Several fighter jets cut through the sky and flew here, and the rage was just a single finger, and the death finger with almost no casting trajectory killed these fighter pilots in the air.

The out-of-control black hawk crashed into the city, causing a roaring explosion, and Fury stood up, tearing open the portal and heading to Lake Michigan.

"The aliens who claim to be superior, but they can't change this ignorant greed."

Furious looking at the mixed-race families fighting over Cassel's property! He waved the scepter of Sargeras contemptuously.

In an instant, the shining evil fire meteors converged in the sky, and meteorites entwined with fel flames fell from the sky, bringing a huge rain of chaos to the entire Castle.

The meteorites that fell from the sky carried evil energy, and they detonated while hitting the ground causing a huge impact. The secondary damage caused each falling evil fire meteor to have a power no less than that of heavy explosives.

Those hybrids who were still fighting for Cassell's 'legacy' just a moment ago died in the rain of chaos!

After doing all this, Furious turned around and left, as if he just brushed off a speck of dust on his shoulders, just crushed the tiny insects to death, and swept away some things that made him look uncomfortable, and then he felt uncomfortable. Carefully left.

And in Chicago, the wave of destruction continues.

The National Guard who rushed in organized a defense line to block the city. They did not hesitate to block the survivors and monsters together, and shot and killed all creatures that tried to reach the defense line.

The roaring bullets stirred a storm of steel, and the faint smell of sulfur in the air made the disorganized self-righteous black people realize the fact that their political correctness is only when the white people want it. will give them.

In front of the high-strength interwoven firepower network, those creatures infected with fel energy are still slightly insufficient. The native creatures of the earth are too fragile, even if they are blessed by fel energy.

But there will always be some special cases.

Just as a line of defense in front of the Willis Tower was sweeping away the fel creatures rushing forward with interwoven heavy firepower, a black shadow passed through the dense firepower network.

It is like a dancer dancing in the pouring rain, with agile posture like the most elegant dance steps, approaching the front of the defense line at a speed that is indistinguishable to the naked eye!

In just an instant, black shadows crossed, and a tank was cut open by a sharp blade like paper. Under the explosion of the surging fel flame, the shadow revealed his appearance.

It was a humanoid monster that was half-dragon, but itself was full of fel scars and pitch-black spikes, holding a long sword made of fel crystals!

A half-breed, a half-breed stained with fel energy. The dragon's blood in his body was activated by the invasion of fel energy, fighting in the human body, and finally killing the human being and this kind of monster was born.

Of course, the most important thing is that these few valuable creatures that can be transformed into real fel warriors belong to Galakrond's control.

There are many such monsters, and there are too many mixed races in Chicago! These hybrid creatures are not even as resistant to fel infection as ordinary people!

The father of giant dragons, who is still cautiously and cunningly hiding behind the portal, controls these temporary cannon fodder to constantly destroy the defense line built by humans. His purpose is only to create chaos and death.

Cunning, cruel, cautious, these are the character traits Galakrond displays today.

After being reborn from the abyss of death wrapped in the brilliance of fel energy, Galakrond not only became a veritable natural disaster, but also a natural disaster with advanced wisdom.

There is nothing worse than a conscious storm, a conscious natural disaster, the apocalypse that sweeps the world.

Chaos spread in the City of the Giant Shoulders, and the raid in Chicago spread throughout the Bald Eagle for the first time. The White House and the Pentagon finally received the bad news they had been waiting for!

Everyone was stunned, including the officers in the Pentagon who were still celebrating with each other and thought they had blown Galakrond into pieces.

Not only did their nuclear bombs fail to kill their targets, they even used their unknown teleportation technology to hit Illinois across half of the United States.

Moreover, it happened to be in the important Chicago——

The president slumped in his chair, this time... maybe it was their defeat.

This country is really on the brink of extinction.

35. They lost everything, but had freedom

"Everyone! The scene we're broadcasting right now is Chicago in the midst of a monster invasion!"

"The City of Great Shoulders is suffering an unprecedented disaster, and our government is still hiding the truth!"

"All of this is a government conspiracy, this is a biochemical weapon they made!!"

After changing several stations in a row, the content is always like this. The blurry picture shows Chicago with a doomsday scene. Pompeii turned off the TV and sighed in dissatisfaction.

"Why is the news broadcast everywhere, I didn't even have to watch the series yesterday."

"This is a big event that will destroy the world." Next to him, the vice-principal wearing a Hawaiian vacation suit was holding a drink, with a look of indifference on his face, indicating that he didn't care about destroying the world at all.

