But that didn't stop him, he regarded them as pawns on the chessboard of destiny.

Love and use are never in conflict.

From beginning to end, Odin was the madman who could throw a spear at fate.


"It's not easy to meet Mr. Stark."

In the open-air restaurant of Stark Building, Mu Feng looked at Tony Stark, who was looking at him with sunglasses in front of him, and smiled softly.

"I wanted to meet Mr. Stark a lot before, but I didn't expect that the first meeting was actually invited by Mr. Stark."

"That's because we didn't need to meet before." Stark threw a few spoonfuls of sugar into the coffee and said lightly

"But it's necessary now. You're an 'investment genius' who sucked a lot of blood from Stark Industries."

"It's just normal business behavior." Mu Feng smiled softly

"I believe that Mr. Stark will not be angry for such normal business competition, right?"

Tony pouted, and he would be a ghost if he was happy when someone shorted the company. Stark Industries was forced to go out with three departments, and the other party relied on the financial market and his own disappearance without paying anything.

But as Mu Feng said, this is just normal business competition.

The experience of the trip to the Middle East has taught Tony to reflect on his own mistakes, the horror of war and the despicable and terrible nature of the man who created it.

But this experience does not change the essence of Tony - apart from being an inventor, he is also a big capitalist.

Although Stark's nature as an industrialist and a developer of emerging technologies is definitely much better than those of Mu Feng who play with the empty hands of the financial market, the capitalist is always a capitalist, and its nature itself is like his class The same will not be changed.

You must know that the hero Iron Man was created to be a representative hero against communism, and in any subsequent comic version, Tony Stark is a combination of human creativity and bad.

Even if the movie universe is not as "scum" as the comics, Stark still has a lot of problems, especially before he has learned his lesson.

How many losers did the rise and development of Stark Industries step on? Tony doesn't even remember this. In the mall, since you plan to eat people, you should be prepared to be eaten.

But that's not what Stark is concerned with.

If the guy in front of him is just a financial hyena who is keen to short the stock market, then no matter how good he is, Tony doesn't bother to see him.

But the timing of this guy's shorting is too accurate. He disappeared once in the Middle East, announced the closure of the weapons department and shorted him again. That's all. According to the news that Jarvis dug up, he just shorted Stark again. After the stock price made a big profit, this guy started to buy back again

Stocks of Stark Industries, which were stopped by shareholders in an emergency sell-off.

His stake in Stark Group has now reached 15%, surpassing Obadiah, who is second only to himself.

Once in the Middle East, once by myself, and then again.

When almost the whole world thinks that Stark's brain is broken, he's going crazy and committing suicide, Tony only feels weird to support himself so unconditionally.

But Jarvis couldn't find any more useful information, this bastard's artificial intelligence technology is even better than his own. The computing power of the artificial intelligence he named the Red Queen was unbelievably high, and the offensive and defensive battle between Jarvis and her ended in total failure.

Since there was no way to dig out the information he wanted, Tony simply asked directly.

"Do you know any special 'inside information', The Wolf of Wall Street?" Tony asked half-sarcastically.

"You should ask yourself this question, Autobot." Mu Feng pointed at his chest, and taunted him back.

"I know what you want to ask, Mr. Stark. You want to ask if it's me who ordered the Ten Rings to attack you? You want to ask if I have an affair with those terrorists?"

Tony shrugged noncommittally.

"It's not easy to get the option of confessing from someone you think is the murderer." Mu Feng smiled.

"But will you believe me when I tell you it's not me? Or do you want your AI to keep attacking my database, hoping to dig something out of it that will bring me to justice?"

Tony didn't answer, he just slowly ate his cheeseburger. He was able to talk to Mu Feng because of his support.

He couldn't stop him from shorting him last time, how could it be so easy when he came back this time? Now several shareholders contacted by Mu Feng have been stabilized by him, and he has always chosen to suppress the release of the Ark Reactor and the existence of the steel armor, just to see the stock market drop further.

Mu Feng's short-selling funds can be withdrawn at any time, but then the Stark stock he mortgaged to short will also fail. Although he has made money, his control within the Stark Group will no longer exist.

To spend some money to drive a trouble out of his business, Tony would certainly be willing to do such a deal.

"Mr. Stark, you actually know who is most likely to be the murderer, don't you?" Mu Feng poured a spoonful of sugar into the coffee without hesitation, smiling maliciously and happily

"And what I know is far more than that in the cave, poor Doctor Ethan, and the iron coffin armor... Well, it's really not easy to make a reactor by hand."

Tony took off his sunglasses, and there was an obvious coldness in his eyes.

"You really know all this."

"Look, even if you're not far from death, you still can't get rid of this stubbornness." Mu Feng shook his head and sneered.

