Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 467: Invincible battle, all beings retreat

There is a conflict between the Holy Demon King and Yan Chengfeng, and everyone knows about this. However, to say it is a contradiction, it is not too professional.

After all, Yan Chengfeng wore a green hat to the true demon king, which was a great shame for any man.

If anyone can really swallow this breath, it will really become a green-haired turtle.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, the true demon saint king has not yet been present. Judging from his state, it is estimated that he wants to be with Yan Chengfeng forever."

"The real devil king is coming, and I don't know who will be killed in the end."

"Whether it's Yan Chengfeng or the Holy Demon King, the combat power of these two is very terrifying. It's probably not that simple to decide the outcome."

"I think the current situation can only be dealt with slowly. After all, Yan Chengfeng's means are penetrating the sky and the earth, and if the Holy Demon King wants to compete with Yan Chengfeng, I am afraid that he will pay some painful prices. "

"If he is smarter, he may choose another method. However, I see the current situation. If the Holy Demon King wants to turn the tide, I am afraid it is not that simple!"

"Yan Chengfeng's combat power is too terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with. To be an enemy of Yan Chengfeng is to seek death..."

Everyone's eyes were sharp, and they all expressed their own opinions on this matter, especially in the current situation, which is indeed quite dangerous.

It is definitely not an easy task for the Holy Demon King to clamor with Yan Chengfeng. If he wants to take advantage of this, he will probably pay a painful price.

However, they are too lazy to say anything, what should come will come after all, no matter what happens next, they can only deal with it step by step.

After all, no one can eat a fat man in one go.

No matter what it is, you need to slowly hone and deal with it.

Invincibles like the True Demon Saint King and Yan Chengfeng are not so easy to provoke. If you really offend such an existence, you can only wait for death.

The Holy Demon King stood in the air, his breath was very terrifying, and the whole mountain and river were collapsing with the wisps of fierceness, and basically no one could compete with it.

This is the fierceness of the invincible, and how can ordinary creatures be able to compete.

For these ignorant bugs, the Holy Demon King has only one idea in his heart, that is, to kill all these people, no matter who it is, don't try to block his way.

A group of humble ants who want to shout in front of him will have only one end, and no one can go against it.

Feeling the endless pressure, everyone was very afraid, and the fear in their hearts was difficult to add.

They quickly retreated to the rear, not wanting to stay in the center of the storm, because they knew very well that this conquest would come soon.

This battle between Yan Chengfeng and the True Demon Saint King is inevitable. If they stay in the center of the storm, they will inevitably be targeted.

There is nothing to say now, only one step at a time.

"Yan Xiaoer, who doesn't know whether to live or die, next year's day will be your memorial day. If you have any last words, please explain them quickly!"

The real demon holy king's eyes were clear, and he said indifferently: "If you fall into the hands of this deity, then what awaits you must be endless torture."

"At that time, the deity must let you not survive, nor die."

For these ignorant bugs, the Holy Demon King will never show mercy.

No matter what, Yan Chengfeng must be beheaded and let Yan Chengfeng know how miserable it will be to offend him.

Faced with the threat of the Holy Demon King, Yan Chengfeng's performance was very bland, he didn't take it to heart at all, he was just a humble clown, and he wanted to wrestle with him, it was ridiculous.

Looking at the whole world, there is really no one who can shout in front of him. For these ignorant bugs, he has always had only one idea, and that is to kill them quickly.

Only by destroying these ignorant bugs can everyone in the world know how miserable it will be to offend him.

"I'm tired of listening to your nonsense. If you have any ability, then you can show it! I really want to see who gave you the courage to let me survive or die. of."

Yan Chengfeng was very calm, he didn't take this group of people into his eyes at all, they were just some ignorant fleas, and wanted to shout in front of him.

He really didn't feel anything about this true demon king. A worm who doesn't know how to live or die, if he wants to be rampant in front of him, he will have to pay a painful price.

No matter who it is, it is unavoidable.

"The ants are arrogant."

There was a fierce killing light in the eyes of the real demon holy king. He was completely angry, but he was just a humble reptile who dared to compete with him.

For him, this is simply a great humiliation, and he can't swallow this breath.

In any case, we must find a way to kill Yan Chengfeng.

"I don't know if you live or die, it seems that you are already impatient."

True Demon Saint King's eyes were piercing, and he said: "Since you are digging your own grave, the deity will give you a ride, so that you can understand one thing on Huangquan Road, how miserable the end of the deity is when you offend it. ."

He wouldn't care too much about this group of ignorant reptiles.

However, since Yan Chengfeng was begging for death, he could only be ruthless and smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces, smashing his bones into ashes.

No one can be rampant in front of him, and if you want to provoke his majesty, you must pay a painful price.

It's just a group of humble bugs who want to find their own way, so it's no wonder that he is cruel.

Yan Chengfeng is very calm, he is not afraid of the attack of the real devil holy king, all these are just small problems, do not need to be too concerned at all.

As for the cultivators of all sects, they have nothing to say. Now there is only one way, and that is to quit as soon as possible, and there must be no mistakes.

The conquests of these invincibles are very extraordinary, if they are affected by the aftermath, then their fate will be very miserable.

They don't want to be affected, they just want to be a quiet spectator. As for what kind of ending these people will have, it has nothing to do with them.


The ferocity surging in the center of the storm was very terrifying, and the wisps of coercion burst out, and the entire mountain and river would be ruined.

That power is terrifying, and no one dares to be careless.

Everyone is stepping back, and they can clearly feel that the cultivation base of the true demon holy king has been greatly improved, and this will be an invincible conquest.

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