Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 468: Eternal God, Law Means


The Holy Demon King didn't show mercy. He directly took action. He pushed out his palms horizontally, and the stars were displaced. The ferocity that burst out was very terrifying. for flat ground.

Those sturdy ancient trees were also turned into powder at the click of a finger.

The rhythm in this territory is too terrifying, the entire mountains and rivers are collapsing, and countless creatures have some headaches.

However, they can only try their best to retreat far away. If they stay in the center of the storm, they will definitely be affected.

In such a situation, they are also drunk.

The conquest of these invincibles is too destructive. Any attack that falls can crush mountains and rivers, and no one can compete with it.

It is a symbol of the invincible, and it is not something that ordinary creatures can contend with.

The monks around didn't dare to approach this place, they could only try their best to retreat far away, and the fear in their hearts was hard to add.

These invincibles are too terrifying. If they are replaced by them, they will be destroyed in an instant, and they will not be able to resist at all.


The wisps of fierceness surged, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers trembled and collapsed. The hideous scene in this starry sky can be seen everywhere, and no one dares to be careless.

The movement caused here is too great, and no one dares to mess with it.

They don't want to die here, this place is quite dangerous.

There is a sense of fear spreading in everyone's heart. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, many things are like this. If you are not careful, you will become a corpse.

"Little beast, you will surely die this time, and no one can save you."

There is a terrifying aura rhythm in the body of the true demon holy king, and that fierce and domineering is unparalleled, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

The surging killings are also very against the sky. The mountains and rivers are collapsing and dilapidated. There are hideous cracks everywhere, and those scenes look a bit terrifying.

Everyone really felt a headache for this scene in front of them, but there was nothing to say.

They couldn't do anything, they could only hope in their hearts, hoping that this expedition would end as soon as possible.

The attack of the Holy Demon King is too terrifying, the palms are pushed out horizontally, the stars are shifting, the power that bursts out is terrifying, the boundless mountains and rivers are shaking, and there is the possibility of collapse at any time.

All sentient beings are still very troubled by such a scene, but they are at ease when they come.

No matter what happens next, it can only go on step by step.

Especially in the current situation, we must not be too careless.


The aura of the True Demon Saint King is very domineering, and the wisps of fierceness are overwhelming, almost tearing apart this broken starry sky.

Everyone is retreating, and the fear in their hearts is hard to add.

"I didn't expect that the methods of the true demon king would be so terrifying. It seems that this time, Yan Chengfeng is doomed."

"The words can't be said too much. Although it is said that the means of the true demon saint king are sky-high, Yan Chengfeng is not a cat or a dog. Don't forget, it was because Mu Liangfeng from Beiyue City interceded just now that the ancestor of Qingyun could survive. Opportunity."

"Yeah! If it wasn't for Mu Liangfeng from Beiyue City to beg for mercy, Qingyun's ancestor would have already become the dead soul in Yan Chengfeng's hands, and his feet would be withered."

"No matter how powerful the Holy Demon King is, at most, he will be in a relationship with Qingyun Patriarch. It is not an easy task for him to suppress Yan Chengfeng."

"Perhaps, in the current situation, it is really difficult to decide the winner. However, I always firmly believe that Yan Chengfeng will definitely be able to kill a **** path..."

Everyone was talking in a low voice, and they always felt that the current expedition would become more and more interesting.

After all, whether it is Yan Chengfeng or the True Demon Saint King, both of them have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth.

In the face of the attack of the Holy Demon King, Yan Chengfeng also behaved very calmly, and did not take it seriously at all. It's just a clown jumping on the beam. If you want to clamor with him, you must pay a painful price.

For these ignorant ants, he will never show mercy.

Whoever stands in the way will kill without mercy, no matter who it is, it will not be an exception.

"The passage of time!"

Yan Chengfeng didn't flinch, his aura was soaring wildly, and the wisps of fierceness surged, the entire mountains and rivers were going to be ruined, the power that burst out was terrifying, and the entire Star Dou was shattering.

Everyone felt the endless fierceness, and they were a little frightened, and they did not dare to approach this place at all. For the current situation, once they set foot in the center of the storm, they would definitely be destroyed.

They dare not take this risk, they can only deal with it slowly first, no matter what troubles will come next, they must deal with it carefully.

Yan Chengfeng straddled the galaxy, and his breath became extremely domineering. The wisps of unparalleled pressure came out, and the entire mountain and river was going to be ruined. The power contained in this void was very strong, and the wisps of divine might surged. No one can match it.

All beings are retreating quickly, and the fear in their hearts is hard to add.

For the current situation, no one dared to be careless, especially those monks who stayed on the edge of the center of the storm, they could clearly feel an endless coercion.

The coercion of that kind of power is really terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

The whole body of Yan Chengfeng has the rhythm of the chapter of creation, and the infinite divine power rushes out, and the entire mountain and river is in ruins and collapse.

His palms were pushed out horizontally, and there was a terrifying rhythm of the laws of the years. The laws of those years were endless, forming a vast divine power in an instant, and there was a long river of years that stretched across the sky.

The fierceness was unparalleled in the world, and a terrifying force fell, crushing the starry sky.

"The power of the terrifying Law of Ages, the use of this law alone can make others learn it for a lifetime."

"Yan Chengfeng's combat power is really terrifying! It's really not that easy for such an existence to take advantage of him."

"Yeah! Especially in the current situation, if the average person stays in the center of the storm, it is estimated that they will be crushed into pieces in an instant."

"It seems that this expedition should end soon."

"Although the attack of the Holy Demon King is quite terrifying, compared with Yan Chengfeng, the gap is still a bit big."

"Yan Chengfeng's combat power is so domineering, he will definitely be able to kill the true demon king with ease."

"Yan Chengfeng, I would like to call him an eternal god, he is too powerful..."

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