Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 365 High-Risk Experiment (Part 2)

The success of the first experiment proved that indirect gaze actually has an effect on human-shaped concrete stones. {Next, Chen Yang tested the steps of this experiment several times again. After confirming that they were correct, he finally conducted the experiment without using the brain overclocking state.

Compared with the initial adventure, this move is actually not much of an adventure, and the final result is also the same. Indirect gaze on human-shaped concrete stones, such as using video surveillance, will produce the same direct gaze. There is no difference in the effect.

And in this way, there are also certain effective isolation measures for the alternative life form of human-shaped concrete stones!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yang began to plan to complete the following experiments in one go without stopping. The first is to use the light film emitted by the cube to try to cut human-shaped concrete stones.

The light film allows people and objects to travel through time and space and reach another parallel world. Even the right hand doesn't know how it actually works. But there is one thing Chen Yang understands. Once the object is connected to the light film, if the connection is not disconnected before the light film disappears, it will be divided into two parts, which are extremely smooth and neat, almost at the atomic level.

This kind of cutting in space cannot be resisted by matter at all. Even though the human-shaped concrete stone is far harder than diamond, Chen Yang doesn't think it can withstand it.

"Open the light film..."

Holding the cube, an idea flashed through Chen Yang's mind. The cube shot out a light film as usual and appeared in the center of the room.

Needless to say, the world opposite is the subway station that was abandoned and transformed by Chen Yang. But now it is almost abandoned, and Chen Yang has sent the five little girls to the Australian headquarters for resettlement. The subway station is extremely quiet, and the little bit of original popularity has been wiped away by the passage of time.

Chen Yang didn't have so many emotions. Holding the human-shaped concrete stone in both hands, he took a deep breath and prepared himself for the unexpected.

"Sir Screw, let's begin!"

The right hand didn't speak, but it showed in its actions.

After saying this, Chen Yang grabbed the head of the human-shaped concrete stone with one hand. Gradually bring its lower body closer to the light film. As it gets closer and closer to the light film, ripples appear on the surface of the light film, and the lower body of the human-shaped concrete stone has penetrated deep into the light film.

When the human-shaped concrete stone penetrated about half of the light film, Chen Yang stopped immediately.

"Well, that's about it."

After carefully comparing the difference between the front and back, Chen Yang silently thought about turning off the light film.

Silently, the light film instantly disappeared from the center of the room without a trace, almost making it feel like an illusion.


Chen Yang was not surprised at all. It would be better to say that this was already expected. The human-shaped concrete stone, which was originally intact, disappeared without a trace as the light film disappeared. The part where the lower body entered the light film also disappeared without a trace. The cross-section was smooth and flat, as if it had been polished with the most advanced machines for a long time.

"Is this... dead?"

With this question in mind, Chen Yang focused on the human-shaped concrete stones, trying to tell the difference from their appearance.

But this closer look. His expression gradually changed.

"How is this possible?"

A look of horror finally appeared on Chen Yang's face.

The human-shaped concrete stone with half of its body missing has an extremely smooth cut cross-section. It actually began to squirm and multiply subtly, multiplying at a speed that was almost visible to the human eye. In a short time, it multiplied by as much as one millimeter.

"This thing is recovering!"

The tentacles on the right hand looked at the cross section and made a conclusion.

"Can this thing be restored?"

Even the right hand can be seen, so it can be ruled out that it is the result of the illusion caused by his own eyesight.

"Sir, it's really what you said..."

Staring at the rapidly proliferating cut cross-section. Chen Yang murmured to himself: "It seems it's not that simple."

"Not surprisingly."

His right hand said matter-of-factly: "Even if I cut it into pieces hundreds of times, it can still be restored. There are definitely many beings in the universe who can do this."

"What if it was smelted at high temperature? Can it still be recovered?"

Chen Yang did not believe in evil and took out the prepared magnetic change restraint device, "Use this thing. Doesn't it have any effect on it?"

Seeing the magnetic change restraint, my right hand thought about it, but I couldn't guarantee it completely. After all, the alternating magnetic field of the magnetic change restraint can directly oscillate the atoms of the object, causing the temperature to rise to tens of thousands of high temperatures. In such a situation, the right hand itself does not think that it can survive, so it certainly does not dare to guarantee whether the human-shaped concrete stones are effective.

"you can try."

