For residents still in Utah today, it all happened like a hilarious joke.

When their country, the strongest country in the world, admitted to the world that they had nothing to do with a beast that suddenly appeared, many thought it was a bad joke.

Under the urging of the "anti-intellectualism" that is unique to the Bald Eagle against all government propositions, a large number of people refuse to evacuate Utah.

For example, the Johnny Wilson family from Texas who now lives in a small town near Salt Lake City.

Johnny, from Texas, is a truck driver in a small town near Salt Lake City, like most truckers in the country. He is violent, loves domestic violence, speaks foul language, and does not trust the government.

As long as what the government says is bullshit, as long as the government approves of it, I will oppose it, and as long as the government opposes it, I will approve!

Johnny's body is like a collection of anti-intellectual people in the two most conservative states of Bald Eagle, so even if most of the people in the town have evacuated here, their family is still reluctant to leave.

"Those idiots, they will know sooner or later that this is just a government conspiracy!"

Johnny, who was so clamoring, took his two rogue sons to take advantage of those crowds in Taonan, openly broke into their house, and brought a carload of property directly home.

Johnny said it was a "stupid tuition", and before leaving, he didn't forget to paint a "stupid donkey" in front of the victim's family.

At night, Johnny came home from a "busy" day, and at the ordinary dining table, his wife said worriedly

"John, let's get out of here first, the radio says the government is going to drop nuclear weapons."

Johnny slapped his fork on the table with a slap, and said with a red neck

"How many times have I said it! This is the government's trick! When they get out of here, they'll break into the house, take our property, and bug every appliance in our house!"

The wife opened her mouth slightly, but she remained silent in the end, knowing that she would be beaten if she continued to speak.

And maybe what Johnny said was right? Maybe this is really a government trick, a conspiracy to deceive people...

Jingle Bell! ! ! !

At this moment, the phone in the front hall suddenly rang, and the wife wiped her hands and connected the phone, and the other end came the official mechanical standard words of a civil servant.

"Hello, I'm Anqi, a member of the emergency evacuation team of the Emmaus plan. Is this the Wilson family? Please evacuate your current location immediately. Your signal indicates that you are within the range of nuclear weapons."

"You only have thirty minutes to pack up and evacuate here. It is recommended that you flee in the direction of Salt Lake City."

The wife was stunned, and then asked anxiously.

"What do you mean? Are you saying you're going to drop nukes on us? Sonofbitch! How can you do this..."

The busy tone on the other end of the microphone showed that the other party was no longer there, and that it didn't care about their life or death.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The wife screamed almost hysterically and smashed the phone, and Johnny, who came in a hurry, was also very irritable

"What are you crazy about?"

"The government is going to blow us up with a nuclear bomb!!!" The wife seemed to be no longer afraid of her rude husband, and screamed hysterically.

"That **** civil servant just told us to leave within half an hour, that son of a bitch!"

"Johnny! I don't care if you believe it or not, but I'm getting out of here, right away!!!"

She was fed up with her husband's stupidity and shortsightedness. Although she was reluctant to part with this family and those properties, no amount of money could buy a life.

Johnny was silent for a moment, then grabbed his wife's arm and said

"Okay, let's go!"

Johnny's sudden change of heart wasn't because of anything else, but when he heard his wife say that the civil servant gave an impatient notice in a rough tone, Johnny figured it out.

The logic of his anti-intellectual rude thinking is very simple. When those officials talk to you with kindness and cheerfulness, the Eight Achievements are trying to deceive you, and when they deal with you impatiently, the Eight Achievements may be true!

But it would be a lie to say that there is no fire in his heart. Those **** in the government just ruined his home, and there is no plan to compensate him.

The bald eagle government of the dog days! ! ! !

It wasn't just Johnny's family who were notified at the same time. In fact, all towns around Salt Lake City received evacuation notices.

Most of these civilians who remained in Utah without shelter were too late to evacuate. The violent evacuation wave some time ago paralyzed roads and airports.

But the irony is that Bald Eagle himself is not sure if he will meet Galakrond here.

Due to the fel energy lingering around him, no radar or satellite could pinpoint Galakrond's exact location. The only thing that can be observed is the clouds observed by low-Earth orbit satellites.

And there is no doubt that the natural disaster-like monster is approaching Salt Lake City and is preparing to turn Utah into ashes!

Stop him at all costs, even killing the people!

Twenty minutes later, when the Johnnys finally packed all their salutes and got into the car, the sharp-eyed little son pointed to the sky behind and shouted loudly.

"God, what is that?!"

The tragic green clouds that were billowing and roaring thunder were approaching with a slowness to the naked eye but an incomparably fast speed in reality!

