Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 230 Blizzard

As mentioned before, due to the current level of knowledge, there are too many technical principles that cannot be understood. This is probably a headache for the right hand. Because of this, any existing detection method it knows is not suitable for cubes. They are all ridiculous and useless, and the results will be very different.

It is not difficult to understand this, but it is rare to give up studying the cube.

The right hand finally found such a thing that was beyond its level of understanding, so it was naturally impossible to give up easily. However, although Chen Yang also had a certain interest in it, it was far less than the exploration of parallel worlds.

After the topic discussion was over, Chen Yang packed up his equipment and once again embarked on a journey to explore the parallel world. This time he was going to enter the Verrazano Strait Bridge area to conduct preliminary observations. If the bridge was intact, he would Planning to go to Brooklyn the next day.

To reach the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge from the subway station, you need to cross five blocks of road. It is now eleven o'clock in the morning, which means that when you get there, it must be after three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and you will definitely not be able to return in time.

In this case, he simply brought more supplies and prepared to find a place to rest. If the bridge was intact, he would continue exploring. If the bridge was damaged and unable to pass, he would return the next day.

After making a plan, Chen Yang got into the light film, walked through the caves and long tunnels, and came to the deserted New York City.

Today's sky is not as beautiful as yesterday. It is already close to 12 o'clock at noon, but the sky is gloomy, without any sunshine, and the temperature has suddenly dropped a lot, only 6 degrees Celsius.

Chen Yang looked worriedly at the horizon in the distance, where the clouds were darker. According to his experience, it was the cold air from Canada moving south that caused the temperature to drop so suddenly.


Exhaling a breath of white mist and feeling the warmth in his chest, Chen Yang's worries gradually dissipated.

No matter how much the temperature drops, with his physical fitness. Without any equipment, he can withstand the low temperature of more than 50 degrees below zero for more than 24 hours. No matter how powerful the cold air is, it cannot lower the temperature in New York so much in a short period of time.

Eliminating these worries, Chen Yang set off on the road. Move toward a predetermined goal.

Along the way, because he had already explored the first three blocks, Chen Yang skipped these places and accelerated forward. It was not until the fourth block that he slowed down and searched for clues while moving forward.

Speaking of which, these blocks are close to the sea, and the drainage facilities seem to be even more backward. The accumulated water on the street is covered with weeds of all kinds, and with the soaked soil, it is completely a swamp.

If you want to walk in these places, it is impossible to take care of the clothes on your body. People with mysophobia would definitely find it unbearable. Even Chen Yang, who was agile and did not walk according to the normal way, had brown mud on his pants.

Chen Yang didn't care whether he was clean or not, and he didn't have any mysophobia. He only cared about whether he could find any clues here.

After enduring the stench and poor environment here, Chen Yang chose the ones that were less damaged. The relatively well-preserved building was searched.


Chen Yang kicked it out gently, and the long-rotted wooden door exploded and scattered, turning into countless sawdust and falling to the ground, leaving a mess.

When Chen Yang walked into this house, he was the first thing he saw. Just two corpses on the ground.

It was originally gloomy outside with no sunlight, and the windows inside the building rarely blocked the light. When people walked in, it could be described as a ghostly atmosphere, and they unexpectedly saw two rotting corpses on the ground. It's enough to scare ordinary people out of their wits.

However, Chen Yang's expression remained unchanged. He squatted down and stirred the bones with the iron rod in his hand, inspected the cause of death, then stood up again and began to look around the house.

It can be seen that the things in this house are relatively well preserved, and you can even vaguely see the bread on the table - a thing that is black and hard like iron, if you can still call it bread.

Excluding these things, there was a photo frame placed on top of the ancient TV. Chen Yang picked it up with one hand and wiped the dust clean. On the photo in the photo frame, a black aunt and a black young man were facing the camera with a bright smile. The pair of pure white teeth look extremely white against the black skin.

Poverty is probably a typical word to describe this household. Chen Yang put the photo frame back in place and walked around. There were very few things he could see. Even compared to other households, there were very few furniture and daily necessities. .

There are obviously many such residents in a residential building. Chen Yang cannot stay in each house for too long. He can only take a brief look before leaving and exploring other places.

This kind of exploration was time-consuming. After exploring several buildings, Chen Yang took out his phone and took a look, feeling that he should speed up.

With this idea in mind, Chen Yang speeded up again, skipping many buildings for future exploration, and walked straight towards his destination.

