Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 361: Alternative Life Forms (Part 2)

Although it is very inconsistent with human common sense, Chen Yang has no intention to delve deeper. Since even his right hand has asserted that this humanoid reinforced concrete block is an alternative life form and is very dangerous, Chen Yang can only solve this problem immediately. thing. m.. mobile network

Chen Yang has tested it before. The outer structure of this human-shaped reinforced concrete block is very hard. It cannot be broken through by ordinary means, and even the slightest trace on the surface cannot be preserved. That is to say, even if you don't consider whether there will be ricochet in this passage, and use all the guns and ammunition to attack in an all-out manner, I'm afraid there is nothing you can do about this damn thing.

Chen Yang, who understood this, did not let Emer attack again.

"You go first!"

As soon as Chen Yang said this, the remaining seven team members and three others, including Shadow, all looked at him in shock.

"Boss... you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, follow my order and evacuate everyone immediately."

Chen Yang kept looking at the human-shaped reinforced concrete block, "I have my own opinions, don't worry about me."

Wang Rui was still hesitant, but Shadow obeyed the order and left immediately. Seeing this, Putem, even though he didn't know what Chen Yang planned to do, could only shrug his shoulders and follow the shadow. Wang Rui couldn't, and he didn't dare to disobey his boss's order, so he nodded and left quickly with the remaining EM members. But to be honest, this thing was motionless, and you couldn't tell it was a living object, unless it was covered in a large area of ​​blood. The movement was so weird that it was really hard for Chen Yang to believe that this thing was responsible for killing people.

How exactly does it move so fast?

Why didn't I even notice that the second gear overclocking was turned on?

What is its method of killing?

Why on earth would it attack its own side?

There are too many questions waiting for Chen Yang to think about and answer. Seeing the human-shaped reinforced concrete block approaching with his right hand, Chen Yang followed him carefully and said, "Sir Screw, did you find anything?"

"……A little."


"It confirms what I just thought. The blood on it belongs to the two humans on the ground."

Chen Yang wanted to say that this was nonsense. Because he didn't have the courage, he still swallowed these words.

"Is that all you found?"

"And..." "Click..."

Bursts of harsh and unpleasant sounds appeared in front of Chen Yang with a series of sparks. Before he could react, his right hand had already slashed at the human-shaped reinforced concrete block hundreds of times.

"Also, this thing is indeed very hard... so hard that it's unimaginable."

"It seems to have exceeded Mohs hardness level 1."

Chen Yang knew how powerful the "scythe" in his right hand was for cutting. Even if it is an allotrope of the carbon element like diamond, the right hand can leave traces during the chop, and even the traces cannot be retained. It is obviously harder than diamond.

Of course, diamonds are not the hardest substance in the world. Even among the existing man-made substances, there are many that exceed diamonds in hardness. And in nature. It is not impossible to have substances that exceed the hardness of diamond.

As long as the bond energy is greater than the c-c bond and can form a spatial network structure, it will theoretically surpass diamonds.

"Sir, you just said that this thing is an alternative life form. How does this thing move?"...

Chen Yang asked: "And since it was the one who killed our people, why is it motionless now?"

"have no idea!"

The right hand answered simply. "For alien life forms, they are also very mysterious existences among our carbon-based civilization race. There are only some unreliable records for reference. Regarding this kind of life form, the information I know is not much better than yours."

"So what do we do now?"

"Take it back!"

"Wait, what did you say?"

Chen Yang looked at his right hand in disbelief: "Take it back?"

"Yes, take it back. Since our understanding of this kind of life form is limited and the opportunity is rare, it will definitely be very interesting to take it back and study it." The right hand replied naturally.

"Sir, as you said just now, this thing is very dangerous. How will we dispose of it when we take it back? Who knows if it will bring threats along the way?"

Chen Yang took out the cube and said, "Our purpose of coming here this time has been achieved. It's better not to cause any complications."

The right hand was also hesitant. As it said, this human-shaped reinforced concrete block is indeed dangerous. There is a high possibility of being in danger accidentally, and if you don't understand it well, if you take it back rashly, you might really be unable to control it. s consequence.

But alternative life forms are too rare after all. If you miss this time, who knows if you will encounter them again?

After hesitating for a while, he said with his right hand: "You are right. We have achieved our goal this time. There is no need to do other things. Since this alternative life form comes from the cube found this time, there may be other alternative life forms existing. There’s no need to take risks here.”

