Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 347 Camp in the Dark

"Going further, that's the range of the polar night..."

After March 21st, Antarctica will gradually enter the polar night period. By then, the entire Antarctic Circle will be dark. Not only will it be difficult to see, but the impact on human vision will definitely exist.

At that time, the traveling speed will inevitably slow down to avoid any danger. After all, driving on this Antarctic glacier is not without any problems. If there is any gap or loophole, you will not even have time to avoid it if you go too fast.

Sitting in a warm tent, under the light, Chen Yang gestured with a tablet. On it was a detailed satellite map of Antarctica that was never seen in the world, showing the general terrain and landforms.

This satellite map was collected four months ago, which is the latest data. For Antarctica, which remains the same all year round, there should be no changes in a few months without a large degree of human influence.

With this electronic map and the rented satellite navigation, Chen Yang and his party can correct their route at any time, which is the core key to ensuring the mission plan. Otherwise, without navigation, we might wander off to some unknown place within a day.

In the tent, apart from Chen Yang, who was bowing his head in deep thought, there were three other people. The shadow is still the same as during the day, sitting in the corner, silent, thinking about something. Putem had already gotten into his sleeping bag and was sleeping soundly.

As for Wang Rui at the end, after taking a sip of the steaming coffee, he saw that the coffee in Chen Yang's cup had cooled down. He quickly added some hot water to the cup and concentrated on serving the boss.

"Okay, everyone, let's go to sleep."

Finished the last cup of coffee. Chen Yang waved his hand casually, signaling Wang Rui to take a rest.

Soon there was only a weak emergency light left in the tent, and everyone fell into a deep sleep.

With Chen Yang's sleep, he can put himself into deep sleep at any time. Each hour of sleep is equivalent to three hours of sleep for ordinary people. He only needs to sleep for two hours, and the remaining hours are spent half asleep and awake. in a state. Let your metabolism slow down to the lowest point and maintain the level of whole body heat consumption.


Chen Yang's eyes suddenly opened. As his ears trembled, he absorbed the outside sounds into his auricles.

"What's going on? Why has the wind gotten stronger?"

Before the break, the wind outside was only about level 2, so it was already midnight. Is the wind force showing an increasing trend? Chen Yang opened his sleeping bag, put on warm clothes and walked out of the tent.


Large swaths of wind and snow beat mercilessly on Chen Yang's face. Sure enough, Chen Yang heard correctly. The wind outside had indeed increased a lot, reaching at least Level 5.

The climate in Antarctica is very changeable. It is very calm in the morning, but strong winds hit in the afternoon. Extremely cold air masses often sink suddenly. Reversing, accelerating, setting off strong winds and blizzards are all extremely ordinary, but to Chen Yang and his party. It's nothing to be optimistic about.

"The wind is still increasing..."

After quietly feeling the strong wind for a while, Chen Yang retracted his outstretched left hand, pulled down the brim of his hat, and sighed softly.

It was now five o'clock in the morning, so Chen Yang simply woke everyone up from their deep sleep and asked everyone to start preparing to set off.

"Hey. Boss, it seems the wind has gotten a lot stronger..."

Wang Rui put on his clothes and walked out of the tent. He immediately shivered from the cold wind outside.

"Maybe the weather is getting bad."

Chen Yang muttered: "Everyone, hurry up and let's set off as soon as possible."

By the time everyone finished eating as quickly as possible, packed up tents and other equipment and entered the snowmobile, the wind outside had increased to about level 6.

A strong wind of level 5 can cause small trees to sway, and a strong wind of level 6 can make even power lines whine. Especially in the Antarctic region, strong winds are often accompanied by snowflakes, blowing on the face at low temperatures. , but after a while, your face will feel numb and painful.

"The temperature is minus thirty-five degrees... Boss, it's not good. If we continue to move forward, I'm afraid the wind will continue to increase and the temperature will drop further."

After getting on the snowmobile, Wang Rui looked at the thermometer that had just calculated the data and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Then you want to go back?" Chen Yang glanced at him casually.

"This, no, boss, that's not what I meant."

Wang Rui naturally did not dare to say that we should all go back, and quickly said: "What I mean is that we should be more careful."

This is complete nonsense.

Ignoring Wang Rui's embarrassment, the team turned on the lights and slowly drove forward against the strong wind.

Because we entered the polar night range and the roaring blizzard weather, even the specially modified headlights of the snowmobile seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness, and the visibility did not exceed ten meters, which further reduced the The speed at which the convoy is moving forward.