"Even if I admit it's me, what are you going to do? Drive your new iron coffin and kill me? Or do you want to kill the Ten Rings Gang to find evidence to correct me? Mr. Stark, you think you know Everything, but you don't really know anything."

"Your father is the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., and you don't even know much about S.H.I.E.L.D. itself. Nick Fury's marinated egg has always been a relic of your father."

"I must know more than you." Tony stood up and said coldly

"Okay, then you must not understand this." Mu Feng shrugged, looking at Tony who was about to leave, smiling playfully

"For example, the truth about your parents' death."

20. Nine Realms War

The organization SHIELD has been infiltrated into a sieve since its establishment.

Because of the Paperclip Project of World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D. absorbed a large number of researchers and some special personnel from the original Hydra, and this behavior made S.H.I.E.L.D. an organization with obvious bad genes from the very beginning.

Dr. Zola lurking in the online world, Baron Strucker and Baron Zemo dormant in Sokovia, and Alexander Pierce, the descendant of the internal members, are only the exposed parts.

It took these old-school Hydra agents less than two decades to turn S.H.I.E.L.D. into a Hydra Bureau. When former Director Alexander took office, it can be said that S.H.I.E.L.D. had rotted to the core and was completely destroyed by Hydra. Backdoor listed.

This is so bad that Howard Stark and his wife, one of the founders, declared their deaths in an extremely useless ending.

Howard, who was beaten to death by the Winter Soldier with his fists, could finally twist the cause of death into a car accident. The achievement is outrageous enough.

And in all fairness, although Hydra is a very old-fashioned villain organization with very old-fashioned goals and personnel, its goals are also very pure and simple, just like in the ancient comics decades ago, to rule the world. But their cohesion and centripetal force are much more reliable than S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury, the king of secret agents, is extremely outrageous in every way. It's not a matter of using the embezzled money to build one safe house after another. The most outrageous thing this **** has done is to put the Skrulls on Earth...

Although the initiative of the problem was not in his hands at that time, until now this **** is still using the Skrulls.

To know that the Skrulls are not only notorious in the universe, they are simply infamous! This group of races that can freely transform into other appearances has always been known as invaders in the universe, especially after the home planet was lost to them, these Skrulls who wandered around the universe trying to reshape their hometowns are A veritable cosmic worm.

What these moths love to do is to sneak into a world, lead them to self-destruction, and then occupy the planet, and even shamelessly take away all the local cultural and scientific achievements and claim it as their own.

The Cree's slaughter of the Skrulls is basically applauding from all over the universe, and even Xandar, who the Cree does not deal with, will never express any dissent on the issue of slaughtering the Skrulls.

And these Skrulls were actually put into the earth by Nick Fury, not only that, the **** even arranged for these Skrulls to hold important positions within the human race!

He even had a Skrull pretend to be himself...

So Nick Fury was not torn apart by Gu, it was really because the Supreme Mage's time was approaching, but it was also because of Nick Fury's brain-damaged behavior that it was estimated that there would be a later "secret war" event.

A bit far from the topic, here we continue to focus on Hydra.

Although Hydra is several times better than S.H.I.E.L.D. in terms of cohesion and centripetal force, it still has the stinking problem of internal division. Baron Zemo, Baron Strucker, Alexander, Mrs. Viper, Dr. Zola, these basically have their own little abacus.

It was Alexander who sent the Winter Soldier to kill the Starks and his wife, the former Baron Zemo who was in charge of controlling the Winter Soldier, Dr. Zola who brainwashed him, and Baron Strucker who contained him.

With the exception of Lady Viper, who is in charge of the Far East, the Winter Soldier is smeared with Hydra genes.

Mu Feng felt that once the existence of the Winter Soldier was exposed, the chances of Hydra being uprooted were extremely high. But whether or not the world line should have such a large variable is still up for debate.

But no matter what, the important thing is that Mu Feng's words successfully attracted Tony Stark's attention.

"What do you mean?!"

When his parents were mentioned, the furious Tony came up and grabbed Mu Feng's collar. Looking at the genius's face distorted by anger, Mu Feng smiled very happily.

"Look, Mr. Stark, I'll just say I have lots and lots of chips. There's no game between us, only I give and you give."

"I have a very interesting video in my hand that reveals the truth about your parents' deaths. So what would you give if I hand it over to you, Mr. Stark?"

He gently pushed Stark's hand away with his hand and said happily

"Let's talk again, first step, who do you think betrayed your itinerary in the Middle East? A, Colonel Lord, B, Ms. Pepper, C, Mr. Obadiah, D. Me."

"Then please choose a correct answer, Mr. Stark?"

Tony's temples were bulging, and every word Mu Feng said was like a knife stabbed in his heart. He has always been clear about this problem, but he has been avoiding it since he came back.

