"Father..." Varian's face changed slightly when he noticed his father's strangeness, but Ryan just shook his head and handed the letter together with the crown to Varian

"Varian, leave with the glory of your mother and Wrynn. Go to Lordaeron and tell Tenaris, and everyone, that darkness is near and we must unite!"

After taking off the crown, Ryan seemed to have put down some heavy burden, and his whole body was much more relaxed, he said with a low smile.

"My God, how come I never found out that this thing is so heavy."

"No! Father, I'm not leaving!" Varian grabbed Ryan's hand excitedly, but Gavinrad quickly knocked out the excited prince, bowed deeply to the king he swore allegiance to, and left in a hurry. went.

Loyalty and courage are not only demonstrated by sacrifice and death. Sometimes, the living are more brave and more loyal.

Wearing his armor and carrying all the knights in Stormwind Fortress, Ryan watched as the griffin carrying his wife and daughter flew into the distance. He smiled lightly, pulled out the royal sword, and roared at the black tribal army outside Stormwind City.

"Follow me, warriors of Stormwind! Protect our people, and do not quench our glory!"

The glory of House Wrynn will be with him in battle forever, a failed king who let his enemies slaughter his people. But he won't back down, failed king, not a coward!

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, Your Majesty Wrynn."

Deep laughter sounded in the palace, and in the corner of Stormwind Fortress, dark shadows came out one by one.

They wore armor that was as cold and hard as the night, their skin was as pale and cold as a dead person, and there was no expression in their eyes.

Humanity? Do not! That look is a group of dead people!

"That **** Garona lived up to Gul'dan and our expectations."

The world's first death knight, Talon Gorefiend with a black iron spear and hammer in his hand laughed lowly and playfully, like a song of death

"Now, I'm here to correct the mistake."


M78 Nebula

ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 75. The Holy Light Never Dies

"The fall of Stormwind is doomed, and your efforts are in vain."

"It's not a bad thing. The fall of Stormwind will unite the humans and the orcs, and he will set you on a path of hope."

"Follow the prophecy. Only then can you defeat the ultimate enemy of the worlds. Bell, don't let false emotions cloud your eyes."

The voice whispered in Bell's mind was still gentle and gentle, but it only made Bell feel extremely disgusting.

"Shut up!!!"

Bell raised the warhammer wrapped in holy light in his hand, killed the orc infantry standing in front of him, and roared angrily.

He knew that it was Zera who was doing the trick when he was transferred from Stormwind to Moonbrook.

She undoubtedly invaded the dream of the local bishop of Moon Creek Town, and in the name and identity of the Mother of Light let the bishop send a deceptive message, and let Bell lead a team of elite knights from Stormwind City to the wrong battlefield.

Just in order to fulfill the so-called prophecy in her mouth, this Naru sold hundreds of thousands of lives without hesitation.

This kind of high-sounding evil made Bell feel sick to his heart!

"All this is a necessary sacrifice!"

"Sacrifice? No justice can be built upon the persecution of life! You are not the Light! You are just a disgusting devil!"

Bell's eyes radiated golden brilliance, but he rebuked the Mother of Light without reservation.

He had already reached Stormwind Keep, but the foes who stopped him grew stronger.

There was a sound of fighting that was no lighter or even more intense than outside the Stormwind Fortress, especially in the direction of the throne room, and when Bell rushed there, a new enemy appeared.

It was a group of knights who were like black shadows and wrapped in heavy armor. They held rune swords and some staffs, and they looked like dead people.

A rain of corrosive shadow arrows shot towards him, and Bell, after being 'cast by light', instinctively hated the power of this mix of void and death.

He turned over to avoid the rain of shadow arrows, and the corrosive shadow force created deep pits on the ground, and he immediately opened the holy deed in his hand and roared loudly.

"Back off, unclean thing!!!"

The dazzling golden holy light slammed into the group of death knights and turned into sharp swords from the bottom up, without the inclusiveness of the priest's white holy light, but filled with a fiery holy light that purifies the will like hatred and hatred It was as violent as a burst of flames.

The few death knights hardly even had time to say howl, and their orc souls, which were forcibly stuffed into the human body, were forcibly released. The profane body emits black smoke, and the dead body, infused with fel and void energies by the warlocks of the Shadow Council, is purified to ashes!

Although Bell did not want to admit it, this was indeed the power given to him by the Mother of Light.

