Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 366 High-risk Experiment (Part 2)

A hundred white mice are locked together with human-shaped concrete stones. With such a large number of mice, there will be mice watching it no matter what. Then when Chen Yang looks away, he can test whether the animal's gaze is useful to him.

In fact, generally speaking, such tests should be attempted multiple times separately. Even if the first test fails, the remaining animals should be replaced and tested again, so as to ensure the final accuracy of the test results. But as mentioned before, if the speed and power of the humanoid concrete stone are increasing with each attack, then Chen Yang only has one chance to test it. The second time around, Chen Yang didn't dare to try to see how much the power and speed of Gongdao's human-shaped concrete stones would increase. "Okay, Chief Screw, we are ready."

"Then let's get started." The right hand replied simply.

Chen Yang nodded, his eyes condensed into needles, and his whole body's aura suddenly changed, and he had already entered the third overclocking state.

Slightly avert your eyes to look at the human form = no = wrong = .s. sight of the concrete stone!

Then... slowly turned around.

Although it should take less than 0.01 seconds to look away and turn back, in the image reflected in Chen Yang's eyes, the glass cabinet in the distance where human-shaped concrete stones and mice were placed gradually developed cracks and turned into countless numbers in the sky. The fragments, in this illusion where time is almost stagnant, can actually see traces of movement! At the center of the explosion, visible air waves were generated. With the perception of time slowing down, these air waves were like ripples on the water, rolling slowly. Debris in the air. Spreading in all directions at a speed of "0.5 meters per second".

The human-shaped concrete stone was at the center of the air wave explosion, floating still in the air, aiming at Chen Yang.

The reason why it was still floating in the air was actually an illusion, just because Chen Yang's eyes had just seen it. This alternative life form stopped moving. And because at this moment, everything was moving extremely slowly in Chen Yang's eyes, leading to the illusion that it was floating in the air.

Judging from the past few encounters, as soon as one's eyes look at it, the scene he sees is the scene of this alternative life form stagnating. In other words, although its movement speed has not exceeded Chen Yang's brain overclocking at the moment state, but the nerve reaction speed has exceeded. Otherwise, it cannot be explained why Chen Yang saw it in this situation where time was almost stagnant. It is in a state of stillness. Are other animals okay?

Or is it only possible for intelligent creatures like humans? Adding to the example of the right hand, does the gaze of a higher intelligent creature have an effect?

Questions are always just questions. If possible, Chen Yang would also like to do a few more experiments for comparison, but conditions do not allow it. It can only be a pity.

It's just that the experiment being done now can be considered meaningful, since animals can't do it. Then humans must be used to monitor.

But Chen Yang is not very confident about using people to do this dangerous work. You must know that no matter how elite the personnel are, as long as they are still human beings, they will always be lax. And once this kind of thing becomes lax, it often means death. It doesn't matter that a few people died, the humanoid concrete rocks doubled their speed again. It's possible that everyone's necks were broken without anyone realizing it, and there's no way to re-subdue them!

And this may lead to the worst result...the complete destruction of the entire pyramid base!

"That would be bad."

Chen Yang sighed, pinched his temples, and had withdrawn from the third overclocking speed.


Just came out of third gear overclocking. The glass exploded and the rat's corpse mixed with blood and flesh flew everywhere, completely making the entire laboratory a mess.

"Chief Screw, the animal test failed, what should we do next?"

Chen Yang stared at the human-shaped concrete stones in the distance and asked in a low voice.

"There are two ways!"

"Two ways?" Chen Yang was already vaguely aware of it when his right hand said there were two ways.

"Yes, you know these two methods. One is to use optical cable monitoring, throw it into a parallel world, and then cut off the optical film to completely eliminate future troubles."

"But if this happens, that parallel world will be over, and we won't be able to enter it again."

Chen Yang frowned and sighed. Although it is possible to establish a sealed base there, the nature of this alternative life form determines that 24-hour personnel monitoring must be used. This will inevitably require the transfer of a large number of personnel... not just one or two people. , but dozens or hundreds of people!

In this way, the secrets of the cube and the light film will be completely exposed, which Chen Yang cannot bear. What's more, the relocation and follow-up work of hundreds of people is really too troublesome. If you really want to do that, it's really not as simple as arranging a hundred people. You must consider how to arrange it? How to keep a secret? How to build a base? There are so many things going on.

