Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 57 Inheriting the Family Business

Lin Zichen was thinking about who it was.

"Boom boom boom——"

Just hearing a familiar roar, the Will-O-Wisp motorcycle that had just passed by suddenly came back in reverse direction.

There were two people sitting in the car. The driver was a young man with colorful hair, and the one sitting behind him was a young man with yellow hair.

"Zi Chen, Xiao Shen, are you really you?"

The young man with colorful hair who was driving shouted to the two of them unexpectedly.

Listening to this familiar voice, he looked at the young man's familiar facial features.

Lin Zichen finally remembered who the other party was.

It was the boy named Zhang Kai who was on the martial arts team in junior high school.

After recognizing the other party, Lin Zichen also smiled and said, "Zhang Kai, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see." Zhang Kai skillfully shook the side bangs covering his eyes, looked at the two of them curiously and asked, "What are you doing?"

Lin Zichen smiled and said: "I just finished training with her, now help her relax her muscles."

"Just finished training?" Zhang Kai opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief: "Have you two been admitted to the high school martial arts class?"

Lin Zichen: "Yes."

Zhang Kai clicked his tongue and said, "I didn't expect that Xiao Shen, a girl who was so weak back then, would actually be admitted to the martial arts class. This is really awesome."

When he said this, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Even a weak little girl like Shen Qinghan could be admitted to the martial arts class, but she, who had practiced martial arts in the martial arts team for three years, failed to pass.

Oh, this is really embarrassing.

Just as he was laughing at himself, the yellow-haired boy in the back seat urged: "Cousin, aunt is still waiting for us to go back. Stop talking and leave quickly!"

"Okay, let's go now."

After saying that, Zhang Kai looked at Lin Zichen, smiled and said: "Zichen, I still have something to do at home, so I won't talk more and will leave first."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned the handle of the car and drove the yellow-haired boy away quickly.

At this moment, his face was full of doubts about life.

They are also members of the martial arts team. Lin Zichen has a bright future after being admitted to the high school martial arts class.

As for myself, now I can only drive cars on the streets to impress the public, and I am just a pure waste.

How could there be such a big gap in life?

It's fine if it's just Lin Zichen, but why did the weak girl next to Lin Zichen get into the exam?

what is this?

Zhang Kai felt uncomfortable when he thought that Shen Qinghan had also been admitted to the martial arts class. He couldn't understand why he couldn't even compare to a weak girl.

No reason!

There’s no reason why I can’t even compare to a girl!

No, I want to change!

Since you can't pass the high school entrance examination, then join the army!

There is no end to the road. As long as you work hard, you can join the army and embark on the path of genetic fusion or mechanical transformation!

Zhang Kai was so stimulated by Shen Qinghan that he decided to sell the motorcycle in a few more days, then work hard to exercise and find a way to join the army.

the other side.

Shen Qinghan must have never imagined that she, who was at the bottom of the class and had low self-esteem, could actually stimulate people to be positive.

At this time, she was talking about Zhang Kai with Lin Zichen, and said sadly: "Xiao Chen, you said that Zhang Kai used to be such a bright person, how come he has become a non-mainstream killer?"

"It depends on personal preference." Lin Zichen said lightly.

This is other people's way of life, and he doesn't want to comment too much.

Because everyone has a lifestyle that suits them, as long as they like it, as long as they are happy.

The two of them just chatted and relaxed their muscles, and it didn't take long for them to relax.

Later, when I saw that the time was almost up, I jogged all the way home.

On the way back.

Lin Zichen frowned when he saw a few mice rummaging for food in the trash can on the roadside.

This was a normal scene, but he felt uneasy watching it and could not help but think of the Rat God Cult.

No, you have to get stronger quickly!

Only by becoming stronger can you feel at ease!

Thinking about it, Lin Zichen couldn't help but speed up his pace home.

Wait until you get home, after eating and taking a shower.

Lin Zichen had an idea and opened the album of the Violent Eagle and took a look.

The progress bar is not even 5% open.

The opening speed is too slow. You have to find a way to increase your income and buy more violent beasts to devour.

Just relying on daily physical exercise can only make you stronger. You have to rely on opening the alien beast atlas to obtain biological attributes.

After all, every attribute obtained can bring about a qualitative leap in strength.

When it comes to getting stronger, Lin Zichen is no longer as patient as he was in junior high school.

Today, he is eager to become stronger every day.