If we proceed at this speed, we still have more than 150 kilometers to go, and we will definitely waste about a day on the road.

There was no choice but to be cautious. For the safety of everyone, Chen Yang had no choice but to compromise and slowly move towards his goal. This day's voyage was much more difficult than the first day. A few hours later, the blizzard had intensified to about Level 7. If someone got off the snowmobile, he would lose the protection of the snowmobile armor. The strong wind mixed with the heavy snow would make it very difficult for him to maintain his balance and he would have to bend. Lower your waist and move forward slowly.

The snowmobile was hindered by the blizzard, and its speed was completely reduced to seven or eight kilometers per hour. It was often necessary to stop and send someone down to check the condition of the road ahead.

"Hey, what's in front of that?"

Suddenly someone shouted.

"What's wrong?"

"There seems to be something ahead..."

The tracks of the snowmobile stopped slowly. After receiving the report from the front, Chen Yang asked two people to go down and take a look.

Moving forward in a blizzard is a very painful thing. The two EMER team members struggled to move in the deep snow, holding tactical flashlights and walking towards the dark objects in the distance.

Everyone looked at the place where the two team members disappeared, waiting for the news to arrive.

The waiting time was not long. After five or six minutes, the two Emer members trudged back with difficulty.

"There seems to be a camp ahead..."

"Camp? Why would anyone come to this place?"

Chen Yang was surprised when he heard this answer. This place is not a place of much value on the map. Generally speaking, no one would come to this place. What's more, Antarctica is so big, and the number of people active all year round does not exceed a thousand. The chance of people meeting each other is pitifully small.

They can meet people like this. Is it really because they are so lucky?

"Sir, there seems to be no one in that camp..."


"Yes, we didn't see any lights or traces of human activity, only tents..."

"We were worried about any accidents, so we came back to report first."

"Take me to see it."

Chen Yang pondered for a moment, then he might as well go over and have a look in person.

"Wang Rui, you and Putum stay here to take care of it, and Shadow will go with me."

After giving a few instructions, Chen Yang jumped out of the snowmobile and let the two team members lead him forward. Shadow followed quietly.

Compared to Chen Yang and Shadow who turned a blind eye to the strong wind, the pace of the two team members was much more difficult. Fortunately, the camp they saw was not far away, only about 20 meters away. Soon the four of them arrived. This camp.

The five tents whistling with the strong wind are the most common cold-proof tents for scientific research. Ordinary tents will be deformed and damaged in strong winds of about 60 kilometers. However, this top-notch tent is specially designed for the harsh environment of Antarctica. The upper wind-resistant stabilizers can withstand a Category 12 hurricane. With a mere Category 7 wind, these tents are as stable as a mountain.

But as the two team members said before, there was no trace of lights or personnel activity. In the cold wind, there was only the sound of tents rustling, and the rest was shrouded in darkness, like unknown things lurking in the darkness. Objects in general.

Chen Yang made a gesture, and Shadow nodded to express his understanding. He lowered his body and walked towards the other tents, while Chen Yang and two team members began to search from here.

The tent was opened, and Chen Yang's flashlight shone through. The two team members behind him couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and took a few steps back.

What surprised both EM members was that it was certainly not an ordinary scene. There was supposed to be someone sleeping in the tent, but now... there is indeed a person sleeping, but this person's sleeping appearance is too scary, and his nostrils Looking up to the sky, his eyes are round, his mouth is slightly open, his expression is frozen and motionless.


A dead man in a tent!

Chen Yang looked normal, stooped and walked into the tent, and casually checked the condition of the body. Because it was in the ice and snow, and without professional instruments, Chen Yang could only roughly determine that the time of death was at least three days to a week.

"Looking for any identification..."

Chen Yang asked two team members to come in and look through the items in the tent, while he walked out and inspected the other tents.

I thought that there should be dead people in the other tents among the five tents. Unexpectedly, after Chen Yang looked through the third tent, he didn't find any other dead people. It seemed that there was only one dead person.

"Boss, not found."

At this moment, Shadow finished searching the other two tents and shook his head to indicate that no one was found.

"Is there only one person..."

While Chen Yang was puzzled, he returned to the first tent again and asked, "Did you find anything?"

"Sir, we found a passport."

Taking the so-called passport handed over by the team member, Chen Yang opened it, and it was an Australian named Marco North. The figure in the photo looked somewhat similar to the corpse on the ground, so it should be him.


Chen Yang lowered his head and glanced at the corpse on the ground, then ordered: "Call a few more people over and search everything in the tent!"

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