"Didn't you say thirty minutes? The government's dog is really unreliable!!!"

Johnny roared in horror and stepped on the accelerator and ran towards the end of the road, but the speed of the clouds approaching was much faster than he thought.

Beneath the miserable green clouds, he saw with his own eyes that all the environment in the desert collapsed under the bombardment of fel meteors.

What the government says is true! There really is such a monster! The government really wants to drop the nuke!

At this moment, no matter how much regret in his heart is useless, Johnny can only step on the accelerator to the end, take a big sip of whiskey, and run towards the end of the road!

But he was still nowhere near the approaching clouds. The younger son screamed and shrank into his mother's arms, while the older son pulled out a double-barreled shotgun aimed at the sky and pulled the trigger.

There is something else in the clouds besides meteorites!

"Damn! Damn! Stay away from me!!!"

The eldest son flew close to the sky, the feathered magic bird with fel flames pulled the trigger and screamed hysterically.

From the tragic green clouds, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousand roaring fel creatures rushed down like a sea of ​​clouds!

Just as they were about to stage a B-grade **** movie, a roar that ripped apart the atmosphere sounded in the sky.

A missile that dragged a long tail flame, like a meteor, flew towards the pale green sea of ​​clouds, carrying the ultimate hope and destruction of mankind, and hit the core!

The aurora in an instant completely destroyed the fragile body of the family.

After that, the mushroom cloud rising from the sky, as well as the heat and shock waves reflected in all directions, spread toward the end of the sky.

The Bald Eagle government chose to release the bomb ten minutes early because they wanted to make sure the plan was 'foolproof'

Even the message that was released to warn those people to evacuate was considered a kind of phishing message. After ensuring that their enemy was an alien lifeform with civilization and intelligence, human beings quickly picked up their unscrupulous methods of warfare.

At this moment, the people who were stranded in Salt Lake City, waiting for the judgment of fate, also saw the dazzling light that exploded in the sky.

"Nuclear bomb, the government really used a nuclear bomb!"

"Damn it, blow up that beast!"

Unlike those idiots who are clearly 108,000 miles away from Utah and protest the use of the nuclear bomb with the hearts of the locals, for Utah people living in and around Salt Lake City, the government throwing a nuclear bomb is eight hands up Approved.

In just a few minutes, the news of the Bald Eagle's successful nuclear explosion spread all over the world, and the Bald Eagle successfully achieved two first achievements in human history.

The first country to drop a nuclear bomb on its own territory, and the only country in the world to have completed all three nuclear weapons in practical use.

There is no doubt that the bald eagle has suffered heavy losses while exposing its incompetence. The nuclear bomb in Utah not only scrapped almost half of Utah, but it is foreseeable that the stock price will completely fall by the limit in the next few months.

And there is still a lot of post-disaster reconstruction, disaster relief, diplomacy, etc., and there is no doubt that the current commander and his leadership team will definitely step down collectively after this time!

But none of that matters now, and now the crux of the matter is - did they really kill that monster?

The high-altitude reconnaissance plane and satellite radar arrived there immediately, because the concentrated fel energy dissipated, the interference effect on the orderly matter was greatly reduced, and the bald eagle government quickly got the desired answer.

Looking at the somewhat blurry photos that were sent back, most of them felt chills down their backs, and the coldness and fear swept their hearts.

There was nothing in the center of the nuclear bombing, except for the gravel crystallized by the high temperature, as well as the spreading ghastly green color, here... there is nothing.

The monster disappeared like smoke.

34. The Destruction of Chicago

A mere Nevada, and even half Utah, is not an unacceptably huge loss for the Bald Eagles.

Those two state cities do not rank among the top 50 states of the Bald Eagle. Whether it is political or economic concept, there is almost nothing particularly outstanding.

In order for the bald eagle to taste the pain and restrain it, it is necessary to start from the more 'famous' cities in other countries. Las Vegas, while barely famous, is far from an 'important' city.

Industry, manufacturing, economic center, political center, these cities are the core that can make a country taste the bone pain.

In a country, there are always several cities that exist like bones. They may not be strategically important, or even not necessarily the most important economically and politically, but their presence often becomes a support for national pride.

However, only a good enough city can become the skeleton that supports the existence of a country.

New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington... These cities are more or less like this, and they are the important bones of the bald eagle.

Isn't that what those American blockbusters are all about? Monsters and aliens always have to choose a place to invade in New York and Los Angeles, which is really impossible, and it is acceptable to attack Washington and Chicago.

Only by breaking the bones of these bald eagles, will the proud eagle of God crawl down obediently, or destroy it madly.

