Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 43 The competitive academics

The next morning, September 2nd.

In the classroom of Class 1, Grade 1.

The four main teachers stood on the stage and took turns introducing themselves to the forty freshmen in the audience.

The freshmen were very quiet and listened carefully the whole time.

It's not because they have peaceful personalities, it's just because these freshmen are not familiar with each other yet, so they are a little reserved when they get along, and they don't know what to talk about.

"Okay, classmates, our four teachers on the stage have already introduced themselves. Now it's your turn to come on stage and introduce yourselves so that everyone can get familiar with each other."

The head teacher said, looking at the girl sitting in the first row on the left, and said with a smile: "Let's start with this female classmate, and then go on stage one by one in order to introduce ourselves."

The girl seemed to have a very outgoing personality. As soon as the head teacher finished speaking, she stood up and left her seat, went to the stage with a smile on her face and introduced herself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Chu Yuxi. My specialty is playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting..."

Then, everyone else came on stage one after another in order to introduce themselves.

"My name is Zhong Yijia. I like watching anime, playing cosplay, and doing sports..."

"My name is Peng Huoguang. I like to stay at home and play games when I have nothing to do..."


Lin Zichen sat in the middle and back, quietly listening to the students' self-introductions.

While listening, I saw a piece of hair on Shen Qinghan's shoulder in front of me, so I reached out to help her take it off.

Shen Qinghan felt the touch from behind and thought it was Lin Zichen who wanted to tell her something, so she immediately turned around and looked behind her.

Lin Zichen explained: "I just saw a piece of hair on your back, so I reached out to help you get it off and throw it away."

"Oh, that's it." Shen Qinghan nodded softly, then turned around.

The relationship between the two is no longer that of sitting at the same table, but that of the front and back desks.

Because the whole class is composed of men sitting at the same table with men, and women sitting with women at the same table. Men and women no longer sit together like in the nine-year compulsory education.

After all, students in the first grade of high school are usually around 16 years old, and their sexual characteristics have been very mature. It is not appropriate for men and women to sit together.

Originally, Lin Zichen could use his privilege as a genius to continue to be roommates with Shen Qinghan.

But after thinking about it, he felt that this was not conducive to Shen Qinghan's growth.

As Shen Qinghan grew up, except when he was in the second grade of elementary school, he briefly had a friend of the same age as a white-haired girl. At other times, Lin Zichen was the only one in the entire social circle of the same age.

This is too introverted and not a good thing.

A girl who is in puberty cannot only be accompanied by her childhood sweethearts while growing up, but also must be accompanied by friends of the same age and same sex.

Because there are many topics and hobbies that only friends of the same age and gender can chat about. Many joys and worries can only be shared and talked about by friends of the same age and gender.

The fastest way for Shen Qinghan to make friends of the same age is to have a female roommate.

For this reason, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan sat separately, changing their relationship in school from being seatmates for many years to now being at the front and back desks.

As time continued to pass, it soon was Shen Qinghan's turn to take the stage and introduce himself.

Because of her outstanding appearance, she attracted the attention of everyone in the audience as soon as she arrived on stage.

"Hello everyone, I, my name is Shen Qinghan, I usually like to draw, and... uh, please give me your advice in the future."

Being watched by so many people in the audience, Shen Qinghan was extremely nervous. After quickly and briefly introducing himself, he immediately escaped from the podium and returned to his seat.

Before going on stage, she had been carefully drafting in the audience, trying to make a perfect self-introduction in front of the whole class. As a result, she became nervous as soon as she went on stage and forgot everything, which made her very distressed.

After introducing himself to a few more people, it was finally Lin Zichen's turn to take the stage and introduce himself.

He just stood up from his seat and instantly attracted the attention of all the girls in the class.

Suddenly, there was a burst of whispers from girls in the classroom, all saying that he was so handsome.

He ignored these voices, walked straight to the stage, and introduced himself calmly:

"Hello everyone, my name is Lin Zichen. Please give me your advice in the future."

He just said this briefly, then walked off the stage and returned to his seat to sit down.

This self-introduction is the shortest of all those who have taken the stage so far.

"Is this person so cold and cold?"

"I just like to pretend."

"But this guy is really handsome, more than ten times more handsome than the guy in my previous class."


Many boys whispered to Lin Zichen, including some bad words, and they spoke very quietly.

Lin Zichen's five senses were very sensitive and he heard everything word for word, but he didn't take it seriously.

Boys at the age of middle and high school, especially boys in the first year of high school who have just graduated from junior high school, are most likely to look down on this, and if they are not convinced by that, they can only say that they are used to it.

time flies.

After the last few freshmen came on stage and introduced themselves, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

After the self-introduction in class, the new students in the class are now familiar with each other, and they are not as reserved as when they first came in the morning.

As soon as the four main teachers left, the classroom suddenly became noisy.

Everyone is chatting with everyone around them.

Among them, the most talked about topic is the high school entrance examination results.

Class 1, Grade 1, is a top class. The students who can be placed in this class are all top academics. They are particularly concerned about their grades and like to be competitive.

Nowadays, many people want to know other people's high school entrance examination scores and compare them with their own scores.

"Qinghan, how many points did you get in the high school entrance examination?"

Shen Qinghan's deskmate, a girl wearing a Lolita skirt and twin tails, who looked a bit cute, looked at Shen Qinghan curiously and asked.

Shen Qinghan was immediately asked.

She came in through the back door, and her high school entrance examination results couldn't be revealed at all.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally just mentioned the score of the cultural subject and said weakly: "I got 709 points..."

"It's amazing. It's more than ten points higher than me. I only scored 698 points."

After saying that, the girl with twin tails asked again: "What's your score on the physical test? I didn't perform well in the high school entrance examination, so I only got 95 points. My test score was really bad."

The full score in the physical test is 100 points, and if you can score 95 points in the exam, you are already the best among the best students.

After all, the score requirements for the physical test are very high. If you can pass the test with a score of 60, you will be eligible to apply for martial arts classes.

If you score 90 points in the exam, you will be able to enter the top class.

This girl with twin tails said on the surface that she didn't perform well and got 95 points in the exam, but she was actually just showing off.

"I didn't do well in the physical test either, and my score was even lower than yours..." Shen Qinghan said with a guilty conscience.

She only scored 79 points in the physical test, which was 11 points short of being admitted to this top class.

This achievement cannot be said at all.

Otherwise, when others hear this, they will immediately know that she came in through the back door.

However, the girl with twin tails insisted on asking more closely: "What score did you get on the test? Was it 94? Or was it 93?"

"It needs to be lower..."

Shen Qinghan didn't want to lie, but he couldn't tell the specific score, so he could only answer vaguely in an attempt to get through.

It's a pity that the girl with twin tails is a bit short-sighted. She just wants to know the specific score before she can give up. She asked again: "Is it 92 points? Or 91 points? Or 90 points?"

Shen Qinghan was a little overwhelmed by the question and was so nervous that his palms became sweaty.

Lin Zichen, who was sitting in the back, saw this and had no choice but to help Shen Qinghan. He smiled and looked at the girl with twin tails and asked: "Um...can I add you on WeChat?"

"Ah, add WeChat, okay, okay, should I swipe you, or should you swipe me?"

Seeing that Lin Zichen actually took the initiative to add WeChat, the girl with ponytails was very flattered. When she took out her phone, she was so nervous that her hands were shaking.

Lin Zichen was so handsome, so handsome that when she talked to him face to face, the girl with twin tails turned red all over her face, almost dripping with water when she looked at him. She had completely forgotten about Shen Qinghan's physical test scores. .

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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