And unlike the original setting, the TVA setting of the Marvel Cinematic Universe was created by three time managers, with the purpose of maintaining a complete 'sacred timeline' to avoid the chaotic ending of countless world lines fighting each other in the past. , anyone who travels through time and space trying to interfere with this only world line and create redundant parallel worlds will be erased by them.

Yes, the purpose of this group of guys is to cut out any guy who tries to change the 'script', to erase all singularities and Lostbelts, until they have the only established timeline.

In every sense, these guys have the same function as the bronze dragons of Azeroth. The difference is that these guys have really great authority.

Judging from the American drama "Rocky", the TVA headquarters is likely to exist in a 'zero world' where the worlds cannot meet, just like the original comics. Because of this, the Infinity Stones have no effect there, and are even taken by the staff. To be a paperweight.

After all, strictly speaking, the Infinity Stones themselves are worthless. They are just the self-incarnations of the Universal Law, the keys that activate the powers in the gigantic computer of the universe. For example, they are like shortcuts to start desktop software, and they are useless without the software itself.

The Infinity Stones in other universes are just a shining stone, and new Infinity Stones will condense soon after leaving this universe.

It can be speculated from the small amount of information that there are countless redundant world lines in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and then these world lines were deleted and unified by the time manager, and finally TVA was established to force the management of the timeline.

The plot itself that crosses like Avengers IV is only what is destined to happen in the sacred timeline maintained by TVA, and Loki's behavior to get the space gem to escape is to interfere with the sacred timeline, so he will be directly arrested!

Then this gave rise to a problem that Mu Feng was very worried about.

Is he really in the 'sacred timeline' of the Marvel Cinematic Universe right now?

His presence has undoubtedly had a great process impact on the world, yet the time police haven't even turned on him until now.

There are only two explanations for this—either TVA cannot find visitors outside of Mu Feng's world at all, or the world line itself is a timeline waiting to be cut!

Either way, the results won't be great.

Therefore, although Mu Feng is interfering in the plot now, he tries his best to keep the control variables at a level that can be interfered without completely getting out of control.

But it's a matter of time to fight back.

He couldn't go to TVA's headquarters, so he could only wait for someone from TVA to come and 'delete' him. Only then would he be able to kill TVA's headquarters.

If he can, he can entangle another group of 'good partners', of course not those heroes, but those who are not reconciled to their own destiny...

What? You said that the combat effectiveness of a time management agency like TVA must be very impressive?

That being said... it's not really wrong.

The TVA has three tiers. The first tier is judges responsible for judging the crimes of time travellers, the second tier is time hunters who capture time and space criminals, and the third tier is the never-ending monitor. .

Are they strong? It can't be said to be weak, after all, any special ability of the Marvel Universe will be forced to fail in the special place of the Zero World. But... this group of time and space police is really not strong.

If nothing else, Mu Feng doesn't know why a group of time and space enforcers maintain the level of the US imperialists in the 1970s in terms of local layout and weaponry. Even according to the time case, these shameful things can be said to be miserable very.

In the Marvel Universe, TVA was slaughtered by Thanos, by Kang the Conqueror, and even by Deadpool.

Its existence value is more just used as a tool to correct the chaotic timeline. As for strength... It's really an embarrassing proposition.

But there are also bosses in such an organization, the founders of TVA, and the three time administrators have the power to directly erase a world line. Like most of Marvel's immortals who have no specific settings at all, their existence is simply Mechanical seance.

It can only be said that the three time managers in the comics even publicize that even the life court has no right to intervene. If these three big Luo Jinxian take action, then Mu Feng can basically lie down and wait for the cool.

Therefore, all actions must be cautious!

After dealing with Hulk's affairs, Mu Feng resolutely chose to stand up, and the main body directly chose to hide and was ready to run away at any time, leaving only a android who was made into a prayer hand to handle the company's affairs.

Obadiah successfully transitioned the three companies to Mufeng's name, and he quickly changed the names of these companies to Handworld Aviation, Handworld Biomedical, and Handworld Energy.

After obtaining a full set of legal licenses and company employees from the US Emperor, the Mufeng robot equipped with the Red Queen's computing logic quickly began the company's expansion plan.

The first is biomedicine. The biomedical technology that adjusts human technology and Umbrella technology has made continuous breakthroughs in the scientific community and the offensive of a large number of papers, which has quickly entered the eyes of the medical industry all over the world.

This also made the world further accept the "genius" setting of Mu Feng. Before Stark did not return for the time being, it could be said that he was out of the limelight.

But Mu Feng did not stop, but carried out a drastic and compulsory reform of the multiple content project teams under the excessive Stark Aviation, turning the industry that had turned to the civilian field to the military field.

For his behavior, a group of big gun companies in the arms industry dismissed him and took precautions at the same time.