Pompeii's cell phone has been ringing endlessly since just now. This cell phone specially designed by Frost for Pompeii, which cannot be turned off or reduced in volume, constantly emits Nokia's classic ringtones.

Pompeii wondered and knew what would happen to Frost contacting him.

"We ran in time, and if we stayed in Chicago, we wouldn't be any better than those greedy idiots."

Of course, Pompeii was referring to those mixed-race families who couldn't wait to pounce on Cassell's regret while he was running away.

This group of greedy hyenas naturally also includes the Gattuso family. Pompeii stopped it but his younger brother would not listen.

Frost contacted himself so eagerly, probably for this.

After all, before they could get any benefit, they lost a team of elite hybrids from the family. Of course these are not the most important, the most important thing is their unknown fear of that big monster.

Hybrid attitudes toward human superiority come not just from ability, but often from a sense of superiority that says 'I know everything and you know nothing'.

But it is a pity that even the mixed race can't interpret that green thing. It is obviously not a dragon, but it is definitely more dangerous than a dragon.

"It's a pity that our rod of God was removed." Pompeii sighed after taking a sip of whiskey

"Otherwise, it may come in handy at this time, and we may also be able to play the savior once."

The Rod of God of the Gattuso family is their pride and reliance, but it is a pity that such a big killer has been forcibly removed along with the Demon Sword of Destruction of the World Technology.

"The tungsten rod may not necessarily kill that thing." The vice-principal pushed his glasses and said lazily.

"And it's not good to **** someone else's role, but it will be beaten. The Gattuso family can't play the role of the savior, let alone the dealer in this shuffling world."

"Although you didn't say it directly, your hints made me understand everything gradually." Pompeii raised his glass with a smile.

The half-blood family that remained in the Bald Eagle suffered heavy casualties, while Cassel was almost intact, and even the important part of the secret party's insertion - the elders of the board of directors, died cleanly.

The one who benefits the most from this is actually Lu Mingfei, who is being hunted down, because no one must have the energy to find him or even hunt him down now.

Well, except for Pompeii's hapless son, he knew what Caesar would do. After all, that was his son, a son very much like him.

It is foreseeable that Cassell will occupy an unquestionable dominant position in the new order of the hybrid world in the future. Of course, these are just additions.

The most important thing is the 'savior' that the vice-principal said. This will be a very important and important role, so important that he decides the title of 'King of the World'.

If even bald eagles can't solve such a crisis, then who can shoulder the responsibility, who can play the real Hollywood superhero?

Maybe only the people who made it all have the ability.

"Fuck him! I'm going to hold a swimming pool striptease contest in a while! I have to compete for the championship today! Cuban hottie's hips and Brazilian hottie's **** are the most important!"

Pompeii raised his glass of wine with a free and unscrupulous laugh, completely ignoring the ringing mobile phone that was sinking into the bottom of the pool.

Since we cannot change the world, we cannot make further progress. Then everyone just lie down! When the sky falls, there will be tall people on it, and if the world is destroyed, superheroes will come out.

"Long live lying down!!!!"


"Mr. President, what should we do?"

Facing the collective doubts of the Pentagon and at the same time handing over all the decision-making power to himself, the old Mr. President sat in his seat without saying a word.

Although at this moment he has obtained power that neither he nor his predecessor could imagine, but now he wants to give this **** power to others!

This thing is big, it's over, it's out of control!

They never dreamed that the monster could cross half the United States from the desolate state of Utah to Chicago, and all at once to one of the most important cities in the Bald Eagle!

Chicago is one of the three major cities of the Bald Eagle, the largest commercial center and one of the largest futures markets in the United States, and one of the most important economic centers. Its metropolitan area has consistently ranked first in the United States in the number of new businesses, and has been rated as the most balanced economy in the United States.

And most importantly, it is also the center of Bald Eagle's largest steel industry and machinery manufacturing industry. It can be said that Chicago is the heart of Bald Eagle's real economic industry.

The risk of disappearing here is even worse than the end of New York!

Without the support of Chicago's local heavy industry, the level of bald eagle manufacturing would have regressed for decades, and for geographical reasons, Chicago, near Lake Michigan, is the 'center' of North America's natural environment.

In short, you can't throw mushrooms right here.

If a mushroom goes down, they don't know whether the enemy is dead or not, but the bald eagle will definitely be blown to death by himself!

"Mr President!"

An anxious call woke Sleepy Bridge from his dazed state, but the situation he was facing now made him wish he could just fall asleep.

"Let the Second Fleet dispatch."

He was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth.

