Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 362: Alternative Life Forms (Part 2)

Obviously the right hand cannot answer this question, just like humans cannot understand the behavior of certain animals. The generation gap between each different species is so different that it is unimaginable, let alone two completely different life forms. m.x. mobile network

There are huge obstacles in communication and cognition between the two. It is undoubtedly difficult to truly understand what the other party means.

Chen Yang, who understood this truth, knew that his question was in vain. He sighed, stared at the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone, and said: "Sir, what should we do next? If there is no problem in guessing, it means that we must Just keep an eye on it at all times?”

"You can give it a try."

"Is it a test...can you stop it?"

"It's very fast, but it's not completely beyond my capabilities. With your fourth-level brain overclocking, it's not difficult to deal with it in a short time."

The right hand replied.

But seeing the scarred tentacles just now, Chen Yang also knew that the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone was indeed very powerful... No, it was not ordinary. You must know that in the battle with the same kind of right hand, the right hand and Chen Yang also continued to fight for half a day. After more than an hour, it was only slightly inferior in the end. It took no more than 3 seconds at most for his right hand to be damaged, but the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone remained unscathed!

This kind of strength is far beyond that of the right hand. Even if all four major components of the alien host body are assembled, it is impossible to injure his right hand in just .3 seconds, leaving Chen Yang in the fourth overclocking state with no time to react.

Yes, Chen Yang couldn't help but said: "Sir, it's still too dangerous. How about we just leave..."

"It can't be done."

The right hand interrupted Chen Yang, "If our guess is correct. As long as we turn the corner and look away, this thing will hit us at a speed exceeding Mach... And in short-distance fights, the speed of this thing is still rising. , I didn’t have the confidence to fight it for more than two seconds.”

"Two seconds..."

After hearing this data, Chen Yang knew that his right hand would not lie at such a critical moment. What's more, the right hand can only avoid talking about it. Never lie about what is said directly, which is to say, literally only for two seconds!

Two seconds. What can ordinary people do?

With each breath, two seconds are gone. This is an incredibly short period of time! Chen Yang only felt that he was speechless and choked. Ever since he met his right hand last year, he felt that this guy was so powerful that he could roam the earth unimpeded. Unexpectedly, just a few months later. The appearance of a cube made Chen Yang's most powerful right hand unable to recognize it.

Later, its kind appeared, forcing Chen Yang to flee half of Japan. This time, an alternative life form appeared. The danger level increased sharply, and even his right hand admitted that he could not resist for more than two seconds.

Fortunately, according to Chen Yang and his right hand's guess. This human-shaped reinforced concrete stone has an unknown reason. Human gaze, including the attention of the extraterrestrial creature on the right hand, will cause it to stagnate from high-speed movement and attack and turn into a dead object.

This seems to be the only weakness so far. This is the key to allowing Chen Yang and his right hand to talk now.

Moreover, what the right hand said was right. As soon as they walked around the corner and lost sight of the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone, Ling Lie's rapid attack might come again.

Who can be sure that the right hand can continue to hold on for two seconds?

Or like this time, block the attack of the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone within 3 seconds and watch it?

Rather than "running away" and losing preparations to deal with it, it is better to start experiments now and find out the rules of this alternative life form.

With this idea, Chen Yang and his right hand agreed on the plan and immediately started the first experiment.

After walking ten meters away, Chen Yang's eyes and right hand were always staring at the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone, and then he stopped.

Maintaining the fourth overclocking state, Chen Yang's computing power and neural response speed have been greatly improved. He stared at the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone with unblinking eyes and a high concentration of energy.

"I will turn off the focused gaze within .1 second, and you won't have to blink longer than that."

"Well, I understand."

"Okay, let's get started."

The signal stimulation given by the right hand directly stimulates Chen Yang's brain with electrical pulse signals to ensure time synchronization between the two.

As soon as Chen Yang agreed, he felt as if his brain was being stabbed by a needle. He didn't need to think too much and immediately closed his eyes.



.What is the concept of 1 second?

The sound in people's normal concept of time and space was instantly stretched in this .1 second. Whether it was the pitch or the loudness in the senses, it was as if a whole piece of glass had been smashed. It was fragmented and harsh and could not be restored at all. Normal tone.