Although it was because the Mother of Light thought that he had enough talent, this fierce and powerful Holy Light was not only ignited by his heart, but also a gift from Zela.

"Huh? That's... a nasty light."

Talon Gorefiend, who was leisurely commanding the death knights to besiege Ryan and his Guards Knights, frowned and looked at the door between the throne rooms.

He hated that damned Light.

These death knights are Gul'dan's experiments, the souls of orcs stuffed into dead bodies desecrated by fel energy, and then infused with shadow energy within them.

Compared with the mature death knights under the Lich King later, today's death knights are more like a group of warlocks in plate armor.

In the face of the Holy Light, these blasphemous bodies are like ice when it encounters a cool sun, and naturally they will feel extremely uncomfortable. And because they are not allowed to desecrate orc corpses, it is very awkward for their souls to control human bodies.

"It's Bell!"

Seeing the dazzling holy light, Ryan's eyes lit up, and the fierce golden brilliance was only the boy who was hailed as the Son of Light by Archbishop Fao.

"You make up for it, and I'll deal with him."

Talon Gorefiend coldly ordered the death knight next to him to fill his seat, picked up the warhammer and walked towards the holy light.

"Ah, look who's here? A little brat with a power that doesn't belong to him."

Just as Bell was panting to deal with several death knights, a gloomy and mocking voice came along with an extremely dangerous breath.

I saw the spear and hammer in the hands of Talon Gorefiend wrapped in a dangerous scarlet light falling down, Bell hurriedly raised the warhammer to resist, the holy light, which was inexorable in the face of evil creatures, was like encountering a natural enemy, and will only be able to maintained without dissipating.

Talon Gorefiend smiled coldly. When he raised his hand, it was a death entanglement. The soul mixed with a strong death breath turned into a roaring skeleton and rushed towards Bell. The brilliant and shining holy light did not disperse this filthy attack. But it was offset by more than half.

He was the first death knight and the most special of the group.

Before he was transformed into a death knight, he was one of the best warlocks in the Shadow Council, and he possessed a talent that even Gul'dan had never known about.

Compared with Fel and Shadow, he is actually better at contacting the power of the soul.

After capturing the draenei city, the Talon Gorefiend devoured the souls of the draenei in the mausoleum. Like a gluttonous glutton, he indulged in the taste of those souls.

Then he came into contact with the essence of 'death' from the power of these souls.

Perhaps only for a moment, at the moment of his death, his soul reached the legendary Shadow Realm. In the world of the dead, he came into contact with the essence of the power of death.

Not plague, not blood, not ice, but the embodiment of the power of death. The essence of the power of death is the so-called "mind energy"

This power comes from the soul and has nothing to do with evil. The Holy Light cannot destroy such energy. This is the secret of Talon Gorefiend, and after being transformed into a death knight, he has been waiting, waiting for the day when he is strong enough to kill Gul'dan to take charge of the tribe...

"The wheel of fortune has turned, poor little brat, you wield power that does not belong to you."

Talon Gorefiend mocked with a cold voice, the spear and hammer in his hand was wrapped in **** fel energy, and he beat Bell's warhammer one by one!

Bell, who has a talent comparable to that of the Son of Light, can only barely struggle at this moment. His Holy Light is difficult to shake the enemy in front of him.

"You can only watch your king die tragically."

Taron Gorefiend's whispers, like the ubiquitous cold wind, penetrated into Bell's mind and interfered with his judgment.

"We will desecrate his corpse and let the soul of the most slaughtered orc warrior take over his body, and then he will become a warrior of the Horde and slaughter his once citizens."

"shut your mouth!"

Bell roared and roared, struggling to dance the warhammer in his hand, anger ignited his holy light, and also ignited the divine blood in his body!

The divine blood of Hestia is activated by the stimulation of the battle, and manifests its true nature by the burning of the Holy Light.

The essence of being the goddess of holy fire!

His warhammer was wrapped in the flaming holy fire, his eyes were covered with shining gold, and his body instantly dispelled the vicious curse of Talon Gorefiend on him, and his strength increased instantly, and the dancing warhammer suppressed the Talon Gorefiend's blood like the wind. body!

The Talon Gorefiend, who was so arrogant just now, was suppressed to death. Bell's anger and his holy light almost formed a pair of dazzling golden wings behind him!