"Do everything you can to stop that monster, and if you can't... then try to direct it to the Pacific!"

"Also, help me get in touch with the neon government's hotline, we... have to seek the help of our allies!"

The proud eagle of God finally lowered its arrogant head.


Bald Eagle is actually a very loose country. Its political system is quite...independent. The autonomous governments of fifty states are subordinate to the national government, and in essence, there will be no absolute checks and balances between the two.

Many policies of the national government are often difficult to implement after being implemented by the state government, and each state often has some incomprehensible, unique, local laws to speak of.

It can be said that the Bald Eagle as a whole is actually a collective of fifty loose small countries. Because of this, even if the national political organs are completely destroyed, the Bald Eagle will not fall into a state of shutdown.

The most likely possibility is that states maintain state government independently of each other until the next new national government takes office.

Therefore, for Mu Feng, completely destroying the upper-level political structure of Bald Eagle is an acceptable result.

And, he's also looking forward to seeing some special changes.

When the thirteen birds of prey flew here from the western sky, Fury knew it was time for Galakrond to put an end to the bald eagle journey.

He raised the scepter of Sargeras in his hand, and Galakrond, who also knew that he could no longer fish, finally flew out of the pale green vortex.

The dragon shadow that covered the sky covered the sky, covering the light projected to the earth, leaving only the light of the evil fire that covered the real miserable green.

I don't know how many people have witnessed the grandeur of Galakrond and pointed to it blankly, and the last glimmer of hope in their hearts was buried in the shadow that covered the sky and the sun.

Galakrond took a deep breath.

The storm of fel energy gathered in front of him, and the chaotic and violent entropy energy was destroying everything in order in this area.

The next moment, the storm blew across the city.

The rolled up wind is wrapped in the pollution of this evil energy, there is no burning pain, there is no invincible destruction, but the wind of the evil energy blows all over every corner of the city, and the pale green wind fills the streets and alleys.

"Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I don't know how many people died miserably in front of the evil energy that invaded the body, and how many people walked on another road of self-destruction amid the blessings of the evil energy that invaded the body.

"Fresh and tender flesh, dedicated to the dragon lord!"

"I would like to be your scale armor, dragon lord!"

Fallen into fel creatures and at the same time infected and controlled by Galakrond's mind, the clans shouted Galakrond's name wildly, both in body and soul, they were already the puppets of the Dragon Father.

In an instant, Chicago's defense line collapsed again, and all the soldiers sent by the National Guard, Marine Corps, and defending the country were out of order under the fel wind.

"Damn, **** lizard!!!!"

Even if there were a few survivors hiding in the sealed tank environment, their anger-like firing of shells at Galakrond was destined to be futile.

It's like the ants opening their mouths and threatening humans with empty and ridiculous words not to tear down their nests.

"Well done, the choice to maximize efficiency - you really deserve to be resurrected by us." Furious stood on Galakrond's crown-like head, patted it on the top of the head, and said with a smile

"But that won't work. If this is a Hollywood movie, it's hard to accept that the monster gasses and kills everyone."

Galakrond silently incited his wings to fly into the sky, and at the top of the sea of ​​clouds, countless turbulent evil energies gathered in his body.

Such a move is actually very superfluous, the city has already fallen into his hands, and venting violence can only kill those low-level family members in the future.

But... he couldn't disobey Rampage's orders.

Galakrond, who was soaring in the sky, looked at the low-level relatives who obeyed his orders below, and focused on the evil energy and his mouth mercilessly.

Ants are always ants, even if they can use it, they are still ants. What's more, in this land, his legion is endless!

The dazzling beam pierced the sky and tore the sky, and the entire city of Chicago was flashed by this beam.

After the suffocation as if the event was still, the towering building began to dissolve from the part that was crossed by the light beam. Under the fel-green trauma, it collapsed and destroyed, and most of the high-rise buildings, tens of thousands of tons of concrete, collapsed. !

From today, Chicago will no longer have buildings over 50 meters tall, but whether there will be Chicago after today is a matter of choice.

Just after Galakrond released the beam of destruction as a qualified monster in a Hollywood blockbuster, several Hellfire missiles suddenly exploded on him!

The explosion of the missile was not worth mentioning for Galakrond's huge size. In fact, let alone the damage, even the pain was far from worth mentioning.

At the far end, several raptors are doing their best to fly in the direction they came from after the attack. This is undoubtedly a provocation, a provocation to the father of the dragon!

In a roar of fury, Galakrond flew over the fleeing fighters of his pursuers, and his fury did not stop him, because Chicago was over, and he had done his job.

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