Evolve infinitely from scratch

Chapter 92 Practical assessment of the chicken game mode

About two hours later.

The bus that Lin Zichen was on finally arrived at the forest that served as the examination room.

Shen Qinghan, who was watching news videos with headphones before, was now sleeping soundly on Lin Zichen's shoulder with a sweet look on his face.

He was sleeping so deeply that his mouth was drooling.

Either I wet my pants or I drool. I have always had a lot of water since I was a child...

Lin Zichen shook his head helplessly, reached out and took out a tissue from his schoolbag, and helped Shen Qinghan wipe the saliva from the corner of her mouth.

Then he poked her cheek with his finger and shouted softly: "Hanhan, we're in the examination room, wake up."

"We're here..."

Shen Qinghan woke up in a daze, looking bleary-eyed.

Soon, everyone got out of the car. As soon as they got off the car, they heard someone shouting with a loudspeaker.

"Come here from entrance 29!"

"Come here for entrance number 3!"

"The candidates at entrance 18 gather here!"

"Entrance No. 78 is here..."

There are many candidates, nearly 100,000, who come to take the practical examination.

There's only one entrance, so obviously that won't work.

In order to allow candidates to disperse into the forest and achieve better assessment results, the teaching department specially set up 100 entrances to the forest.

It didn't take long for the candidates to find their own entrance organization based on the loudspeaker shouts.

Then, leave the transfer station in batches and head to your own entry point.

Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan have the same entry point.

Both of them were from Entry Point No. 9. After finding the organization, they took a car and left the transfer station.

Only ten minutes.

The car arrived at its destination and stopped.

When Lin Zichen got off the car, he found that the entrance point No. 9 was already crowded.

At a glance, there were at least several hundred candidates.

In addition to the candidates, there were more than a dozen vendors setting up stalls selling food.

"There are actually people setting up stalls selling food in this barren mountain?"

Shen Qinghan was surprised.

Lin Zichen explained: "Normally, there are nearly a thousand candidates at one entry point. If you work here for a few hours, you can probably earn thousands."

Shen Qinghan had some confusion on his face: "But logically speaking, the teaching department shouldn't let these vendors in."

Lin Zichen smiled: "Who knows."

Shen Qinghan soon had new doubts: "Many people are buying food from these stalls. It's the college entrance examination now. Aren't they afraid of eating bad food?"

"The hygiene of the things sold by these stalls must be ok, otherwise the relevant personnel would not dare to let them in to sell food."

Lin Zichen explained.

After saying that, he quickly said: "Let's go, let's find a place with few people to sit down, and eat something to fill our stomachs."


Shen Qinghan responded.

Not long after, the two of them walked to a big tree, found two stones and sat down on them as chairs. They ate the food they brought from home and chatted wordlessly.

During the time when I am idle and bored.

Lin Zichen relied on his extraordinary five-sense perception to keep listening to the chats of the candidates around him.

Some candidates feel nervous.

Some candidates were excited.

Some candidates felt happy. They were glad that they had acquaintances at this entry point. They would have a companion when they entered the forest later, so they would not be lonely.

Other candidates noticed Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan and were attracted by their good looks, whispering that they were so handsome and beautiful.

Just like that, about ten minutes later.

The person in charge of the entrance point walked to the high platform and emphasized the rules of the practical assessment to the candidates present.

He spoke for more than half an hour.

Lin Zichen summarized the content, which is probably the following eight points.

1. There are many scoring cards placed in the forest. Each card is marked with a number. The number represents how many points you can get by getting this card.

2. These scoreboards are placed in very tricky locations, some on the top of trees, some on cliffs, some on beasts such as black bears, tigers, rhinos, crocodiles, pythons, etc. On the bodies of the strange beasts in the deepest part of the forest.

3. Every beast and every strange beast is guarded by a dedicated safety officer nearby, so that when candidates challenge these beasts and danger arises, the security officers can rescue them in time.

4. The strange beasts in the deepest part of the forest are set up to give points to geniuses. It is not recommended for ordinary candidates to join in the fun to avoid accidents, because ordinary candidates are too weak to deal with the strange beasts, and the security personnel may not have time to go there. Rescue, ordinary candidates died at the mouth of the alien beast.

5. The performance of the practical assessment depends on the score obtained by the individual. In addition, other abilities displayed by the candidates during these seven days, such as leadership skills, will also be observed through cameras.

6. Nearly 100,000 candidates are participating in the practical assessment, but the total value of the scoreboard is only 50,000, which means that more than half of the candidates will not get points.

7. The actual combat assessment encourages cooperation as well as competition. Everyone can cooperate to score points and distribute the score cards obtained to teammates in proportion to their contribution. Alternatively, you can also directly grab other people's score cards.

8. There are cameras and security guards everywhere in the forest. You can seek help when you encounter danger, but the price is immediate elimination.

"Dear candidates, the rules for this actual combat assessment are the above. In one hour, the assessment will begin in the forest, so everyone should prepare well."