The time that his eyelids were closed was only .1 second. When Chen Yang opened his eyes again, under the huge impact, the person had already flown up like a cloud, rolling hard and hitting the stone slabs on the ground.


This kind of intensity made Chen Yang feel that it was slightly inferior to the previous all-out fight with the alien host body. In fact, it was not much different. The entire passage seemed to have experienced an earthquake-like sound, and the length was more than ten meters. The stone slabs on the ground shattered by Chen Yang's force can prove this.

As for the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone, it seems that it has never moved, and it still maintains the same appearance as when we first met... If you don't look at the position it has moved, it may really make people feel sensory. illusion.

"This damn thing..."

A trace of blood seeped out from Chen Yang's lips. He squatted on the ground, barely suppressing the pain all over his body, and couldn't help but ask, "It seems that his strength has increased?"

"Yes, the strength has been increased by more than three times, and the speed has been increased by five times."

His right hand gathered up the dozen or so interrupted tentacles and slowly returned to their original state, "My guess was wrong. If it continues to gain strength next time, I don't expect it to be able to resist for more than .8 seconds."

"...This joke is not funny at all."

Chen Yang smiled with difficulty, "There's no need to conduct a second test, right?"

"No need, if it happens a second time... I'm worried that I'll need to change the host."

He waved the tentacle with his right hand: "Now it seems we have no choice but to take it back."

This is really a frustrating and frightening choice. Such a terrifying monster has to be taken back? Where to take it? Take it back to base?

Damn, even Chen Yang and his right hand could only resist the monster for less than a second. If it were really brought back to the human world, how many people would die if it lost control?

Chen Yang couldn't imagine it.

But Chen Yang had no choice. If he left this human-shaped reinforced concrete stone here, judging from the experiment just now, as soon as he left his gaze, it would attract a wave of more powerful attacks. The next time Chen Yang dared Are you sure you will block it?

If he sacrifices his life, he will use the lives of Wang Rui, Shadow and other people to buy himself a chance to escape. But can Chen Yang dare to confirm how far he can escape without attracting human-shaped reinforced concrete stones? Pursuit?

What if the humanoid reinforced concrete stone killed everyone and continued to pursue Chen Yang?

These are all issues that Chen Yang must consider deeply, and they are also the reasons why he cannot act rashly.

"Can I just take it back..."

After thinking for a while, Chen Yang had no choice but to make this decision.

In fact, if you think about it seriously, ordinary people will die miserably when faced with this alternative life form alone, because ordinary people have time to blink, and a blink of .1 second will cause ordinary people to lose their lives.

But Chen Yang was different. With his whole body focused, he had no problem not blinking for several hours. Not to mention that his right hand had recovered and he could stare at human-shaped reinforced concrete stones for four hours. This is completely beyond the reach of ordinary humans.

Perhaps, with such an advantage, Chen Yang can really bring him back smoothly. As long as he brings him back to the base, he will have all the manpower to do what he can't do now.

After finalizing this decision, Chen Yang spit out a mouthful of blood foam, walked slowly into the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone, leaned down, picked it up in one fell swoop, held it up casually with his right hand, and walked out of the passage.

Using this method, he doesn't have to look at the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone with his eyes at all times, and can just keep looking at it with his right hand.

When they came to the outside of the stepped pyramid, Wang Rui and the others had already left under his order. Chen Yang no longer stayed, speeding up and walking onto the astonishingly long stone bridge, crossing the abyss and entering the cave.

When we came to the place where we came down from the deep cave, as expected, we saw people being hoisted one by one.

"Boss, you're here."

Wang Ruicai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone held up in the air by Chen Yang with one hand. He couldn't help being surprised and said in horror: "Boss, you, you are..."

"Stop talking nonsense, let everyone go up first."

He mercilessly told Wang Rui to shut up and stayed among the people who came. When he saw the human-shaped reinforced concrete stone in Chen Yang's hand, he was extremely nervous. What happened not long ago, how could they forget this extremely weird thing.

No, it should be said that since arriving at this underground ruins, there has been nothing strange. Whether it is the carvings or the buildings, they are obviously not what people recognize.

Everything Chen Yang plays in it is obviously full of mysterious atmosphere.

Only because Chen Yang was the real superior and their boss, he could only keep his mouth shut. )

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