The words on his right hand boosted Chen Yang's determination. At the moment, regardless of the human-shaped concrete stones that were still proliferating and recovering, he used supporting equipment to set up magnetic restraints at both ends. After turning on the alternating magnetic field, he immediately put the human-shaped concrete stones into place. Throw it into it.

The alternating magnetic field was enough to melt steel in an instant. As Chen Yang watched with a deep frown, the human-shaped concrete stone was as stable as a mountain. As soon as some black marks appeared on the surface, it was covered by the proliferation of unknown substances and returned to its original state. After going back and forth for more than ten times, Chen Yang watched for more than ten minutes, and finally had to admit that this method was basically ineffective for him.

"It's incredible."

The right hand also showed a feeling of admiration. Apparently, Chen Yang was not the only one who was surprised by the magical performance of the human-shaped concrete stones. The right hand also felt the same wonder.

Speaking of which, it is also because the human-shaped concrete stones are so hard that ordinary methods cannot cause damage to them, and it is impossible to remove samples for elemental analysis...well, it is far beyond Mohs 10 hardness level. It is not a material structure known to humans at all, and I am afraid that ordinary elemental analysis will not be able to analyze anything.

The research value of this alternative life form is very great. It has both the characteristics of inorganic matter and the life phenomenon of organic matter. Not to mention its material structure that has not yet been discovered by humans, the research value of these two aspects alone is very huge.

Thinking about it this way, if this alternative life form was not so dangerous, its research value would still be huge!

After completing several tests of the appeal, Chen Yang almost understood what his right hand was saying. Conventional methods indeed cannot kill this alternative life form, but non-conventional methods... at least not yet.

"Hey, on this side...why is this happening?"

Since the human-shaped concrete stone could not be killed by high temperature, Chen Yang put it down, then opened the light film, trying to get back the lower body of the severed human-shaped concrete stone.

But when he took it back from the opposite side of the light film, Chen Yang suddenly felt something was wrong under the light.

This human-shaped concrete stone that had lost its upper body actually multiplied and multiplied!

What does this mean?

Thinking of the consequences, no matter how calm Chen Yang was, he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat, and a trace of sweat dripped from his palms.

"The boarding house, the situation looks very bad..."

The tentacles on the right hand are looking back and forth at the cut cross-section of the human-shaped concrete stone.

"Sir, this is not as bad as it looks...but it's terrible!"

Ten minutes later, it turned out that Chen Yang's feeling was correct. This was indeed a very bad thing!

What was originally one human-shaped concrete stone has now become two identical ones!

There was no difference at all, standing quietly in the distance, staring at Chen Yang here with vertical eyes.

"It seems that no matter which side it is cut, it snaps back to its original shape quickly."

The right hand holds a research attitude, thoughtfully.


Chen Yang rubbed his temples, never thinking that one day he would make things so bad.

An alternative life form like this is already very difficult to deal with and seal, but this time it is better. It is like stealing a chicken but losing a lot of rice. One becomes two, and the difficulty of dealing with and sealing goes up a level!

If the abilities of the two are still the same...

Based on this possibility, both Chen Yang and his right hand kept their gazes on the two human-shaped concrete stones, not daring to shift in the slightest.

But there is no way for things to continue like this. Chen Yang said in a very difficult tone: "Sir Screw, what should we do next?"

"We can only complete the animal test according to the original plan. If possible, put in hundreds of white mice... Well, no, this test cannot be done now."

Before the right hand finished speaking, he denied what he said.

Chen Yang immediately understood what his right hand meant, just because now there are two alternative life forms. Once the original plan is tested, if an accident occurs, the risk will be too high, so the test plan must be modified.

"Test separately?"

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yang slowly suggested.

"The experiment must be carried out separately. Hosting body, let the humans you arranged previously resume monitoring."

"Yeah, no problem."

Chen Yang not only prepared ten people, but also prepared ten people for several other surveillance cameras. A total of twenty people were used to watch the surveillance cameras.

In this way, even if one of them blinks, it is impossible for the others to blink at the same time, thus preventing the accident of human-shaped concrete stones running wild.

Chen Yang turned on the headset switch and gave a few instructions. Someone immediately executed the order, and everything was arranged in a short time.

After asking twenty people to pay attention to this room, Chen Yang lifted the original human-shaped concrete stone and went to another temporary laboratory, where more than a hundred white mice were prepared for the subsequent animal experiments.

It is not difficult to complete the animal test. Place the human-shaped concrete stones in a narrow place and pour a hundred mice into them. In this way, there will be mice watching the human-shaped concrete stones no matter what. (To be continued...)


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