He wanted to determine if Midgard was still safe.

What Odin was most worried about was Gu Yi, the only supreme mage in the Nine Realms who could compete with him.

Therefore, only Gu Yi chose to die to escape, and Odin would leave the world safely. Gu Yi did not want to leave but had to go, otherwise God knows what the father of the gods at the end of his life will do to stabilize Asgard.

Odin still threw Thor's hammer at Midgard, and in front of Loki, he made no secret of his eccentricity.

Banished the unworthy child, but threw his chance to regain the throne by his side.

As for the unqualified people who can't lift the hammer? That's just Odin's trick, he can make the hammer have this function, and he can also wipe it off with a breath.

Loki lowered his head and clenched his fists, and there was a deep sense of unwillingness and resentment in his eyes.

The competition for the crown prince is never fair! Even so, Odin is reluctant to give him a chance, since that's the case... don't blame him for being cruel!

22. Qualified and stupid villains

"You left me no choice, Tony."

Obadiah looked at the Ark reactor in his hand, and at Tony Stark, who was lying on the sofa, unable to move, and sneered.

"You are as arrogant and arrogant as Howard, and go your own way! I can't let my efforts be ruined on you!"

"When I asked someone to kill you, I thought I killed the golden goose, but now, you gave me the last golden egg."

He looked at the Ark reactor in his hand, as if looking at a peerless beauty, licking it up and down with greedy eyes.

Tony looked at Obadiah with red eyes. The shrapnel that kept approaching his heart made him unable to say a word, but what hurt him more was the matter itself.

"Your father Howard was involved in the study of the atomic bomb, which established our American world hegemony and the detached superiority of the Stark Group in this country. And now, this baby will put the Stark Group in my hands. A new peak, and I, will be recorded in history as someone greater than Einstein!"

Obadiah played with the reactor in his hand and smiled maliciously

"Think about how far this energy will advance our technology? Tony, you don't understand what you've invented! We... no, I'll be remembered forever in history!"

After all, he left here with the Ark Reactor, leaving Tony to die alone.

He's going to put this baby on his Iron King quickly, and the technology will become his Obadiah Stein's.

Tony's breathing was fast and hard, and the shrapnel that kept moving towards his heart with his blood vessels was crippling him. But he didn't want to die, so he tried his best to let himself fall to the ground and crawled to the laboratory step by step.

But at the elevator door, someone was already waiting for him.

"Mr. Stark, do you look like you are going to join the Boy Scouts training?"

Mu Feng came from top to bottom with an obviously malicious and mocking voice, even if Tony didn't look up, he could believe that guy's disgusting face and even more disgusting smile.

When it was over, Tony closed his eyes in despair.

"It seems that you haven't given me an answer to our previous question."

Mu Feng took out an ark reactor from behind and shook it in front of Tony's eyes. Tony's eyes suffocated for a moment, and his eyes looking at the reactor were full of longing for life.

"Our game continues, Mr. Stark. Please name the four people, which one betrayed you?" Mu Feng placed the reactor on Tony's left hand and smiled maliciously

"A, Colonel Lord, B, Ms. Pepper, C, Mr. Obadiah, D. Me."

"C!!!" Tony almost gritted his teeth.

"Very good! Then as the first reward, he belongs to you!"

Mu Feng laughed and handed the Ark Reactor to Tony. He almost couldn't wait to stuff it into his chest. With the start of the reactor, the shrapnel in his blood vessels was reabsorbed, and his face looked much better.

Almost as soon as he got out of danger, he couldn't wait to run to the laboratory - Obadiah must be killing people, Pepper is in danger!

"Mr. Stark." Mu Feng smiled at Tony in front of the elevator

"Don't be in such a hurry to kill your good uncle, Ms. Pepper won't die for a while - after all, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been following you."

Tony glared at Mu Feng fiercely, although it was indeed he who saved his life, but Tony has always been fond of this man!

"Before this, you will definitely receive a letter from my lawyer accusing you of trespassing on someone else's house!"

No, it should be said to be very annoying!

"To make a product occupy the market as quickly as possible, the first step is to make people who use it feel convenient and superior."