Half an hour later, the time came to four o'clock in the afternoon, when he walked through the fourth block and was about to enter the fifth block.


Chen Yang, who was walking on the road, let out a cry of surprise, spread his palms, and a snowflake slowly fell on his hands.

Looking up, in the gloomy sky, countless snowflakes danced and fell from the sky, slowly sprinkled on the earth, and gradually melted and disappeared.

The temperature has actually dropped to minus three degrees!

Such a drastic temperature change surprised Chen Yang.

"Isn't it because the polar vortex is heading north?"

The so-called polar vortex is a low-pressure circulation system that rotates counterclockwise in the North Pole. Under normal circumstances, the polar vortex will only stay in Canada. However, sometimes due to the interaction of multiple climatic conditions, the polar vortex drives straight south, causing Temperatures plummet in the United States.

This situation is rare and usually does not happen once in more than ten years. But once it happens, it is much scarier than an ordinary strong jet stream. The impact of extreme weather will force the temperature to drop sharply, even by dozens of degrees. possible.

In other words, the current temperature of minus three degrees is definitely not the end. Maybe in a few hours, the temperature will drop to minus twenty or thirty degrees.

"Do you want to rush back first?"

Just when Chen Yang came up with this idea, the snow fell even harder, accompanied by a strong wind that made people feel chilly.

"No, I need to find a place to hide for a while."

With such heavy snow falling at such a speed, after a while, the biting cold wind and pitch-black sky will come one after another. Without GPS navigation, Chen Yang, who is not familiar with the New York area, is very likely to get lost in the pitch-black snowstorm. That would be worse. Continue to move forward according to the original plan, and find a temporary house to rest for a night near the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge before the snowstorm completely comes.

With the plan finalized in his mind, Chen Yang took advantage of the fact that the sky was not completely dark and the snowflakes could not block people's sight. He compared the surrounding terrain and quickly searched for the route.

At the same time, his feet kept moving, almost at the speed of an ordinary person running at full speed, running over swamps and collapsed buildings.

If a third-party bystander at this time saw a shadow flashing across the roads and buildings in such an unclear environment, he would definitely think that he had seen a ghost.

To a certain extent, maybe Chen Yang is scarier than the evil ghost now, because he can be very "gentle" to people.


The wind and snow were getting heavier and heavier. After running for more than ten minutes, Chen Yang took out the thermometer and found that the temperature had dropped to minus twelve degrees. His exposed skin was hit by the rapidly blowing wind and snow. There was also a hint of coldness from above.

But for Chen Yang, this feeling was just like the temperature of 17 or 18 degrees Celsius before. Wearing short-sleeved clothes, he would feel a little cold, but it was definitely not unbearable.

The cold was not the biggest trouble for him, it wasn't even a trouble.

Just as Chen Yang had worried before, as time went by, the snowstorm became bigger and bigger, and the sky became darker and darker, reaching the point where it was blocking his progress.

So after twenty minutes, he had to give up his plan to find the route, took out a strong flashlight, pressed the button, and turned on the light to illuminate the way forward, otherwise he might have stepped into a mud pit half a meter deep. .

"Oh, bad luck."

It is not Chen Yang's character to blame everyone, and he is a little distressed at the moment, lamenting that his luck does not seem to be very good.

"Uh, what's that?"

When he was about to find a nearby building to avoid the snowstorm, Chen Yang's eyes narrowed and he seemed to see a small point of light from a distance.

It’s not an illusion, it’s indeed a light source!

How could there be a light source in a place like this?

Chen Yang was refreshed and even a little surprised. Could it be that he had found someone?

In this way, he was not unlucky, but luck came to him.

Having found the person, doesn't it mean that he can use the "click click" method? Well, that's wrong, it's a friendly way of saying hello to someone.

Without further ado, Chen Yang turned off the flashlight and moved towards the light source silently... Without the light source, he did not dare to move too much, lest he fall into a pothole and not be careful.

Fortunately, the light source was not far from where he was. After walking more than two hundred meters, Chen Yang could vaguely see that the light source came from the third floor of an abandoned building.

Taking out the dagger on his leg, Chen Yang looked calm and walked into the building, found the stairs, and moved up without making any sound.

Such a blizzard environment couldn't be more beautiful. It is estimated that even if Chen Yang yells at this moment, it will be difficult for people ten meters away to hear what he is saying. This is undoubtedly an excellent cover-up.

Slowly, a minute later, Chen Yang groped his way into the third floor, not far from the light source.

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