Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 64 I am not a maid

"Students who have been sweating a lot just now should go to the changing room to take a shower and put on clean clothes. We will eat at the Mingxiang Restaurant opposite the school later!"

Seeing that it was almost lunch time, Han Yuanfeng stopped chatting with the class teacher of Class 6, Grade 2, and turned to look at the students in the class and shouted.

Hearing this, several students whose clothes were soaked with sweat took out the clothes they had prepared in advance and took a shower in the changing room.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan didn't go. They didn't sweat much just now and were very clean.

About ten minutes later.

The few students who went into the changing room to take a shower all came out.

When Han Yuanfeng saw that everyone was gathered, he asked everyone to get their things and set out to cook.

Before leaving, he looked at the class teacher of Class 6, Grade 2, standing aside, and said with a smile:

"Ajie, after I take the students in the class to finish the meal, I will send you the bill on WeChat. You must remember to pay."

"Don't worry, I'm willing to admit defeat and won't blame you."

"Quick, everyone, please say thank you, Brother Jie."

"Thank you, Brother Jie!!!"

The students in Class 1, Grade 1, laughed and shouted.

Ming Xiang Hotel.

First floor.

Han Yuanfeng opened a large private room with three large tables, just enough for the whole class to sit down.

During the meal, everyone was reviewing the showdown in the gym.

Talk about who in the class performed well.

Say that so-and-so on the other side is particularly difficult to deal with.

Among them, the most talked about matchup was the one between Lin Zichen and Fatty Black.

In contrast to the previous scene where Lu Gang was instantly killed by the fat black man, the scene where Lin Zichen directly kicked the fat man off the martial arts platform was very shocking.

Whenever everyone thinks about this duel, the word "awesome" automatically comes to mind.

Except for Lu Gang, the word "numb" came to his mind.

In the last game, he was instantly killed by Fatty Black, and in the next game, Lin Zichen killed Fatty Black instantly.

This time, he was directly turned into a background board.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

Who knows how painful it is to accidentally become a backdrop and then be talked about!

Lu Gang was roaring in his heart.

On the other side, Han Yuanfeng stood up from his seat, raised a glass of beer and said to everyone in the private room:

"Thanks to Zichen, we can all get this meal for free today. Come on, everyone, get up and toast Zichen!"

"Zi Chen is awesome!"


"Brother Chen is mighty!"

The students picked up the drinks in front of them and toasted to Lin Zichen with a smile.

Some boys in the class who used to be jealous of him and couldn't stand him now all had smiles on their faces and wanted to make friends with him.

Lin Zichen's previous performance on the martial arts stage was too strong, and he would definitely become a superior gene fusion person in the future, with an immeasurable future.

Everyone realized this and wanted to have a good relationship with him, thinking that maybe they could hug their old classmate's lap in the future.

After all, first-year students are generally 16 years old, almost adults.

Although sometimes the middle school students are a bit naive, the basic pros and cons can still be seen clearly.

He would not be so stupid that he would not make friends with a genius, but instead offend him.

"Brother Chen, how do you usually exercise at home? Do you have any secrets?"

"Brother Chen, it seems we haven't added WeChat yet, let's add it."

"Brother Chen, I just posted the video of your duel with Fat Senior to Moments. My sister saw it and said she wanted to get to know you. Now she is asking me for your WeChat account. By the way, my sister is a senior in martial arts in our school. A student in the top class.”


After toasting, everyone started chatting with Lin Zichen as the center of the topic.

Among them, many people turned around to talk to him, complimented him every time, and wanted to further their relationship with him.

Lin Zichen felt that everyone was overly enthusiastic, felt very unaccustomed, and felt a little annoyed.

But seeing that it was at a dinner party and everyone might be so enthusiastic, he didn't act too cold and responded with a smile.

During this period, Shen Qinghan, who was sitting next to him, rarely spoke. Most of the time, he sat quietly and listened to everyone chatting.

When he saw that he had finished his drink, he refilled it for him.

Seeing that there were shrimps on the table, I picked up a few and peeled them and put them in his bowl.

She looks both quiet and virtuous, and she fully embodies the girl-next-door attributes that many boys dream of.

"Tsk tsk, Qinghan, you are too virtuous. Whoever can marry you in the future will be truly lucky. It is not an exaggeration to say that there will be smoke rising from the ancestral graves."

Seeing Shen Qinghan peeling shrimps for Lin Zichen to eat, Han Yuanfeng, who was drunk opposite him, couldn't help but tease her.

When Li Chuxin heard this, he immediately looked at Lin Zichen with a smile and said jokingly: "Zi Chen, you are so lucky!"

Lin Zichen just smiled and said nothing.

Shen Qinghan's face immediately turned red, and he lowered his head in shame, eating silently and pretending that nothing happened.

Fortunately, this topic passed quickly.

Everyone ate, drank, and chatted, but no one continued to pay attention to Shen Qinghan.

Shen Qinghan breathed a sigh of relief.

After half an hour passed like this, everyone was full and full.

But no one was in a hurry to go home.

Instead, they started chatting in the private room, and the conversation was lively.

Shen Qinghan picked up an orange and wanted to peel it for Lin Zichen to eat to help him relieve his post-meal greasiness.

Just halfway through peeling it off, a sudden urge to urinate came over me.

It came very suddenly.

And very urgent.

Why do I have this defect in my body? It’s really annoying...

Shen Qinghan felt very distressed.

Then, she approached Lin Zichen beside her and whispered to him:

"Xiaochen, let me go to the bathroom."

"Well, go ahead."

Lin Zichen responded.

Shen Qinghan put down the orange in his hand, clamped his tightly fitting legs skillfully, and walked quickly to the bathroom outside.

When she walked to the bathroom door, she heard a conversation inside.

The voice sounded familiar.

It was two girls in the class chatting.

"Did you just see that Shen Qinghan was pouring drinks for Lin Zichen and peeling shrimps for him? He really knows how to lick her. She looks like a maid, serving her master all the time."

"It's normal. Otherwise, how do you think she got into our top class? Isn't it just by licking Lin Zichen every day, trying to please him in various ways, and then relying on his relationship to get in through the back door?"

"I'm so envious. If only I had a genius childhood sweetheart like Lin Zichen."

"What's there to envy? I can only lick her when I was a student. When Lin Zichen enters the society and meets all kinds of outstanding girls, he will definitely ignore her."

"Yes, the difference in strength between the two is so huge, they are destined to drift apart in the future."


Outside the bathroom, Shen Qinghan felt very uncomfortable listening to the conversation inside.

She really wanted to go in and say that she was Lin Zichen's childhood sweetheart, not his maid.

However, her cowardly character prevented her from doing this.

Just when she was about to turn around and leave to go to the bathroom on another floor, the two girls inside came out.

When the two of them saw her at the door, their expressions changed slightly, feeling embarrassed.

Then, as if he didn't see her, he quickly walked around her.

"She's not a maid, she's a childhood sweetheart..."

Shen Qinghan pursed her lips, her voice full of humility and sadness, as well as a hint of growing depression.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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