Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 346 The action begins

"You are really lucky... If the problem just now was not the optical cable, but the steel cable..."

Wang Rui was amazed and patted Putum who came out of the No. 4 prototype.

"Hey, God, he doesn't want me to go to heaven so soon."

"Come on, are you the only one? Do you deserve to go to heaven?" Wang Rui curled his lips and ignored Putum's boasting.

It's a good thing that people are fine. After Putum checked his body and confirmed that there was no problem, engineers began to check what was wrong with the optical cable.

Seeing that the matter had been interrupted, Chen Yang had no intention of continuing the beta test. He called Captain Ham and ordered the ship to sail immediately.

In this way, after stalling in this sea area for more than half an hour, the icebreaker "sailed" again towards the planned route.

"In more than half an hour, we will arrive at Latadi Island..."

Ham clicked lightly on the tablet map, and the high-definition map\u0026p;\u0026p; {}.{}{}.{} zoomed in instantly, showing Latadi Island in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded, "When we get there, we'll head to Thurston Island."

"Yes, I understand, sir."

A few hours passed quickly. Just as Chen Yang was sitting in his room and resting, someone reported that they were about to arrive at Thurston Island. After walking out of the room and onto the deck, Chen Yang raised his eyes and looked into the distance. The dark sky was biting and cold, and the cold wind whistled in, making Chen Yang's coat rustle.

At this moment, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and it was obviously impossible to land ashore in this situation. The icebreaker also stopped, preparing to spend this cold night and discuss other matters after dawn tomorrow.

According to the cube map, even after landing, there is still more than 250 kilometers to go, so there is no need to rush things. Chen Yang could only be patient. After dinner, we returned to the room to continue resting and recuperating.

The next day, Chen Yang got up at seven o'clock in the morning, had breakfast, and summoned all the members of the eer team who were preparing to set off this time.

The EER team that followed Chen Yang this time was all selected from the elite of all mercenaries. Both in terms of physical strength and their own strength, they are considered to be at the top level in the world.

There are thirteen strong men in total. Including Chen Yang, Wang Rui, Ying Ying, and Putum, there are seventeen people. In terms of numbers, it's far enough. In fact, in the purgatory of Antarctica, the number of people is not very important. What people often face is not their own enemies, but the harsh environment of Antarctica itself.

From ancient times to the present, countless people have lost their lives in Antarctica because of insufficient preparation. It was before Chen Yang set off this time. I made an effort to prepare a lot of equipment first. In addition to clothing to keep out the cold and portable food to replenish strength, as well as communication equipment, Chen Yang also rented Inmarsat's maritime satellite phone service for emergency communication and data transmission in Antarctica.

Speaking of which, although the earth is now known as a "global village" due to the development of science and technology, the fact is that communication is not convenient in many places. Even communication and data transmission are very restricted.

In order to keep his plan secret and Andres' needs, Chen Yang plans to purchase a batch of fourth-generation mobile communication satellites. Launched through the international sealaunch company, it forms Andres' own communication satellite network.

Anyway, the price of commercial satellites is relatively cheap now. The cost of forming a network of more than ten satellites is only more than one billion US dollars. It is not difficult for Chen Yang to come up with the money at present.

"I have already told you about this mission, let me explain it in advance. This mission is extremely dangerous, and the possibility of death cannot be ruled out... Therefore, if you are unwilling to participate in this mission, you can withdraw now."

Sitting in the chairman's position in the temporary conference room, Chen Yang tapped his fingers on the table. He said without any hesitation.

The remaining sixteen people present looked at Chen Yang, and no one planned to quit.

Are you kidding me? When I join the EER Special Emergency Task Force, I sign so many confidentiality agreements. The price for getting generous salary and benefits is to sell my life to the company.

Knowing so many secrets, if you quit the mission now, everyone can imagine with their toes that the outcome will not be optimistic.

No matter what the purpose was, at least no one quit even though they knew that this mission was extremely dangerous.

"very good."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Since no one chooses to quit, then let's start the mission."

At nine o'clock, the sky in Antarctica became slightly brighter. After seeing that the sight was okay, the icebreaker increased its power and drove towards the shore.

Layers of thin ice accumulated under the hull. Under the impact of the icebreaker's huge horsepower, it quickly shattered and crashed away, leaving a narrow waterway behind the hull. Unfortunately, this temporarily opened waterway was filled with ice floes in less than half an hour, and returned to its original state.