Well, in fact, when Stark does not end, the most second-hand dealers such as Hammer Industries can do is to smear and add black hands.

The very troublesome Red Queen directly hacked the garbage-like corporate network of Hanmer Industries, and passed all the fake accounts and evaded taxes he made to the IRS. It is estimated that Hanmer will not have time to interfere with others in the next year.

Everything went on in an orderly manner, until Tony Stark returned to the company and regained the highest overall planning power, the Queen Red knew that the opportunity had come.

She decisively continued to boldly go short when the stock of Stark Industries rose wildly because of the return of the leader!

And this time, a group of investors who have tasted the sweetness immediately chose to follow up behind him.

So during this time, Obadiah's worried hair was about to fall out.

"Tony, you can't do that!"

Obadiah exhorted Tony, who was busy in the experiment, bitterly.

"Shut down Stark Industries' weapons division and you'll destroy the entire company!"

"Even if there is no weapons manufacturing department, Stark Industries will never collapse!" Tony is very confident, and his current attitude can even be said to go his own way.

His grandfather didn't rise by making money, why should his grandfather be able to do it, but not Tony Stark?

Moreover, as long as the new energy problem left by his father is solved, Stark Industries will not only come back to life, but even take it to a higher level!

"Do you think shutting down the weapons department only ruined our business!"

Obadiah roared in collapse, Howard was like this, so was Tony, there is no such an arbitrary **** for this father and son!

"You shut down the weapons department, which is equivalent to cutting off all our relationships in the military!"

Stark Industries of Nova has been able to maintain its monopoly of terror until today, not only because of its financial and research capabilities, but also because of its relationship with the military and the political world!

The military purchases high-quality weapons from Stark Industries, and Stark Industries will also give appropriate support and concessions to the military. Good bilateral relations are the root cause of maintaining the monopoly of Stark Group so far no one has been looking for trouble.

Obadiah has been helping Howard to manage this relationship since he was young, and that guy is simply not willing to deal with these complicated interpersonal interactions, he is responsible for it all!

Tony's stubborn closure of the weapons department is equivalent to stepping into the mud of the contacts that Obadiah has operated for a lifetime.

More importantly, Stark Industries has been brought into the abyss by this bastard, how will he get what he deserves in the future!

"Be quiet, Obi, you should drink some vegetable juice, you look like you're so angry."

Tony poked out his ears, but his words and attitude were still so light and indifferent.

"I'm talking to you about business!" Obadiah's voice was raised several times

"Do you know that those hyenas have been eyeing us behind us! They are shorting our stock again. Do you want to give those hyenas money for nothing!"

"I have absolute control over the Stark Group." Tony said calmly

"In any case, there is only one person in charge of the Stark Group, Obi, don't worry about this, I will handle it."

Anyone familiar with Stark's character knows that when this dude speaks to you in a very calm tone, it's like telling you that it's non-negotiable.

Obadiah clenched his fists slightly, turned and left here. Stark stared at his back, his eyes deep.

The time when he was captured by terrorists was the worst life Stark had ever lived.

Often, when reshaping a person's worldview, he can only be at the top and bottom. Tony overlooked the bottom and found out what he had been doing all along.

He sells weapons in the name of peace, but only allows his weapons to cause more deaths. It is human beings who continue to spread chaos and evil in this world, and weapons can only amplify this badness.

Shutting down Stark's weapons division was what he had vowed to do, especially when he saw that the weapons that attacked him came from his own company.

Tony wasn't stupid, he knew what that meant.

There is a traitor in the company, and the status of that traitor is absolutely extremely high.

There were not many people who knew about his itinerary that day, and Rhode would never betray himself, so the only people who could betray him, from the Stark Group, were... two people.

Obadiah and Peppers

Tony clenched his fists, and in his heart he didn't want any of these. Maybe it will be the Chinese who shorted him. After so many accurate shorts, maybe there is a ghost behind him?

Faced with the unwilling to accept the fact, even rational and calm people will try their best to escape.

"Jarvis, find a way to hack into the central database of Zhanshi Biomedical, I want to know what I want to know right away!"

"Yes, sir."

"The time in Midgard... is changing."

Asgard Golden Palace, on the golden throne of the king of the gods, the one-eyed **** king opened his eyes, his crow 'thought' rested on his shoulder, bringing him the message of the Nine Realms.

That's not a happy message.

Midgard's time flow has changed, or in other words, he has returned to his original appearance.

The nine worlds of the Nine Realms are not the nine planets in one galaxy. To be precise, the Nine Realms themselves don’t even know where the realm of each other is.

It is the magnificent world tree that links the nine worlds located in every corner of the universe. The former nine worlds can only be shuttled through the world tree. Because of this, the Asgardians who invented the rainbow bridge can overthrow the dark elves and become the nine worlds. The overlord of the world!

