The Asgard warriors who were watching the battle didn't have time to watch the "coward"'s performance, only Sif frowned slightly and pulled the unreliable second prince up.

"I understand! I understand!" Loki said excitedly and terrified

"No wonder Heimdall didn't respond to us! This damned place—"

"Are you just there to watch!!!"

Thor's thunderous roar drowned out all the sounds. After smashing the two giant wolves through all kinds of hardships, Thor, covered in blood, raised his hammer at the fake who had insulted his father's name.

idiot! ! !

Loki really wanted to cut Thor's mouth off, saying that he was the **** of mischief easy to make people angry, but what is he compared to this bastard?

As if hearing Thor's declaration, the 'Odin' slowly looked at him.

He started walking towards Thor.

His eight-legged steed sprayed with thunder, his spear haunted death, his armor burst into flames, his one eye was like flowing gold.

He never said a word, but he gave people an extremely heavy sense of oppression. He is like a trampled death, bringing the final judgment.

As if to relieve Zeco's pressure, and also to cover up the humiliating fear in his heart, Thor roared and threw Thor's hammer at the one-eyed **** in front of him!

The indomitable warhammer sprinted like a meteor, but it hovered in front of the one-eyed **** and began to freeze rapidly.

The powers of runes and runes are in conflict with each other! Loki, the true biography of Frigga's magic education, immediately saw this!

The other party will actually use the rune to draw the power of the World Tree - **** it! Who is he? Why does Asgard keep secret the fundamental technology? !

For Thor's shot, he was not angry or showed anything special. The monster-like horse moved forward at a constant speed. He looked at Thor, the golden mask covered his face, but he could see that his pupils were the color of melting gold.

He just got closer step by step, and every step seemed to be trampling on Thor's ridiculous dignity, trampling on his heart, trampling on his pride!

Thor roared and tried his best to get the Thor's Hammer back from the freeze, but as soon as his palm touched the handle made of the World Tree, the cold and pain that spread made him almost let go.

The fearless Thor also felt powerless and hopeless at this moment.

Being thrown into such a desolate and dead land, facing a monster that tramples on the dignity of himself and his father, he is powerless to resist.

Thor has never encountered such a terrifying enemy. What is terrifying is not his power but the feeling of being firmly in his hands, fate, future, death, all locked together.

"End this." The one-eyed **** whispered

This was the first time he made a sound, but it was unexpectedly not as scary as he imagined.

He slowly lifted Gungnir, the faint white thread connecting the tip of the gun and Thor's heart - that was the link of fate, the link of death!

"Stop him now!"

At this moment, even Loki went crazy and roared at the stunned Asgard Warriors, these idiots have no idea what kind of power Odin's Eternal Spear has!

Asgard has countless powerful weapons, as the destroyer of Odin's armor, captured Frozen Cubes and Eternal Fire, and even Thor's Quake - but none of these weapons can compete with Odin's Eternal Spear. compared to.

That is Odin's most famous weapon. Mortals call him "Lightning" and "Spear of Destiny." A weapon forged after the Rune of Ultimate Wisdom.

It doesn't seem that famous, but that's because its users are too powerful! Not every weapon is as famous as Mjolnir, the Eternal Spear is a foil for Odin's power, and Odin is never proud of the Eternal Spear.

But how many powerful enemies has that spear of eternity killed the king of the gods? Like Thor's Hammer, which has the mass and power of a white dwarf, the Spear of Eternity also has its own runic powers.

Linking the line of cause and effect, this gun must hit. Link to Death Wish, this gun will kill.

Loki had never seen Odin use Gungnir, never seen him proclaim his godly proclamation, but now, he had such a fear.

Facing the great fear of inevitable death!

The mane of the eight-legged steed flies, the dust of thunder flutters in the air, and the black breath of death rolls over Gungnir, the one-eyed **** moves so slowly, powerfully and gracefully, this is a ritual, a ritual that takes life away , once that spear was released, Thor's life was extinguished in this world.

It's not a war, it's just a ritual, but that's what makes it so terrifying.

Gungnir shot out, and the spear of fate like a branch locked Thor's heart and death. It flew very quietly, not even fast, because death is a matter of peace. At that moment, the fearless God of Thunder saw his own death!

