In Azeroth, this is something that only the Legion's version of foot men, who can threaten the power of the titans, can do it at the top stage of player strength.

Ota is a LV8 warrior. This strength is undoubtedly the top among the top in Azeroth, but there is a certain difference from the most advanced strength.

What's more, here, he can still have this completely different growth.

He is brave, fearless, loyal and intelligent. So, he embarked on the road of gathering the Pillars of Creation.

He first came to Highmountain, where he helped the brave and fearless Highmountain tauren defeat the greedy and ruthless drogbar king Dalgur. According to an ancient covenant, Orta promised that after defeating the invading enemies of the world The oath of the Holy Hammer will be returned, and he has obtained the tool of the shaper of the earth and the sea, the stone hammer of the Titan of Creation, the Hammer of Khaz'goroth.

Then, he came to Stormheim. As a fearless and powerful warrior, he passed the three major tests set up by the guardian Odin - defeating the power test of the lesser guardian Yutna, and subduing the mother of the storm dragons. The trial of will, the trial of courage to defeat the three ancient vrykul kings.

But Ota is not the legendary challenger, nor can he help Odin defeat Hela who imprisoned him. He knows very well that the three trials are just Mu Feng's secret help, and he has not even seen the whole process. The arrival of Odin incarnate.

But after passing the three major trials, he was still summoned to Valhalla, the Hall of Valor. Here, he insisted that he would not surrender to Odin. He fought heroically against Heya and Heimdall. Of course it was appreciated by Odin.

Although he is not the prophesied warrior, Odin observed Ota's trial through the eyes of a crow. Even though he held the Hammer of Khaz'goroth that could split mountains and rocks, but he had never used the power of the titan during the three trials, he proved to Odin that he was a true warrior.

He was given the status of a warrior of Odin, who sent him to the abyss of Hell in Hela, and by defeating a mighty ancient vrykul warrior, obtained a pair of powerful swords of Valarjar, which Odin himself Purifying the curse of Hela above, a pair of powerful greatswords that burns Odin's unquenchable anger, far more powerful than Ota's black sword.

Having sworn an oath of his own glory, he took the Shield of Aggramar and obtained the aegis, which contained the power of the Titans.

Then, he traveled to Azsuna, where he encountered the ghostly Prince Farondis. He accompanied the prince on the road of redemption, defeated countless Naga who coveted the magic of this ancient city, stained his swords with their blood, and officially awakened the warrior's power of anger.

He acquired the Tidestone of the Titan Gorgonath, creator of the sea and magic.

Then, he came to Val'sharah and saw the night elves who lived there for a long time.

These immortal elves are proud and closed, perhaps not arrogant, but their worship of the moon **** Elune is unquestionable, so it is impossible for them to allow Ota to take away the tears of Elune.

So, Ota once again fulfilled what he should do as a hero.

He sneaked into the Temple of Elune, and after creating a tsunami with the Tide Stone to attract the attention of all the druids and priests of the Moon God, sneaked into the temple and stole the Tears of Elune.

Stealing may not be a good thing to do, but stealing as a hero seems to be nothing to be ashamed of. This is just another way to accomplish their goals. Even in the story of Hero Tan, there are many heroes who use a clever way to accomplish their goals.

The hero ship Argo carries a group of heroes, but also a group of bandits and pirates, but this does not prevent them from being called heroes.

The four pillars of creation have gathered, and only the last one remains, and it is also the most difficult one.

The one located in Suramar, controlled by the great magister Elisande, is also the most powerful one of the pillars of creation - the Eye of Aman'Thul, who controls time.

Only this Pillar of Creation is almost impossible for Ota to get. Even if he uses the power of all the artifacts in his hand, it is impossible to shake this magical city that has been closed for ten thousand years.

Because as long as you imagine, almost all of the tens of thousands of children of the night in Suraman are first-class mages or magic swordsmen, think about high-level adventurers in a city, and a large number of powerful spellcasters, Ota It is extremely difficult to just dive into it.

Not to mention that the great magister Elisande is a well-known powerhouse. She can control the flow of time with the Eye of Amanthul, and there are only a handful of people who can defeat her in the entire Azeroth.

But Mu Feng did not embarrass Ota, although he was also very jealous of the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul, but... he could wait for the opportunity.

Anyway, four Pillars of Creation are enough. After taking the Pillar of Creation from Ota unceremoniously, opening the door of the incarnation chamber of Sargeras' Tomb, and obtaining the Fallen Incarnation, Mu Feng is also very happy. It was the gentleman who returned these titanic collections to Orta.

It's not that he doesn't want to take it for himself, it's just that Azeroth is the key development time for a long time in the future. The chain reaction of taking away the Pillar of Creation was huge, and he didn't want to take that risk.

Besides, the real titan technology in Azeroth is not the tools and weapons forged by these titans. What is really precious are the technology laboratories such as the Forge of Origination, Ulduar, and the Mogushan Vault.

Ota, who has obtained the four pillars of creation, has completed his task perfectly - and his arrival is the sword of Valgara and the power of the berserker he obtained.