That dead man's face became even worse, his spear and hammer began to break, and he was on the verge of failure!

"Accept the sanctions of the Holy Light, monster!"

Just as Bell was roaring about to end Talon Gorefiend's life, the 'gentle' voice sounded again in his mind.

"You left me with no choice, boy."

Zera sighed in his mind, and then, the flaming holy flame on Bell's body suddenly went out as if it had been pulled away from the fuel.

"The prophecy will finally come true, and you, persistent child, your fate ends here."

The golden light that escaped in Bell's eyes dissipated, and the light wing behind him, his holy light, was instantly withdrawn by the Mother of Light.

Talon Gorefiend seized this opportunity and turned the tide of battle in an instant. Without the blessing of the power of holy light, the warhammer in Bell's hand shattered instantly, and the holy deed also turned into fly ash!

The pitch-black spear and hammer smashed like a meteor, instantly denting Bell's breastplate!

He was knocked to the ground, the sharp spear and hammer pressed against his chest, and Talon Gorefiend smiled smugly and mockingly.

"Look at you, after stripping away the power that doesn't belong to you, what are you left with? Weak boy, false hero."

Bell tried hard to resist, but no matter how hard he tried and how hard he called, he couldn't evoke even the faintest holy light spell.

Talon Gorefiend was right, he was just a fake, weak, fake who borrowed the power of others.

He is not a hero, nor deserves to be a hero, just a coward and incompetent waste...

"You seem to have some interesting bloodlines in your body? Don't worry, your body... will be put to good use by me."

Talon Gorefiend didn't have many BBs, but raised his spear and hammer to give Bell the final blow

Surrounded by death knights, the blood-soaked King Ryan let out a roar of anger and pain. In front of him, the adopted son of his best friend was about to die, Varian's friend sacrificed for himself, and the holy light... went out.

Ryan threw the long sword in his hand in the direction of Talon Gorefiend without hesitation, and he roared

"Stand up, Bell Cronney! Don't let Lothar's name be ashamed!"

The sharp Royal Sword pierced the body of Talon Gorefiend, but this death knight didn't care, it was just a mortal attack without any special energy wrapping, and it was meaningless to the dead.

Bell roared, roared, and a milky white holy light shone in his hands! Not doped with any power of the Mother of Light, it belongs to him alone, the holy radiance that ignites from the heart.

However... it's too weak, this holy light is too weak, like a candle in a gust of wind, it will go out at any time.


Talon Gorefiend laughed wildly and swung down his spear and hammer, but at this moment, a shadow like golden lightning flew over!

"Take it, Bell Croney!"

The golden light and shadow flew like a meteorite. The weak but penetrating holy light and arcane power made Talon Gorefiend have to raise his spear and hammer to resist!

In just an instant, his spear hammer was shattered, and the flying thing also stayed on top of Bell's head. He jumped up without hesitation and held the light and shadow.

It was a two-handed warhammer.

The ubiquitous holy light fills the veins and every piece of metal of this sacred warhammer. Titan forging technology infuses and shapes the shape of this warhammer with infinite arcane power, and he is full of special beauty unique to titan creations.

Holy, brilliant, like a god's weapon - in fact it is a god's weapon.

Its name is the Silver Hand. In the ancient and long past, he once belonged to Tyr, the king of order, and belonged to the weapon of the gods who replaced the Titans of creation to guard the world.

Humanity's worship of the Holy Light stems from Tyre's selfless sacrifice. The name and power of this holy hammer are also recorded in human mythology!

Bell doesn't know all this, but he only knows that this warhammer will give him the possibility to change everything.

Without hesitation, Bell held the hand of silver tightly, and the holy light in his heart and the divine blood of Hestia roared violently like a torrent!

The blood of the gods, the power of the Titans, and the power of the Holy Light are with him!

He roared angrily and rushed towards the fallen Talon Gorefiend, waving his silver hand with all his strength!

The holy light and holy flames bursting from his body urged this Titan's artifact, holy flame mixed with thunder, and every strike would cause the trembling of Stormwind Fortress!


Talon Gorefiend didn't even have time to say the words of forgiveness, his blasphemous evil body and his soul were torn to shreds by holy light and thunder in the wailing.

Not everyone is recognized by the Silver Hand.

He must have the pure heart of the Holy Light that embraces everything, but also the boundless and violent anger of the Holy Light against the darkness.

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