It is unavoidable, unavoidable, and all the fate and cause and effect about oneself are locked. How to resist, how to dodge, the result is the same.

Thor closed his eyes in despair, preparing to die a glorious death as a warrior.

But apparently some people don't think so.

The seven-color rainbow torrent bombarded this eternal frozen wasteland, accompanied by an angry roar, covered in gold, the white-haired father of the gods raised his eternal spear, facing the dark spear of death. Throw out.

Cause and effect to cause and effect, death to death, the established future has been modified at this moment, and the "destiny" and "causal" engraved on the spear of eternity by Odin overwhelmed the fake spear of destiny.

The roaring golden torrent smashed the black branches of death, and the dazzling golden light blasted the one-eyed **** out!


Thor looked at Odin in surprise, who came down by the light of the rainbow, and his courage and courage returned to him again.

"We will defeat them together!"

"Shut up, Thor!"

Odin rebuked his son unceremoniously, and then his eyes locked on the boundless darkness.

"Come out...and face me!"

"I knew that Nibelungen couldn't block the shuttle of the Rainbow Bridge. Even if I blocked Heimdall's eyes, I couldn't block your crow's eyes."

Accompanied by the separated undead, the man in black robe—no, it should be said to be arrogant, holding the golden mask on the melted ground, looked at the majestic God Odin against the rainbow bridge, and smiled softly.

"So what's next? Continue the war?"

"Who are you? Why are you attacking Jotunheim?!"

The spear of eternity in Odin's hand flashed a dangerous light, as long as the other party's answer was unreasonable, he would definitely choose to shoot!

After all, Jotunheim is still nominally a subordinate of Asgard, even with all the mess aside. Dependents were threatened and attacked, and he had to take action.

"Why attack Jotunheim? Of course it's because... I'll give the frost giants another chance."

With an arrogant chuckle, he threw the mask to the undead of a frost giant next to him. In the unbelievable gaze, the mask was attached to his body, and the frost giant was turned into the one-eyed **** just now in the frozen ice!

Then, it took off the mask.

Below is the face of Laufey!

"That's it, Odin." Laufey's voice was hollow and cold

"Your sons have waged war on Jotunheim, and the false peace between us has been torn apart! Asgard, prepare for a long-lost war!"

"You think you can win? Fakes disguised as fathers! We..."

"Thor, shut up!!!" Odin scolded his reckless son with undisguised anger, then stared at Laufi's face and said every word.

"Luffy, figure out what you're talking about and what you're doing. If you really want to start a won't be willing to accept the consequences."

Laufee is going to declare war on Asgard, which is nothing in itself, and it is even an indispensable part of the education plan prepared by Odin.

However, Laufey had his hands on a power that did not belong to him.

Not only the posture Laufey has become now, but the most important thing is the power of runes he has mastered. Such a powerful rune symbolizes the power of runes of 'death', and only two people in Asgard have mastered or once mastered.

The first is undoubtedly him, and the second... is Hela.

In other words, what method might Laufee have used to infiltrate Helheim and meet Hela and have reached some kind of deal with her for the rune of death?

Odin thinks this is unlikely, after all he knows his daughter. Hela, cruel, cruel, bloodthirsty, easy to kill, but also extremely proud.

She looked down on all creatures except Asgardians, and this arrogance was also different from the psalms that Thor sang for his childish force and others. It was the arrogance of being the Asgardian death god.

If Thor is like Odin after he fought in the Nine Realms, then Hela is undoubtedly the same as him when he fought in the Nine Realms.

It's hard to imagine that Hela like this will cooperate with Lau Fei, but people's hearts may change, maybe... maybe?

Hela will eventually get out of trouble and bring destruction to Asgard, Odin understands this, but Hela should not be released at this time.

The prophecy received by Odin, Ragnarok will come, and his eldest son will lead Asgard to rebuild a greater future!

Today, the thread of fate has undergone such a drastic change that the accuracy of the prophecy is uncertain. Odin, who had resisted his fate all his life, really saw his fate change.

But he was more restless, irritable, irritable when everything was not under control.

The king of gods who challenged fate may have chosen to surrender to fate after all.

