems that Shen Qinghan's body is more mysterious than imagined...

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen said to Shen Qinghan seriously: "As for your body leaking water and your extremely high water-based talent, don't let the third person know about it for the time being. Let's check the situation first."

"Our current understanding of the world is still at a very ignorant stage. The things we understand are limited to what we can see in front of us. It can be said that we know nothing."

"We have no way of judging what consequences some things will have if they are exposed, whether they are good or bad."

"Therefore, at this stage, we will be conservative and focus on stability."

Lin Zichen continued: "Whether it's the body leaking, or the water-based talent, or the weird noises we heard twice in the sea, when we become stronger and more knowledgeable in the future, we can study it slowly, there is no need In a hurry.”

"Well, I understand. I will listen to you."

Shen Qinghan nodded obediently.

After saying that, she continued: "By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing."

"When I was at the base before, my master told me that I had a senior sister. I looked at that senior sister's photo and found that she looked similar to Bai Xue."

"Baixue, you should remember that she was the white-haired girl who played very well with us in the second grade, and then suddenly transferred to another school and left."

"I have a photo of her, I'll take a look."

Shen Qinghan took out his mobile phone and sent the photo to Lin Zichen on WeChat.


Hearing this name, Lin Zichen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, the dead memory was attacking him.

Soon, he took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, clicked on the photo sent by Shen Qinghan, and immediately saw a girl with white hair.

My first impression is that this girl has a beautiful face and a good figure.

It does look a bit like Snow White.

However, his eyes were too sharp and his temperament looked very oppressive. It was completely different from the Bai Xue in his memory. It was difficult to determine whether he was the same person.

However, Lin Zichen didn't care at all whether the white-haired girl was Bai Xue.

He was different from Shen Qinghan. In his heart, he only felt that Bai Xue was a passerby in his elementary school life, and he had no special feelings.

At this moment, what attracted his most attention was the background of the photo. The plants inside looked weird, like alien species.

"Do you know where the background of this photo is?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask..."

"How about you ask your cheap master on WeChat?"

"Okay, I'll ask now."

Shen Qinghan was actually not too embarrassed to contact Yuan Dongzhi, but seeing that Lin Zichen wanted to know the background of the photo, she went to ask for him.

After sending the message, Yuan Dongzhi did not reply quickly.

I probably haven't looked at my phone this time.

Lin Zichen was not in a hurry and asked Shen Qinghan to open Yuan Dongzhi's WeChat Moments to see what kind of person this so-called master was.

Unfortunately, the other party's circle of friends is set to be visible for three days, and nothing can be seen.

The only thing that can be seen is the other person's WeChat avatar, which is a green lotus growing alone on the water.

About ten minutes later, Yuan Dongzhi replied.

There are only two short words: origin.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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