After saying this, the person in charge of the entry point left quickly.

As soon as the person in charge left, a fat candidate shouted:

"My dad is an executive at the Nanguan branch of Jishen Group. Is there any top student who can help me when the assessment begins? I will thank you greatly afterwards!"

"Me! I'll take you! I'm the top student in the gifted class of Changzhou No. 1 Middle School! I promise to take you flying!"

A top student is responding to this fat candidate.

Unfortunately, before the two had time to make contact, they were warned by the teaching staff on site.

He said that he couldn't be so blatant and that if he wanted to form a team, he would do it privately and in a low-key manner.

On the other side, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan were eating and chatting when suddenly several students from the same school came to find him.

Asked him if he could take his classmates with him when he entered the forest later.

Lin Zichen rejected this request without even thinking about it.

The reason for rejection is simple: he will not give out the score cards collected along the way to others.

As soon as those people heard this, they gave up the idea of ​​hugging his thigh.

Lin Zichen didn't pay attention to these people and continued to chat with Shen Qinghan while eating.

About twenty minutes passed.

A well-built boy stopped in front of the two of them and asked politely:

"Classmate, I feel a little hungry now, but I didn't bring anything to eat. I think you have a lot of food in your schoolbags. Can you sell me some?"

"No need for the money, just give it to you to eat."

Lin Zichen took out a piece of bread and a pack of biscuits from his schoolbag and threw them to the boy.

Anyway, there are too many to eat in my schoolbag, so it doesn’t hurt to give some to others.

"It's so embarrassing to take your stuff for free."

"How about this. In return, when we enter the forest later, I will team up with you two and help you score points."

With that said, the boy said with a confident face: "By the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Hong Junping. I am a student in the rocket class of Qianzhen No. 1 Middle School. I can lift 100 meters in 6 seconds. I can lift a 750 kilogram barbell with one hand. After entering the forest later, I can get you at least 5 points."

Lin Zichen declined: "Thank you for your kindness, but no need."

The boy was stunned for a moment, not expecting to be rejected.

After a moment to react, he smiled awkwardly and said, "That's it. That's okay, buddy. Thank you for the bread and biscuits."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

When the boy walked away, Shen Qinghan couldn't help but complain:

"It's so strange about this guy. There are so many stalls selling food here, but he doesn't go to the stalls to buy. Instead, he comes here to buy food from us."

"The drunkard's intention is not the wine, but the fact that we have a ridiculously beautiful lady here."

Lin Zichen smiled and said.

He knew very well that the boy just came here to chat with Shen Qinghan.

Seeing that Shen Qinghan was pretty, I wanted to come over and get to know each other, and then I found a lame excuse to form a team.

"Ah? Did you come here to strike up a conversation? The routine is so deep..."

After listening to Lin Zichen's explanation, Shen Qinghan realized this point belatedly.

At this time, a girl not far away smiled and said, "That's not necessarily the case. Maybe the boy just came over to strike up a conversation after seeing a handsome guy here."

Lin Zichen: ""

The girl came over and chatted with Lin Zichen in an outgoing manner: "My name is Zou Wenjuan. I am a student in the gifted class of Changzhou No. 1 Middle School. I think you are so handsome. Can you add me on WeChat?"

“I don’t use WeChat.”

"Then add QQ?"

"No need to use QQ either."

Lin Zichen declined politely again, not wanting to add the contact information of a strange girl.

The girl understood what he meant, so she stopped asking for trouble and turned around and left.

in the coming time.

The candidates at the entry point were all eating.

If you don’t eat it now, you won’t have to eat it later when you enter the forest.

Eat as much food as you can while you can, so that even if you have nothing to eat for the rest of the day, you can get through it without stress.

Most candidates are constantly observing other candidates around them while eating.

See if you can distinguish who is a top student and who is a scumbag, so that you can make corresponding countermeasures in the practical assessment later.

When you encounter a top student, just hide away to avoid being robbed of your scoreboard.

On the contrary, if you encounter a scumbag, grab the scoreboard.

The game is to bully the weak and fear the strong.

During this period, the top student in Qianzhen City who had been rejected by Lin Zichen when he said he wanted to form a team, did not give up and came over again to ask if he wanted to form a team.

This time, instead of asking Lin Zichen, he ran to ask Shen Qinghan.

However, Shen Qinghan didn't even use euphemisms and refused bluntly:

"I will only team up with him, not other boys. You should go and chat up other girls."

"Don't get me wrong about that. I'm not trying to flirt with you. I just don't like being in debt to others."

"I got your bread and biscuits for free before, so I thought I would form a team to take you with me in return for getting your bread and biscuits for free."

"Since you don't need it, forget it."

After the boy said a lot of words, he left with an embarrassed look on his face.

He didn't expect that he would be rejected again, and the rejection was so direct and not tactful at all. He complained that these two people didn't know how to hug each other because they had big legs. They were really stupid.

PS: Set the bowls, please recommend monthly tickets!

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