The wool comes out of the sheep, and Mu Feng is still very stingy.

But Ota is not willing to leave Azeroth, or rather, he is not willing to return now.

"Lord Freya, please forgive Ota for not being able to serve you for the time being."

After a year of battles and trials, the wounded and weathered Ota inserted the heavy sword of Vargara on the rock, and half-knelt on the ground facing the sky and said solemnly.

"Please make sure that I fulfill my oath!"

He is Freya's attendant and the goddess' most loyal hero. But he was also a hero, his integrity, his oath made it impossible for him to just walk away.

He had sworn an oath to Ebonhorn of Highmountain, Odin and Heimdall of Valhalla, Prince Farondis of Suramar, these 'friends'.

He will apply the power of the titan artifact against the enemies of that world, and he will finally return the titan artifact.

There is no doubt that he has given Freya an absolutely fantastic adventure.

But if he wants to complete this oath, he may have to wait for a long time.

The next real invasion of the Burning Legion will be the Battle of Mount Hyjal more than ten years later.

Archimonde the Great Demon Defiler, summoned by Arthas and Kel'Thuzad with the Book of Medivh, intended to destroy Azeroth. That war was the real invasion war.

The time flow of Azeroth and Orari is inconsistent, but no matter how you say it, this flow rate will not be so fast that more than ten years have passed here, and only a little has passed over there.

Roughly staying at a 4:1 ratio of time flow, if Ota wants to catch up with that war, it means that he will have to wait here for at least twenty years, and let Freya lose him for five years.

There is no doubt that this is a result that neither Freya nor Otah can accept.

At this moment, Mu Feng stood up, and he gave Ota and Freya a compromise choice.

"You can enter the Dark Portal and enter Outland through the Dark Portal in the first orc war that is about to break out. There, you may have the opportunity to face the front of the Legion."

Mu Feng offered a very favorable condition, and if Ota can catch up, he can also take care of Bell's situation.

"It's just that if you run so far 'off the map', I don't necessarily guarantee that I can pull you back."

Mu Feng said lazily, this is not for sale, it is also a fact.

After all, if you leave Azeroth, you will also leave the control of the main god's protection. Although it is basically impossible for a bronze dragon to come out and make trouble in the outside world, it also means that the power of the black cube is no longer stable.

The strength of the Burning Legion should not be underestimated. The ghost knows what kind of situation will encounter. In short, if the situation is uncontrollable, Mu Feng will unceremoniously give up Ota.

"That's it, Ota, can you accept it?"

"No problem." Ota said solemnly

As a hero of Orari, he must fulfill the oath he made. Even if it is extremely difficult, even facing the crisis of death, an oath is an oath.

"Then, go and fulfill your vow." Freya showed a charming smile

"But before you go, you can get Bell something." Mu Feng touched his chin with a playful expression.

"A... artifact that fits him."


M78 Nebula

ps: Ask for tickets every day! ! ! Three more votes _(:з"∠)_

Chapter 74. The Fall of Stormwind City

People always lament the impermanence and badness of fate, even if you see the future and know the ending, some things that cannot be changed can never be changed.

Bell Cronney faced such an unchangeable fate.

He knew the future of the fall of Stormwind City, and also knew that Ryan would die here, and he even expressed his vision of the future more than once.

He tried hard to change his fate, and even persuaded Ryan to stay away from the half-orc assassin Garona, but he still couldn't change the general trend.

The Horde of Draenor orcs descended from the Dark Portal to the Black Marsh like a flower in the center, blooming all over the Eastern Kingdoms.

Before the arrival of Bell, the orcs of the Horde had expanded their sphere of influence to a certain extent.

They occupied Blackrock Spire and Swamp of Sorrows, marched into the Redridge Mountains, invaded Elwynn Forest and Nightshade, and plundered tens of thousands of human civilians to fuel the Everlasting Dark Portal.

By the time Lothar and Lane realized that the problem was serious, the Horde had gained a firm foothold in Azeroth under the control of Gul'dan and Medivh.

Bell does know the future, but he cannot change the general trend. He can't go into Karazhan or take the head of Gul'dan from the army, and the power to know the future but not change it is destined to be only worse.

He tried hard to change his fate. He didn't want Ryan to die, nor did he want Varian, who was already his friend, to leave his hometown, and he didn't want Stormwind City to be buried in the war with hundreds of thousands of lives.

But sometimes in the blink of an eye, everything is suddenly doomed.

When Bell and a team of elite knights from Stormwind City were dispatched by Ryan to Moonbrook Town to scout the local Holy Light Church and report the army of orcs that appeared there, some invisible hands had already modified the fate.

Bell, who came to Yuexi Town, did not see the army of the tribe, not even a single orc here. At that time, Bell had already realized that it was bad.

They were deceived.

Without hesitation, Bell rode the Griffin and left those elite knights behind, and flew to Stormwind City like crazy.

But there, he saw the scene he least wanted to see.

The army of orcs is approaching the city.

