Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 368: Stealing (Part 1)

"In addition, after the birth of life, a slight accident may lead to the termination of evolution. Therefore, in fact, in a galaxy as a whole, there may not be a civilization born in the end. This is also a very likely result."

After listening to his right hand's words, Chen Yang understood that in short, the probability theory conceived by humans is not very suitable for calculating how many civilizations may exist in a galaxy and how many life planets may be born in this universe. No, to be precise, it should be that too few variables are added to this probability calculation, and the calculation results are not very accurate and of reference value.

Chen Yang and his right hand were guarding the human-shaped concrete stones while discussing problems in the virtual reality. The underground laboratory of the pyramid was operating as usual.

"Well, okay, okay, be obedient."

In a separate laboratory on the second floor of the pyramid laboratory, a middle-aged researcher in his thirties fed some food to the white mice in the cage, and then took notes.

Immediately afterwards, the man pretended not to care, looked around casually, and found that he was the only one in the entire laboratory. He calmly came to the computer, paused, and took out a black one from his arms. The USB flash drive was inserted into the USB port on the table. Windows were opened one by one, and after being scanned by specially produced tools, the software automatically conducted vulnerability reconnaissance on the central server. Row after row of characters bounced across the screen. Hacking in reality is not as glamorous and cool as in the movies, on the contrary, vulnerability scanning and attack. It is often quite boring and time-consuming. The man waited for a while and saw that time was running out, so he simply stopped running the software, unplugged the USB disk and returned to his original position.

Another picture of feeding a white mouse.

"Hey Nico, are you messing with those little guys again?"

The sensor door of the laboratory opens automatically. Another researcher wearing a silver-white uniform walked in leisurely and said hello to Nico who was feeding the mice.


Nico responded. He raised his head and said, "Are you done with your work over there?"

"It's been dealt with. Dr. Hannah will have to wait a little longer before coming back."

After the researcher answered Nico's question, he walked to the other side of the laboratory to deal with his own affairs. There were several researchers chatting in the elevator. When they saw Nico walking in, they didn't take it seriously and continued to study and discuss the problem with their tablets.

Nico stood at the end of the elevator and listened quietly for a while, confirming that it was not consistent with his research direction. There are more than two hundred researchers in the entire underground pyramid laboratory. The number may not be comparable to those of large schools and research institutes in the world, but not all of the more than 200 people are studying the same topic.

Although the general research direction has not changed, they are all dedicated to solving the mysteries of the human body. But the subdivision still produces many branch lines.

For example, Nico's specific research is gene therapy, which uses genetic engineering to perform gene shearing, splicing, recombination and other technologies to extract useless genes from organisms and add useful genes.

The future prospects of this research direction are very broad. From a large perspective, gene therapy can be used to treat human genetic diseases in the future. It can also promote the perfect evolution of the human body itself. On the small side, new drugs can also be produced. Create new diagnostic and treatment methods.

In the past, Nico has been specializing in this research direction for a long time. Unfortunately, this gene therapy research has been conducted internationally for decades, and the progress is not great every year, and they are all moving forward in small steps. Those who can move forward in small steps are either talented geniuses or large research institutes and laboratories with amazing financial resources.

Taken together, it is actually the combination of the two that can produce effective results.

Firstly, important talents are indispensable, and secondly, a large amount of research funds are also indispensable.

The development of science has reached its current level. It is no longer the time when a person could make new discoveries by sitting in a simple laboratory and using simple equipment more than a hundred years ago. Entering the middle of the 20th century, especially entering After the 21st century, if there is no money, even if Einstein is resurrected, he can only stare blankly.

If you want to find a new discovery and conduct experiments at the forefront of science, how can you do it without equipment? The research equipment in those laboratories can often be purchased for hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. It often costs tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars to build a top laboratory.

This is simply not a financial pressure that an individual can bear.

