Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 91 I’ll give you half of my headphones

The second day of the college entrance examination is June 8th.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan got up very early. After breakfast, they gathered at the school and took a car together to the examination room for the practical assessment, which was a large forest full of virginity.

This forest is located in a suburb of Nanjiang Province.

The place is deserted, has many wild animals, and is rarely visited by people. It is very suitable to be used as an examination room for practical examinations.

Outside the door of the two houses.

Father Lin, Mother Lin, Father Shen and Mother Shen, all four of them got up early to see their children off.

"Take this bag of bread with you..."

"You should also bring biscuits..."

"Don't forget this bottle of sports drink..."

"And this bag of dried meat..."

"Bring more food and eat before entering the forest. This way you don't have to rush to find food after entering. You can observe the terrain first."

Zhang Wanxin unzipped Lin Zichen's schoolbag and kept stuffing food into it while talking.

Feeling that his schoolbag was getting heavier, Lin Zichen quickly said:

"Mom, that's enough, that's enough. I can't finish it with so much."

"Aren't you going to eat with Hanhan?"

"Hanhan's schoolbag is also full."

"That doesn't matter. If you can't finish eating, just wait until after the exam is over. You will probably be hungry by then."

Zhang Wanxin thought carefully, for fear that the two children would be starved by then.

On the other side, Xu Meng was also nagging Shen Qinghan, urging:

"Hanhan, there are dangers everywhere in the forest. Don't take risks just to get high scores. You must put your own safety first. Do you understand?"

"I know mom."

Shen Qinghan nodded obediently.

Zhang Wanxin on the side listened and said to Xu Meng with a smile:

"Don't worry, they happen to be at the same entrance to the examination room. With Xiaochen here, Hanhan will be well protected."

"That is, that is."

Xu Meng smiled and replied.

After speaking, she looked at Lin Zichen and said with a gentle smile on her face:

"Xiao Chen, Hanhan, I'll leave it to you. After the college entrance examination is over, Aunt Meng will buy you and Hanhan the latest fruit phone as a gift for your high school graduation."

"Then I'll thank Aunt Meng first."

Lin Zichen smiled and was not polite to Xu Meng.

The two families have been getting along for so many years, and they have already regarded each other as family members. Being too polite would seem harsh.

"Mom, Dad, Aunt Meng and Uncle Ye, let's go."

"Mom, Dad, Aunt Xin and Uncle Xin, bye!"

The two waved goodbye to the four parents and quickly left carrying their schoolbags, walking briskly to school.

When they arrived at school, all ten martial arts classes in the senior year were lined up on the playground.

Seeing this, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan trotted to the back of the queue in Class 1, Grade 3.

About half an hour later.

The bus responsible for transporting candidates to the practical examination examination room has arrived.

There are 10 buses in total, one for each class.

Soon, all the candidates were on the bus.

Nearly 500 senior martial arts students from Shanhai Middle School all set off to the examination room for the actual combat assessment.

At the same time, high schools in various cities in Nanjiang Province were also organizing students to go to examination rooms.

The number of people is not that large.

A larger key high school has only a few hundred martial arts students in one grade.

A smaller ordinary high school may have only one martial arts class per grade, which means there are only a few dozen martial arts students.

Therefore, even in Nanjiang Province, which is a major college entrance examination province, the number of martial arts students taking the college entrance examination this year is less than 100,000.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of candidates are all cultural students, art students, technical students, etc.

After all, those who practice martial arts are still in the minority.

After all, if you can't become a gene fusion person or a mechanical transformation person after practicing martial arts, the upper limit is really not as high as that of a cultural student.

Perhaps the best thing to do is to open a martial arts gym and recruit many disciples.

The next best thing is to get a job as a martial arts teacher in a high school, or to work in a relevant security department.

The third thing is to work in a martial arts school.

For example, cultural students have a much wider range of employment after graduation.

Education, medical care, finance, design, the Internet, etc. are all jobs.

"What a pity, Hanhan. I wish I were at the same entrance to the examination room as you. In this way, I can not only keep you company, but also hug Zichen's thigh. It's nice to think about it."

In the car, Li Chuxin turned around and lay on the back of the seat, looking at Shen Qinghan in the back seat and said.

He Yu, who was sitting with Li Chuxin, immediately became unhappy when he heard this and said dissatisfiedly:

"What do you mean? Aren't my thighs thick? Isn't it enough that I share the same entrance to the examination room? It's also fun to be in a team with me, do you understand?"

"There's no point in teaming up with a straight guy like you."

Li Chuxin looked disgusted.

He Yu said disapprovingly: "What straight man? This is called innocence and no pretense."

Seeing the two of them bickering whenever they disagreed, Shen Qinghan found it quite interesting and watched the show with a silent smile.

Next to her, Lin Zichen was wearing headphones and watching news videos on his mobile phone.

Pay attention to current social affairs and understand all aspects of the situation.

"The genius of Peking University successfully fused the Shadow Night Cat gene, breaking the school record of being the youngest three-time gene fusion person at Peking University!"

"The girl who is a mechanical genius has successfully implanted the latest generation divine arithmetic chip in her right eye. She can calculate various data of the target with just one glance, which is comparable to a piercing eye!"

"At 4 o'clock in the morning today, a minor earthquake occurred in Shanhai City. A pair of men and women who were having an affair with keen senses felt an obvious earthquake. They were so frightened that they didn't even bother to put on their clothes. They rushed out of the house naked, shouting at the residents all the way. Let's escape..."

In the video, a man and woman having an affair with their bodies covered in mosaics covered their private parts with their hands and shouted at the roadside that everyone should run.

Then, an old lady, who was the woman's mother-in-law, rushed out of the room. She picked up a broom and beat the two of them.

While beating and scolding, they shouted that my son works at the construction site every day to send money to his family, but you actually secretly brought a man home to have an affair in the middle of the night. You pretend that I, the mother-in-law, do not exist, and I will beat you adulterers and adulterers to death!

While the news anchor was reporting the news seriously, barrage kept flashing above the video.

"Brother Tumu is crying."

"It's okay, as long as the child is biological."

"Haha, even though it's an affair, I'm still very responsible."

“Human nature is complex, bad people in some ways and good people in some ways.”

"Who said heroes can only stand in the light? Heroes can also stand naked!"


Lin Zichen glanced at these barrages and found them funny, but he didn't laugh.

Instead, he frowned slightly.

This seems to be the second clearly felt earthquake in Shanhai City this year.

Is this too frequent?

Logically speaking, given the geographical location of Shanhai City, one clearly felt earthquake in a few years would be considered too many.

I hope my worries are unfounded and there won't be any big earthquake...

Lin Zichen thought silently in his heart.

the other side.

Shen Qinghan's eyes moved away from He Yu and Li Chuxin in front and fell on Lin Zichen beside him.

Seeing him watching the news quietly, I couldn't help but sigh.

Xiaochen is so quiet. He is not like other boys of the same age who always make noises.

The reason why I have such an almost perfect childhood sweetheart is because I saved the earth in my previous life.

I'm so lucky...

Thinking of this, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but reveal a smile, full of satisfaction.

Lin Zichen noticed her gaze and thought she was reading the news on her phone, so he took off an earphone and handed it to her and asked:

"Want to watch it together?"


Shen Qinghan smiled and took the earphones, brushed the hair on his ears with his hands, and put the earphones into his ears.

Then, he skillfully leaned forward slightly, leaning his shoulder on Lin Zichen's shoulder very intimately, tilting his head to watch the news video on his mobile phone with him.

PS: Place the bowls, please give me a monthly ticket recommendation!

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