"Odin, don't think that only you Asgardians can mobilize the power of the World Tree." Laufey said indifferently

"We are closer to the World Tree than you invaders, and we are the parents and children of the World Tree! And you, self-proclaimed idiots of God, are just maggots crawling out of your wounds!"

"What did you say--"

The angry Thor was about to rush over immediately, but he was directly bound by Odin's finger and threw him to Loki's side.

"This is war already, Odin." Laufey said coldly

"Maybe you should mobilize the Rainbow Bridge to tear Jotunheim to pieces?"

"Don't force me to do this." Odin said solemnly

Although he made a good exhortation, Odin was also reminding Laufey in disguise. Even after so many years, he has not aged, he is still the king of the gods who can slaughter a planet without hesitation!

"Really? Come on then." Laufey said without fear

The Rainbow Bridge is Asgard's ultimate weapon. This masterpiece of Asgard's rune technology relies on the power of linking the world tree and has the ability to turn any planet in this universe into ashes!

But it is not entirely without flaws.

Once the Rainbow Bridge is activated, it will not be able to use the teleportation ability of the World Tree for a long time, and every time the full power of the Rainbow Bridge is used, it will cause great damage to the World Tree.

It is true that in front of the Asa Gods, the World Tree has always shown an appearance of letting it be asked, but in the final analysis this relationship is only a one-sided charity, and the Asa Gods have never had any power that can counter the World Tree.

There has never been a free lunch in this world, especially magic and miracles, which are expensive.

And bombing the nine worlds on the World Tree with the Rainbow Bridge will cause irreversible damage to the World Tree. This is why Odin has never used the full power liberation of the Rainbow Bridge to destroy and destroy the Nine Worlds. Sgard against the planet!

"We've had a false peace between us for thousands of years, and it's time for this to come to light."

"so be it."

Odin remained silent, just protecting Thor and Loki, they entered the Rainbow Bridge and left Jotunheim, and looking at the departing Rainbow Bridge, Arrogant let out a malicious laughter.

When the mighty lion reveals his weakness, when the domineering tiger exposes his wounds, what greets him is the counterattack of the conqueror.


"Do you know what you did?!"

"I only know that I am protecting my homeland! But you chose to back down before such an insult!"

"You can't even protect your friends! You still want to protect your kingdom?!"

As soon as they returned to Asgard, Odin and Thor had a fierce quarrel. Odin roared at Thor while ordering the soldiers to take the four warriors of Asgard for treatment.

"You almost died in Jotunheim! Take your friends, your brothers with you!"

"If you are afraid of everything, you have no kingdom to protect!" Thor responded stubbornly and even paranoid

"The Nine Realms are laughing at us while you wait! I have to make them fear me as much as they fear you!"

"Then have you seen me before?"

Odin suddenly regained his composure, and that azure one eye glanced at Thor in front of him, and that look reminded him of Laufey who 'disguised' as Odin.

"You've never seen the real Odin, and you've never even known the hidden history of the frescoes on your father's throne."

The arrogant words spread in Thor's heart like a poisonous snake. He was silent for a moment, and said softly.

"So...has my sister seen?"

Odin was stunned for a moment, even though his good expression management made him change back in an instant, but the thousand-year-old father and son made Thor quickly see what Odin was covering up.

"Do I really have a sister?!" Thor asked in disbelief

It is difficult for him to imagine that Odin had a son before him, and the history of this son was erased by Asgard forever!

"He said her name was Hela," added Loki.

"He also said that Thor's Hammer used to belong to her... a torture device."

"...This has nothing to do with you." Odin raised the eternal spear and Thor's hammer with a cold face.

"Stupid, cruel, short-sighted, you are far from ready to become the king of Asgard. You disobeyed my orders. Because of your arrogance and ignorance, the Nine Realms will rekindle the war."

"You are not worthy of the trust of the Nine Realms! You are not worthy of your name! Thor Odinson, I banish you in the name of the father of the gods!"

The spear of eternity burst out with dazzling thunder, and in an instant it took away all of Thor's divine power! Immediately, he was banished into the Rainbow Bridge in a roar of pain.

After exiling his eldest son, Odin indifferently put away the spear of eternity. Loki lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Odin at all. At this moment, he was completely different from the loving father shown before!

Thor's education plan will remain the same, while Thor will also complete Odin's second mission.

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