It's not that his patience has gotten worse, it's that he often sees unusual mice at every turn, which makes him feel less and less safe.

Although there has been no major action from the security department, these unusual rat incidents don't seem to be a big deal.

However, Lin Zichen didn't want to put his safety in the hands of others.

Because the Sheriff’s Department is not omnipotent.

The security department feels that the recent unusual rat incidents have nothing to do with the Rat God Cult, but it does not mean that it really has nothing to do with the Rat God Cult.

If the security department really knew what was going on, then the former captain of the security station would not have died from a rat's mouth.

Therefore, you have to rely on yourself. As long as you become stronger, it is the last word.

Therefore, the most urgent thing to do is to find a way to make money to buy the Violent Eagle to devour its flesh, and then open the Violent Eagle atlas to gain stronger biological attributes.

So the question is, how do you make money?


Not very good, it takes time to learn, and once you learn, you still have to find work and connect with people, which is troublesome.

The most important thing is that programming is boring.

Whether it's studying or making extra money, it's boring.

It's better to write novels and earn royalties.

While making money, you can also write your favorite short stories, killing two birds with one stone.

Lin Zichen thought about it and finally decided that he should inherit his father's business.

I read so many novels in my previous life and picked up all kinds of exciting plots at my fingertips. Isn’t it enough to be a copycat to make money here?

Best of all, writing a novel doesn't take much time and doesn't take up too much exercise time.

The minimum update requirement for writing a novel is 4,000 words per day.

Assuming that you can write 2,000 words an hour, you only need two hours a day to complete the workload.

Once you become proficient, you may be able to write 4,000 words in an hour.

Or even be brave and transform into a tentacle monster and do it for 10,000 words in an hour!

We must believe in the strength of heavenly beings and wisdom!

No, you have to believe in your own strength!

All in all, it is easier to make money writing novels than programming.

Both physically and mentally, I am happier than programming.

Of course, the premise is that if you write well, someone will read it. If no one reads it, your work will be in vain.

After having an idea in mind.

Lin Zichen immediately found his parents and told them that he wanted to write a novel.

When the couple heard this, they were both surprised.

Among them, Zhang Wanxin asked curiously: "Xiaochen, why do you suddenly want to write a novel?"

"I'm usually too tired from studying and exercising. When I take a break, I want to do something I like to relax. I like writing novels."

Lin Zichen made up such an excuse casually.

In fact, he only likes reading novels, not writing novels.

Writing a novel is so tiring. It not only hurts your mind, but also your body.

Insomnia, anxiety, depression, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, frozen shoulder, tenosynovitis...etc., these are all common occupational diseases in novel writing.

However, neither Lin Yansheng nor Zhang Wanxin doubted their son's words.

The couple both felt that it was very reasonable for their son to like writing novels when both his parents were novelists.

After all, a family of three lives under the same roof every day, and they will definitely be affected by it in the long run.

Just thought about it for a while.

In the end, both husband and wife supported Lin Zichen in writing novels to relax in his free time.

Anyway, Lin Zichen is a genius, so there is no need to worry that writing novels will affect his studies.

After seeing that his parents agreed, Lin Zichen asked Zhang Wanxin to open a writer account for him.

He is still underage and cannot open a writer account and sign a contract. He has to use his parents' ID cards to open a small account.

Zhang Wanxin didn't think much and quickly took her ID card to register a writer account for him.

When registering, Lin Zichen randomly chose a pen name: Hanzhong Youchen.

After a moment of registration.

Zhang Wanxin asked curiously: "Son, what type of novel do you want to write?"

"Write urban novels, write urban novels about growing up with your childhood sweetheart."

Lin Zichen thinks there is a market for this.

After all, childhood sweethearts are the fantasy objects that many people desire, and he felt that many readers would like to read this.

Especially the process of growing up with your childhood sweetheart will have a special nurturing appeal for readers.

The most important thing is that he really has a childhood sweetheart, Shen Qinghan, and he can write about himself and Shen Qinghan for readers, which makes it very real and immersive.

When Zhang Wanxin heard this, she couldn't help but asked with an aunty smile on her face: "Oh, I'm writing about childhood sweethearts, isn't it about Hanhan?"

Lin Zichen smiled and said nothing, and did not deny this.

He wants to rebel against Tiangang in the novel and let Shen Qinghan be a genius in it, which will make her feel happy.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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