It's said to be a shore, but it's actually a thicker layer of ice. The thickness of the ice that the icebreaker can break is about three to four meters. If it is thicker, it will not only be unable to break through, but may also be trapped. Therefore, after the people in front came to the news that the thickness of the ice exceeded four meters, the entire ship The icebreaker stopped there.

"Alright, Captain Ham, let's keep in touch at all times."

"Yes, sir, I will stay here."

The icebreaker's supplies are enough to feed the entire ship for more than three months, so Hamm naturally won't worry about the supply problem.

The ship stopped, and then the action began.

Seventeen people before and after got off the boat first, and then hoisted the equipment down through the crane. Chen Yang is now wealthy, and he will not be stingy on this Antarctic expedition. He has purchased three snow cruisers. Each snow cruiser is eight meters long, uses metal wire to strengthen rubber tracks, has a load capacity of about five tons, and has the highest speed in the snow. The ground ice layer can reach up to 60 kilometers.

With these three snowmobiles, not only can Chen Yang carry a lot of supplies, but also weapons can be equipped and used at will. The cost of 30 million US dollars is considered worthwhile.

"Boss, everything has been checked and there are no problems."

Wang Rui and his people rechecked all the equipment and supplies. After confirming that they were correct, they came to Chen Yang to report.

"No problem, let's go."

Chen Yang stared at the "white" sun in the distant sky, "It's a good day today, I hope everything goes well."

Although the destination is only over 250 kilometers away, and the maximum speed of the snowmobile is as high as 60 kilometers per hour, it stands to reason that it would take more than four hours to reach the destination, but the formula does not calculate it that way. In order to ensure safety, the snowmobile can only move at a safe speed of 30 kilometers. In addition, there may be detours and slits in the ice along the way. Even if it takes the ideal eight hours, it will be difficult to reach the destination.

In addition, he couldn't rush at night, so Chen Yang estimated that if he set off at nine-thirty now, he might be able to reach his destination at noon tomorrow.

The ten days of waiting time had passed. Seeing that the target was not far away, Chen Yang was no longer in a hurry. After instructing everyone to pay attention to safety matters, he sat on the snowmobile in the center. Let the convoy move forward!

The tracks of the snowmobiles started to rotate, and the first one rushed out, followed by the two behind them, forming a neat queue one after another, heading towards the target on the vast white land.

Wang Rui, who was sitting in the car, was initially very interested in the Antarctic ice scene outside, but after only watching it for less than ten minutes, he found it boring and his eyes were dazzled by the white snow and ice. , quickly withdrew his sight and closed his eyes to rest.

After driving along the predetermined target route on the ice and navigating through the applied satellite service for three hours, the convoy slowly stopped and prepared to have lunch and take a rest.

The weather in Antarctica when they set out this time was really good. The sun was shining directly on everyone. Although it didn't bring any sense of temperature or heat, it was at least a comfort.

"This place is really uninhabited..."

Chen Yang has been to Nevada and New York in the parallel world, but all places actually have traces left by humans. No place like this place is covered with astonishingly thick ice and cold snow. Everywhere you look It's all white, nothing else, and it's so clean that it makes people feel scary.

"Yes, boss, this is really a ghost place..."

Wang Rui stood next to Chen Yang. Even though his face turned blue from the cold, he still managed not to get into the snowmobile.

"This is the last pure place for mankind, but this status quo may not last long."

Humanity is developing at an alarming rate. Almost all places in the world except the Arctic and Antarctic have been visited by humans. Chen Yang has no doubt that maybe in ten or twenty years, Antarctica will not be able to escape the clutches of humans. .

Wang Rui didn't quite understand Chen Yang's sigh, and rubbed the back of his head in confusion, "Boss, let's get in the car. It's windy here."


Although there should be no scientific research teams or scientific research stations from other countries in this area, Chen Yang still wants everyone to pay attention and carefully maintain the forward speed. At the same time, he should contact the icebreaker every hour to report safety.

Antarctica is not only a very dangerous place for humans, but it is also not a place that Chen Yang can ignore directly. If he accidentally falls into some ice cliff, the consequences... I am afraid even Chen Yang will be very serious. It took Fei Zhouzhang to escape.

As for the others, needless to say, they are destined to die without any chance of survival.

Fortunately, we drove carefully all the way, and when it started to get dark at night, there were no unexpected incidents. Today's journey was considered safe.

As soon as it got dark, the convoy was naturally unable to move forward. Everyone got out of the car and started busy setting up cold-proof tents.

According to today's two-level wind, there was no obstacle to the tent erection, and the five tents were successfully erected soon.



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