Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 367 Arrangement

"So, just in case, this thing can only be handled by ourselves."

Chen Yang made such a decision that no one else could question it. He nodded silently and unanimously passed the resolution.

Now that the resolution has been passed, Chen Yang stopped talking nonsense. This temporary meeting was originally held to explain the seriousness of the matter and prevent these subordinates from being careless. After all, it was impossible for Chen Yang to stay by his side all the time to seal this alternative life form, so he could only try his best to arrange things properly.

It's just that this alternative life form came from the world created by the second cube. Chen Yang also had doubts and hesitations in his heart. Should he continue to open the second cube? What should we do if a monster similar to this appears again after opening it?

Based on the consideration of this potential threat, neither Chen Yang nor his right hand acted rashly. The cube was stored in a safe place and waited until a safe method was found before opening the light film.

After the meeting, Shen Lang received the order and began to build a new area based on the original foundation in accordance with the highest safety requirements to seal the human-shaped concrete stone.

To be honest, it was empty talk. No matter how dangerous Chen Yang said, Shen Lang had never seen it with his own eyes, so his understanding of it was not deep enough. However, because it was the highest order given by Chen Yang, he did not dare to be careless in the slightest and rushed to complete his task with all his heart and soul. "It's best to divide it into six shifts, with ten people in each shift, and one shift every two hours..."

Before Chen Yang finished speaking, he saw Liu Helan looking troubled.

"Boss, this means we have to find 60 people, but we really don't have that many reliable people on hand right now."

Liu Helan's embarrassment is not fake, the underground pyramid base has developed to the present. The number of scientific researchers has exceeded 300, but the number of security personnel has remained at around 120.

Three hundred people is not a small number! To prevent mistakes. The old guy Fross has always controlled part of the security work, that is, the 120 security personnel. In addition to the more than 30 people in Chen Yang's hands, the other 90 or so people are all people arranged by Fross.

These people are very strict in carrying out Chen Yang's orders. Obviously, Chen Yang would not be able to rest assured that if this task was handed over to these people, it would not be as effective as Fros's words. Therefore, Chen Yang also felt a headache. Although it was not difficult to mobilize more than ten people to come out, the guards who sealed the human-shaped concrete stones had to watch without blinking. If there were fewer people, an "unpleasant scene" would inevitably occur. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the number of ten people.

Then the only way is to transfer manpower from the Australian headquarters as soon as possible.

Speaking of which, one of the reasons for the shortage of manpower at the Pyramid Base was that the old guy Fros refused to hand over all power to Chen Yang for fear of death. There is also the implementation of plans for Australia and other continents, which has led to Chen Yang's emphasis on this base becoming increasingly weakened.

He also plans to wait for the Australian headquarters to be completed, and then find ways to lure and threaten the researchers here to the Australian side, so he will definitely not add more manpower here.

"Boarding body, you don't need to send personnel to take care of it."

Just when Chen Yang had a headache, his right hand spoke into his ear through bone conduction.

Chen Yang calmly closed the video call screen with Liu Helan. He asked doubtfully: "Sir Screw, what do you mean by this?"

"That's literally what it means."

The right hand said: "I have almost recovered now. It is not difficult for me to stay awake and concentrate for a long time, I just need you to stay by my side."

"That's at least two weeks!"

Chen Yang thought his right hand was unclear and explained.

"336 hours is not a long time..."

His right hand said indifferently: "While drifting in the universe, the longest time I stayed awake continuously was recorded. According to your human time, it was about twelve years and six months."


Well, now it seems that Chen Yang still underestimated the ability of his right hand. Being able to stay awake for more than twelve years is simply beyond the imagination of humans. Should it be said that he deserves to be called an alien creature?

What the right hand said casually refreshed Chen Yang's view of the right hand. In this way, the focus of the question became whether Chen Yang himself was willing to stay on the side of sealed human-shaped concrete stones for a long time, and whether he could endure loneliness and boredom?

The answer is of course...it works!

With such a terrifying thing as the Cornerstone Core, even if Chen Yang stayed in the same room for a year, it would not have much impact on him.