Mu Feng took out another Ark reactor in his hand - obviously, the one in his hand was a fusion reactor made by Tony himself, using palladium metal to create a fusion reactor.

As Mu Feng said, if you want a product to occupy the market as quickly as possible, the first thing to do is to let its users experience the advantages of this product.

That's what he gave Tony.

However, for him, the purpose of promoting levelling is not to obtain money, but to make Tony Stark interested or even dependent on it, and then achieve the effect of promoting progress.

"I don't know if he's used to it." Mu Feng played with the reactor and laughed softly.

"That's a semi-perpetual motion machine..."


"It's not a laudable thing to drive a ten-ton big guy down the road, Mr. Stanley."

Right in front of the Iron Overlord, Mu Feng emerged from nowhere like an elusive ghost. Looking at Obadiah, who was wearing an iron coffin, he shook his head in disappointment.

"I thought you could have more brains, a little more style... do you really know what you're doing?"

Obadiah Stani, an extremely stupid villain.

Under the circumstances that he could kill Tony Stark, not only did he not make up for the knife, but he took things and ran away as a very villain. That's fine, what was the first thing this idiot did after he got the reactor and put it on his Iron Overlord, which was made by picking up Tony's Mark 1's rubbish?

He killed a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and then, like every brainless villain, drove Iron Overlord into the street.

Mu Feng really couldn't figure out what his brain circuit was thinking, even if he attacked the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., what did he want to do by driving such a big killer into the street?

How did such an insane idiot get where he is now? Not to mention comparing with Jin, just dragging out any villain will have more brains than this idiot!

However, it doesn't matter.

"Mr. Stanley, after you foolishly did such a detriment to our company's interests, our gambling agreement came into effect, and all your shares belong to me."

"Of course, of course you can go and take them—go to hell!"

The sneering Obadiah did not hesitate to launch the 20mm caliber rotary cannon on the right hand to the place where Mu Feng was. With the sound of mechanical roar, the metal storm instantly smashed the place where Mu Feng was. block of land!

"You're not only stupid, you're also incompetent."

However, the voice of Mu Feng was immediately heard in front of Obadiah, the man stood there, the road behind him was almost smashed, and there was not even a speck of dust on him!

"Holographic projection?" Obadiah immediately thought of this technology

"Ignorance and weakness are not obstacles to survival, and even arrogance is not as ridiculous as your self-righteousness."

Mu Feng said lightly in the direction of Obadiah, and then squeezed his right hand.

Obadiah's complexion in the Iron Overlord changed dramatically, he felt something being stuffed directly into his stomach down his throat - that would never be a good thing!

"what did you do to me?!"

"Let you see something a little bit of a waste snack." Mu Feng's figure disappeared like the wind

"One-sided carnage is not what a superhero movie is all about."

On the other side, Tony, who was wearing a steel armor, was rushing to the scene, and with deep anxiety and anxiety, he asked Jarvis.

"Jarvis, how much energy is there in this reactor!"

"Percent... sir, it's impossible to measure."

"What do you mean?" Tony frowned.

"This is not your palladium arc reactor," Jarvis said succinctly.

"This is a special energy reactor that has no records in my database. Its internal composition is composed of a layer of TD filter layer, and a special substance is bound inside, which will continuously produce a kind of Subspecies particles with properties close to photons. And when this particle evaporates and causes mass collapse, it will generate a huge amount of positrons and photons, and at the same time, when this special particle is released, it will also have an anti-gravity stance..."

"...You shouldn't be hacked, Jarvis?"

"As far as I know, not, sir."

Tony fell into silence. He turned his head and could see that the flames of the energy propellant were no longer burning from the jets of the steel suit, but layers of pale green particle light wrapped around them.

What kind of mind did that guy have to wrap his palladium element reactor with this kind of thing?

For the benefit of the civet cat in exchange for the prince? What a joke, although Tony's research on high-energy physics is not comparable to what he is best at, he still knows that such special substances that can continuously produce high-energy particles are fundamentally the product of subverting human history!

Compared with its own palladium nuclear fusion reactor, the technical content is undoubtedly more than one level higher!

"...Let's think about it later, Jarvis! Maximize the propulsion horsepower!"