As soon as he heard that his right hand had followed his advice, Chen Yang was slightly relieved. He looked at the human-shaped reinforced concrete block, thought about it, suddenly picked up his hands, and galloped towards the palace.

With his speed, even without using his full strength, it was extremely fast. After a while, he returned to the original place and stopped at the place where the stone wall collapsed.


Exhaling a sigh of exhaustion, Chen Yang lifted the human-shaped reinforced concrete block weighing hundreds of kilograms, stepped on the stone slab, bent his waist slightly, shouted loudly, twisted his waist, and suddenly lifted the human-shaped reinforced concrete block in the air. The concrete block was thrown out.

This time, it was like an earth-shattering shock. A stone 1.0 meters high and weighing hundreds of kilograms was thrown out at a speed of more than 100 meters per second. In just the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the bottomless black abyss. No afterimage remains.

Chen Yang, who had done it himself and used almost half of his strength, did not believe that the human-shaped reinforced concrete block thrown out like this could come back again. Just with that huge kinetic energy, as long as it hits something, it will definitely not be comfortable, not to mention being shattered to pieces.

After finishing all this, Chen Yang immediately returned to the original route. Wang Rui and the others had already walked for five minutes. They were probably out of the stepped pyramid and entering the stone bridge.

Even faster than when he came, Chen Yang returned to the passage in a moment. Chen Yang still did not slow down at all. Just as he was about to leave the passage full of eyes, he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

"Fourth gear overclocking!"

This time it was not the overclocking state that Chen Yang asked his right hand to turn on, but his right hand turned on by itself.

Just because Chen Yang was not the only one to feel this palpitation... As the right hand with stronger perception, he was faster than Chen Yang, 1 second faster, so that the situation did not completely fall to the bottom.


Before he could turn his body around, the tentacles on his right hand suddenly shot out, and the irregular shape instantly split into hundreds of "scythes", which suddenly collided with the object coming from behind.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

With the huge vibration and terrifying force, even Chen Yang turned on the fourth overclocking speed in the shortest time, but before he could make various calculations, he was already knocked away by the majestic force.

This was the first time Chen Yang encountered such a thing. It was as if he was hit head-on by a heavy truck traveling at a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour. His body lifted off the ground, flew more than ten meters away, and rolled on the ground. It took a circle to stop.

Fortunately, with the defense of his right hand, although the force was fierce, Chen Yang could withstand it given his physical condition. After a moment of discomfort, he calmed down and then turned his head.

Turning around, Chen Yang took a breath of cold air.

The human-shaped reinforced concrete block that he had clearly thrown away before and fell into the abyss was now standing intact not far behind him.

Although this kind of thing has happened before, this time Chen Yang took action personally. The force alone could make the humanoid reinforced concrete block fly far away. Why did it come back in such a short time?

The right hand that blocked the humanoid reinforced concrete block slowly retracted.

"It's strange why it suddenly stopped moving again."

The right hand was also confused. The hundreds of tentacles that turned into "scythes" were scarred and quickly returned to their original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Just... was this thing attacking us from behind?"

Chen Yang calmed down.

"Well, that's it."

"How does this thing... move?"

After hearing the answer, Chen Yang stared at the human-shaped reinforced concrete block. He had already turned on the fourth overclocking state and was always on high alert.

His right hand suddenly felt something in his heart and said, "I understand."

"Understood? Understand what?"


His right hand pointed at the vertically carved eyes on the human-shaped reinforced concrete block head, "You've noticed the eyes carved on the stone wall since you came in here, right?"


Chen Yang nodded.

"What do you think the meaning of this is?"


"I fought with it seven hundred and fifty-six times just now, but when I noticed it, it immediately stopped all movements. What do you think is the reason?"

"You mean..."

Everything that happened in just half an hour flashed through Chen Yang's mind, and the various connections were connected, allowing him to come up with an incredible answer.

"Is this thing going to turn into something dead as soon as someone notices it, um, looks at it with their eyes?"

Chen Yang said slowly.

"Yes, this is very possible, otherwise it will be difficult to solve everything that happened during this period."

The right hand agreed with Chen Yang’s conclusion.

"But this is so strange. Why does it turn into a dead thing when someone looks at it?")

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