Because sealing the human-shaped concrete stones was of great importance and leaving it to untrained people, Chen Yang was still not at ease after all. Before Australia was ready, he had no choice but to agree with his right hand's decision and stay in a certain room on the third floor underground. In the laboratory, he was guarding the side of the sealed human-shaped concrete stones throughout the process to prevent any unexpected situations.

After leaving for more than ten days, Chen Yang stayed in the underground laboratory, taking care of the alternative life forms while also processing some company decision-making documents.

Although Andres had many things that he did not need to review in person, most of the decision-making plans had been handed over to Fang Ye, Feng Li, Shen Lang and others. However, there are still some major matters that require his personal signature, such as investments involving more than one billion US dollars.

It didn't take Chen Yang much time to handle these things. After finishing these tasks, Chen Yang lay on the chair, with several tentacles branching out from his right hand, always staring at the sealed humanoid concrete stone in the distance, while he closed his eyes. He closed his eyes and fell into the virtual reality created by the cornerstone core.

Now that the cornerstone core has been brought here by him, the Pyramid Laboratory is located near Great Basin Park in Nevada. It is sparsely populated and you can walk hundreds of kilometers without seeing a single person. Therefore, the talent plan that has been implemented for a long time arrived in the United States. Finally, I had to stop.

Chen Yang was actually relieved. Originally, he did not support using this method of selecting talents with a very high mortality rate. The chance of finding talents who met the requirements from ordinary people was very small.

The entire East China Sea was tested for more than a month, and hundreds of people were selected before they found a few talents who could be used. Chen Yang was lucky here, otherwise he might not be able to find any useful talent.

Therefore, inefficient methods should be discontinued. Instead, we are now using the charm of money and technology to recruit talents from various research centers and universities around the world. This speed is more than a hundred times faster.

Entering the virtual reality, ripples rippled around, and a fictional library was built around it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Collecting almost all the resources that can be found on the Internet, the library established has a collection of more than 430 million books, 3.2 billion audio-visual materials, 23 million maps, and a data volume of Achieved zb level.

But such a terrifying amount of data is completely worthless to the cornerstone core. When the cornerstone core is used in conjunction with the "Heart of Civilization", the storage capacity is almost endless. To use the original words of the right hand, its storage capacity can establish an identity file for every grain of sand on the earth...

Walking casually in this virtual library, Chen Yang paused for half a minute, then reached out and took out a book and started reading.

There are 687 languages ​​here, covering almost all parts of the world. Even if Chen Yang has learned more than ten languages, sometimes he will be overwhelmed by the text and language in the book and be at a loss what to do.

Walking in this library of tens of thousands square meters, people can't help but feel how insignificant they are. Not to mention the universe, even the knowledge accumulated by human beings is so huge. The knowledge of other more advanced racial civilizations How big will the system be?

This can be seen from the second library.

The second library that integrates the "Heart of Civilization" materials, classified according to human habits, has a staggering collection of 1,325,766,549,120 books. Three books!

All converted into audio-visual materials, there are as many as 7.8 billion copies!

It is estimated that it would take more than 10 billion years for a human to scan through this information at the fastest scanning speed without eating or drinking!

This is one of the knowledge and technologies accumulated by a high-level racial civilization for countless years. It can be seen how far the gap with earth's technology is.

Fortunately, the universe is too big. No matter how advanced these civilizations are, they are not advanced enough to colonize other galaxies. Sometimes when the Stargate is used, it is often more random, and no one knows where they will be connected. And if you want to rely on the Stargate to discover a planet with life, the probability is like a person being told that a needle has been thrown into the Pacific Ocean. If you want to find it on a map, you will be looking for a needle in a haystack.

After flipping through the book in his hand, Chen Yang suddenly had a question, put the book back on the bookshelf, and asked: "Chief Screw, you said that the galaxy we humans live in is not small. Why has no one discovered it yet except you?" Other extraterrestrial civilizations?”

"Well, I know what you mean."

The voice from the right hand floated from all around: "According to probability, a medium-sized galaxy should indeed produce many civilizations in more than 13 billion years. But probability science is not very suitable for the birth of life."

"The birth of primitive life often has more stringent requirements, and its birth probability is much smaller than the results of probability calculations..."

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