Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 231 Extreme Weather

As he approached the light source, Chen Yang suddenly discovered that it was the light scattered by the fire.

The five people sitting next to the fire were not the adults Chen Yang had imagined. They were actually the five little girls under ten years old who had left.

This result made Chen Yang feel a little disappointed. He slowly loosened his hand holding the dagger and put it back on his leg. He stood quietly and looked at the group of little girls from a distance of about ten meters, hesitating. He paused and did not get closer.

These little girls were very wary. Walking over rashly would only arouse their fear. Chen Yang had not forgotten this. The reason why the five little girls moved away from there was probably because of him.

This snowstorm came too suddenly. The temperature dropped from the previous ten degrees above zero to twelve degrees below zero in just a few hours. According to this trend, I am afraid that this is not the final bottom of the temperature.

Affected by this, the five little girls gathered around the fire, leaning on each other in the corner, wearing clothes that were found from an unknown dead person's home. They were colorful and tattered, which could cover their entire bodies.

Even so, the five little girls were still shivering. Their ragged clothes were full of holes. It was hard to imagine how much protection they had against the cold.

And the fire that emits light and heat is probably the only heat source that can bring them warmth, so that they will not be unable to support themselves.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..."

The little blond girl's face was covered with dust, and could not hide the flushed color on her face at this moment. She barely shouted, stretched out her little hand and took out half of the chocolate from her arms, and waved it in front of the eyes of her sisters.

As if due to the low temperature, the other four little girls' heads were dizzy and their movements were delayed for a minute. It took them a while to react. Rubbing their eyes, everyone honestly licked the chocolate with their pink tongues.

This time my sister was so kind that she didn't just let the sisters lick her once, but each of the four licked her three times. When it was her turn, the little blond girl hesitated for a moment. Looking at the half-sized chocolate, he did not stick out his tongue, but rolled up the chocolate and put it in the pocket of his arms to keep it.

Chen Yang, who was more than ten meters away, had such amazing eyes. The moment the little girl took out the chocolate, she recognized that it was the chocolate he gave her.

Okay, so here comes the problem again...

When he obviously gave it to him, these little girls were afraid to avoid it and didn't even look at it. Why did you pick it up after he left?

Besides, is chocolate that delicious?

Chen Yang took out a piece of chocolate and took a bite. He chewed it in his mouth for a moment, but he didn't notice anything different from before.

Not wanting to get the hostile looks from those little girls again, Chen Yang thought for a moment and continued walking up the stairs until he reached the top of the ninth floor.

The door on the rotten roof opened as soon as it was pushed, and the cold wind howled outside the door accompanied by large swaths of snowflakes. It was like countless knives being cut on the face, it was Chen Yang. He also squinted his eyes slightly and blocked the snowflakes in front of his eyes with one hand.

"It's a little bad..."

Holding the thermometer, Chen Yang tested the temperature outside and found that the temperature had dropped to minus seventeen degrees.

"Am I going to spend the winter here in advance?"

When Chen Yang was studying, he had been to a tourist town in the far north of Northeast China, where the lowest temperature in winter could reach more than 30 degrees below zero. It can be said that drops of water turn into ice. The splashed hot water bursts into white air in the air and turns into ice powder in an instant when it falls to the ground.

Everyone must have three layers on the outside and three layers on the inside to seal themselves tightly like a bun. In order to preserve heat and not lose it too much.

Such a low-temperature environment is really a severe challenge to human survival. Even the locals who have lived there for a long time do not dare to be too careless.

“It’s so cold and yet you sleep so comfortably!”

Raising his right arm, Chen Yang sighed, and then he looked a little strange.

Don't look at what he said about being cold. In fact, the physical experience is the most important. The temperature is minus 17 degrees, and there is a cold wind of six or seven levels in the sky. An ordinary person can't stand it even wearing a down jacket. Moreover, with Chen Yang's thin clothes, he would probably jump from the cold immediately, and it would not be unusual for him to freeze to death over time.

However, at this moment, Chen Yang stood in the cold wind. In addition to being blocked by the wind and snow, he could not see the distance or the direction. It was like there was a burning flame in his chest, spreading up and down his limbs, letting the wind and snow blow on him. , I just feel a cool and refreshing feeling.

This kind of experience was completely different from when he traveled to Northeast China.

At that time, he was wearing five pieces of clothing and a coat on top. He felt so cold that he kept stamping his feet. But now he didn't feel unbearable at all. Why couldn't it be quite novel?

