Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 58 Activate backup hidden energy

After deciding to write a novel, Lin Zichen spent the next few days thinking about the beginning.

As for the background, just apply it directly to reality.

As for the plot, I stitched together various novels I had read in my previous life, plus some of my daily experiences with Shen Qinghan.

The only thing worth thinking about is how to design the heroine’s character?

She is tentatively a female genius.

What about character?

You can't just apply Shen Qinghan directly, right?

How could a genius be so cowardly?

Regarding the issue of character design, Lin Zichen thought about it for a whole week.

Finally, in the dead of night, I successfully finalized the characters of the male and female protagonists.

The male protagonist: handsome, weak, but a bitch in character, cunning, despicable, lustful and obscene, and often takes advantage of his childhood sweetheart heroine.

Female protagonist: Genius, arrogant, upright in outlook, a bit stubborn, cold-hearted on the surface, but in fact she longs for the male protagonist’s love in her heart.

The main line of the story: the male protagonist is weak in the early stage, relying on the protection of his childhood sweetheart, the female protagonist, to thrive, and finally becomes stronger than the female protagonist, and in turn protects the female protagonist. During this period, the relationship between the two warms up, and the lovers finally get married.

A very clichéd story that many readers are tired of reading.

But the good thing is that it is easy to write. You don’t need to conceive the plot at all. You can just sit in front of the computer and write it.

After deciding on the characters of the male and female protagonists, Lin Zichen immediately started typing on the keyboard to write the beginning.

It took more than three hours to write the 6,000-word introduction, posted it directly to the website, and then turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The next day, I woke up.

Lin Zichen opened the Writer Assistant and found that he had received the signing information from the website.

Tell your parents about it during breakfast.

After hearing this, my parents couldn't help but be stunned. It was my first time to write a book and I signed a contract. Are you kidding me?

After a moment to regain their composure, both husband and wife praised Lin Zichen for his writing talent and the appearance of a great god. He was worthy of being the son of two writers.

"Great writer, write well. When your book has more words, Mom will recommend the book to the readers."

"Dad will also help you recommend it. Dad knows many author friends and will ask them to recommend your book together."

Zhang Wanxin and Lin Yansheng both said to Lin Zichen with smiles on their faces.

A few days later on a Saturday afternoon.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan ran variable speed runs on the road to train their speed endurance.

After running and lying on the bench to relax his muscles, Shen Qinghan suddenly asked curiously:

"Xiao Chen, I heard from Aunt Xin that you wrote a novel online with the two of us as the protagonists. Is it true?"

"Yeah, really."

"Xiaochen, I want to see..."

"Look, the title of the book is "Qingmei: The Pretty Girl Behind the Goddess". It is published on the Qidian Chinese website. You can search it and you can find it."

Lin Zichen was not embarrassed and told Shen Qinghan the title of the book directly.

Hearing such a book title, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but blink.

What is the title of this book?

How strange!

But... I really want to see it!

Thinking about it, Shen Qinghan immediately picked up her phone, and while enjoying Lin Zichen's massage, she found the novel he wrote and read it with anticipation.

After a while, her whole face turned red.

The heroine of the novel is called Lin Zihan. She is a female genius. She is described as having fair skin, beauty, and long legs. She has a cold face all day long and has a very domineering temperament.

The heroine looks embarrassed like this.

After all, in reality, I am just an introverted little coward, not overbearing at all.

After a while, she couldn't stand it anymore.

It wasn't that she didn't like to watch it, but Lin Zichen was right next to her, and she was embarrassed to watch it with gusto.

I thought that when I got home, I would hide in my room and enjoy it secretly at night.

About twenty minutes later.

The massage is over.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan trotted home.

Not long after running, Shen Qinghan suddenly stopped and clamped his legs, urgently needing to urinate and need to go to the toilet.

However, there was no toilet nearby, which made her very worried.

Lin Zichen saw that she was really anxious, so he said to her: "Stop standing there stupidly, go behind the tree in front to deal with it, I will watch it for you, no one will come."

"It's so unqualified to defecate anywhere..."

Shen Qinghan was squirming and couldn't let go.

In fact, at this time, she no longer cared about being incompetent. It was just that Lin Zichen was here and she was embarrassed to relieve herself on the roadside.

Lin Zichen didn't know what she was thinking, and said with a disapproving look: "This is doing a good deed, fertilizing the trees, why is it so lacking in quality?"


"Stop it, you're going to wet your pants later."

"Then you watch it for me and don't let anyone come."

Shen Qinghan couldn't hold it in anymore, threw away her shame and said these words, and soon ran to relieve herself behind a tree with her legs under her legs.

She was really worried about her body. She often had a sudden urge to urinate at every turn, which was very uncomfortable.

About three minutes later.

Shen Qinghan walked out from behind the tree, her pretty face was as red as a ripe peach, and she felt like water would come out when she squeezed it.

Lin Zichen knew that she was shy, so he just pretended that nothing happened and jogged home with her.

He had long been accustomed to Shen Qinghan's frequent need to urinate.

After all, he has been peed on by Shen Qinghan no less than a hundred times since they were babies.

Not long after, both of them returned home.

After Shen Qinghan took a shower, finished eating, he brushed up a few test papers in the room. Seeing that it was almost time, he turned off the lights and lay down on the bed, huddled under the quilt, lying on his side and reading a novel written by Lin Zichen on his mobile phone.

When she saw the male and female protagonists interacting with each other and giving out sweets, an aunty smile appeared on her pretty face unconsciously, and she giggled unconsciously.

In another room separated by two walls.

Lin Zichen had just finished exercising and taking a shower, and was sitting on the bed scrolling through the news on his phone.

Suddenly, with his senses far beyond those of ordinary people, in the dead of night, he vaguely heard a burst of giggles coming from the next room.

He heard Shen Qinghan's voice and was a little confused. Why was this guy giggling in the room so late at night?

It was just a matter of doubt and not too much trouble.

He shook his head and continued to browse news on his phone.

After swiping and swiping, he opened his eyes and saw a piece of news related to giant alien rats.

And it’s local news in Shanhai City.

He immediately clicked on the news and quickly scanned the content.

Later, it was learned that just two hours ago, a giant alien rat attacked an alien meat cold storage in the suburbs.

Fortunately, the cold storage was guarded by specialized mechanical transformations, and they quickly killed the giant alien rats that suddenly attacked, so that they did not cause too much damage.

After reading the news, Lin Zichen went to a specialized forum to search for relevant content.

Soon, he found a live video.

The giant alien rat that attacked the alien meat cold storage was huge. Compared with the mechanically modified man, its body length seemed to be over five meters.

At the beginning, the cyborg was fighting flesh and blood with this giant alien rat.

He was not beaten, and his body was bitten into two pieces.

The upper body flew out, and the lower body was caught in the mouth of the giant alien rat and bitten.

But he is not dead, he is still alive.

He immediately abandoned his lower body, activated the backup hidden energy, and blasted the giant alien rat to death on the spot.

You can still live without your lower body, and you can even self-destruct to kill enemies. This is the power of technology...

With this sigh in his heart, Lin Zichen quickly fell into deep thought.

Why did a giant alien rat appear again?

How many giant alien rats are hidden in Shanhai City?

Also, these giant alien rats are so big when they grow up. Where do they hide so that they can never be discovered?

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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