The time of the nine worlds located in all corners of the universe that were originally linked by the World Tree Uktrahir was coherent and unified, and the times in different corners of the universe should have been completely different because the mighty power of the World Tree was forcibly unified.

Sixty seconds is one hour, and twenty-four hours is one day. Maybe the way of calling it and the unit of measurement are different, but time is absolutely connected.

And Midgard's time flow is now showing a state of rapid flow.

This is very abnormal. The worst thing is that Midgard is leaving the World Tree - that is something that has never happened before. If it happens, does it mean that the other worlds of the World Tree will also leave here?

Although Midgard never really surrendered to Asgard, it doesn't mean that Odin will allow one less piece of his territory!

At this moment, the 'memory' also returned to the shoulders of the God King, and the crow's spy brought him new information.

The time in Jotunheim is also changing.

Now even the king of the gods could not sit still.

The Nine Realms are subject to the rule of Asgard, but this submission is also hierarchical. Vanerheim and Svartalfheim are subordinate countries that completely surrender to the Asa gods.

The next-level Alfheim and Midgard are submissive but contain excessive ambition. Those light elves accept the rule of Asgard, but so far they have not completely obeyed, and Midgard Because of the relationship with the Supreme Mage, Asgard has always been surrendered in name only.

And once again, it is Jotunheim and Muse Belheim.

In the war to conquer the Nine Realms, defeating the Frost Giants of Jotunheim was the most difficult battle in the history of the Odin War. The Frost Giants in the past were not as lonely as they are today. The union of the fire giants, who mastered the eternal fire, brought Asgard close to defeat.

The final result of the war was to defeat them one by one. Laufey chose to surrender, while Surtur was locked in the country of fire. Of course, there was not much difference between the two. The Frozen Box and the Eternal Fire, all the powers belonging to the two giants were taken away by Asgard.

So in general, Jotunheim and Asgard are at armistice but not subject, while Muse Belheim is still at war with Asgard.

As for the lower-level Helheim and Niflheim, those places are not even considered "nations" with civilization, and naturally they will not be counted by Asgard under their rule.

Midgard and Jotunheim's timelines have changed.

These two worlds have the possibility of breaking away from the world tree system!

Wise Odin was lost in thought, for this was not seen in his prophecy. The flow of the Divine Timeline is changing, is this good or bad for them?

Is he good or bad for the destiny he wants to fulfill?

Destiny is changing, which, for Odin, ignited the heart of the **** king that had been silent for a long time.

It is also ridiculous to say that the former Odin was the one who resisted fate and the most powerful prophecy. He fought in the Nine Realms, killed countless people, and even began to collect Infinity Stones, in order to change the future of Ragnarok.

But in the end, he lowered his proud head.

Thinking of this, Odin looked at the dome above, and the painting on the top had the story of Asgard. His rule, the prosperity of Asgard, the wisdom and bravery of the two princes, and the peace he made with Laufey of a non-aggression pact.

But that's just a camouflage to cover up the real history.

The history of Asgard, and even the history of Odin, is full of blood and betrayal, killing and death. Asgard blesses the Nine Realms, and the prestige of the tremor universe is never achieved by peace.

Only war can bring peace, and only death can bring calm.

Odin is a ruthless emperor, neither Thor nor Loki know it. How he seized the throne from his father, how he conquered disobedient subjects, slaughtered his enemies, and how he spread Asgard's prestige all over the world.

And the war has died down, and death has been imprisoned by him in the underworld, just to resist the prophecy, but Odin actually found that his actions caused the prophecy to happen.

So, Odin chose to obey the prophecy.

But the ruthless God-king has never changed. Even though he now presents himself as a loving father and a benevolent king of the gods, his essence is still the storm that challenges fate and is omniscient.

He obeyed fate only because fate gave him an acceptable ending. Asgard could bear the destruction. Even if he lost his hometown, he believed that his children would bring Asgard back to the top.

Because it is acceptable, he is willing to follow fate. Because it was acceptable, he calmly chose the death of himself and his wife.

But if fate has changed, there is no need for Odin to follow it!

"Let Thor and Sif come to see me!"

Odin gently tapped the spear of destiny, and the horn of the order instantly reached the ear of Thor who was feasting endlessly.

He is ready to start his 'Crown Prince Education Plan' ahead of schedule

It is unwise to do such a thing when Midgard and Jotunheim are so mutated, but Odin needs to find out whether fate has really changed dramatically, and whether Ragnarok can really Avoid at source.

If Midgard and Jotunheim can really leave the World Tree, it will not only mean that Asgard's rule has been shaken, but it also means that Asgard has the possibility of breaking away from the World Tree.

Yes, Odin loved Thor and Loki as much as he loved his goddess Frigga.

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