Of course, going to the top of the building is more than just a novel experience. Chen Yang took out his mobile phone, clicked on the compass app to determine the location, then stretched out his hand to feel the cold wind blowing rapidly by, and murmured to himself: "Is there a northwest wind... …”

After confirming the wind direction, Chen Yang returned to the gate. He didn't mind the dust on the ground, sat down on the ground, tested the outside temperature every ten minutes, and then recorded it.

In one hour, the number was recorded six times, and the temperature continued to drop from minus 17 degrees. Now, an hour later, it has reached minus 23 degrees.

When he was watching the news in the past, Chen Yang could not understand the significance of the temperature plummeting by 30 degrees overnight in Gansu, Inner Mongolia and other places. Only now can he realize the horror of it.

On the roof of the building outside the door, heavy snow had covered it and reached a depth of fifteen centimeters in just one hour. The strong flashlight shone through, as if even the beam of light was swallowed up, and it only shot six or seven meters away. It was completely submerged by the wind and snow.

It was only half past five in the afternoon. At this rate of temperature drop, the temperature might actually reach minus 40 degrees by midnight.

"This weather is a bit abnormal..."

Taking out the hot water in the thermos and taking a sip, Chen Yang was a little confused. Logically speaking, even if the Arctic vortex cold air moved south, causing extreme weather conditions, it would not be possible for the temperature to drop so sharply...

Thinking back to the real world, North America occasionally experiences extreme low temperature weather, and it takes two or three days to reach such temperatures.

Anyway, humans haven't really understood the weather yet, and Chen Yang stopped thinking about such issues. Just as he was about to go down, his right hand suddenly came to life.

It stretched out suddenly, disappeared into the dark night blizzard, circled around and returned: "How can there be such a strong change in airflow?"

"Well, if you ask me, I don't know either."

Chen Yang sighed: "But tomorrow's exploration plan... may be delayed."

"And the trouble is...if the snowstorm doesn't stop tomorrow, not only will we not be able to explore as originally planned, but we may not be able to return to the subway station."

Looking at the blizzard outside, Chen Yang patted the backpack on his back, "The supplies can only last three days, so we can only stay here for three days."

"Boarding body, this is your mistake."

"Yes, it was my mistake."

Chen Yang answered calmly that he did make a mistake. When he noticed that the temperature had dropped and the snowflakes were falling, he should have returned at full speed as soon as possible instead of hoping that nothing would happen.

Fortunately, the two non-human beings cannot be treated as ordinary people, and small mistakes will not cause them too much trouble. After Chen Yang finished explaining, his right hand simply returned to its original position and continued to sleep, while he walked downstairs.

Back on the third floor, Chen Yang stood at the hole in the wall and looked inside, and found the little blond girl adding firewood to the fire, causing the small pot on the stone bricks to burn red.

For them, this was probably a rich dinner, some wild vegetables that even Chen Yang couldn't identify, stirred together and sprinkled with some powdered salt? Sorry if that browned powder is actually salt.

Each little girl filled a bowl with the hodgepodge created in this way, drank it, and her trembling weak body finally calmed down a little, with a happy smile on her dirty little face.

"Eating these things...can you survive until now?"

Chen Yang frowned slightly, always feeling a bit incredible. Is human vitality really that tenacious? In this deserted city, where did the five children under the age of ten come from?

Where are their parents?

No, at least there should be an adult to take care of it?

But from now on, it seems that these children really survived on their own, so it's no wonder that Chen Yang was confused.

Looking away, Chen Yang sat down against the wall, took off his backpack, and took out supplies from inside.

Lying against the wall, Chen Yang opened the thermos box, and a ray of hot air came from inside the box, mixed with the aroma of beef. This was a portion of braised beef and rice, plus a small half bucket of tomato and egg soup.

Of course, the thermal insulation box has limited heat preservation. In view of this, Chen Yang can only eat such a hot meal tonight, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Chen Yang can only eat dry food.

When you go out to explore, it is naturally impossible to eat better than at home, and it will only fill you up. As for the taste, it can only be said to be so-so. Chen Yang took out his chopsticks and ate it one bite at a time. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone with his left hand, lit up the screen, and browsed the map of the city.

Because of the blizzard, he almost lost his way when he came here. At this time, he could only determine his position based on the impression in his mind, careful thinking and comparison with the map.

To be honest, luckily New York is an old city. The city in the 1990s has not changed much from today, and the map can still be used. If you switch to China, take a map from 2014 and compare it with the city in 1992. Chen Yang could only stare, helpless.

"Well, it should be at this approximate location."

Chen Yang drew a circle on the screen in the air, put down his chopsticks, and focused his eyes on the screen.

"It seems that we are not far from the bridge." (To be continued...)

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