It is not that there are no locals in the parallel world, but the nearest human gathering place is thousands of miles away in Houston, USA. Chen Yang has no plans yet and does not have the strength to challenge the post-US interim government. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, Chen Yang still knows this.

Therefore, the right hand obviously also saw the key to this problem. Without saying anything else, he directly proposed a way to give up the parallel world.

The whole world just gave up. To be honest, even if Chen Yang's body ached, he also heard the meaning of his right hand's words, and his right hand was also a little hesitant.

After all, what is the difference between that parallel universe and this universe? The research on this point is of great significance.

Regardless of the research significance, the resources of that planet alone are enough to speed up the completion of Chen Yang and his right hand's plan.

So it is indeed a pity to throw it away so easily.

"The second method is to transport it to Australia and keep it tightly sealed according to your previous plan."

There are advantages and disadvantages to these two methods, but after comprehensive consideration, Chen Yang hesitated and said: "Let's use the second method."

The right hand seemed unwilling to lose a parallel world with great research significance and resources, and agreed with Chen Yang's decision.

"Just like this..."

Chen Yang pondered: "We must set up a relevant department to take charge of this matter."

Without further ado, Chen Yang took action immediately and convened a temporary meeting for Shen Lang, Fang Ye, Feng Li, Wang Rui, and Liu Helan to participate. At the same time, four temporary seats were added for Shadow, Putum, and Zenobia. , Ryan observed the meeting.

Shen Lang, Fang Ye, Feng Li, as well as Zenobia and Ryan were not at the Pyramid Base, so they used video to participate in the meeting, which did not affect the meeting much.

Chen Yang first asked Wang Rui to give a report and gave a general explanation of the Antarctic voyage. Then he spoke himself, pointing to the human-shaped concrete stones placed in the middle and said: "It is not yet known where this thing came from. Where did it come from, but one thing has been concluded so far, that is, only the direct gaze of people will make it remain in such a still state. Once no one is watching, it will kill everyone present at a very high speed. Twist off.”…

Wang Rui, Shadow, and Putum are all people who have participated and seen it with their own eyes, and are the easiest to accept the fact. Shen Lang and the other four have also personally experienced incredible things like virtual reality, and their acceptance ability is not low. .

Only Ryan and Zenobia looked at the human-shaped concrete stones with doubt, thinking that these were obviously two unique works of art. How could they be so weird and terrifying?

"Then boss, what should we do with this thing?"

Wang Rui glanced at the human-shaped concrete stone and immediately looked away as if he had been stung by a bee.

"What suggestions do you have?"

Chen Yang did not speak out his thoughts and decisions immediately, but let the people present express their opinions.

The people present at the meeting were silent for a while, and finally Shen Lang was the first to speak: "Since this thing is so dangerous, can it be dismantled and destroyed?"


Chen Yang shook his head and stopped Shen Lang: "I know what you want to say. It's not that I don't want to part with it, nor do I want to study it in depth. In fact, if this thing can be truly destroyed, I would be happy to agree. But unfortunately, I Tests have been done so far, and at least with the current technological strength of mankind, this thing cannot be damaged."

"Not even with bombs?" Shen Lang hesitated.


What a joke, let alone whether the bomb will really destroy it. Even if it can be destroyed, if the humanoid concrete stones that have been fragmented, multiplied and recovered, become hundreds or even thousands, Chen Yang has no choice but to give up this reality immediately. world, and ran into a parallel world to avoid the disaster of annihilation.

Therefore, it is best not to try this idea. Chen Yang and his right hand cannot afford the price.

Hearing Chen Yang's decisive tone, Shen Lang still had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't dare to bring them up, so he had to keep silent.

"So, boss, can't we give this thing to the US military?".

Ryan can only be regarded as an observer, and he is not allowed to speak. It's just that this guy is used to being a mercenary and doesn't have such disciplinary habits.

Chen Yang did not move his eyes to him, but tapped the table with his fingers and said: "This thing must not be given to anyone, because it is too dangerous. Once something goes wrong, no one in the world can escape. We cannot safely leave this matter to other forces to handle."

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