Coupled with the explosive growth of science and technology over the past century, countless technical knowledge has been rapidly produced. It is simply an impossible task for a person to learn all this technical knowledge. Human beings have limitations in their own energy and brainpower. Only by investing in one of the branch subjects and choosing it as a lifelong research direction can we achieve some results.

More often than a dozen, dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people are needed to collaborate on research and share the work, so that they can weave their own thread in the increasingly complex scientific web.

Therefore, the threshold of the scientific community has never been lowered, but has grown rapidly. Gone are the days when a single person could produce world-shaking research results.

What's more, researchers are also human beings. In order to get a better research environment and better returns, many people choose to invest in large and powerful companies. They can not only get a laboratory with a superior environment, but also get high remuneration. Anyone is willing to do something that kills two birds with one stone.

So earlier, when someone came to Nico and asked him to join a research project, he was immediately interested.

I have to be tempted, the annual salary of US$250,000 is really tempting!

You must know that the average salary of professors at American universities is only about 100,000 US dollars. It is difficult for professors at good private universities to earn more than 150,000 US dollars. The annual salary of senior researchers working for large international companies is only about US$200,000. In other words, being able to offer Nico a salary of US$250,000 definitely treated Nico as a senior researcher. How could Nico not be tempted by this?

After signing a series of confidentiality agreements, Nico joined a private research laboratory under the name of the Frost Consortium. He thought it was a laboratory located on the outskirts of a big city, but Nico didn't expect that not only was this laboratory not located on the outskirts of a big city, but it was actually in a desolate forest with no human presence.

What's even more incredible is that when Nico arrived at this underground laboratory called the Pyramid, he was completely stunned.

How come he had never heard of such a large underground building, such tight defense, so many high-end and valuable research equipment, and a first-class laboratory before?

If it was just like this, he would only sigh at the huge strength of the Frost Consortium, but after he actually worked here for a period of time, and as he learned more about the truth here, Nico felt more and more chilled.

In this laboratory unknown to outsiders, living people are actually being tested!

Yes, it turned out to be an experiment! And it's not just an ordinary trial drug, but a more cruel brain transplant surgery!

Using humans for brain transplant surgery is so cruel and terrifying...

Nico, who accidentally learned the truth, almost had the urge to run away at that time. It was simply terrible. Once such a violation of international law was exposed, the whole world would be in an uproar.

But he can't just leave here if he wants. After signing those confidentiality agreements, it means that he must obey any arrangement of the company within two years, otherwise it will be considered an illegal agreement and he will need to pay huge liquidated damages.

But if it can escape, Nico believes that the terrible truth exposed will be enough to make this company no longer have the energy to seek compensation, because even the law will not be on its side.

As long as he can escape, Nico wins.

However, just as Nico imagined, the premise is that as long as you can escape...if you can't escape, everything is empty talk.

Nico, who has stayed here for two months, often sees heavily armed personnel patrolling past. There are surveillance cameras and iris and fingerprint recognition in front of every important gate. People without permission cannot get out of the pyramid underground at all. laboratory.

And trying to escape privately... Nico is not an idiot. Just think about how this company dares to use healthy human beings for brain transplant surgery experiments, and you will understand that escaping privately is definitely an act of seeking death.

The most terrifying thing is that Nico is a single man and has not had contact with his divorced parents for many years. Even if he died here, no one would care or call the police.

For this reason, Nico forced himself to suppress the idea of ​​​​escape, prepared to give up, and look for opportunities to escape after working for a period of time.

Just speaking of it, the people who knew about the forbidden experiment must be a few in the entire base. Nico found that many researchers did not know about it and were happily immersed in the superior laboratory conditions and doing Do your own work.

Seeing that his colleagues were unaware, he sometimes wondered, should he tell them his findings? But after thinking about it carefully, Nico gave up the idea.

First, he didn’t know if any of these colleagues were staffed by the other party.

Second, he was afraid that once he told others, he would be implicated when others accidentally exposed him.

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