The golden-red steel armor dragged out a gorgeous light band in the dark night sky.


Obadiah has begun to regret his stupidity.

After taking away the palladium element reactor, why did he have to install it on his 'Iron Overlord', and forget it. Why didn't he just drive the Iron Overlord and run away?

No, the source of the problem is not here! He should have shot Tony then!

The feeling of driving Iron Overlord is really cool, and the sense of power that everything is under control is addictive. Humans are born with a desire to worship something that brings violence, and even evolution doesn't change that.

But this behavior is obviously extremely stupid!

Holding the palladium element reactor in his hand, even if Pepper is investigating his problem, Obadiah can completely exchange the only palladium element reactor in the world for what he wants in the military.

And if Tony dies, Obadiah, who holds this world-changing reactor, will have no problem. justice? That kind of stuff is a luxury for the government, especially the US government.

But he chose to drive a Iron Overlord to kill the dozen or so agents who followed him, and even went to the Stark factory carelessly.

This kind of stupid behavior caused him to completely lose the initiative, openly driving a cumbersome big killer in New York City, and both the military and the government have every reason to do him!

Even if he wanted to run away... After he chose the extremely cumbersome and heavy-duty body of the Iron Overlord, there was basically no hope.

Obadiah's only option is to destroy the reactor model left by Howard in Stark Industries and kill Pepper, so as to make his Iron Overlord the only one to gain the possibility of negotiating power!


Bad things always happen when you don't expect them, and under Murphy's theorem, bad things will only get worse.


The sound of anger was accompanied by the dragging light band, and the huge thrust dragged the entire body of the Iron Overlord, smashing the sturdy load-bearing wall of the Stark factory, and smashing him on the road where the cars came and went!

The dizzy Obadiah controlled the Iron Overlord to stand up, grabbed a car in front of him, and smashed it at the Iron Man next to him.

"It's called collateral damage, Tony! I love this armor!"

Obadiah's voice was full of gloom and eerie joy, but that didn't mean he was good, it meant he was terrible.

When he saw that Tony was still alive, he realized that he had failed completely.

No matter whether he can kill Tony here or not, he is destined to fail to gain control of the Stark Group, and it is very likely that he has cheapened that mysterious and weird bastard!

"Concentrate all the energy into the chest!"

Tony did not hesitate to transmit the energy of the energy furnace to the arc pulse in his chest, and with the convergence of the pale green particles, in an instant, a green beam that was much brighter than Tony thought spurted out of his chest. !

The dazzling green light beam not only knocked the dozen-ton Tiebawang directly under the overpass, but even cut a small part of Tiebawang's heavy composite armor!


Tony exclaimed in amazement. He didn't expect this energy stove to be so... powerful.

It is two different things to be able to supply a huge amount of energy and a powerful energy output enough to support the weapon system. An energy furnace that can provide sufficient energy and also support the instantaneous energy released by the weapon system is qualified.

Tony caught the falling car, and reluctantly smashed her engine to pieces amid the screams of the other family and the female driver's unhesitating act of stepping on the accelerator to the bottom.

"Ma'am, I'm not a bad person, you can leave here quickly and go to Stark Group for compensation."

"Energy supply has been maintained at ???" reports Jarvis

"This? It makes me feel very insecure. Instead, I report the energy release ratio of the arc pulse just now!" Tony complained.

But this can't blame Jarvis, after all, there is no formula for converting GN particles to normal energy conversion ratio in his system measurement

"The power is equivalent to three hundred and forty-three percent... The other particles are automatically converted into high thermal magnetic field energy beams and released automatically after they are converged."

"Energy weapons... It seems that our 'friends' really have a lot of secrets."

Tony whispered

Although his chest was equipped with an energy furnace whose origins and principles were completely unknown, his sense of security was very low, but at least now, this thing could allow him to defeat the Iron Overlord.


With suppressed and painful anger, Tie Bawang dragged his half-damaged body and flew up. In the night street with cars and cars, this kind of battle quickly attracted countless attention.

"Look what you did? You ruined the future of the Stark Group! You claimed to no longer make weapons for the sake of peace, but what's on your chest now!"

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