Mu Feng did not want to completely destroy the country.

Although bald eagles are disgusting and disgusting, it is meaningful for this kind of thing to survive - what's more, Mu Feng doesn't want to do such a stupid act of persecuting trapped beasts.

Russia has decayed into such a virtue that it dares to say that a world without Russia should not exist, so if the bald eagle really faces the crisis of destroying the country, it will definitely choose to pull the whole world into the water.

It doesn't matter if I die, but I must not let my neighbors live. If I'm gone, I'll pull everyone in this village down and be buried with me!

Most of the big countries have this idea. People are selfish, and so are the countries. The estrangement that cannot be unified makes the group called human beings doomed to carry out this eternal foolishness in the endless internal friction.

"If you don't agree with the iron whip, you will stab the head, and if you don't agree, you will stab it in the throat with a dagger."

The Sargerite keystone, who raised his palm in rage, said softly.

Give them pain first, if they refuse to obey, they will hurt them, and if they don't surrender, they will kill them.

There is not much difference between training a horse and training a man, and taming a country is not much different. Pain, injury, death, the process has to go on.

And now, he wants the bald eagle to taste deep pain.

With the activation of the Sagrit keystone, the tragic green evil fire burned on the dark stone, turning into a green beam of light that shot up into the sky, and in the sky of Chicago, a huge fel energy vortex was swept away. Open!

This magnificent scene made the residents of the city of giant shoulders point to the sky in confusion and curiosity. Those who were demonstrating in the streets and shouting that the government would kill their own people raised their heads.

They probably never thought that war and death were so close to them.

In the 10,000-year history of human beings, peace is just an accident, and war is the eternal normality.

Flying out from the vortex of countless fel energies are terrifying creatures that drag the fel ray of light!

Like a swarm of worms, the screeching magic wings soar in the sky, the beasts transformed by the fel energy mutation, and even the human beings who are completely turned to the fel energy!

From a few, to dozens, to hundreds! These monsters, brutally instilled with fel energy and turned into pure bloodthirsty madmen, began to invade the city wantonly.

"It's an exercise, right?"

Furious smiled softly, these fel creations did not come from the Legion, but from Galakrond's transformation of the native life on Earth.

Fel energy is brutal and cruel energy, but it is also extremely inclusive energy. As long as you can accept the brutal transformation of fel energy and the remodeling that almost breaks your spirit, then you can gain powerful power from the infusion of fel energy.

The world looked at the devastation Galakrond caused, ignoring how much trouble the area he flew over could leave behind.

Those who were parading in the street were still confused for a while watching the soaring magic wings, and only screamed and fled when they approached.

These fel-infected flying creatures, whether birds or otherwise, have their wings blessed with excellent flying abilities in the atmosphere.

They swooped and swooped down like eagles catching their prey, their claws as sharp as blades grabbing it and tearing it to shreds in a shrill shriek.

And the fel monsters, humans and beasts that fell to the ground, all howled like zombies in a zombie movie and rushed towards any living thing around them.

But they are far stronger and stronger than zombies, and the small-caliber bullets used by bald eagles for self-defense have no effect on them.

Some people were scratched by these fel-infested monsters, and they fell to the ground as soon as they fled in a hurry. The fragile body is instantly necrotic under the invasion of fel energy, or lucky to get the blessing of fel energy, turning around and becoming a member of these monsters.

Fragile earthlings are no match for the humans of Azeroth, even the degenerate humans of the iron vrykul can't last long when infected with fel energy, let alone fragile earthlings.

Chaos spreads over the city, the lines of the repressive police force are overwhelmed by the spread of fel creatures, and the fall of the protectors further spreads the chaos.

When watching zombie movies on weekdays, people often complain about the government's wise operation. But now it seems that there is nothing wrong with what the movie said.

Chaos, inefficiency, incompetence, crises that could have been resolved on the smallest scale, magnified infinitely by stupid and reckless behavior.

The area infested by fel energy became larger and larger, and the reinforced concrete jungle was also stained with a layer of fel energy's dark green.

The pollution left here will still exist for countless years. Chicago is finished. Even if the enemy is defeated, the fel pollution that will not degrade naturally over time will completely wither the land.

Furious is curious about how those rhetorical politicians and officials plan to use his 'science' to alleviate the rampant pollution of fel energy.

If they can develop the technology to purify the fel pollution, Mu Feng will be happy to applaud them, but if not, it doesn't matter.

He will cleanse the pollution, but that comes at a price. Miracles and magic are not free, and his 'science' is certainly not free.

And at this moment, Fury saw the belated National Guard.

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