Huge ogres wielded warhammers, huge gronns smashed through the walls of Stormwind with chains and shackles on their backs, and countless green-skinned orcs with scarlet eyes howled frantically, fighting each other with the guards of Stormwind.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was already a one-sided killing.

The power of the orcs stimulated by the blood of Mannoroth is beyond the reach of human beings. Don't think that the orcs look like primitive tribes and think that they are really savage and backward. Compared with Stormwind City, they are like a group of nomadic civilizations, and there is not much difference between the two.

Not to mention that the orcs once conquered the mighty ogre empire and the huge gronn, and became the main race in Draenor.

And this attack was too abrupt.

A large number of elite death knight troops and the Juggernauts of the Burning Blade Clan suddenly passed through the defense line of Gold Town, and together with the orc army in Elwyn Forest, under the hellfire spell released by the orc warlocks, they instantly destroyed Gold's defenses were destroyed in one fell swoop.

There is no doubt that a powerful mage used mass teleportation to teleport these orcs to the back of the town of Gold.

It is not necessary to say who did it. Medivh, who was corrupted by Sargeras, can easily achieve this kind of group teleportation, but compared to the original plot, Medivh can still make a shot now.

For Mu Feng, who was observing all this, it was unexpected and reasonable.

Azeroth is not only a place where the gods and gods are gods, but the bronze dragon is not only a maintainer of order and destiny. Whether it is the ancient **** or the Naru, the void and the holy light have secret pushers.

The fate of Azeroth has been fixed, although it is not impossible to change, the correction ability of the general context is huge, and it is said that there is a guy who believes in prophecy like Zera.

The Lord God's participation is only a target of the reincarnation force. After all, the intermediate-level reincarnation team is not yet valuable enough to let the Lord God roll up his sleeves and end the field to block all the pushers of off-field factors.

This is why one of the conditions for the completion of the main quest of the reincarnation team is simply to kill Gul'dan - because that doesn't change anything, even if Gul'dan dies, the flow of fate is still positive.

However, it was precisely because the fate of the Lord God's involvement in the first orc war attracted the attention of the behind-the-scenes promoters like Zera, that Ota was able to win the Pillar of Creation relatively easily.

Otherwise, the ghost knows that something will pop up to interfere with Ota.


Bell rode a griffin into the sky of Stormwind City, and he had to make a forced landing on the ground under the interference of several Wyverns and Batriders.

Surrounded by civilians screaming and fleeing, houses are burning, orcs who have entered Stormwind are slaughtering with red eyes, blood and fire are everywhere, and the breath of death and chaos spreads.

Bell rolled around in embarrassment on the ground, and the warhammer in his hand hit the skull of the orc warrior in front of him. The heavy force carried the punishment of the Holy Light, and the orc's head was hammered away like a watermelon.

He was no longer the childish and young boy he was a year ago. Bell wiped the blood from his face and said solemnly to the mother and daughter who were shrinking in front of him.

"Go to the sewers of Stormwind City, there is a passage out of here, then go to Nanhai Town, don't look back!"

The mother and daughter nodded heavily, and ran in the direction of Sheng in this chaos full of war and blood. Bell knew that if he accompanied them, the chances of them surviving would be high.

But no, he can't do it, he has more important tasks to accomplish.

He ran in the direction of Stormwind Fortress, he had to keep Ryan and Varian safe, and then take them out to reconcile with Lothar - the living force of Stormwind Kingdom is still there, but if the king dies in battle, everything will be gone Hope too.

Bell once again confirmed that he is really not a hero.

He just chooses the favorable one among the difficult choices, the one who is close, but cannot save everyone... ordinary people.

I'm sorry, grandpa. I'm sorry too, Lord Hestia, I can't be your hero.

But at the very least, I'm going to save everything I can!


"Gavin Rader, take Varian and Rhea out of here!"

When he woke up in the late night and saw the tragic green clouds that cut through the sky and the hellfire that fell from the sky, Ryan already knew everything.

The fall of Stormwind City was inevitable. When the defense line of Gold City was broken, it was impossible for the troops he sent to all parts of the Stormwind Kingdom to wipe out those orcs to return to defense in time.

With only less than 2,000 guards in Stormwind City, it is impossible to guard the reinforcements under the attack of the orcs.

Ryan knew that the fall of Stormwind Kingdom was today.

Realizing this result, Ryan seemed unexpectedly calm. This is nothing, maybe Stormwind City will fall today, maybe he will die here today, but Stormwind Kingdom will eventually return.

Just like the Empire of Humanity has been losing ground under the attack of trolls, but it will eventually retake its ancestral land. Ryan believes that his child Varian will eventually return here, and his best friend Lothar will assist him in continuing the glory of the Wrynn family and retaking Stormwind.

So knowing all this, Ryan calmed down.

His guard Gavin Rader quickly brought Varian over, looking at his son with sluggish eyes, Ryan kissed his son's forehead calmly, put his hand on his shoulder, and said earnestly.

"Varian, protect your mother."

He didn't say much to his son, because all that was already in the letter that had been prepared. He believed that his wife would teach Varian how to be a proper king, a proper Wrynn.

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