Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 63 The Strongest Student in School History


When they saw Lin Zichen casually kicking his opponent off the martial arts platform, this word sounded in the minds of everyone in the audience.

The fat black man actually lost?

Being kicked off the martial arts platform by a new student?

How can this be!

Everyone present was shocked, with disbelief on their faces. For a moment, they thought they were hallucinating.

Among them, one senior student was so shocked that she opened her little mouth into an O-shape. It looked like she could stuff at least two cucumbers into her mouth. Coupled with her eyeballs that were about to pop out, her expression was very exaggerated.

"How can it be?!"

"How could I be kicked off the stage by you so easily?!"

"This unscientific!!"

The fat black man rolled on the ground for more than ten meters before he stopped. As soon as he stopped, he immediately sat up and shouted with an unacceptable look on his face.

He thought about how he could be kicked by a new student because he weighed over 250 pounds and the soles of his shoes were rough and non-slip, which caused the friction between his feet and the ground to be extremely high. He could not push him even when he was standing and being pushed by several people. Wutai? !

This is simply unreasonable!

However, no matter how unreasonable, the fact did happen in front of everyone.

"Zi Chen, did you withhold your hand in the physical test before?"

After Han Yuanfeng recovered from the shock, he immediately looked at Lin Zichen on the stage and asked.

Lin Zichen opened his eyes and made up a joke: "Well, I have a hand, but not much. The reason why I was able to kick the senior off the martial arts platform just now is mainly because my legs are naturally extremely explosive."

Han Yuanfeng did not doubt what he said, and quickly asked: "Zichen, how heavy a barbell can you lift with one hand now?"

Lin Zichen said calmly: "I measured it at home last week and it's almost 400kg."

400kg? !

In the class team, Lu Gang was stunned when he heard such a value.

Can you lift a 400kg barbell with one hand? !

I am so naturally gifted with supernatural power that I can only lift a barbell weighing more than 310kg at most. Who is the one with the natural supernatural power? !

While Lu Gang was being hit hard, Wang Shujie on the side was not much better, with a look of doubt on his face.

He had previously thought of counterattacking Lin Zichen before graduating from high school, and pressed Lin Zichen on the martial arts stage and rubbed him severely in front of the whole class.

But now it seems that he realized that he was simply overthinking.

No matter the current situation or potential, they are not as good as others, so how can we counterattack? !

I'd be happy if the gap doesn't get wider and wider.

not far away.

He Yu came back from his daze and said with disbelief: "Ah? Can he lift a 400kg barbell with one hand? Is this a freshman in high school? Zichen has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?"

Li Chuxin looked at Shen Qinghan beside him and asked with a puzzled face: "Hanhan, I really don't understand why Zichen is not the top scorer in the city. Did he have diarrhea in the high school entrance examination?"

"Well, Xiaochen felt a little unwell during the high school entrance examination and didn't perform well. Also, he trained very hard during the summer vacation after the high school entrance examination. He improved a lot during that time."

Shen Qinghan sensiblely helped Lin Zichen cover up the irrational aspects of him. This was the only thing she could do for Lin Zichen.

As for why Lin Zichen is so strong, even as a childhood sweetheart, she doesn't know.

One thing she knew better than others was that Lin Zichen was much stronger than he usually showed.

To this day, she still has a vivid memory of being followed by human traffickers when she returned home from school.

Lin Zichen, who was only eight years old at the time, punched an adult male human trafficker to the ground, causing him to collapse on the ground, vomiting blood and dying.

"Ah, Senior Zichen, you are so powerful, handsome and capable of fighting. You are almost taking away my soul as a senior!"

"Junior Zichen, I want to make friends with you. Can you add me on WeChat?"

"Junior Zichen, I am your fan. I have been your fan since you were in the first grade of junior high school!"


As soon as Lin Zichen came off the martial arts stage, he was immediately surrounded by several seniors.

He didn't send any WeChat messages to his senior classmates, so he just found a poor excuse and forced his way out. He didn't want to have too much contact with strange girls.

"Zichen, you can do it. You've been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger for so long. Today, you pretended to be a big dick. Isn't it great?"

As soon as He Yu saw Lin Zichen walking towards the class team, he immediately went up and said to him.

Lin Zichen smiled and said, "It's quite refreshing."

However, I just said I was happy, but in fact I was not happy at all.

What he wants is the feeling of defeating an entire class by himself.

In this way, you can not only experience the most advanced people appearing before you, but also increase the completion progress bar of the achievement of Natural Selection. It is simply perfect.

But like today, I was an audience almost the whole time, and could only appear in the last scene. To be honest, it was not exciting at all, but it felt like a waste of time.

"I hope that next time when I play the key class, my opponent will be stronger and beat the class to the last single seedling as early as possible, and then I will go on stage and push."

Lin Zichen hoped in his heart.

in the coming time.

The two classes each lined up in a line and walked towards each other. Just like after a basketball game in the previous life, there was a friendship session where the players from both sides shook hands.

When shaking hands with the opponent, Lin Zichen would smile and say "good fight", focusing on someone who has strength and class.

After the handshake session ended, the two head teachers stood together and chatted.

While chatting, Han Yuanfeng called Lin Zichen over and chatted with the class teacher of Class 6, Grade 2, about his amazing performance on the martial arts stage just now.

"Brother Feng, Zichen in your class is so awesome. I feel like he is almost as good as Wu Tiancheng when he was a freshman in high school."

Talking about the scene where Lin Zichen kicked the fat black man off the martial arts platform just now, the head teacher of Class 6, Grade 2, couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

Han Yuanfeng smiled and said, "That's not the case. That kid Wu Tiancheng is not a human being. He almost scared the principal when he was a freshman in high school. He was too strong."

"Teacher, who is this Wu Tiancheng?"

Lin Zichen listened on the side and asked curiously.

Han Yuanfeng replied: "Wu Tiancheng is a senior who graduated from the previous batch. When he was a freshman in high school, he passed the top class of the third year of high school. His behavior was so unbelievable that many school leaders were frightened."

"I don't remember what his physical test data was when he was a freshman in high school, but I have the impression that he was much higher than you."

"In short, that person is a genius that is rare to see in a century. He is by far the strongest student in the history of Shanhai Middle School, and he is the kind who leaves the second place with a big gap."

After saying that, Han Yuanfeng looked at the head teacher of Class 6, Grade 2, and asked, "By the way, Ajie, do you still remember the data of Wu Tiancheng's first physical test in Grade 1?"

"I definitely remember it." said the head teacher of Class 6, Grade 2: "100 meters in 6.12 seconds, vertical jump of 3.96 meters in place, and able to lift a 650 kilogram barbell with one hand."

Lin Zichen listened to these three data and found that the strongest student in the history of the school was almost as strong as his sixth grader during the summer vacation when he was in high school.

I have to say, he is indeed awesome and deserves the title of the strongest in the history of the school.

"What, are you scared when you hear such data?" The head teacher of Class 6, Grade 2, looked at Lin Zichen with a smile on his face and said.

Lin Zichen nodded and said, "I was a little scared."

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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