Except for the one in front of him, the remaining three are his closest people.

The closest friend, the favorite woman, the dearest uncle.

One of them betrayed him and was going to kill him. The answer to this cruel question, whether it is solved or not, is so hurtful.

"Actually you know that, don't you? Mr. Stark, like me, who will have the best interest in your disappearance? And who will have the best interest after your father's death?"

Mu Feng's voice is persuasive, like the whisper of a devil

In fact, Howard's death has nothing to do with Obadiah, but it doesn't prevent Mu Feng from throwing dirty water on him. After all, he has full motivation to do so, doesn't he?

"When you are willing to say the answer to this question, my return gift will come as scheduled."

Mu Feng patted Tony's shoulder and smiled faintly.

"By the way, with you an interesting profile, there is information about a spy who is going to lurk around you. I believe you will make good use of her."


When the roaring light of the Rainbow Bridge descended on the frozen land of Jotunheim, arrogance and rage were drinking and boring to pass the time on the top of Jotunheim.

For the ghouls of the Nine Realms, they have reached the limit that can be used. They controlled Jotunheim, reached a connection with Muse Belheim, and encouraged Hela. The main body trapped the most troublesome in Midgard. Supreme Mage.

But unfortunately, the next few countries are not very good for ghouls.

The lowest part of the Nine Realms where the Country of Mist is located, the coordinates there are probably only held by Asgard, Vanerheim and Svartalheim are Asgard's irons, and Alfheim has Asgard Gard's garrison is really not easy to start.

But this size alone is enough.

In a sense, Asgard is like another copy of the United States. As an invader, it drove the aborigines unceremoniously, used violence and death to show its status, and then turned around and packaged itself noble and civilized.

Like the United States, they also used the deterrent power brought by their former military force to intimidate the Nine Realms, and as long as such a dominant position shows a little bit of decline, it will immediately lead to the most brutal counterattack.

Flowers are like brocade, but they are like cooking oil on fire. This is the status quo of Asgard. It is no wonder that Odin will follow the prophecy to let Asgard be destroyed by Surtur's sword, that is only for the sake of death and life.

"You say, what is the old Yinbi thinking about Odin now?"

Furious while nibbling on melon seeds, he looked at Tol Loki and the four warriors of Asgard who came along with the Rainbow Bridge, and asked boredly.

"An education for the future crown prince is also a beating of the prospective crown prince, Loki, but he probably didn't expect that Loki would know that he was not his own." He shrugged arrogantly.

The entire Thor 1 plot itself is a large-scale court drama in Asgard, or is it a disguised... Metamorphosis?

From the very beginning, the well-guarded Asgard can run in and a few frost giants to sneak into Asgard's treasure trove. It is possible that a few Frost Giants could just touch Asgard's most terrifying arsenal.

Then Heimdall also played with Odin, and the guardian who guarded the Rainbow Bridge for tens of thousands of years threw Thor, the future crown prince, to the enemy's base camp because of "curiousness".

Then, when Thor was thrown to the earth by Odin, Gu didn't even plan to show his face, and he knew that this large-scale metamorphosis itself was very boring.

But it's a pity that the brainless Thor was very happy from beginning to end. It is estimated that only Loki saw something wrong, but this idiot is not a person suitable for being the king.

"A reckless and stupid, heroic but ignorant of politics, who in the end was able to give up his throne for a woman."

"The other is full of little smarts, has no regard for the big picture, and has a ridiculous arrogance and an inferiority complex disguised under pride."

Fury makes concluding comments on two crown princes

"Well, they really might as well let Hela rule Asgard, after all, the reign of terror is also rule."

Hela's assessment of her two younger brothers' first meeting was straightforward enough, Thor didn't look like Odin at all, and Loki only looked like Odin on the surface.

"Okay, what Feng Liang said is almost the same."

Arrogant got up and clapped his hands in fear, looked at Thor's group at the far end, and said lightly

"It's time for our Crown Prince to know how dangerous the world is."


"I'm Thor Odinson! The Thunder God of Asgard, Laufey, come out and meet me!!!"

As the brilliance of the Rainbow Bridge descended, Thor jumped out impatiently with the hammer he just got, and roared at the dead ice fields in all directions.

"Lauffy, come out and meet me, or face the wrath of Asgard!!!"

Loki looked at his brother speechlessly, and at the same time, he felt more and more that Odin passed the throne to such a fool out of his own selfishness.

"Thor, you can't be so rude, Laufey is the king of the frost giants in Jotunheim after all."

"Ha! It's just Asgard's defeat! Or are you afraid?"

Vorstag, one of the four warriors of Asgard, said rudely while holding his battle axe.

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