Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 42 Social Animals

"Xiao Chen, there's a lot of dust on the ground. We don't have anything to do right now. Why don't we sweep the classroom floor?"

After the two of them looked at the photos on the wall and were about to leave the classroom, Shen Qinghan among them found a lot of dust on the ground and wanted to clean it because of his obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Lin Zichen had no objection.

So, the two quickly found brooms and silently swept the floor in the classroom.

Not long after I started sweeping, two girls came in from outside.

Among them, a girl with a bun haircut saw someone sweeping the floor in the classroom. After a moment of hesitation, she asked timidly: "Um... are you freshmen too?"

When Lin Zichen heard the sound, he stopped what he was doing, looked up at the two people at the door, and said, "Yes, I'm a freshman too. I just came here not long ago. When I saw a little dust on the ground, I took a broom and swept it."

Eh? It was actually Lin Zichen! Oh my god... Seeing Lin Zichen's handsome face, the two girls instantly became a little excited.

Especially the girl with a round head, her whole face turned red and hot, and she said in a nervous voice: "That...that, Lin Zichen, I am your fan."


"That's right, I was there to watch every eight-school league you participated in in junior high school. I thought you were so awesome, so...that's why I became your fan." The girl with a round head explained shyly.

Liar, dishonest, she obviously got fans because her parents were handsome... Listening to the words of the girl with the round head, the short-haired girl next to her started complaining like crazy.

After she finished, she looked at Lin Zichen, her cheeks flushed, and she said in a shy voice:

"Lin Zichen, I am also a fan of yours. Both of our junior high schools were in Shanhai No. 1 Middle School. I just wanted to go to the same school as you and thought that you would definitely go directly to the high school of our school, so I went to Shanhai Middle School on purpose."

This is true. Both of them are Lin Zichen's little fans. They specially applied for Shanhai Middle School because they wanted to go to the same school or even the same class as their male idol.

Lin Zichen sounded a little flattered. He didn't expect that his little crushes had already gone to other schools.

However, the love luck seems to be a bit too strong.

This is not a good thing.

Sooner or later, the drawer will be filled with love letters, and then there will be a lot of unnecessary troubles.

While the three of them were communicating, Shen Qinghan on the side was sweeping the floor silently throughout the whole process, like a transparent person with no sense of existence.

Except for a period of liveliness in the lower grades of elementary school, during the rest of the time, she acted a bit introverted and rarely took the initiative to talk to others.

Only when she was in front of Lin Zichen did she seem to talk too much.

After all, they have grown up together and are very familiar with each other, so they will feel much more comfortable getting along with each other.

"There is a lot of dust on the ground in this classroom. It just so happens that the two of us have nothing to do right now, so let's clean the classroom with you."

The girl with the round head said that and walked to a corner of the classroom, picked up a broom and swept the floor.

The girl with short hair also started scanning after seeing this.

With the participation of these two girls, the entire classroom floor was quickly cleaned.

At this moment, Lin Zichen discovered three text messages emerging from the void.

[Achievement: Under the premise of cooperation with multiple people, complete the task 1000 times in total]

[Reward: Obtain biological attributes - social animals]

[Cumulative number of completed tasks: 1/1000]

After reading the text, Lin Zichen felt excited, and suddenly the fifth achievement suddenly appeared. This was so surprising!

I don’t know what the specific effects of the social animal attribute will be.

It’s really exciting...

At this time, the class teacher Han Yuanfeng passed by the corridor outside the classroom and wanted to use the toilet in front.

Seeing someone cleaning the classroom, he immediately walked in with a smile and said, "You guys have cleaned the classroom? Yes, it's really clean. It deserves praise!"

When the three girls heard this, they all felt very happy. They left a good impression on the class teacher at the beginning of the school year. This made a lot of money, and it was really worth it to clean up the place!

Unlike them, Lin Zichen had no fluctuations in his heart.

He has been praised too much since he was a child, and he has become immune to it.

time flies.

Soon it was time to eat.

When Lin Zichen saw that it was almost time, he went home with Shen Qinghan for dinner.

After the meal, he rested at home for a while, and then left home again soon.

He didn't call Shen Qinghan, so he went out alone.

The ghost squid album has been opened, and now we have to open the album of another strange beast.

It's time to go to the mall and see if there is any exotic meat suitable for buying and devouring.

Riding a bicycle, I came to the mall quickly.

Lin Zichen parked the car and went straight to the top floor to see if there was any exotic animal meat for sale at a reasonable price.

After looking around, I finally settled on the violent carving of flesh.

The Violent Eagle is a slightly more advanced beast than the Ghost Squid, but its main purpose is still for food.

Biological characteristic is particularly excellent eyesight.

For example, the eyesight of an ordinary eagle is generally 8 times that of an ordinary person, while the eyesight of a violent eagle can reach 30 times that of an ordinary person, which is very powerful.

Moreover, the field of vision capture ability is also extremely strong, and it can accurately capture even exotic rabbits that are about to become afterimages.

Based on the experience of opening the ghost squid album during the previous summer vacation, Lin Zichen estimated that after opening the violent eagle album, he would gain biological attributes related to vision.

Vision is an extremely important biological attribute. If it is good enough, it can greatly improve a person's combat effectiveness.

Take martial arts competitions as an example. People with good vision can more easily capture the opponent's movements, thereby better defending against attacks from the opponent and attacking the opponent better.

To sum up, this album of violent eagles is undoubtedly worth opening.

Well, the main reason is that the price of violently large carvings is only 1,998 yuan per pound.

This low price is due to comparison with the prices of other exotic animal meats.

After all, on this whole floor, except for the ghost squid meat that only costs 998 yuan per kilogram, there is no exotic animal meat that is cheaper than the violent big carving meat.

The third cheapest exotic animal meat costs 5,888 yuan per pound.

The price gap is exaggerated.

If it is like ghost squid meat, devouring one pound of it can increase the progress of the album by 1%, then the final cost to open the album will be almost 900,000.


This is almost 1 million if rounded up!

Can't afford to open it!

After deciding to buy the violent large-scale carved meat, Lin Zichen quickly found the landlord and asked him to help him buy a pound of violent large-scale carved meat.

Soon, the meat was available.

The deposit directly evaporated by 1,998 yuan.

Lin Zichen didn't care about the money, turned around, found a deserted place and started devouring the violent carving of meat.

[You have swallowed a trace of the life source of the "violent eagle\

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